The Words The Kwak Family |
Between September 25th and 26th, 57 students in responsible posts of universities and colleges in Seoul invited by K -- CARP (Korean Collegiate Association for Research of Principles) attended the Principle Seminar held at 2nd auditorium, Training Center in Sootaek-ri.
Having seen the movies, enjoyed recreation and listened to the lectures of Principles delivered by Mr. Chung Hwan Kwak, chief travelling lecturer, they set a high value on the Divine Principles and promised to keep company with K -- CARP.
The participants by college are as follows:
Koryo University: 6
University: 8
Konkook: 8
Sokang: 3
Ewha Women's: 3
Seoul Nat.: 4
Woosok: 6
Sorabol: 2
Tankook: 6
Choongang: 1
Nurse College: 1
Hanyang: 2
Soodo Women's
College: 3