The Words The Kwak Family |
Father literally wants to solve every single problem in our world. His profound desire to end God's suffering has moved him to initiate many incredible projects in order to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Ever more amazing progress toward the realization of this goal is being made now, especially with the help of Heung Jin Nim and Jesus. I want to describe some recent events, discuss the future mobilization to Korea, and emphasize how vital it is that we are constantly seeking to elevate our level of purity and faith.
Father has focused much of his effort on activities involving the academic community; this is because professors can provide education which embodies the highest level of human knowledge and the most universal value perspective. Since professors are in a position to be both a resource for their governments and role models for their students, they can help bring about non-violent change through education. Through their participation in the many projects and conferences that we sponsor, more and more scholars are grasping the amazing depth and breadth of Father's vision and effort and are coming to gratefully appreciate his significance.
For example, in 1983 at the first Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) World Convention in Seoul, Korea, a new cultural revolution was proclaimed. The second convention in 1985 in Geneva, Switzerland, discussed those factors that are leading to the inevitable decline of the Soviet Union. This year, from August 25-30, the third convention in Manila focused on an equally exciting topic: "China in the New Era" Seventy-two of the 93 national PWPA chapter leaders attended, as well as many eminent experts on China from the most prestigious universities in America and such countries as Great Britain, Yugoslavia, Canada, and the Philippines, making a total of 250 delegates. Many professors are eagerly awaiting the book we will publish of the conference papers and discussion sessions. The scholars were astounded by my explanation of Father's vision and heart for mainland China and of some of his other plans, including the development of a new encyclopedia and plans for an international university.
From August 12-15 in Vienna, Austria, the International Religious Foundation sponsored a Christian/Marxist dialogue. The World Council of Churches (WCC) had tried numerous times, in vain, to hold such a dialogue. The necessity of Unificationism became very clear as the two groups argued. The Christians pointed out that though the Marxists offer wonderful promises of peace and prosperity, the reality of life under communism is terrible. The Marxists, however, rebutted by pointing out that Christianity has also been ineffective in solving the problems of the poor on earth while promising happiness in an otherworldly heaven. Unification theory can harmonize what is valid in both theories and correct what is false. The religious leaders and theologians were very excited to hear that we plan to hold such unique and historical conferences every year.
Yet another remarkable conference was held this year from August 20-24 in Vancouver, Canada. Ninety-eight distinguished religious leaders from all the major traditions gathered to attend discussions on inter-religious harmony, sponsored by the Council for the World's Religions [see p. 401. After my presentation on Father's vision I invited questions, and was very grateful when one prominent rabbi, who himself has experienced persecution for his activities, asked what Rev. Moon's feelings and reactions were to the persecution he continues to receive from the religious community despite his remarkable contributions to society. I have been waiting for someone to want to understand Father's heart. From my intimate experiences with Father, frequently sharing breakfast with him and so on, I shared how throughout all the persecution and his Danbury imprisonment, Father's fundamental concern is always to represent God's heart of love and forgiveness toward America and all mankind. Everyone was deeply moved as they received what I said.
Afterwards, I invited 11 representatives of the main religious traditions to lunch. Among them were two members of the WCC Board of Directors, a Protestant representative, a man who is literally leading the world Muslim community, and so on. You can imagine the variety of color and style of clothing around the table! As we ended our conversation, I pointed out to them how historical and important our gathering together was, and I encouraged them that if we cooperate with each other centering on Rev. Moon's vision, we can indeed help realize world peace. I cannot measure the depth of their gratitude and respect for True Parents.
Fruits of Father's work can also be seen in the experiences of the American ministers going to Korea and Japan. Through their significant spiritual…