The Words of Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak |
Chairman’s Address. World Summit on Leadership and Good Governance
Chung Hwan Kwak
December 12, 2004
Chairman, IIFWP
Washington D.C., United States
Rev. Dr. Kwak, Chung Hwan; Chairmain, IIFWP
Your Excellencies. Distinguished leaders from all fields. Ambassadors for Peace. Ladies and Gentlemen.
On behalf of the founders of the IIFWP, Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, welcome to this 4th World Summit on Leadership and Good Governance here in Washington, DC. Our Summit theme is "Universal Values and Lasting Peace: Toward a New Model of Global Governance" and the theme for this opening plenary is "Toward a Common Legacy of Peace and a World Family of Nations."
Thank you for attending this Summit. We have gathered at a significant moment in history, and I believe the work we have to do is critical for the future of humanity. We are here not simply to observe history or offer commentary. We are here to make history; that is, to take actions that affect the future.
The IIFWP is not a simple, ordinary organization. Most fundamentally, its underlying vision, guiding principles, and essential programs are directly linked to what may be called the providence of peace. That is, underlying the process and patterns of human history are certain universal forces and natural laws that have their origin in God. There is a purpose to history, and that purpose is related to God’s original hope and ideal for a world of true love, a world in which all people live together in harmony, cooperation, and co-prosperity. This is a realm of peace.
In other words, peace has not only been a human hope. It is God’s hope. It is God’s ultimate ideal. Even religious concepts such as redemption, salvation, paradise, the Kingdom of God, etc., are related to the ideal of peace. In this sense, peace is our ultimate destiny. Destiny is not the same as pre-destination. Destiny is fulfilled only as we ourselves take responsibility to fulfill the conditions necessary to bring it to pass. We are standing at a critical juncture on the way to fulfilling our destiny.
I realize I am making strong claims. At the same time, I know you can also appreciate that the time we are living in requires courageous and visionary leadership. IIFWP is prepared to provide such leadership. I believe, in fact, that IIFWP is leading a revolutionary movement. This is not primarily a political, economic or social movement, although it has an impact on each of these areas. This is a revolution centered on true love.
True love is not a vague concept or simply a sentimental feeling that comes and goes. Rather it lies at the core of human nature. It is the axis around which a common legacy of peace and a world family of nations can be built. It forms the basis of a systematic and comprehensive worldview.
Most people around the world recognize the need for significant, even radical change, if world peace is to be achieved. And yet, many lack a clear understanding of the methodology that must be applied and the steps that must be taken to achieve peace. Some advocate a policy of peace through strength; others advocate forms of pacifism. Others offer peace proposals rooted in economic, political, environmental or social theories. Some tend to be left wing and others right wing; some conservative, and others progressive. Very often, ideologies emerge and are driven by enmity and opposition to another dominant ideology.
IIFWP calls for a "headwing" approach, characterized by universal values, unselfishness, and a relentless commitment to reconciliation, harmony, and cooperation.
We have gathered for this summit because we recognize that our world is in crisis, and we want to take the steps that will bring lasting peace.
Even our world’s most established organizations recognize the need for significant change, including the United Nations, the United States, governments in failing or "challenged" states, health systems, world economic systems, our families, and many more. Meanwhile, conflict, poverty, disease, human rights violations, cruelty, corruption, family breakdown, etc. abound. People are suffering. And we all want this situation to change.
It is for this reason that the IIFWP, the Peace Federation, has been established. The IIFWP is an instrument of the providence of peace. What makes IIFWP unique? Why do we presume to be able to establish a new model of global governance? Why do we presume to build a common legacy of peace and a world family of nations?
First of all, as I have stated, IIFWP is linked to a heavenly providence. In this sense, it has a spiritual power that is not observable by our physical senses, yet it is nevertheless very real. Many social movements in history have had this kind of internal power, the kind we associate with trends and fashions. Such appeal or popularity cannot be explained simply by rationality alone. However, a movement for lasting peace must be more than a fashion or trend that is only transitory. It must have deep roots. This has been true of the great religions in history, as well as some social, political and economic trends that truly advanced the well being of humanity by promoting freedom, equality, justice and human rights.
IIFWP’s roots are deep. Even its analysis of the foundation of evil and suffering in the world takes us back to the dawn of human history and the Fall of Adam and Eve, who violated God’s divine law of true love, true marriage and true family. Since that time, God, and all people of conscience, have tried to restore the Fall and remove the fallen nature. This has been the purpose of religion and the coming of the messiah. For this reason, IIFWP affirms, and stands on the foundation of God’s effort to restore the Fall through religion.
IIFWP’s vision is also rooted in the recognition of the need for ideal marriages and families as an essential part of the solution to humanity’s problems. Marriage and family are not only the institutions whereby we reproduce the human species biologically. Conjugal love between a husband and wife not only reproduces the physical body, it reproduces the human spirit. The family not only passes on a biological lineage, but a spiritual, cultural lineage that is related to the quality of true love itself. If the means of human reproduction, the family, is broken, then the product will be flawed. Furthermore, to establish the best, highest quality families, which are the foundation of all societies, these families must emerge from the most noble, loving relationships, based on a family culture and tradition of true, selfless love. Hence, the formation of ideal marriages and families through the World Peace Blessing is at the very center of the IIFWP vision.
Without the restoration of marriage and family in accordance with God’s original ideal, we cannot achieve peace. Without restoring marriage and the family, we will work in vain for peace.
The IIFWP movement is grounded in two core principles. The first is the principle of true love itself; namely, to live for the sake of others. In order to achieve peace, we must first come to recognize and apply this principle in our own lives, expanding from the individual, to the family, to society, the nation and the world. This principle of true love must come to characterize leadership and good governance within all institutions, such as religions, governments, NGOs, and businesses.
The second core principle is the principle of unification; namely, to seek always to bring divided or disunited entities into a relationship of harmony, co-creativity and co-prosperity. This principle applies to a husband and a wife, a boss and an employee, a religious leader and a follower, and between one religion and another religion, or between religions and governments.
Because of these two principles, Rev. Moon, when IIFWP was first launched, called for the United Nations to include an interreligious council within its system. Religions, after all, have always taught the principle of living for the sake of others. This should be their primary mission. Also, it is not only nations that should harmonize, cooperate and unify with one another, and it is not only religions that should learn to harmonize and cooperate with one another. These two realms—religions which focus on our spiritual and eternal lives, and governments which focus on our physical and earthly lives—should learn to work together in harmony, cooperation and unification. Without such a harmonious working relationship, human problems will not be solved, and peace cannot be achieved.
The IIFWP is calling for a new model of global governance. We must move beyond the current emphasis on national self-interest, and beyond religious self-interest as the guiding principles of religions and nations. In this age of globalization we must go beyond national boundaries, and even beyond religious boundaries. Rev. Moon has talked about the need for a "world peace UN." That is, an institution rooted in the ideals of true love, living for the sake of others, that initiates a movement for lasting peace.
As you know, he has called for significant changes within the UN system, and primarily is calling for a new paradigm in global governance that has governments, religions, NGOs, and economic institutions working together in a cooperative partnership, allowing each to participate and contribute to the effort to find solutions to our world’s most critical problems.
You may also know that Rev. Moon has devoted 34 years of his life to the United States in an effort to call this nation, and its Christian heritage to fulfill a God-given mission to love and serve the people of the world. Just as Jesus practices, "no greater love than this," to be willing to lay down his life for another, this should be our way too.
The United States is a great nation, with a significant role to play in God’s providence for peace. However, neither the USA, nor any other nation can fulfill its mission if it relies simply on the principle of national self-interest and the value of freedom. If freedom only gives rises to individualism and selfishness, then it cannot be the foundation of a truly good society. The USA will fulfill its mission only if it applies the principle of living for the sake of others. The USA is resented in many parts of the world not only because the rest of the world misunderstands the USA, but because they feel the USA is not living up to its own ideals. America should represent a universal moral and spiritual mission.
I do not mean to criticize this great nation or the current administration. However, I want to say that the USA stands at a most critical juncture. It has enjoyed the Blessing of God, but the people of the USA must show not only their military and economic power, but also their love, heart, vision and willingness to act for peace.
To this end, I would like to see the USA get much more involved in developing a new model of global governance and in promoting renewal of the United Nations, including the development of an interreligious council. The USA should work actively, taking a leading role in forging an alliance of nations for peace. The faith-based initiatives of the current administration are most laudable. I believe that this example of partnership between governments and faith-based NGOs should be emulated by other nations. It should be an essential component of any new model of global governance.
The new model of governance that the IIFWP endorses, and seeks to establish is one that is both trans-national and trans-religious in nature. Rooted in the principle of harmony and unification, this model affirms partnerships not only between religions, and between governments, and between NGOs, but affirms partnerships among religions, governments and NGOs in the effort to solve critical global problems.
At this Summit you will be briefed on the ways in which we are expanding and developing the IIFWP as a global Peace Federation with three primary organs. First, a Presiding Council, that will serve as the executive organ with oversight responsibility for the Federation. The Presiding Council will consist of one representative from each Region, as well as representatives from the core stakeholder communities associated with the Federation; that is, from religions, governments, academic institutions, the media, NGOs, and business.
The second primary organ is the Secretariat, our administrative headquarters that will provide the support services needed to carry out the work of the Federation.
Thirdly, we are developing the Peace Council, which represents the establishment of a formal council or forum for what has, up to this point been an informal, worldwide network of Ambassadors for Peace. There will be a global Peace Council as well as regional and national level Peace Councils. The global Peace Council will consist of delegates from governments, from religions, from NGOs, from business, academia, the arts, etc. Some delegates will have seats on the global Peace Council as representatives of their regional Peace Council, just as those who sit on regional Peace Councils will represent their national Peace Council.
The standing committees of the Peace Council, with correlative offices based in the Secretariat, include the following: 1. Leadership and Good Governance; 2. Peace-building and Human Security; 3. Education and Human Development; 4. Finance and Development; 5. International Law, Human Rights and Reconciliation.
Looking ahead toward the coming year, IIFWP will continue to expand our series of Peace Initiatives; that is, the Middle East Peace Initiative, the North East Asia Peace Initiative, and the South Asia Peace Initiative.
Our work with the United Nations Economic and Social Council will expand as well, not only in further pursuing and promoting the vision for peace-building and human development through interreligious dialogue and action, but also in developing our work in the regional UN and ECOSOC centers such as in Geneva, Vienna, Bangkok, Santiago, and Addis Ababa.
We are further developing the Voice of Peace TV production and distribution, and establishing PeaceNet Media. The World & I: Innovative Approaches to Peace, as an IIFWP magazine, is having its debut at the Summit and we hope that in the future, you will write articles for this fine publication. The HIV/AIDS prevention work continues, along with Character Education programs, the Interreligious Peace Sports Festival, the Religious Youth Service, the World Peace Blessing, and many special projects.
We also will expand our partnerships, working more closely with the World Association of Non Governmental Organizations, the World Media Association, Service for Peace, and Women’s Federation for World Peace, to mention a few.
In addition, as we look to the next year, we have tentative plans to sponsor five Regional Summits:
Small Island Developing States Summit (Tokyo, Japan)
Muslim Summit (Cairo, Egypt)
Middle East Peace Summit (Beirut, Lebanon)
North East Asia Peace Summit (Seoul, Korea)
HIV/AIDS Prevention Summit (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
We will be doing more to support not only our regional and national offices, but also our worldwide community of Ambassadors for Peace. To this end, we are expanding our Membership Office and the Communications Office at the Headquarters.
Over the past three months, IIFWP has been closely involved and supportive of the development of a new organization initiated by Rev. Moon and known as the Mongolian Peoples Federation for World Peace. The MPFWP is bringing together people of Mongolian descent from six continents and every corner of the world, creating a global network, and building a common legacy of peace, centered on the principle of living for the sake of others.
Throughout this past year, IIFWP’s founder, Father Moon, has been honored in nations around the world, in recognition of his remarkable achievements for peace. At the conclusion of our Summit program, we will also have an opportunity to express our appreciation to the founder, and present to him a "crown of peace" award.
I want also to mention that in January, just a few weeks from now, in Korea, and together with the MPFWP, IIFWP will convene the 5th World Summit on Leadership and Good Governance. This Summit will build on our efforts here. I hope that many of you can return to your nations and encourage you head of state to attend the IIFWP’s 5th Summit in January.
We are very excited to witness the development of IIFWP. Truly, this global movement is growing. Momentum is building, and we are laying the foundation for lasting peace. Our power to transform is not rooted in external strategy or resources, but ultimately is rooted in the realm of the spirit. Without God, we cannot achieve peace. Without the support of the spirit world, we cannot achieve peace.
Let us not forget that each of us is on a frontline of peace, as an individual. We are living in our own war zone. Will the outcome of our own lives, on this very day, be war or peace. Peace does begin with each one of us. If we can overcome our own tendencies toward selfishness, and take up a life of sacrificial service, and if we work together, nothing can stop us. We cannot simply look to large institutions or superpowers to bring peace. Let us start the peace process right here.
Let us begin by creating a culture of heart and a culture of peace right here at this summit.
Thank you and God bless you.
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