The Words of the Anderson Family |
Miller of the Secretary of State's planning staff gives the keynote
address at the December 18 symposium. To his left is Dr. Nicholas
Kittrie, president of PWPA-USA.
About 120 international scholars and 20 secretaries-general of Professors World Peace Academy chapters gathered for a luncheon and symposium at the new Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington DC on December 18, 1986. The meeting, "Superpowers Competition and Middle East Peace;' was held on the third anniversary of the founding of the international network of PWPA.
In his welcoming remarks at the symposium, Rev. C. H. Kwak, chairman of the Board of Directors of PWPA, explained the significance of the day. December 18, 1983, was the day on which the First International Congress of PWPA was held in Seoul, Korea. From that day on, based on commitments made by the worldwide PWPA presidents to help promote "a new God-centered civilization founded upon love and heart;' Father has been encouraging and supporting the international PWPA network. December 18, 1983, was proclaimed "The Day of the New Cultural Revolution!"
The celebration of the anniversary has become an annual event with a two-fold purpose. First, it is a day to gather PWPA leaders and advisors to assess the year's activities, to plan for future events, and to evaluate PWPA's contribution to world peace. Secondly, it is an occasion to hold a high-level academic conference for a wider audience.
On the first anniversary (1984), under the leadership of Professor Panos D. Bardis, PWPA members established the International Journal on World Peace. On the second anniversary (1985), The World and I magazine was initiated under the leadership of Professor Morton Kaplan as a major vehicle for international scholarly exchange in all disciplines. The third anniversary (1986) witnessed a great expansion of projects of PWPA chapters worldwide.
Looking to the future of PWPA, Rev. Kwak spoke at the Washington DC symposium of Father's desire to help create "a world university network in 70 countries so that eminent scholars and students can exchange knowledge and wisdom throughout the world:' To the 20 secretaries- general from other countries, Rev. Kwak said, "Each of you should make an effort to capture the spirit of the new cultural revolution. I want to encourage each of you to organize anniversary meetings... to pass the tradition and spirit of PWPA on to members of the chapters around the World.