The Words of the Kim Family From 2008 |
Our Life of Faith and Mission Destiny
Weeny Kim
May 8, 2008
Dear Families,
I just want to share with you my idea what is really the course of our life of faith.
When I started my life of faith, I thought it was a calling from Heaven that I felt there was a strong force that pushed me to this destiny. It was really strong that despite the fact that religious life was completely opposite to my then personality and lifestyle, I couldn't resist it. It was blind obedience that I followed this path and just allowed God to lead me to my God-prepared destiny. I think this is what faith really means.
Looking at the disciples of Jesus and the saints and sages of history, I knew for sure that to take this course will eventually lead me to suffering, because following the path of faith requires a lot of pains, sacrifices, self-denial and self-discipline. That is why when I absolutely decided to go this road, I prepared my heart and mind and surrendered myself to God and His Heavenly Will by saying:
"Weeny you're not existing anymore. I inculcated in my mind that I am just a body, a property owned by God and have to do what the owner's will was."
This attitude made me survive and keep this path for 21 years and I realized that the more I united with the Will of God as a designed destiny for me, the more I could see brightly the blessings from Heaven.
However, true to my confession, within the period of taking up the course of faith, there are times that human fallen natures and life's realities pushed us to hit our own boundaries, patience, and enthusiasm to continue. I realized that the more I tried like to deviate from it, the more I had experienced suffering life and difficulties.
Comparing the pains and suffering we could experience between following the path of faith and the life with total individual freedom, I could say that I experienced more loneliness and emptiness in my heart when I was outside the realm of God's calling.
Therefore, I tried to abandon the idea of self and tried to live according to the desire of Heaven. I kept within me the following ideas and I always used them in my lectures to remind me of the course of My Life Of Faith.
I called them my 10 heavenly secrets: (but I will share only five of them here.)
1. Selfless Attitude
I should not expect to be understood rather I should understand.
I should not expect to be respected rather I should respect
I should not expect to be served rather I should serve
I should not expect to be loved rather I should love
2. My 3 Prohibited Cs in Life
I should not compare
I should not complain
I should not criticize
3. True Humility
It is easy to humble to people who are more capable and older/elder than us but for me true humility is when we can humble ourselves to people younger than us, less capable than us and those who (and even once) are our subordinates as well as our children.
4. True Love is an Action Word - it can be best expressed in:
Living for the sake of others through service,
Give and forget what you have given
Forgive and forget even the pains and leave no scars
Invest and forget what you have invested
Sacrifice and forget and continue to live for others' sake
5. Jacob's course (formula course to win the enemy)
True Love is painful because you have to invest yourself 100%, give yourself 100% and forget yourself 100% by going beyond life and death. On the contrary, false love is when you expect something in return and putting yourself as the first priority.
These heavenly secrets helped me focused my spiritual life to the direction of Heavenly calling and it became my guiding principle to overcome all obstacles along the way.
Basically, our life course is not really difficult. Though, we may have some problems financially or on any other material issues however, these don't affect too much nor block our path to fulfill our course. The most serious of all these blockages is the issue of relationship! Why, because Love is not in things. It is in mutual relationship with others. What Satan destroyed was the relationship between God and Man as parent and child in a family. God lost His children. He was abandoned and left alone while humankind became miserable orphans. God lost His love as he lost his objects. We lost the parenthood of God and the true brotherhood among us. We lost the Heavenly Family. Restoration came about when these things were lost.
Therefore, the course of our life of faith is the course to restore all sorts of relationships. Restore, first and foremost our vertical connection with God and the messiah and with others. The goal of our life of faith is to restore all levels of family love relationships centered on God. When we talk about family love relationships, we are talking about parent-child; husband-wife, brother-sister. However, please don't be mistaken to think that this is intended for our own family only nor the restoration of our own family only. God is not only for our family. He is for all families and is standing as our one and only heavenly parent while we are in the position as brothers and sisters under God's parenthood.
When God, True Parents and Jesus talked about family, I am firm in my belief that they are not referring to our own flesh and blood lineage only. That Family is the whole humankind. That is God's dream, Jesus' dream and our True Parents' dream -- "One family under God". It is what the True Family are trying to inculcate in our minds and inducing that very dream upon us not as an idea but for us to own it, live with it, fulfill it and die with it. They are all trying their very best to penetrate into our bone marrow with this vision and hopes of history, saints and sages.
This is now our mission; this is now the course of our life of faith. This is now our life and destiny. If we truly believe and claim that we are God's children and we belong to God's family:
We can't deviate from this hopes and visions,
We can't escape from this mission nor take it for granted,
We can't ignore it nor stand as bystanders on the sidewalks, and
We can't just use this as bywords spoken by our mouth.
This is where Tribal Messiahs were called for. This is what the mission of tribal messiahs has to take... If we truly believe we are God's children, we really have to fulfill this while True Parents are still alive. We have to develop our vertical (invisible) hearts for God but that vertical development of heart should be visibly seen in our relation with others. I believe also that those others that Jesus and True Parents talking about are not just our own family but outside of us in flesh and blood. All central blessed families were called for this task. Life of faith is not intended to be our life in the center (fulltime life) only it is our life course as what we are called by heaven.
To achieve this, we have to abandon the idea of self as what the Messiah did and establish a strong foundation of relationship with God, our Heavenly Parent who will serve as root and source of our life course. We need to absolutely be in unity with Him and resemble His personalities so that we can have a clear idea of what we should become and what we should do... We need to absolutely attend God to embody His love and heart to be able to build a foundation that we can love all people regardless of who they are, wherever they are and whatever circumstances we are in and be able to fulfill our mission in our life course in consonance to His providential works.
God Bless,