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Mrs. Matsumoto, First Japanese Member Passes to the Spirit World
Chang Shik Yang
October 28, 2003
Mrs. Matsumoto Passed to the Spiritual World (Report from Japan)
October 25, 2003 - Japan
Mrs. Michiko Matsumoto, one of the early pioneer members of Japanese Unification Church, passed to the spiritual world on October 25, 2003 due to cardiac insufficiency. She was age of 87.
Mrs. Matsumoto joined the movement in 1960 and began witnessing in Nagoya and Osaka from 1961. She established churches in many areas and contributed a lot for UC development in Japan.
After that, she focused on internal guidance for members at the headquarters. Church members loved her dearly, calling her "Matsumoto Mama."
Father wrote calligraphy for Mrs. Matsumoto.
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
3224 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20010
(202) 319-3200 fax 202 319-3201 e-mail admin@familyfed.org
North America Headquarters
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director
Rev. Michael Jenkins, President
October 27, 2003
Rev. Jeong Ok Yoo
Rev. Hideo Oyamada
Family Federation for World Peace And Unification
Tokyo, Japan
Dearly Beloved,
On behalf of the North American Family Federation we wish to convey our love and prayers for the comfort of all family and friends of Mrs. Michiko Matsumoto at this time of her Seung Hwa and transition to the heavenly realm.
Due to True Parent’s sacrifice and the path of restoration through indemnity, Japan was chosen as the Motherland of God’s Providence. That foundation was expanded and secured through the Blood, Sweat and Tears of those who pioneered and established the conditions necessary for God’s dispensation. Mrs. Matsumoto will be remembered by all of history for being such an historic pioneer and the first member of the Unification Church of Japan. She is also revered as one who focused on witnessing to Christianity at a most difficult time of True Parents 40 year course. Due to her sacrificial heart and absolute faith, the foundation of the Motherland could be established which is now serving the world dispensation through support and sacrifice for the Elder Son and 191 nations. The conditions she set toward Christianity also laid the early foundation for the future mission of all Japanese women to fulfill the role as the representatives of the "Holy Spirit" to world Christianity.
This course of tearful sacrifice is now the cause for honor and celebration for this great daughter of God. Through this course True Parents could bring the Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship and in turn God could crown True Parents as King and Queen of all blessed families. The Holy Blessing of True Parents on February 6, 2003 opened the gateway to the Kingdom of God on Earth (Cheon Il Guk). Through this we could receive our blessing and enter the gates of the Kingdom as Owners of Cheon Il Guk.
On the foundation of this historic Coronation and Blessing True Parents directed Christianity to take down their crosses and repent for the crucifixion of Jesus bringing such repentance to the First Israel. This set the condition for their forgiveness by having them repent for the rejection of Jesus 2000 years ago. During this time of 2003 True Parents laid down heavy conditions through life and death trials from March 16 through May 1st , through which Father could open the way for the forgiveness of the first, second and third Israel. This combined with the Jerusalem Declaration of repentance for the rejection of Jesus and the Second Israel’s failure to receive True Parents after WWII, the Washington Declaration and the Seoul Declaration the first, second and third Israel’s could be forgiven and the fourth Israel of all religions could be proclaimed.
On this basis on True Children’s Day 2003, Father has commissioned all Ambassadors for Peace(blessed representatives of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and all world religions) as the "Chosen People" of the fourth Israel to liberate the Holy Land and unify the land and people of Canaan with the land of Jerusalem. This will create the condition to welcome all humanity to the Cheon Il Guk and the fourth Israel centering on True Parents. To set the condition for the expansion of Cheon Il Guk 7 enemy nations walked in unity for 40 days in New York to restore the Post WWII failures of those nations which led to the division of the Fatherland. This 40 day condition was completed in the Holy Land sealing the unity of the sons of Abraham and further securing the reconciliation of Palestine and Israel and secured the establishment of the Abel UN.
Now we are at the stage of the final dispensation and we will complete the reconciliation of the Holy Land. On this basis True Parents have proclaimed that we will "shout" the Glory of God and of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Man and the 38th parallel will come tumbling down. With the unified Fatherland the Kingdom of God will reign for eternity.
Mrs. Matsumoto played a critical role in this dispensation and in this regard we proclaim our gratitude from the Elder Son Nation for the conditions that she set that allowed the Motherland of Japan to bring forth tens of thousands of saints and missionaries who have gone beyond death to save the world.
We sincerely pray for her eternal joy and dwelling with Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim. God bless the Motherland and the saints that forged her heavenly destiny centering on our Beloved True Parents. We rejoice in her great life.
In True Parents Love,
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins
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