The Words of the Yang Family |
New Direction and Goals For the Israel Pilgrimage
Chang Shik Yang
November 28, 2003
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
3224 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20010
(202) 319-3200 fax 202 319-3201 e-mail admin@familyfed.org
North America Headquarters
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director
Rev. Michael Jenkins, President
This Memo has been emailed to all FFWPU Church Leaders and Organizational Leaders Faxed to all Regional Headquarters This Memo must be faxed by the Regional Headquarters to all the State Centers. Please inform all Tribal Messiahs concerning the content of this memo.
To: All Regional , Vice Regional and State FFWPU, all FFWPU Members
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: November 28, 2003
RE: New Direction and Goals For the Israel Pilgrimage
Thanks for the strong and supportive response for the Pilgrimage to the HolyLand from December, 2003. At Hoon Dok Hae yesterday we received new direction which emphasizes the importance of the American mobilization of religious leaders for this providence of healing the Holy Land as well as the develop of the American foundation through this providence.
1440 Will Go To Israel for the Pilgrimage December, 2003. We have been asked to bring to the Holy Land 360 Rabbis (Jewish Leaders), 360 Christian Pastors, 360 Muslim Leaders, 360 Korean Christian Pastors – all from America – all with congregations of 100 or more. This number relates with the 144,000 from the Bible and that fulfilled at the 144,000 blessing last year. Therefore our goals for each region will change. All members of Jewish ancestry should plan to go and bring Jewish leaders as their guests. All members who are going should bring one minister from one of the four categories. All Korean members in America should attend and bring a Christian leader from the Korean Christian church in America. Goals will be readjusted accordingly.
Transportation to and from the Holy Land: Clergy have priority to go on the El Al charter flight from New York for 482 passengers on December 16th returning on December 23rd. All others are encouraged to find their own flight arrangements. All other participants must arrive by Saturday, December 20th. Departures can be planned for anytime on December 23rd. (Note: Headquarters is working on other available commercial flight possibilities.)
Fees: Those on the charter will pay $1550. Those going on their own will pay their own airfares (some fare have been found for under $800 roundtrip from your local city). A registration fee of $200 and $80 per day for each night you stay. Hotels are being arranged by our secretariat.
Each Families Responsibility: All families should send at least one family member representative and bring one religious leader to Israel(from one of the above four categories, - Rabbi, Pastor, Imam or Korean Pastor ). All members and Clergy going to Israel should pay all their costs to their regional headquarters. All domestic transportation must also be covered by the participant.
Families that cannot send a family member to Israel: Each family that cannot send one family member is responsible to donate $500 to your regional headquarters and still work to invite one religious leader. (Contact your regional headquarters for updates concerning fees for religious leaders). For each family that sends a family member on the pilgrimage no further donation is requested. Each family whether they go or not is responsible to sign up ONE CLERGY PERSON.
Goals: Goals per Region to bring Members and AFP to Israel 1,440
Regional Directors (22)
BLKReg NameStatesRegionReg Goal
SE1Rev.JohnHongDCMDVAWashington DC203
NE2Rev.In HoiLeeNY New York203
NE3Rev.Dong WooKimNJDEPANew Jersey191
NE4Rev.Kil HwanKimMARI Boston36
NE5Rev.Byeng ChulKimCT Brideport39
NE6Rev.Hae ChulJungNHMEVTManchester18
MW7Rev.Jea SeokKimOHINWVColumbus40
SE8Rev.Byunjg SookCho NCKYTNCharlotte22
SE9Rev.Young TackYangGAFLSCAtlanta20
SE10Rev.Dae HeeHongFL Miami30
SE11Rev.Won GeunKimALLAMSMobile22
MW12Rev.Ki HoonKimILMIWIChicago91
MW13Rev.Eog CheongChoeMOIAKSSt. Louis16
MW14Rev.Gi YoungShinTXAROKDallas34
MW15Rev.Sung JongSeoMNNDSDMinneapolis22
W16Rev.Shang SongParkCONEWYDenver 27
W17Rev.Soo WonKwonAZNVNMPhoenix30
W18Rev.Hun SukLeeWAAKMTSeattle62
W19Rev.Moon ShikKimORIDUTPortland27
W20Rev.Man HoKimCA San Francisco99
W21Rev.Baek JoongKuCAHI Los Angeles103
NE22Rev.KiyealLeeNY NY Upstate52
CD23Dr. Chae HeeLeeQCONBCCanada53
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins
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