The Words of the Anderson Family |
I'm happy and excited to see the conversation about parenting and on how we can become better communicators, facilitators and harmonizers in our family and ultimately nation and world. Something that is still underrated in this society, God-centered parenting is probably the single most important task we can do in our lives. All else that we do is purely "fluff" to support and uphold the family so the bottom line and reason for our own existence would be to become 'true parents' as outlined in the three blessings.
But my subject today is asking the question, "How do we educate, instruct or 'coach' our nation in putting more emphasis on this as well? There is so much hyperbole or rhetoric on health care which to me probably places more emphasis on physical health, but not so much, if any, on emotional, spiritual and inner health. I would venture to say that healthy families would also foster healthy people, both spiritually and physically. Part of parenting should be helping our children develop healthy habits; all based on mind over body, habits that can promote physical health and wellbeing such as exercise and eating proper foods and abstaining from drugs and alcohol. But, we all struggle with the one on diet and exercise so this is not easily done, and probably harder to teach unless you live in a Buddhist temple or health spa!
I've been meditating on this lately in the wake of the recent shooting in Tucson and the rise of mental illness in youth today. Each time there has been such an incident, the blame goes to over-lenient gun laws. Guns are not the root cause, however, though complicated, family values/society trends mixed with laws of the land including gun ordinances are in the cocktail of violence. Just as an infection can be stopped by breaking just one link in its chain, so must violence be stopped which also seems to be linked together with various aspects to make it explode with so much destruction when it all comes together.
True Parents have unlocked the secret to breaking the main link and we need to help society learn this secret too. Our country is in dire need of a spiritual revival of sorts to take a hard look at who we are as "parents" to the next generation of Americans. Without pointing fingers and judging, we could instead take the recent killing as an opportunity to teach, educate without sounding preachy. Feeling akin to all parents who struggle with rearing a family, we might seek out more discussion within our communities to find answers together. By helping or coaching each other as American citizens to take responsibility to rebuild the family, renew/heal the country we may find this as a doorway for people to find True Parents's vision/dream as well. In other words, working to define True Family Values as a team effort could be a means to witness.
Parenting and marriage counseling are universal and safe, non-controversial or threatening topics where many people could come together and discuss.
I feel ever since prayer was taken out of the schools spearheaded by one single person, namely Madeleine Murry O'Hair, God could no longer protect this nation. Just as the chosen people who crucified Jesus suffered greatly in later generations, so must there be painful sacrifices of a nation who also turns its back on God's word. I began to meditate on this.
I thought about all the mass killings in the last 20 years within our boundaries. Oddly, what came to mind first was Waco, Texas where many innocent people including children died after gunfire and subsequent fire on April 19, 1993. The jury is still out on where to point blame -- the government covered the ruins before any concrete evidence could be discovered making the US accountable. In the end it was the surviving members of the Branch Davidians who were made to pay for the destruction as some of them went to prison.
It is believed that the Constitution protects one's right to practice religion, but I guess only certain religions. My feeling is that the BATF wouldn't have started anything if it hadn't been for the group, CAN or Cult Awareness Network, who made an attempt to "educate" the Texas officials on cult and cult behaviors, one supposedly being child abuse. Passing themselves off as experts, CAN convinced the US officials that an investigation was necessary, but never bothered to hold a hearing to find out the truth. In the end, much was destroyed; people in the compound and BATF officers lost their lives. Fear, mistrust and pre-judgment worked a web of death, and yes, in the end children were abused and died, but not by their parents--instead by their country.
Another sad act of violence happened on the same day two years later, April 19, 1995, and in direct relation to Waco, Texas. In Oklahoma City a federal government building was targeted and exploded killing 168. The cause was retribution for the BATF siege at Waco. Now we have multiplication of evil. What lingered most that day in the minds of the country were the many children killed as there was a day care center in the building.
Now history takes a new course, children start killing themselves and others as schools become the new targets. Schools are supposed to be safe places, but no longer. Many times a police officer needs to be on duty at schools across the country.
The first school in recent history was Columbine, Colorado. On Tuesday, April 20, 1999 twelve high school students were killed as well as one teacher. The perpetrators killed themselves bringing the death total to 15. However, in this instance the first student to die, Rachel Scott, sparked a movement started by her family to stop the chain of violence by creating a different type of chain-one of compassion and forgiveness. She only lived to be 17 years, and her writings found after her death are often compared to Anne Frank. Her words from a class essay entitled, "My ethics, my Codes of Life" she wrote,
"Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer. According to Webster's dictionary, compassion means a feeling of sympathy for another's misfortune. My definition of compassion is forgiving, loving, helping, leading and showing mercy for others. I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go."
She loved Jesus, turning her life over to him at age 12. She even had a premonition that the year she died was to be her last. As her mother said in an interview,
"On a quick side note, I want you to understand that Columbine was not God's will. It is just that as an "all knowing God," He knew this would happen and He put His stamp on it by preparing a witness for good to come from this horrible event. God allowed Rachel to be in that mix of turning evil to good. I believe it was God's hand that allowed Rachel to write such prophetic feeling and thoughts. To be very clear however, from a mother's point of view, the sense of loss is not diminished."
Schools all across the US and Canada have been presented with her challenge called Rachel's Challenge" and students have made their pledges in making a difference in changing the world to good. For more on her legacy go to www.rachelschallenge.org/ and www.lfcnews.com/feature.htm "Through a Mother's Eyes"
Thinking that school shootings were over, another student acting alone struck his school with a gun after first killing his grandparents. Ten died on Monday March 22, 2005 including a security guard, a teacher and five other classmates before shooting himself. The killer was just 17 years old and a student at the Red Lake High School. One witness said of the gunman, he was "grinning and waving". His grandfather whom he killed first was a police officer.
A quote from a newspaper said:
"The events that took place today involving the shootings at the Red Lake High School make this one of the darkest and most painful occurrences in the history of our tribe," said Floyd Jourdain Jr., Chairman of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians.
The violence now went from west to north in Northern Minnesota and among the indigenous people of the state. But also, not long before this incident in September 2003 another Minnesota school was attacked when two students were fatally shot. In this case it was a 15 year old who heard a voice to hurt another classmate who was making fun of him for his acne. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, depression and "emerging personality disorder," he was sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole in 30 years. His dad was a police officer.
Then on Monday, April 16, 2007 yet another school shooting happened, but this time at a college, Virginia Tech University. The shooter was a South Korean national, 23 years old, also thought to have a mental illness of anxiety disorder. Thirty-three died, 25 injured on this day, called a massacre-the worst by a single shooter in US history. The shooter's mother rejected psychiatric counseling and wanted her church to save him through exorcism.
Thinking about all this caused me much pain especially when contemplating the parents of the victims and the perpetrators of such violent behavior.
It is natural for any parent to hope their child grows up to be successful and better than themselves; how can they bear such outcomes. They must all have thought at one time -- where did we go wrong, what could we have done to have raised him differently?
Then I thought of the larger picture, our nation under siege by a lack of love perhaps in the homes of its citizens. The home is where love is nourished and developed in one's heart. But in many cases, perhaps hundreds of thousands homes are broken and filled with sorrowful, tragic stories. Only the most sensational get national attention.
From Divine Principle perspective, Jesus was to show the way to foster True Love in the home. However, he too fell victim to violence, at the hands of the government of the day. He was seen as a trouble maker in society who went against the mores and religious beliefs of the times. I'm sure if CAN existed 2000 years ago, they would have definitely conspired to influence those in power to do something with this "destroyer of the family." And who knows, the Sanhedrin may have had their consultants too, way back then.
If you look at the four areas of the country where there was violence against children whether in school or within a religious group you see something rather interesting. One way is that from south to north, west to east or Texas to Minnesota, Colorado to Virginia-- a cross is formed all across America.
Could this represent a crucifixion of a sort against the family? Satan once claimed Jesus' body and could say to God, "Jesus is mine-no one believes in him, even his own disciples." I am the true father of the people -- they believe in me." By Satan's very nature of destruction, Rev. 9:11, 'They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon or destroyer" it's easy to see that Satan wants to now claim the family. Another way to view America with the four areas of violent incidents is in the four position foundation: Texas to Colorado to Minnesota to Virginia and now to Tucson, Arizona. It is almost a perfect diamond, but it isn't one centered on God's love, just the opposite.
Father has been victorious over Satan on the family level. The marriage of the lamb has come and with his bride has brought forth children of goodness. Perhaps, Satan needs to show his power by striking at the heart of God most deeply, claiming the family as his own on a national level. We must feel responsible somewhat for this to have taken root. We did not bring 30,000 members when father needed them to build a national foundation to repel the evil influences that attack the home. I know I feel deep regret and I find it very hard to face True Parents without feeling intense guilt for not obeying them completely in the early years. And yet, Satan loves to use guilt as another means to paralyze us into complacency. We can easily feel deflated spiritually at times, but we must seize the moment and turn these tragedies into something good, just as Rachel's family did.
From the Tucson shooting, already, young Christina Green's sacrifice has made an impact on the nation as congress now wishes to act with more civility in its deliberations, based on the President's direction and words at the memorial service. I believe that her life after death can be as powerful as Rachel Scott's was to help inspire students to use compassion instead of bullying. President Obama has been using the metaphor many times lately that we are all one family in this country. Christiana ironically was born on 9/11 and even as a young child felt her life was for a higher purpose -- just like Rachel.
September 11, 2001 was another act of destruction, but on a world level as people from all nationalities died on that day. On that fateful day anther hero emerged, who acted Christ like by voluntarily giving his life to save others, Tom Burnett. Speaking to his wife that morning he told her he was going to die, but first he was going to do something. He then saved countless lives by diverting the plane away from its intended target aided by with two other passengers. His last message was, "Let's Roll!" Maybe these three indemnified the three disciples in the garden? Something to ponder.
His wife, Deena Burnett co-authored a book, Fighting Back: Living Life Beyond Ourselves. The book is published by Advantage Inspirational. His actions stopped Satan in his tracts-God was able to claim that day back because of Tom's actions and the actions of hundreds of rescue workers who also died to save others at ground zero. These acts of compassion showed that God's unconditional love is still alive in America, the Archangel- Nation God chose to lead the world towards goodness. Like a mustard seed, it must grow to become a huge tree of goodness. I believe we must help it grow in all that we do and work with passion to keep the Satanic archangel from winning.
For those who received my family's Christmas greeting, I wrote this paragraph. Black Elk, being a wise Indian Chief, said, "Grown men may learn from very little children, for the hearts of little children are pure, and, therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss." Christmas is that time when we all should "become like little children" and listen to what God maybe teaching us… ''In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard and the goat will be at peace. Calves and yearlings will be safe among lions, and a child will lead them all.'' (Isaiah 11:6).
Could God have been hinting to me that a child would lead America very soon? Jan. 8, 2011 was the day Christina Green (note her name) died which was just two weeks after Christmas! I can't help but wonder. When you turn the verse over, you get Isaiah 9:11 which seems quite peculiar to me. I decided to look up Isaiah chapter nine and read what it said for the heck of it… it is the chapter on the birth of the Messianic king... "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called, 'Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.' Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and for evermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this."
Now, I'm really astonished! Like another type of chain reaction, should I just keep all this insight to myself or share it with others. Could it help show that God isn't dead but trying to speak to America? Is God a God who allows tragedy to occur using it as a way to speak to us? Maybe such terrific instances occur to get our attention. After all, God did allow Jesus, his only begotten son to die as well…could Christina be another sacrifice? Look up her bio and see what a special little girl she was at only 9 years of age. Her maturity was more like 90.
Let's siege the day, and 'Let's Roll' -- Satan continues to breathe down our necks and we've got to show him who's boss. We've only got two years left until January 2013. The kingdom is at hand and we are the ones that God is counting on to herald in the day.
My spiritual mother once told me an Amish saying or at least she learned it while growing up in an Amish home: "We must not wait in preparing to be, We must not wait in preparing to do, but by being and doing come to higher being and doing."
We are in a spiritual battle to save our Country. As in the Korea War, 16 countries from the United Nations came to her rescue and saved her from destruction. Now America is facing a different but subtle type of enemy…one who wants to devour our children, the next generation. I believe that we, as Blessed Couples, must be the example of the 16 nations and save America from family destruction. We may need to meditate/pray on this, hold discussion groups in our home, promote parenting centered on True Love to heal the sins of America. She who hasn't kept the "dream of the two young brothers," must start again and use this time wisely.
Look at the words to the following song popular in 1960.
Love is but a song we sing
the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
or make the
angels cry
Though the dove is on the wing
you may not know why
Come on people now
smile on your
everybody get together
and try to love one another
right now
Some may come and some may go
will surely pass
When the one that left us here
returns for us
at last
We are but a moment's sunlight
fading in the grass
Come on people now
smile on your
everybody get together
try to love one another right
Come on people now
smile on your
everybody get together
try to love one another right
Come on people now
smile on your
everybody get together
try to love one another right
If you hear the song I sing
will understand...listen
You hold the key to love and fear
in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
Its there
at your command
Come on people now
smile on your
Everybody get together
try to love one another right
Come on people now
smile on your
Everybody get together
try to love one another right
I said.....
Come on people now
smile on your
everybody get together
try to love one another right
right now
right now
The lyrics to this song and melody muster up many memories from Woodstock days but the words are just as true today. The above youtube films illustrate the song very well, but the best part is reading the comments regarding it. You get the feeling of what people are thinking today.
God Bless us All each and everyone. I know this is quite lengthy but it is my therapy if nothing else to try and get perspective on this topsy-turvy world we live in. Peace and Love.