The Words The Kwak Family |
Regarding the Distribution of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong to All Blessed Families
Chung Hwan Kwak
October 12, 2007
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
Ref. No. FFWPUI 2007-43
To: Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International Headquarters
Date: October 12, 2007
Re.: Regarding the Distribution of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong to All Blessed Families
We pray for God and True Parents' blessing and love to be with all regions, nations and providential organizations as we create the sacred reign of peace in Cheon Il Guk, the realm of cosmic peace.
After launching the "Abel," UN on September 23, 2007 in New York, True Parents returned to Korea and are now presiding over a series of rallies to report the victory of the establishment of the "Abel" UN. During this time they have given instructions for all blessed families worldwide to be in possession of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong (Peace Messages) by October I5th.
Regional presidents and national leaders should immediately take action so that all blessed families can have a copy of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong.
I. Distribution of Pyunghwa Hoongyeong
Distribute the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong to all blessed families.
Deadline: October 15, 2007
II. Administrative Matters
Downloading the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong:
Please sign-in to www.chconilguk.net. The digital files for the fifteen peace messages in various languages can be found in the folder ' Pyunghwa Hoongyeong' under 'Document Library' on the right side of the screen.
Chung Hwan Kwak
International President