The Words of the Yang Family |
144,000 Clergy Blessing Update and Support Service For Peace
Chang Shik Yang
March 29, 2002
Please inform all Tribal Messiahs concerning the content of this memo.
To: All Leaders; All Regional and State FFWPU, AFC, WFWP, Kodan, Directors of organizations, Business Leaders, all Departments Heads, and all Tribal Messiahs
Re: Update and support Service For Peace
Fm: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: March 29, 2002
Thank you for the massive expansion of our blessing activities. America is on track for victory. Special thanks to the National Messiahs. For example Mrs. Kang and Rev. Chung Su Won in Chicago have been going with our American members and Japanese sisters, all together, night after night and blessing ministers. All over America some 36 couples and many other elder National Messiahs are pouring out their heart to bring unity with Christianity and save this nation. Heaven is working. Father has said that the key condition for the 144,000 is the unity of the Korean National Messiahs, Japanese Missionaries and American Blessed Families representing the Father, Mother and Elder Son Nations. This unity should be achieved by working together side by side. At Belvedere on Sunday, Father made a direct request to our Western sisters to represent America.
Website for materials:
There is a new general purpose website from Family Federation where leaders can download materials for your outreach. You can also post materials and testimonies for the benefit of others. It is called BlessingAmerica.org. Please go to the site. You will see the approach book, Stand For Family Letterhead and a letter from clergy and our most recent flyer. If you can't get on (some computers have a conflict with the interface for a reason we don't yet understand) please go to the FamilyFed.org website and you will see all the materials there. (If you do not have the login and password for the BlessingAmerica.org please contact ttanemori@familyfed.org
Holy wine:
For all the "Altar Call" blessings and other blessing activity, we should use the sealed communion cups of holy wine (grape juice) from Chicago. Every region has received shipments. Please prepare the cups by removing the transparent cellophane covering and remove the wafer. This wafer and juice are only to be used for regular Communion service relating with individual salvation in the Christian tradition. Therefore it can be confusing if the pastors see the bread wafer and it is not used.
Your region may quickly run out of Holy Wine. HQ paid for the first shipment to your region. You are responsible for all future orders. Please order through Marie Hudson who is our liaison with the COMPAK company in Chicago. Please do not place your order directly with Compak. Please pay very quickly because if your region fails to pay Compak will not ship to other regions. Order early and order more than you think you may need.
Marie's number is 773-262-9850. She works nights so please leave a message or call after 3.00pm Chicago time.
Altar call blessing:
The "Blessing" we are doing is a Holy Wine ceremony which we call the "Family Blessing or Family Communion". The pastor calls the couples forward at the end of service. A single pastor can administrate the service and distribute the holy wine. The main pastor of the church should guide the ceremony with assistance from the ACLC clergy or other FFWPU ministers or blessed couples. As the minister couples come forward the Holy Wine is given to the wife first. Then the husband and wife bow to each other and the wife drinks half and the husband drinks the other half. You can also ask the husband to save a few drops for the children so that they may drink from the same cup. Please have the pastor introduce the Holy Wine ceremony as a Family Blessing or Family Communion. In this ceremony the anointing of the Holy Spirit is now extended beyond the individual to the family in the change of blood lineage. This anointing "Breaks the curse" of the tainted blood lineage that Jesus talks about in John 8:44. It is also ok to "bless" the whole congregation, however the 144,000 will only be counted from the minister couples that are blessed.
The APRIL 27th Blessing is not for second generation but for Clergy, Religious Leaders, Elected Officials, Heads of State, Academic and all other professional fields. Father has decided that the April 27th blessing is only for Clergy & Religious leaders, and selected VIPs.
Thank you America for your incredible support financially for the UFC building fund. Many families have completed this historic offering. Your $1200 donation for the United Federation of Churches building is considered your National level offering condition for this blessing. (Make checks payable to FFWPU and be sure to mark on the notation "UFC Building Fund". Send them c/o Rev. Eric Holt. 4 W. 43rd St. NY, NY 10036. When you complete the offering your family name will be registered and displayed as the founding contributor to the new Elder Son HQ for the Completed Testament Age.
The Regional Offering is crucial to our success and must also be respected and supported to fulfill our responsibility.
True Father wants to see daily reports of how many clergy we have given the Holy Wine from each state everyday. Rev. Jorg Heller has sent an excel form for your reporting. Please send it in to jheller@familyfed.org each day.
Report ALL clergy since we have begun blessing clergy in 1995 (or earlier). Father has permitted that they will all be counted for the 144,000.
Certificates for blessing:
50,000 beautiful color certificates that the pastor can give to the minister couples at the Altar Call blessing are being printed in New York and will be available for shipping in one week. These are especially being prepared for smaller centers, but will be shipped to the regional centers from where they should be distributed. The certificate is also available to be downloaded from both web pages. They have a space for the Minister's name as officiator, the church name where the Altar Call blessing was performed and the name of the couple. It says that the couple has been blessed by True Parents through the anointing of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The form may also be downloaded from our Materials Website at BlessingAmerica.org. This form is specifically for Christians. We are modifying it now for world religions.
Service for peace:
The Family Federation and ACLC are totally committed to the Service for Peace initiative. Please organize Service projects related to the churches as a follow up for the churches that already did the Altar Call blessing. DCBC's (Second Generation Washington) are doing a service program on Saturday for ACLC DC Chairman Rev. C. Phillip Johnson.
Thank you very much,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director, NA
Rev. Michael Jenkins
President FFWPU, USA
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