The Words of the Kim Family Before 2008 |
To the Editor, The way of the world
Glory, peace and happiness to The True Parents.
It's my heartfelt prayer for you and all the families in Korea to be.in the best of your health both in flesh and spirit.
The glorious post of 777 newly blessed couples through TV made me and all New York Family members deeply moved.
Whenever I recollect the troublesome course of The True Parents sewed together with various persecution, I was choked with tears.
Now is the time for us to conquer The Satanic World and be lucky enough to revenge ourselves on The Satanic dominion.
When The True Parents and dearful families in Korea occur to me I felt deep nostalgia.
Now I'm in hardships English conversation. I've never touched in Korea.
Anyhow I'll be forced to try to do my best. For your mentioning my report in the Way of the World, I'm really grateful to you.
Your outstanding merit shown in publishing the magazine will be deeply remembered in the hearts of the family members throughout the world.
My prayer for the further contribution of the magazine to the inner development of all the members will last forever.
I have something to ask you. I got the book from the English family. I've never given my answer yet.
Would you please let the British family have my gratitude?
Everlasting health and happiness to you.
Shin Wook Kim