The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2014 |
Mo Nim -- August 25, 2013
Good morning, everyone. It is the Spring season, isn't it? I really hope you can feel the Spring season. Can you feel it? As I came for this speech today, I really wanted you to feel that it is Spring, so I wondered which color I should I should wear. So, with this green color I hope you can feel the Spring season. Last Autumn here in Korea, there was no rain, and no snow, and it was not very cold. Therefore, looking at the Azalea flowers, I was worried. The flowers feel thirsty. They need to bud and develop blossoms, but without water, they have no strength to do so, so I told the staff to water the flowers. Yesterday, I visited a green field. It needs a lot of water. It took a long time for the grass to get a lot of water.
What is the bird to come out first? Do you understand? All the birds are coming out. When True Mother went to the USA, she told True Father: I will go and come back safely, and then she did a full bow. In America, (I) can see green grass. I told them (grass?) they are coming up for their survival. I talked with the weeds when I went to the Palace. Weeds also want to survive. But at the Palace I told the staff, for propagation (of the flowers/trees), you must take the weeds out. The weeds don't think other trees will be damaged. They want to be multiplied. There are so many vines and creepers. It is okay to remove ivy, okay around home; but in the mountains it cannot be removed so easily. As I go around the Palace, I remove ivy and weeds. The stronger it is, trees with ivy around them will not do well. In the world this is a problem now. I don't pull them way out; in Africa, and in other nations, I teach Saemaul (the new community movement), which first started in Korea in the 60s and 70s.
Then, in Chung Pyung, if I go out, and I see everywhere, the trees need fertilizer, or they are damaged, or have bugs. As I take care of them, what mind do I have? As I take out weeds, I am thinking of the Evil Spirits in members' bodies. The grass doesn't come out, but the weeds come out. They have long roots. Like the Evil Spirits in members' bodies. I thought: what should I do? Beloved members feel so dry and thirsty to receive love. Water needs to go inside, underground. Have to give water slowly. Some places are outside of the sunlight. Under a tree, the grass died. I thought: as you stand in a higher position, whether people in high positions, or having things, do they think about lower people, or care about these members who got hurt? I thought about all those things. I wondered: am I giving enough love, or does my love reach them? As I weeded, I had such thoughts. As I weed, the Evil Spirits in members' bodies, do we feel them or not? Seeing birds singing, I thought even though you birds sing, don't you feel hungry? Because we don't love the world, we don't feed the birds. There is a lack of food in the mountains, so they even dig out the tombs in the mountains. To the birds, you sing, but do you sing because you are happy? I think: are you crying because you are hungry or because you are happy? I felt, as we look at nature we must love it according to the situation, and have a concern for the natural world. If we live life like that, nature could return joy to humanity. For example, if we leave flowers to stay like this (thirsty), they won't bloom, etc. Because of lack of nutrition, etc. To the staff: how do they think? If I say give them water, do they think: do we need to give them more water?
We build parking lots, Peace World Center, etc. At the Peace World Center, there is a central stair and a tank under it. It has a 200 (2,000?) ton capacity for water. I made such a water tank because I know in the future there will be drought. Last year there was lots of rain, but many places were destroyed because of water. I made a sewage system with large pipes. Because, if many branches (from trees), if they come with the water, they will get stuck in small pipes. But because of large pipes, there is no problem. If we had a big snow, big snowflakes (like flowers, according to a children's song), continuous water, and construction cannot support the roof. We built electric lines on the roof, and the snow melted, and so it is safe. A zigzag road in nature, to follow the natural environment and preserve nature, but electrical lines are there also. We did this way because I saw the future. Beloved members, you may think now: I don't see any difficulties or problems.
But I see the problems coming.
As you enter the training center, angels are waiting for you. They are even faster than the staff members. We live in a smart age now, a digital age, with the smart phones. But, the angels are even faster. Beloved members, when you come to do chanyang session, you may feel relieved. You know your past, but you don't know the future. Even in this room, I see spiritually. My eye vision; how well do you think I can see? 20/20 eyesight is very good. Even as I am standing here (at the podium), I can see each one of you individually. I know: this person came to Chung Pyung again, or this leader came again, or this person needs this kind of help, or that person needs this, etc. I know the lecturers, what they are speaking. Even 30 minutes lecture is okay. I call the MC, and have them go in front of the lecture, and they know they only need to give 30 minutes. I am looking at members' life as I give a speech. Your life may be a little difficult, but your descendants' lives will be better.
As with nature, I am taking Evil Spirits out of you. At night, as you sleep, I assign Absolute Good Spirits to you and, depending upon your situation, I give direction to the Absolute Good Spirits. But it is not easy. I tell the Absolute Good Spirits: don't go alone, but go together, and remove the Evil Spirits or this person will have this or that problem. I tell the Absolute Good Spirits in this way. Chanyang session can be done well then. Some of you can feel this. After this chanyang session, we will have Ancestor Liberation session. I told the Absolute Good Spirits, sitting next to you, to do this and that and to help here. I tell the Absolute Good Spirits that way. Japanese members, their situation can become better. The next generation to come, they will be able to live life better. That culture will be made.
Be happy and cheer up. You, yourself, make happiness, and unhappiness. If you think happy and live life that way, you can become happy. If you think unhappy and live like that, you will be unhappy. You determine your happiness and unhappiness. Have a positive life in your daily life. One member wrote me a letter: Dae Mo Nim, I don't like our church pastor, so I want to go to another church, a church farther away. The member wrote about the shortcomings of the pastor. I called and asked about the character of the person. I told them: if you are like that, do you have to love your pastor or not? This person can see the church from their home. If they pass the church on their way to the other church, further away, do you feel comfortable? When your children play with other children there, how will you feel? Ask yourself why you don't go there, but go further away? If you don't like some aspect, ask other members; they may say they don't dislike that. So (you) need to repent. Analyze your mind. When you came to church and saw negatively, you became unhappy. Have a life of appreciation, and happiness, etc.
A lot of blessing. When you go to Spirit World, there are 480 billion Absolute Good Spirits. Unification Church members in Spirit World, when True Father speaks to them, they stand in front when True Father speaks, so how wonderful it is. We don't have Original Sin, we live life as a citizen of Cheon Il Guk. We need to love each other as family members. Parents need to love children, children need to love parents, etc. We need to do Witnessing Activity. You may say you have no time, but that is wrong thinking. Do Witnessing Activity to your family first, then to relatives. Family is the easiest. Give love and care to your family members. You need to think about what things they do, and did, what time they go, what kind of food they like, etc. You need to know all these things.
Raise children well, centering on Principle. You need to plant these words. You need to tell them, live for the sake of others older, younger brothers, sisters. And, if you tell a lie, you are not a good person. If you do not tell lies, you are a good person. If you speak long about the Principle of Creation, until the 2nd Advent, they don't want to go to church. Japanese members, work harder in Witnessing Activity to family members. After Witnessing Activity to family members, then to members. Have a one month goal, Witnessing Activity to family and church members. There are many family members who don't come to church. Some, attend, tithe, appreciate. Such a church can't be found anywhere in the world. If no tithing, then it is using public money. I call people who don't tithe. Use good words, so trust and respect and love will grow. The church can develop. But if it is not good, if there is fighting, then it cannot develop. Some big church is being investigated now.
We need to protect and have concern. We need to love each other. Also, inseparable, high-noon settlement. So, we can Witnessing Activity to outside people. Such a culture must be established within our church. Not just standing on a street corner, not just filling out the membership form. Education is important. We need to educate people first. Sacrifice and serve and love them. If people go to the blessing without understanding, we have to take care of them. In the family, there is no Satan, no evil. Why do Witnessing Activity to family members? Because they are going to the outside world. Do Witnessing Activity to your tribe, and to society. Such a culture must be made.
Now, there are so many members with cancer, and with mental problems. And there are even more in the outside world. Walking is good. Witnessing Activity is walking. So, please invest efforts in walking. I told cancer patients in the hospital to walk, walk, don't just lie in bed. Why do we die of cancer? Because we are afraid, and just lie down in bed. Also, eat well. Members lie down, and the cancer spreads, and becomes worse. In the Spring season, walk more and do Witnessing Activity and become healthy. Do you understand? In the Azalea Festival, I will care for the flowers well. The weather situation this year. I will do my best for flowers. Please come to the Azalea Festival, so that the bad memories of your ancestors can be erased, etc. I am preparing, so work hard and receive lots of grace. Thank you very much for your coming to Chung Pyung this time. Please have a healthy mind and body, and become a filial son/daughter of God and True Parents. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson