The Words of the Yang Family |
Event Information for June and July
Chang Shik Yang
June 4, 2003
To: All Leaders; All Regional and State FFWPU, AFC, WFWP, CARP, SFP, Kodan, Directors of organizations, Business Leaders, Department Heads, Blessed Central Families and members
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: June 4, 2003
RE: Event Information for June and July
This Memo has been emailed to all FFWPU Church Leaders and Organizational Leaders. Faxed to all Regional Headquarters. This Memo must be faxed by the Regional Headquarters to all the State Centers. Please inform all Tribal Messiahs concerning the content of this memo.
Thank you for your prayers and many sacrifices at this important time. We pray that your families are receiving God's love and blessing. The victory in Israel with the Jerusalem Declaration and several other key events occurred immediately after Father's passing through a great trial from March 16 - May 27th. Based on the victory of our True Parents overcoming these trials a complete new beginning was proclaimed by True Father on June 1, 2003 in Washington, D.C. Events are now scheduled to rapidly advance God's dispensation. Here is a brief summary. We sincerely ask that you fully participate and support these different conferences.
I. National Ambassadors for Peace Conference - Sunday, June 22 through Wednesday, June 25, 2003, Washington D.C. The Council of Affiliated Organizations is the cooperative effort of many key organizations founded by our True Parents. The Chairman is Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, the Vice Chairmen are Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Mr. Dong Moon Joo. A special initiative is now underway among the IIFWP, FFWPU, WFWP, CARP, World Media Association, Service for Peace, ACLC and many other key organizations to provide education for Ambassadors for Peace and other American leaders concerning the realization of peace through interreligious harmony and the strengthening of marriage. An executive committee has been selected by Rev. Kwak and our Vice Chairmen to oversee this effort. Dr. Walsh and Rev. Jenkins are Co-Chairs; Karen Smith, Jim Flynn, and Gary Jarmin are the other committee members. We will carefully select exemplary Ambassadors for Peace to participate in this conference and to receive an award on Capitol Hill for their outstanding work in the area of peace.
American Family Coalition led by President Jim Flynn will be the central organization responsible. A summary memo from AFC HQ is attached. Please give full cooperation and support to the effort to bring Ambassadors for Peace for this initiative to strengthen this network of allies. In most cases the AFC leader will be the central coordinator.
Ambassador for Peace Nominations for Recognition - Please review the attached information sheet regarding the Ambassador for Peace conference, including participant criteria. Nomination forms are being sent to you in a separate email, and should be filled out immediately. Send your nominations by fax to 202-636-2863 or by email to conference@lifespark.com. Nominations must be sent in by Friday, June 6 at 5:00 p.m.
National Ambassadors of Peace Capitol Hill Banquet, Tuesday June 24th in Washington DC - In conjunction with the National Ambassadors for Peace Conference there will be a banquet on Capitol Hill honoring the outstanding work of exemplary Ambassadors for Peace. Congressmen and Senators will be invited to participate in this opportunity to share about the work of the Ambassadors for Peace and True Parents' vision for Interreligious Harmony and Blessing. Again AFC is the central organizing body. The event will be co-sponsored by the IIFWP, AFC, The Washington Times Foundation and the United Press International Foundation.
II. Middle East Peace Initiative - IIFWP and ACLC co-sponsor the second phase of the Jerusalem Declaration Conference for Christians, Jews, Moslems and all faiths, Sheraton National Hotel, June 27 - 29 - As the second stage of our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, True Father has asked for another conference that will bring the spirit of the Jerusalem Declaration victory in the Holy Land to the Second Israel of America. [As a third phase another conference will be held in Seoul in August for the final stage linking this spirit to the third Israel.] America is asked to bring 100 guests from among those special Christian leaders who took down their crosses and went to the Holy Land. Also included in that 100 will be key Moslem and Jewish leaders from America whom you believe have a strong ability to bring the next step of reconciliation and restoration concerning Jesus' role in relationship to Israel. An invitation will follow shortly. This conference will most likely be co-sponsored by IIFWP and ACLC and will seek to advance the spirit of the Israel trip.
III. Interreligious and International Religious Leaders Blessing - Saturday, July 5th in Chicago - Chicago has been selected as our next blessing site!! Similar to last year's blessings, we will conduct an international blessing for religious leaders on Saturday, July 5th in Chicago. Pastor T.L. Barrett, Jr. is our host, along with Bishop Ki Hoon Kim. ACLC clergy and religious leaders from many faiths will be in attendance to receive God's blessing on their marriages.
IV. World Culture and Sports Festival - This festival, which will occur in Asan, Korea on July 10-14, was originally scheduled for late May. Many guests reconfirmed and the conference is now closed for further participation. The Interreligious and International Blessing is scheduled for Sunday, July 13th.
Interreligious Peace Sports Festival - Only 47 of our 100 athletes that were scheduled to go to the WCSF have reconfirmed. Please work very hard on these next two weeks to reach the remaining 53 athletes. They should be able to confirm with our diligent effort. Please report their re-confirmation to Mrs. Carol Pobanz at cpobanz@iifwp.org (914-631-1331 ext. 100, or fax to 914-631-1308) and copy Rev. Jorg Heller at Jheller@familyfed.org immediately so that their tickets can be reissued.
V. Two more Pilgrimages To Holy Land - Two more pilgrimages are urgently needed to secure the foundation of unity in Jerusalem. Father said this is the responsibility of the Second Israel, and therefore our Christian ministers and the American blessed families should take responsibility to unite the first and second Israel.
Father has asked that these Pilgrimages occur before September or October of 2003. This is very important. The next group of clergy again must have taken down their crosses, as this is the most significant condition to be able to reconcile the first and second Israel and to properly embrace Jesus. Soon we will have the exact date.
Donation for the Pilgrimage - We sincerely thank our Blessed Central Families for your national donation of $100 for the next Pilgrimage and we also thank the 40+ who pledged to donate $1,000. These donations will be the basis of the next trip. We strongly encourage you to quickly donate to support this dispensation. We have called for 120 to donate $1,000 dollars as a special offering toward uniting the first and second Israel. These donors will receive a special Holy Stone from Gethsemane which will have authentication serial numbers and be mounted on a special display stand for your altar. We need 80 more donors in order to quickly launch the next Pilgrimage. (Father would like us to go as soon as possible.) This donation should be sent to Eric Holt at 4 W. 43rd St., NY, NY 10036. Checks should be made out to HSA-UWC and marked specifically for the Pilgrimage Fund.
Chang Shik Yang
Michael Jenkins
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