The Words of the Yang Family |
Shik Yang -- November 4, 2012
Respected Pastors, Beloved Members,
Brothers and Sisters:
Good morning. Thank you for working hard day and night in the providential field. I offer my heartfelt appreciation to the members who are offering their deepest devotion and dedicating their energy toward the completion of Cheon Il Guk while upholding the great vision of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Beloved brothers and sisters,
There are now precisely thirty-one days left until the long-awaited Foundation Day. Foundation Day is the day of the completion-level Holy Wedding of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the day when the incorporeal God manifests Himself on this earth through a substantial body. It is the day of beginning the substantial Cheon Il Guk, looking toward the completion of the ideal of one family under our Heavenly Parent. Furthermore, it can also be considered the day on which the loving reign of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind can take root perfectly, completely, and conclusively on earth and in heaven.
More than anything, Foundation Day, for the members of the Unification Movement, means the day of inheriting the unlimited forgiveness and love of the Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the great grace and heavenly fortune entailing this new beginning. It is for this purpose that True Parents have bestowed on us a tremendous gift, the Foundation Day Holy Wine. Furthermore, it is expected that we will be given the grace of participating in the Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony.
Foundation Day is the day of ushering a new era under the good sovereignty of Heaven. It is the day when a new environment will be created through the substantive reign of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind that encompasses both the spiritual and physical worlds. It truly will be an unprecedented time in history when Heaven's love and grace will be unsparingly and unconditionally showered upon the entire world.
Today, I would like to share with you details of the Foundation Day Holy Wine Ceremony that must be held in advance of the Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony. On 9.11 by the heavenly calendar of the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (October 25, 2012), the fortieth day after True Father's ascension (Seonghwa), more than five hundred leaders, mostly from Korea and Japan, gathered at Bonhyangwon, Father's tomb, located within Cheon Jeong Gung.
After concluding the commemorative service, True Mother called out the regional presidents and conducted the Foundation Day Holy Wine Bequeathal Ceremony. At this time, True Mother reminded the participants that all members of the Unificationist community should make a new beginning through Foundation Day and that through this Holy Wine they should all cleanse their minds and bodies and participate in the Foundation Day events.
Considering the time devoted to all aspects of the fortieth day services commemorating True Father's ascension, True Mother's guidance on the Foundation Day Holy Wine and the bequeathal ceremony was relatively short and right at the end of the program. Yet, this was the most important highlight of the day. In relation to Foundation Day, this Holy Wine represents the greatest level of grace and love on the cosmic level that Heaven can bestow throughout heaven and earth. It is now the year 2013 by the Gregorian calendar, but True Parents had already issued special instructions in 2012, while Father was still on the earth, for the preparation of Holy Wine to be used on Foundation Day.
I can tell you that, following these instructions, this Holy Wine was created on the basis of the deepest devotion, attention, and indescribably hard work of our Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Beloved members, You should be aware of the fact that the Foundation Day Holy Wine is imbued with Heaven's burning love for this Holy Wine, emerging from Heaven's bone marrow. It is the most precious and uplifting grace that the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are bestowing on us as they open the gates to the new era. This Holy Wine was created through Heaven's passionate affection and yearning for the members of the Unificationist community. Thus, we should all receive it on condition of fully making amends and repenting for our old worn-out faith and narrow lives of the past, during which we failed to live up to the absolute hopes, expectations and teachings of Heaven.
Through this Holy Wine, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind wish to completely indemnify all past mistakes, including unresolved issues arising from violations of the Principle, of the blessed families who participate in the long-awaited Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony. In that sense, the Foundation Day Holy Wine is a priceless grace Heaven is bestowing, on the cosmic level, and an expression of Heaven's self-sacrificing true love. On the day the Foundation Day Holy Wine Bequeathal Ceremony was held, True Mother declared, "Today is the starting point of a new providence."
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters,
The Foundation Day Holy Wine represents the special grace and greatest act of pardon, reflecting the tearful heart of the Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Their desire is that all of us be reborn as new blessed families by discarding our old clothes of the past, donning new attire, embracing a new heart and leading a new life of faith. I truly hope that you can all deeply engrave this fact in your heart.
All blessed families and the second generation children of these families should drink the Foundation Day Holy Wine while resolving and pledging to return to their positions as children of the Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, making a new beginning as heavenly families. We should remember that the Foundation Day Holy Wine, which in this context signifies a great pardon and tremendous grace cannot be received unconditionally. True Parents are bestowing the Foundation Day Holy Wine to all families and members who resolve to fulfill the way of filial piety and loyalty with the heart of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in front of the grace and love of the Heavenly Parent, and offer this commitment to Heaven.
Furthermore, this Holy Wine will be granted only to families and members who fill out and offer to Heaven the Cheon Il Guk Resolution Form for a New Beginning with a heart of completely repenting for all of their past mistakes and sins. Therefore, before we receive the Foundation Day Holy Wine, we members should deeply consider the conditions of the special grace and become completely one with True Parents deep heart and love. The various problems that have been reported to national headquarters, churches, and the Chung Pyung training center, and even problems that have not been reported, will be pardoned by this Holy Wine Ceremony. In other words, all issues and matters, including those dealing with the violation of the lineage, heart, or misuse of public funds, shall be included and broadly covered by Heaven's special grace.
To be specific, the pardon for violations of the lineage is a special grace for all problems and issues that occurred in the course of inheriting or maintaining Heaven's true lineage. For couples that officially completed the three-day ceremony after the blessing, by drinking the Foundation Day Holy Wine and participating in the Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony, they shall be pardoned for:
1) falling after having received the blessing,
2) having a sexual relationship with their spouse even after knowing that he or she had fallen, or
3) falling and not confessing this to their spouse.
For those who fell before completing the three-day ceremony (invalid three-day ceremony), they can receive the full benefits of the special grace only after completing the three-day ceremony after having participated in the Holy Wine ceremony and Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony.
Now I will talk about the special grace for instances when a person makes a mistake after having received the blessing but before starting family life. If a couple began a conjugal relationship but had failed to maintain the separation period, made a mistake during the three-day ceremony, or did not complete the three-day ceremony, they can receive the full benefit of the special grace only after having participated in the Holy Wine ceremony and Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony and then completing the three-day ceremony.
The special grace for second generation members applies to those who: fell before receiving the blessing, fell after having received the blessing, married another second generation member without receiving the blessing, or married a first generation member.
Second generation members who fell before receiving the blessing can be restored to the position of being a second generation only by participating in the Holy Wine ceremony and Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony.
Second generation members who married another second generation without receiving the blessing should fill out the application form provided by the national headquarters, submit the completed form to their local pastor, and then participate in the Holy Wine ceremony and Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony. Only then can their couple receive the grace of being restored to the position of a second generation couple. Once they conclude this entire process, the children of that family shall be restored to the position of third generation.
A second generation member who married a first generation member without receiving the blessing should fill out the application form provided by the national headquarters, submit the completed form to his or her local pastor, participate in the Holy Wine ceremony and Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony, and then complete the three-day ceremony. By doing so, they can be restored to the position of a first generation blessed couple. Any children born after completing this process shall be second generation children, while those born before this will remain part of the first generation.
Couples that need to complete the three-day ceremony should report to the Blessed Family Department through their local church and receive a Holy Handkerchief.
Next I will talk about the special grace pertaining to violations of people's hearts. During last Sunday's joint service, True Parents bestowed the special grace of allowing all blessed families, regardless of any circumstances, to participate in the Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony. In particular, they forgive those who left the church and even those who went against the church, and encouraged them to pledge absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to Heaven and make a new beginning. For those who are seeking grace for trampling on another person's heart, they should complete a two-day Divine Principle workshop organized by their church district and then participate in the Holy Wine ceremony.
A special grace shall be bestowed on persons who have abused public funds. This grace shall cover all cases of illegitimate use of public funds including embezzlement and misappropriation. Those who fall under this category should repent for their past deeds, resolve to follow the path of absolute faith, filial piety and loyalty before Heaven when participating in the Holy Wine ceremony, and make a new start.
Now I will explain who should participate in this Holy Wine ceremony. First generation blessed couples, second and third generation blessed couples, previously married blessed couples, widowed blessed couples, first, second, third and fourth generation members who are not yet blessed, re-blessed members, widowed or divorced people, those who left the church, those whose spouses are missing -- these are all participants. Then when shall the Foundation Day Holy Wine Ceremony be held? The Foundation Day Holy Wine Ceremony must be held between the fifteenth day before the Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony, 12.27 by the heavenly calendar (February 7) in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi and 1.12 by the heavenly calendar (February 21) in the 4th year of Cheon-gi. The Holy Wine Ceremony shall be held at local churches throughout the nation, at gatherings of members. The Holy Wine Ceremony can be officiated by any church leader officially appointed by the national headquarters.
Before participating in the Holy Wine Ceremony, there is something that all members must prepare as a family. It is the Cheon Il Guk Resolution Form for a New Beginning issued by the national headquarters. When filling out this form, members are asked to express a heart of repentance for their past and their resolve to begin anew.
Respected brothers and sisters, We confess the things done in the past that, in many ways, brought deep sorrow and pain to the hearts of the Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. They continuously placed their trust in us, were patient with us; they pushed their physical bodies to the limit and put their lives on the line, all the while continuing the work for the providence. This was all for the sake of the generations of humankind, the tearful dispensation of salvation for the sake of our families and for each of us.
When filling out the form, we should all express a genuine heart of contrition, to candidly confess our past mistakes and sins to God, and firmly resolve never again to commit such mistakes and sins. At the same time, I ask that you offer your heartfelt appreciation for this grace and love and resolve to register as a citizen of the substantial Cheon Il Guk with the new mind and new body that Heaven desires. Participants of the Holy Wine Ceremony who are sixteen and older should all fill out this form. Each family should receive this form from their local church, fill it out with a sincere heart, place the completed form in an envelope, seal it, and bring it to the church on the day the Holy Wine Ceremony is held. You do not need to fill out your name, details of your family or other personal information. Everything in your confession is something that will be known only between God, the Heavenly Parent, and you.
We shall honestly confess our mistakes and fault to the Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and offer our determination to Heaven to never again repeat those mistakes. The local church will simply send the sealed envelope to the national headquarters. Each national headquarters is making preparations to hold the final ritual of burning the envelopes at the holiest of holy places, thereby completely cleansing us of all sins in the presence of Heaven.
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters, Centering on the year 2020, the year marking the centennial of True Father's birth, True Mother has the fervent expectation for Korea, the homeland and hometown of the Heavenly Parent, to become the hometown for all seven billion people of this world. She hopes to see the day when all people testify that True Parents are the Messiah, Savior, returning Lord, and King of Kings, inherit the true love, true life and true lineage of the True Parents, and be reborn as citizens of Cheon Il Guk.
As we move towards Foundation Day, I sincerely hope that we all can be genuinely reborn through this Holy Wine granted to us by the Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The Foundation Day Holy Wine does not exist simply to pardon and allow the rebirth of our families. If humankind were to understand the cosmic value and significance…