The Words of the Kim Family from 2009 and 2010 |
left to right, front row, Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han Moon, Won Bok
Choi, Young Whi Kim, Mr. Ishi with Canadian members in Toronto,
Canada 1971.
The speaker at this Sunday Service was Rev. Young Whi Kim, one of the 3 Blessed couples.
He's a Korean but he speaks Japanese well. He was a church leader in Kyushu (or Fukuoka?) 43 years ago.
His sermon was webcast live throughout the Kyushu region (region 12).
He came to the Fukuoka church of Region 12, at 12.12. So there must be some meaning there, according to the local church leader.
According to one sister, he helped write the 1st Divine Principle.
Here are some excerpts, my unofficial notes from a translation:
The most important thing is commitment. We must have a clear goal. Without a goal, we'll just be going around.
We must have a clear goal. we can go straight to the goal.
The dispensation is to establish a heavenly country. We have to establish heaven on this earth.
When Jesus came, he tried to fulfill his purpose.
Without succeeding, he had to go to the Spirit World. His Disciples had to go the same way.
True Father doesn't want his disciples to be sacrificed... True Father's point of view is he wanted to protect his disciples from going the way of the cross.
All 6.5 billion people have Original Sin. Our position is servant of servants… Only True Father is a restored person.
True Parents are Original Persons. They restored us from Satan's side to God's side...
We can have children without Original Sin., No one can do this. Heavenly Father can't do this because He doesn't have a physical body.
This world has satanic culture. Adam and Eve fell so there are no sons and daughters of God.
Satan made satanic blood lineage...
...This (our era) is the beginning of God's culture... The more blessed families there are, the more satanic culture will disappear. God created all things. He couldn't dominate this earth. No God's sons and daughters. Only satanic servants. Originally God is the master. To dominate the earth, we need God's sons and daughters.
We have true (all) things but no true human beings.
If our ancestors went to the Spirit World without sin, they've no need to come down. No need to restore. But they've to come down to descendants. This is because of inherited sins.
When we have 2500 generations of sins, how can we clean them up?
We have to clean up the Spirit World, otherwise, ancestors come back to us.
We have to restore 210 generations of ancestors. This is equal to 6000 years (of human history).
About husband and wife: In order to unite, we have to think my body and spouse's body are one. When you live together, you can see your spouse's weakness. When you think of your spouse as your daughter or son, you can't accuse them. You have to help him/her. You have to help his weak point. If you live like that, there's no problem with family life.
Your spouse is God's female side, God's male side. You have to think of the other person as the substance of God. You have to use polite words. Don't ignore spouse's words.
You have to use respectful words. Couple is one. Body is one. Soul is one. One mind and body.
If you cover your spouse with a good mind, your spouse will not get sick.
For your family, you pray. Pray for your children. They can grow healthy.
Your responsibility is to educate your children. Make a smiling, bright face and a loving atmosphere.
After the Sunday Service, there were photo sessions with Rev. Kim per family or per individual if other family members are not present. Rev. Kim is 82 years old.