The Words of the Yang Family |
Important Updates For Second Generation And All Participants in the National Blessing Ceremony May 17-18th
Chang Shik Yang
May 7, 2008
TO: District Directors, All FFWPU Leaders, and
All Blessed Central Families
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev.
Michael Jenkins
DATE: May 7, 2008
SECOND GENERATION And All Participants in the National Blessing
Ceremony May 17-18th
America is deeply honored that for the first time in the history of the Blessing tradition, True Parents have bequeathed to us the responsibility to officiate the Blessing for Second Generation who have been matched by their parents. In addition, Father has conveyed his deep concern that all Blessed Children come to understand the value of the Blessing and inherit its content and tradition. Father gave specific guidelines for all Second Generation couples in order that this tradition be maintained. While these directions will be outlined in an international memo that is expected soon, they are summarized below, together with updated information for participants.
To accommodate True Parent’s direction for deeper education for Second Generation participants, the program is extended through Sunday, May 18th at 4:00 PM. ALL couples should participate in the Saturday morning education program at 9:00 AM. Second Generation couples MUST also join the Sunday education program, in accordance with True Parents’ desire and direction.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Washington Family Church
Columbia Rd. NW
Washington, DC 20009
8:00 -- 9:00 AM- Arrivals, Sign-in (couples must pre-register- see May 1st Memo for details)
9:00 AM- Education, Holy Wine Ceremony, Rehearsal, etc.
12:30 PM- Lunch and preparation
1:00 PM- Doors Open for Blessing Ceremony guests
2:00 PM- Blessing Ceremony, photos, etc
4:00 PM- Program Close (4:30 for 1st Gen. couples)
6:00 -- 9:00 PM- Celebration banquet and entertainment
Galaxy Ballroom, 16th Floor
Sheraton National Hotel
Sunday, May 18, 2008
UFC Building (FFWPU HQ)
3224 16th Street NW
Washington, DC
8:30 AM -- 4:00 PM- Special Education for Second Generation couples
It is essential that Second Generation couples understand, respect and inherit the precious tradition of the Blessing to establish a new, Heavenly lineage and culture of heart for all humanity. To accomplish this:
A. All Second Generation couples should complete a 7-day fast prior to the Blessing and keep a 40-day separation period after receiving the Blessing, to separate their marriage from the fallen tradition of self-centered love that permeates the culture around them, and any fallen past. During the 40-day separation period, couples should receive education in the Divine Principle, the Blessing, and life of faith, to be organized by national leaders of each nation through district / regional directors and local church pastors.
While 2nd Generation do not need to fulfill the detailed conditional ceremonies as their parents did to restore their lineage (indemnity ceremony, 3-day ceremony, etc.), in all other respects they should inherit their parents’ heart of faithfulness and offering in their Blessing, and maintain the tradition of living for the greater good. NOTE: for those unable to complete the fast in the short period prior to May 17th, it should be completed during their separation period.
B. Newly Blessed couples may start their family life after completing the 40-day separation / education period after the Blessing, and after reporting to their local church pastor and receiving the pastor’s benediction.
C. If a member of the Second Generation has fallen in the past, then as a rule, their parents should attend a 40-day workshop.
These and other contents will be addressed during the May 18th education session in Washington, DC. True Parents have given these directions in order to strengthen the education of Second Generation Blessed Couples, deepen their understanding of the privilege and calling of a Blessed Family, and to prevent mistakes after receiving the Blessing.
Blessing Donation- The offering of a conditional amount by each candidate as a condition to receive the grace of the Blessing is a tradition established by True Parents, based upon the Old and New Testament tradition of offering things as a symbol of offering the heart. The donation for each American member is $2,000.00. Some have taken this condition lightly in the past, not realizing its importance as a foundation for their Blessing.
First Generation candidates for Re-Blessing who have already made the original donation should offer a Blessing donation of $500.00. Married couples attending the Blessing should donate $2,000 for their couple.
Blessing Donations are due IN FULL one week before the Blessing on May 12, 2008, because we need to know exactly who will be attending and how many. Payment should be sent directly to National BFD Headquarters at:
Blessed Family Department
ATTN: Sheila Song
3224 16th Street
Washington, DC 20010
Payment Forms available on the Internet.
Download a payment
form on the
Keep a copy of your payment forms and also send a copy to your District Headquarters.
A. Pre-registration- YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER, including reporting to your local or district office. See the May 1st Memo from BFD for detailed instructions. WALK-INS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED PARTICIPATION.
B. Reserving Space for Guests- YOU MUST report the number of guests you are expecting to attend the Blessing program
C. Blessing Rings- Rings can be pre-purchased in America at the Japanese Publications Store at 4 West 43rd St. in New York City. All participants will need a Blessing Ring for the ceremony. Inexpensive rings will also be available at the ceremony.
Participants and guests staying overnight on Friday or Saturday have three options for accommodations:
A. Reserve your own hotel room
B. Stay with a DC-area friend or Blessed Family. If you need a referral, contact the DC Blessing Coordinator, Rev. Luis Patino.
C. Reserve sleeping bag space at the Columbia Road church (where the Blessing will be held). Contact Rev. Patino (and bring your own sleeping bag!).
On Saturday, May 17th there will be coffee and refreshments at Check-In and lunch provided for Blessing participants. There will be refreshments after the ceremony for all participants and guests.
The evening celebration banquet is free for the newly Blessed couples. A nominal fee may be required for family and guests.
Lunch will be served for all participants in the Sunday education program.
God bless you,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
Rev. Michael Jenkins