The Words of the Kim Family |
New Vision for New Jerusalem
Dong Woo Kim
July 29, 2003
Thank you, Rev. Porter, and Rev. Geller, Rev. Ferrabolli, all the leadership, the community leaders, members – even those who may not know me yet. Thank you. This is my honor and privilege to give you this inaugural sermon here in Region 3. Especially to the New Jersey community, which I consider a "hidden treasure." This is the biggest community in America, among our Church communities, isn’t that true?
Well, I have just crossed the river.
When Father left for Montana, around two weeks ago, Father was supposed to leave at 8 a.m. As usual, we started Hoon Dok Hae at 5 a.m. It was just about 7:10 a.m., and already True Mother had stood up, giving some signal to Father about the time.
Suddenly, at that moment, Father brought up an issue with the Korean leadership in America. Before we had even taken a deep breath, Father had already decided everything. Father’s conclusion? "Rotation." Rotation. That’s it.
And True Mother made the conclusion. Father simply said, "Rotation among the three regions of the East Coast. New Jersey’s Rev. Hong, you go to Washington." True Mother said, "Okay, according to Father’s direction, Rev. Hong goes to Washington. And then Washington regional director needs to come to New York. And then New York regional director should go to New Jersey. This completes the rotation."
Everything was finished in just two minutes. That was the core point of that morning’s hoon dok hae. And then Father said, "Finished, okay! Now I’m going to leave! See you! I don’t know, I’m not sure when I can come back." And then Father left.
Everyone was so shocked: Dr. Yang, myself, Rev. Hong, all the participants in the Hoon Dok Hae room. Afterward everyone said, "What’s going on? Did you have some sense this was coming?" I said, "No, not at all." They said, "No, you must have had some dreams, something…" I said, "No, no, no, I never had."
But I believe that it was God’s Providence, and God’s will.
I heard that Rev. Hong had been here for more than 5 years. I was in New York for four years. And during that time while in New York, I tried to develop some concept of New Jersey for myself. Somehow the meaning of the New Jersey region always had two aspects for me: Positive and negative.
Whenever Father comes, and we have some event at East Garden, my mission was always to fill up the space with at least 200 members. I would call Rev. Hong, "Okay, New Jersey can support with 50 members." At that time, the existence of the New Jersey region was always positive.
But whenever we had a big official public event, such as Father’s speech and Mother’s speech, always the New Jersey region just came to me -- negatively. Do you understand what I mean? [i.e., related to result.]
However, now, since I’ve had this opportunity to focus on New Jersey, the more I have become excited to find this "hidden treasure." Am I right? Is that a good word for the New Jersey region?
Before, when I had my negative concept, I thought, "Whenever Father’s direction comes, always the first challenge comes to the New York region. New Jersey is in the same area, but always the first wave hits New York." I was always kind of frustrated with that. So, sometimes I’d push Rev. Hong: "New York members and New Jersey members are the same! We should share this responsibility, right?" But he’d always say, "No, no, no. That’s your job!" So now I am very happy to finally find out, and get the hidden treasure.
Before I explain the hidden treasure, first of all, I would like to ask all of you: you are here as members in region 3: New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware communities. It looks like almost 500 Unificationists, Blessed Central Family members. I would like to ask each of you: What is your vision for our community?
I would like to share my vision with you. Check and compare your vision with my vision. If we can share the same vision, we can work together. We can shape our world based on our shared vision.
What kind of vision should we have? First, it should be a vision that can be shared: by God, by True Parents, Korean leaders, Japanese members, Elder Son country members. Is that true? Can we share a common vision?
When I was assigned New Jersey, at that first time, I considered, "What kind of vision should we have? What should we accomplish in New Jersey?"
Actually, Father clearly made sure of that point. You know, for four years, Father never mentioned the New York region! But Father many times encouraged and mentioned specifically New Jersey region. Amen, Amen! That’s it! New Jerusalem! Is that our vision? Can it become our vision?
Okay, let’s make sure. We should have agreement among ourselves, right? Once we have that, we’ll keep on till we accomplish it. Amen?
So then what is our vision? New Jerusalem. Father gave that designation, right? That means Father gave New Jersey’s vision himself. His vision should be our vision. And God’s vision, and True Parents vision. Then our next generation’s.
What is the meaning of New Jerusalem? How do we build it?
Let us begin with the meaning. When I visited Jerusalem last time, I asked the Israeli guide, "What is the meaning of Jerusalem?" He said it comes from two Hebrew words: "Jeri" or "Jeru" is a kind of city. "Salom" has two meanings: "Peace," or "God." Jerusalem means "The City of God."
Jerusalem is the capital of the First Israel, isn’t it? If Jerusalem is the City of God, and capital of the First Israel, what about the "New Jerusalem?"
Okay, I don’t want to come to the conclusion myself. What is your conclusion? What should the New Jerusalem be? It should be the "City of God". You know, externally, we have two capitals in America already. The Capital of America is Washington D.C. The Capital of the world is New York.
Then, the capital of the new Second Israel will be the New Jerusalem. That is why Father has called you here, to the New Jersey community. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that so many community members are here. That’s exactly God’s Providence. That's God’s will. God prepared you here.
Why? To make the model for the capital of the Second Israel, and to make a model of the City of God. (applause.)
Somebody once told me, "You know, Rev. Kim, the New York members look like the masculine type. The New Jersey members look like a rather feminine type." Then some other members approached me and said. "New York members are so strong, so political -- diplomatic. Very much, somehow, polluted by society. But you know, New Jersey members are so pure."
Oh my gosh! So I have to check that point first. Is that true? New Jersey members are more pure than New York members? (laughing). Yes, so I have to check that point first.
I believe that everything I’ve got so far is true. So what I’m telling you now is that our goal, our vision, is to make the New Jerusalem.
That is a big goal. How do we begin? It means we have to establish a temple, right? God’s temple was in Jerusalem. So we have to construct a temple. What does that mean? It means that, worldwide, still, we don’t have an exemplary community for the Cheon Il Guk era. That means it is still there for us to do. This is God’s will, God’s providence. I clearly believe that.
So, does everybody want to share this vision, and follow this vision, and work together to build this vision? Amen.
Okay, so we just put the vision there for a moment. Now we have to talk about how we can build, how we can accomplish this vision.
Even if we have a vision or a goal, but this goal is very abstract and not practical, we cannot achieve the goal. Do you understand? So, how do we build, or accomplish this vision?
First, I think, we have to establish a Cheon Il Guk community. How does a Cheon Il Guk community begin? It begins with an individual. It starts with an individual’s mind/ body unity. In the simplest terms, as a Cheon Il Guk community, we should make sure we share one perspective. Or more precisely, many members have to participate, right? How do we grow?
Normally, when we finish Father’s speech, how many of us really truly understand exactly what Father has told us? Even we Korean leaders, though we speak Father’s same language -- even so, it’s very hard to digest all of Father’s teaching. Father’s speech and vision relate to 6,000 years of human history, as well as to spiritual world. It’s not a horizontal teaching but a historical and a vertical teaching.
So it’s not so easy to understand, even when we understand the words themselves. That’s why we need a good interpretation of Father’s speech. Not just an external but an internal interpretation. Then based on that internal interpretation, we can come to one shared providential perspective.
In other words, a shared understanding of: What are True Parents doing right now? What is their first priority? Their next providential steps? What does Father want to achieve through my blessed central family? When we can share this kind of perspective, each one of us can keep our vertical purpose and direction. That’s why, from now, not only as a community but as individuals we should hold a shared concept of Father’s providence.
Which brings us to the second point: we have to make a model of church growth. I know Dr. Hendricks came here, and tried to work to develop the church. I want to inherit his spirit. I want to try to do more. Other than the New Jersey community, which community can offer an exemplary community in America? Only the New Jersey community can do that.
Why? First of all, we are near East Garden. We have this opportunity to connect to True Parents spiritually, as well as physically, any time. That is the greatest source for us to create, and keep, Father’s spirituality. That’s where all of us can get the power to work together to achieve church growth. And this model of church growth can become the model of the Cheon Il Guk community, worldwide.
Then, also we have to create a sample, or example, of God’s providence. That means, both Christian as well as political outreach activities. Even if we cannot do everything immediately, we have to be able to make an example. Once we have that place, and can go there -- once everybody has a clear understanding, and a providential perspective -- then based on that perspective we are able to build one growing church community. (applause.) Thank you!
Then centering on that church community, we will be able to produce or create an example of our providential life. I believe this is New Jersey’s Region‘s providential responsibility.
Do you follow me? Our first step: Get the vision. Then, what are the contents and details of the vision? And how can we achieve that vision? I want very much to emphasize one point, as a beginning point: In order to accomplish our vision, I think, the most important point is unity.
The history of restoration has been a history of God’s loss: He lost His sons and daughters. Conversely, the accomplishment of restoration always depended on what? Unity. Right? Once central figures, and providential figures achieved unity, God could make His providence "go over", to the next level, right?
So that no matter how many providential opportunities God made – even if He gave everything -- but if the individual people, or the community, failed to create unity, God couldn’t go any further. That providence stopped. That’s why in the history of restoration, we can say this is the most important point. The history of restoration is the history of unity.
Once we have the same providential perspective -- when we have that one shared goal, to make our church community develop -- then, we may, we should be able to accomplish unity.
This is the first point that I wanted to make: If we want to achieve this vision, let’s make unity.
What about the second? The second should be unity. And one more thing, finally third, should be what? Unity.
Everything will come from this unity. It will be the best foundation on which we can make our individual victory, as well as our community’s.
So, Unity! Okay? Once we make unity, is means we share one providential perspective, and then, one spirituality. With one spirituality, and one providential perspective, then no one, and NOTHING can stop us. (applause).
Second point!
The first one was what? Unity. Second one? (Unity.) After the three unities? We have to deal with -- Ownership.
Who is the owner of the Second Israel, the Elder Son Nation? Am I? Are the Korean leaders? The Japanese members? The Elder Son? Who owns this country?
We are all owners. The Blessed Central Families. In other words, Fourth Adam. We are all Fourth Adam. Before we became the Fourth Adam, or Blessed Central Families, maybe we might have said, "I am a 6,000 blessed couple. I am a 30,000 blessed couple." That was our identity.
But now, Father has made us Blessed Central Families. Is there any division, or separation? No. We are one. Whether 36 couples, 777, 360 million couples -- it doesn’t matter. Everybody has become Blessed Central Families. That means, we are each a model of a blessed family. We are the Fourth Adam.
That’s why we are the owners of this country. And we have to confirm our ownership. How many of you truly feel that you have ownership of this country? So we have to have ownership. It is not the secular concept of ownership. This concept should be based on Father’s tradition. We have to know how we can become true owners of this country, and practice true ownership.
So the second point is ownership. The future of America will be decided based on how we are able to claim and practice this ownership. Do you believe that?
Always, Father has been dealing with America as a whole, right? Father never tried to deal with the Unification Church. And not only that, but Father’s vision, and Father’s dream, is not only for America, but for all humankind. As long as we are Fourth Adam, that means we also have to inherit everything from True Parents. That means we have to at least deal with or claim America through tribal messiahship. We have to deal with, practice and confirm our ownership, claiming this country as "mine."
Now, The last one -- this is a very American thing.
You know, yesterday, I talked with Rev. Ferrabolli. I was so shocked. You know, he is a very strong man, right? He said, "Do you know, Rev. Kim, that New Jersey region is the BEST region. (applause.) And I said -- a little bit cynically – "Okay, let me know why New Jersey region is the best region."
And he told me three points. He said, "New Jersey members are qualified." Right? Is that right, Rev. Ferrabolli? "We have qualifications. And the second one, New Jersey members have heart." And the third point? He told me, "Rev. Kim, New Jersey has everything." What’s everything? He told me: "We have schools. We have True World Group. We have Christian Bernard. We have everything. We have the Fish House. That’s why New Jersey is the best region."
I was moved, not because of his explanation, but because of his vision -- his will -- his commitment. You know, God needs that kind of person.
It is not so easy for us to make our own vision. It’s not so easy to fulfill that vision, centering on God’s will. But if we have one strong person like that, we can challenge the whole world. What if we have ten people like that? We can get more than ten times, even a hundred times power.
What about here? If all of us have that same conviction, is it impossible for New Jersey to break through today? Is it possible, or impossible? Possible, right? That’s our power. I think we need that kind of vision. When American people have a vision, then they are the strongest people in the whole world.
When I came to America for the first time -- that was in 1989. I stood by the Empire State Building. I looked up. I couldn’t see the top, of course. I asked the guide, "Do you know when America built this Empire State Building?" He told me, "That was in the 1930s." The 1930s! I had to check myself – Okay! How about Korea? At that time, what did my grandparents’, and my parents’ generation do? At that time, maybe the Korean people perhaps were not able to build even one big bridge! So that’s why – Wow! This is the power of America. And then I tried to study, where does this power of America come from? And finally I got it. Do you know what it is? Is it vision? Or a more practical point: Money?
My conclusion was: Creativity! Creativity. Do you agree with me? I believe creativity is the most important factor on the horizontal plane. On the horizontal side, the most important single word is creativity.
That’s why, now, first of all and always -- True Parents cannot give up and leave America. Once American members stand up for God and True Parents with strong verticality, we can immediately change the world. Because Americans possess creativity.
So the third point is creativity.
So please don’t expect something of Rev. Kim. I’m an interpreter. I’m not the decision-maker. Let’s make sure we understand that point.
As one of the Koreans, my mission and responsibility is that I should clearly convey Father’s teaching. That is why I’m an internal, as well as external, interpreter of Father’s teachings to you. And I’m also an adviser. But I’m not the final decision-maker. So change your concept, first of all. Okay? That’s why we have to have a vision. And we have to practice our creativity from now on. Are you ready? Western members! Are you ready? Sounds good!
Okay, Let’s review:
What is our vision? New Jerusalem. Are you ready to work to accomplish our vision? ("Yes!")
What’s our conclusion according to our three points: In order to build the New Jerusalem, what should we accomplish first?
And the Second? Ownership.
Right. And what’s the final one?
If you try to study, and research, and put your flesh on these bones, you will truly become God’s sons and daughters as Elder Sons in this providential era. Amen? Are you ready to build that?
Don’t expect anything from me. Okay? When I get your suggestions -- whatever revolutionary idea, whatever -- If I think that you fulfilled these three points, then I will feel that True Parents have already decided on that for you. I’ll support you. You’ve got it?
God bless you, and your family. Thank you very much.
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