Words of the Cayme Family |
Do You Know Where Exactly You and Me Stand? The Providential Background Behind the Proclamation of God’s Kingship
Weeny Cayme
January, 2001
Hallelujah! Long Live the King of all Kings!
Let’s rejoice for the sovereignty of God is with us.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
January 13, 2001 was the day of God’s enthronement. The proclamation of God’s Kingship era. The day God was crowned as the sovereign God of humankind on earth and in the spirit world. The day on which God’s power and direct dominion will control the whole world and will move the entire history according to the substantial realization of the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is the greatest and most important of all the proclamations made by our True Parents not only for the providence and humankind but most of all for our Heavenly Father. We deeply understand that in history God was never settled properly. Satan snatched God’s first son and daughter while they were on their way to perfection. The fall made God’s heart broke into pieces. The fall prevented God and man to realize the perfection of love. Because of this, the world became so miserable and put God in a situation where He grieved so much. The fall gave God the deepest HAN in history.
God tried to restore things step by step according to His principle while enduring all the pains and attacks of Satan. For 6,000 years history, God uses central figures to restore all that were lost in the Garden of Eden beginning from Abel, Noah and Abraham just to lay the foundation for the appearance of the Messiah who stands as the True Son of God.
Jesus Christ came 2000 years ago carrying the title as the Son of God hoping that God’s providence will be realized centering on Jesus. However, for the second time God lost His hope because of the failure of Israelites in uniting with messiah. The restoration was prolonged for another 2000 years and then finally True Father as the Second Coming appeared.
For the first time in human history God experienced the greatest joy and the greatest happiness for one very clear reason: It was only True Father who discovered the very formula of building the Kingdom of Heaven. True Father’s mind was so great and super smart that only within 9 years of total dedication to fully understand God’s providence, God’s Will, and God’s Heart, he discovered that the formula to build the Kingdom of Heaven is the restoration of Eldersonship, Parentship, and Kingship.
1. Restoration of elder son position means victoriously gain the position that was lost by Adam as God’s elder son and should be achieved by the Messiah.
2. Restoration of Parentship means victoriously gain the position of True Parents which supposed to be the Central Family which Adam & Eve did not attained because of the Fall.
3. Restoration of Kingship era means the establishment of His Kingdom, the installation of His sovereignty, the registration of His people, the claiming of his lands and territory and the practice of Heavenly Law and Lifestyle.
In God’s timetable, it was expected that at the time of second coming centering on True Father, 1945 would be the beginning time of the fulfillment of God’s will and providence. If only Korean Christianity and Korean Government had united with Father in 1945, it would take seven years only to install True Parents position and another seven years for the proclamation of God’s Kingship. However, Korean Christianity and Government did not accept True Father leading to the failure of God’s providence of 6,000 years history of restoration centering on Christianity.
Since True Father understood God’s principle, His heart, will and providence, True Father volunteered himself to become an offering in order to restore the history of total failure in 1945. He made the offering of 40-year course from 1945 until 1985 which True Father experienced the most difficult, the most painful, the most terrible, the most sorrowful and the most tearful situations in his life. Father experienced being tortured even to death, being imprisoned six times, being accused wrongly by those people whom Satan used to stop God’s providence. However, True Father survived victoriously leaving Satan no space, no power and no weapon to accuse and attack the Messiah and God. The 40 years was successfully finished giving God the total liberation and the power to control the world according to His own will.
What had happened after that? The successful 40-year course allowed True Father to stand in the position of the Messiah, the elder son and at the same time it was the restoration of the year 1945 which was supposed to be the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s Hope in history. Therefore beginning 1985 the providence must go on, all the things that supposed to be fulfilled in 1945 should be fulfilled in 1985.
Summary Points based on 1945:
1945 – 1952 - The 7-year period to restore the Eldersonship Position (Adam’s POR)
1952 - The proclamation of the True Parents
1953 – 1960 - The 7-year period to install the True Parent Position (Eve’s POR)
1960 – 1968 - The 7-year period to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingship Era
(Children’s POR = cain/abel mission)
The Course of Restoration Centering On 1985:
The period of 1985 until 1992 (Eldersonship Restoration)
1985 Father’s released from prison
Celebration on the Day of God’s Banquet
1986 Establishing the Four Position Foundation in the True Family
True Parents
Hyo Jin Nim Heung Jin Nim
Hyung Jin Nim
1987 World CARP Convention in Berlin (communist country)
1988 Seoul Olympics –160 nations must inherit the foundation of Korea as the chosen nation
1989 Proclamation of Tribal Messiahs
Victory of the 8 stages vertical/horizontal indemnity
1990 True Parents met Gorbachev (world level communist leader)
1991 True Parents met Kim Il Sung (national level communist leader)
True Father laid all the conditions and foundations before he could actually made the world communist leaders bowed down with him. This is how True Father gained the victory and restored the birthright as an elderson.
The period of 1992 until 1999 (Parentship Restoration)
1992 Proclamation of True Parents
The founding of WFWP centering on True Mother (This is the era of women’s responsibility)
1993 Proclamation of the Completed Testament Age
(This is now the era of the Divine Principle which is absolute truth not anymore the bible)
1994 The change of pledge from My Pledge to Family Pledge (The era of Family Salvation not individual salvation)
1995 The proclamation of the Safe Settlement of True Parents and the CTA (The era of the families. FFWP was founded)
1996 The founding of the FFWPU. Bringing down the sign board of HAS-UWC. (This is not anymore the era of salvation centering on religion but centering on the establishment of true families)
The declaration day of the End of Indemnity Era (Satan can no longer touch anything which the True Parents will do, proclaim and declare)
1997 The proclamation of the 7.8 Holy Day – the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven & Earth. (True Father gave God a REST because God as our Eternal Parent had worked so hard at the time of creation for 6000 biblical years and another 6000 biblical years history of restoration. Beginning this year, True Parents alone drive the history towards its completion)
1998 The Reconfirmation of the Completed Testament Age and the Proclamation of the Realm of the Kingdom of Heaven (This is now the era of the Kingdom of Heaven. Family pledge # 8 was added as the primary and very basic condition to enter Kingdom of Heaven – the practice of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience)
1999 The Proclamation of the Victory of the Cosmic True Parents and the declaration of True Parents global victory (This is the conclusion of True Parents responsibility and the victory of the restoration of True Parentship)
Centering on True Mother, she victoriously accomplished her responsibility in the proclamation of True Parents’ position and accomplishments. With all the proclamations made by our True Parents within this 7-year period, the restoration and installation of Cosmic True Parents became successful.
Notes: These are only few declarations among the things True Parents proclaimed in the course of the providence.
The Era of the Kingdom of Heaven (The restoration of the Kingship Era)
This is the era of Children’s responsibility
(Our responsibility, My responsibility)
Requirements in the Kingship Era:
1. The Position of King = God – the King of all Kings
= True Parents – King/Queen of Heaven/Earth
2. Central Figures = Heung Jin Nim & Hyun Jin Nim
3. People = Blessed Families
4. Land/Territory = Korea (central country)
= 12 other countries (member of UN)
5. Sovereignty = God’s leadership
= Direct Dominion & Ownership
6. Policies = Heavenly Laws
7. Traditions = Education
= Basic Lifestyle of Blessed Families
1998 - Reconfirmation of the Kingdom of Heaven & CTA
2000 - Registration to the Kingdom of Heaven (all Blessed Families)
2001 - God’s Coronation Ceremony (the enthronement)
The 3 articles of the Heavenly Law was declared by True Parents
2001-2004 (April 11) God & True Parents are expecting the complete restoration and total establishment of the Fatherland (central nation) as well as the 12 other countries as peripheral nations of the Kingdom of Heaven.
It is really great era! We have entered the realm where God is the sovereign God, the absolute owner, almighty creator, greatest Heavenly Parent & King. We owe all these things from the True Parents. True Parents sacrificed his life, his children, his family by shedding sweat for earth, tears for man and blood for heaven. True Parents really established the tradition of living for the sake of others, the tradition of loving our enemies, the tradition of sacrificing for God and humanity, the tradition of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Who are we then? What position do we carry? We are the children of the Kingdom of Heaven who have to inherit everything from the Parents by taking full responsibility within this time period. Centering on Heung Jin Nim in the spirit world and Hyun Jin Nim in the physical world, all Blessed Families should be united and make a greater force to fulfill the tasks of completing the providence to build the substantial Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
Where are we now in God’s providence? We are at the height and climax of God’s providential will. I could not forget what our Continental Directors had told us about True Parents’ desire to directly involve in Philippine providence and Hyun Jin Nim’s interest to work with Philippine CARP. I could not forget what Rev. Kwak had mentioned during our workshop in Chung Pyung the possibility of our country to be one of the most providential countries in this era. YES! God gave us a very important role and responsibility to fulfill for the completion and victory of the present providence.
This period is very fearful time because this is the time of MY RESPONSIBILITY. This is the time that God, True Parents, our ancestors’ hopes lies on the accomplishments of our portion of responsibility, completion of our shared mission. Never in our history we could really imagine the great TASKS given on our shoulders, the importance of our POSITION in the present age and the precious BLESSINGS that lies ahead.
How it became possible? I could really testify how our Continental Directors Rev. and Mrs. Byung Wooh Kim had invested their hearts and efforts for straight 7 years of directly working with us in the Philippines to bring our small and simple nation to the side of our True Parents’ interest and concern. We became vertically connected to the central providence because of the foundations made by our Continental Directors. It’s not a joke. The most serious period in history which we did not recognized was the moment when our leaders were driving the history of our country directly towards the True Parents and main providence.
How do we end now our prayer? " I REPORT THIS IS MY NAME THE CENTRAL BLESSED FAMILY. AMEN ". What does it mean? We are expected:
1. To bring RESULTS for the completion of God’s Will and God’s providence.
3. To restore our COUNTRY as God’s chosen nation
4. To protect GOD’S KINGSHIP
5. To perfect the 4 GREAT REALMS OF HEART as the perfection of LOVE
6. To build the SUBSTANTIAL Kingdom of Heaven on earth & in the SW
7. To purify our HEARTS AND MIND
8. To secure the PURITY OF OUR LINEAGE
9. To establish the HEAVENLY TRADITION
10. To correct our LIFESTYLE based on Heavenly standard
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