The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim) |
Life of the Second Generation -Let's Become Loved By God [Part 1/2]
Dae Mo Nim
Handbook of Dae Mo Nim's Word
Family Federation For World Peace And Unification Chung Pyung Traning Center
Life of the Second Generation
Chung Pyung Holy Ground - Life of the Second Generation
Chung Pyung Providence - Life of the Second Generation
Life of the Second Generation
Let's Become Loved By God
If we lead a life of goodness, our spiritual bodies can grow properly, but if we adapt evil ways our spiritual bodies become evil. However, because we do both good deeds and evil deeds and come to live this way without a center, our spiritual bodies grow to be neither good nor evil and we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, in order to go to heaven we have to struggle to lead a life of goodness. If you feel you had better not go to a certain place or do a certain thing, you really must not.
It is God's will to realize a true family. God created Adam and Eve intending to perfect love through their bodies. However, since Adam and Eve lost their faith and did not keep God's commandment, they became estranged from God and fell away from their essence. They became fallen beings who were separated from the sphere of values. In other words, they fell into a state of death.
Since the fall of Adam and Eve God has been leading the providence of restoration through indemnity. It is an expression of God's great love that He intends to fulfill the purpose of creation through finding true families as the core of love and becoming one with them.
Knowing both the love and heart of such a God, True Parents have given us their words, the eternal bread of life, Blessed us, and given us rebirth. But even though they have asked us to become good through the providence of becoming one with God, we have ended up becoming beings who have embodied evil, because we have led our lives centered on evil.
Seeing us in such a situation, True Parents allowed Dae Mo Nim to descend to earth onl9 January 1995 to initiate the providence of the substantial Holy Spirit to help to save us. Dae Mo Nim teaches the will, love and heart of God centered on the words of True Parents to Second-Generation workshop participants of all ages.
In a speech under the title of 'Conditions Necessary for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven' (Life of Second Generation Blessed Families), she asked students to meet those conditions and make them their way of life. She said the Second Generation must bear in mind that they can live only through meeting those conditions; they must not forget that they can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven if they do not.
Therefore, the Second Generation should always carry this guidebook of life along with them to read again and again and apply these words in their daily lives. they should work to realize the hope of God by building true families.
8 September 1998
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Chung Pyung Training Center
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Chung Pyung Holy Ground
1. Chung Pyung Holy Ground
2. True Father's Prayer In Chung Pyung
Chapter 2: Chung Pyung Providence 2
1. True Father Speaks on the Chung Pyung Providence
2. Hong Soon-Ae Dae Mo Nim
3. Background Of The Providence Of The Holy Spirit Activity (The Rebirth Movement)
Chapter 3: Guidance Given by Dae Mo Nim To The Second Generation
1. The Present Age (The Spirit World)
1) Spirit World Of Numerous Levels
2) Spiritual Pollution Due To The Returning Of Evil Spirits
3) Works Of Good Spirits
2. Conditions Necessary For Entering The Kingdom Of Heaven
1) You Can Enter Heaven Only Through Building A True Family.
2) Don't Fall
3) Get Rid of Fallen Nature
4) Don't Injure the Hearts of Others
5) Fear Public Money
6) Don't Smoke or Drink
7) Lead a Life of Worship
8) Attend Our Church Services
3. Attitude of the Second Generation Toward Life
1) Importance of Earthly Life
Life of the Second Generation -Let's Become Loved By God
Chapter 1: Chung Pyung Holy Ground
1. Chung Pyung Holy Ground
True Father purchased a sloping mulberry field site in the Chung Pyung Lake area, and by his making the first strike with a pickax on 17 June 1971, the construction work started.
With the completion of the chapel on 12 July 1971, the Chung Pyung Holy Ground began its service as a full-scale
Holy Ground.
The old headquarters church in Chungpa-dong, Seoul, is the formation stage Holy Ground, the Joongang Training Center in Kuri is the growth stage Holy Ground, and the Chung Pyung Holy Ground, after the Ture Parents had offered many prayers and conditions, became the perfection stage Holy Ground.
True Father described the scenery surrounding the Chung Pyung Holy Ground area as resembling a peony flower. He said that, taken as a whole, it was a worldwide spiritual center. He also said that the Chung Pyung Holy Ground symbolizes the restored Garden of Eden. Through the fall of man, God also lost the beautiful Garden of Eden, which He created for the sake of His beloved children.
Therefore, True Father has all kinds of plans to make the thousands of acres of the Chung Pyung grounds into a starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
True Father wrote the manuscript for the World Rally for Korean Freedom here in 1975 and has completed many other historic works and plans over the years. On 14 October 1978 he gathered thousands of members here from all over Korea for a mountainside meeting to commemorate the 28th anniversary of his being released from Hungnam Prison. This meeting had the same meaning as when Jesus searched the hills and valleys, while praying and preaching, as recorded in the Bible.
In that meeting True Father said, "This place can become a world-famous excursion land. We have to come here in the midst of such beautiful surroundings to hold workshops of the highest dimension, matching the level of activities we have been doing worldwide. Whenever the participants view the mountains and fields, they can come to have noble thoughts. When scenes like a sunset behind the highest peak of a mountain, a flying bird, or people working over there come together in perfect harmony, workshop participants may become abstracted without realizing it and start to experience the internal dimension, maybe crossing the waters of this lake, the Atlantic Ocean, or going over that mountain and passing the Himalayas and India... In this way, right here, we can find all the material we need to have ecstatic experiences and dreams without limit."
True Father has loved the Chung Pyung Holy Ground and has restored its ownership form the position of God, making it God's territory, where God and man can enjoy the freedom of spiritual communication. Therefore, we have to realize the importance of the Chung Pyung Holy Ground.
Here we can purify our hearts and attitudes. This is a place where we can grow closer to God and True
The old headquarters church in Chungpadong, Seoul, is the formation stage Holy Ground, the Joongang Training Center in Kuri is the growth stage Holy Ground, and Chung Pyung Holy Ground, After the True Parents had offered many prayers and conditions, became the perfection stage Holy Ground.
2. True Father's Prayer In Chung Pyung
You have loved this place of Chung Pyung and made it the way it is now. It is an area that you have sanctified through Your offerings. It is a place intermingled with tears of sincerity where all the nature binds us closer to You. People from all over the world come here to search for You with team. I sincerely hope and pray that You may guide this gathering to become a moment to implant tradition in us and a moment that enables us to appreciate You with an earnest appeal.
Even if we may be put in a position of being naked, orphaned, or chased, it won't be pitiful for us but happy, since You are staying with us.
Thinking that this is the place where the future Kingdom of Heaven is being revived and where our future happy homes are being built, we know we have to go on.
Exhausted, we have to pull ourselves together and go on. Please, inspire vigor into our listless eyes. Taking a view beyond a far away mountain, we have to go on.
Let us not become sons and daughters that simply follow the footprints You have left behind, but let us become people that struggle to take the lead in treading on the thorny path.
Our glorious God, it did not occur to us how sorrowful Your heart has been during restoration. We did not understand that You bore a wish flavored with a feeling of resentment when You, pledging Your heart filled with blood, persevered with a feeling of injustice in Your inmost heart and said, 'Please, overcome and be victorious, my son! '
Even though we became children of disappointment and frustration, living this way, crushed with misery, let us clearly understand that the heavenly light approaches in the middle of that and becomes a turning point within the darkness, enabling a new heaven to be opened here and a glory that becomes heavenly light to start here.
Let us pledge now at this moment to march on strongly. Let us each become a son that may put into practice his decision to lead his life a certain way after becoming a certain kind of person, after getting married to a certain kind of woman, and after having a certain kind of children. I sincerely hope that You may let us understand that when we as Your sons come forward once or twice in order to walk the way of the Will, we bring Your new day of prosperity to a position where it is recognized.
Let us overcome all the obstacles that are our destiny to overcome and feel our purpose to be worthwhile. And let us not become small-minded or cowardly people at any decisive moment when we are to pledge our destiny. Help us to be strong and bold and become victorious men of courage that, appealing to the people of the world, can introduce heaven.
Our dearest Heavenly Father, we ask You over and over again to let all the work started here from the first day on bear fruit that can be nestled in Your glorious bosom, and let this day become a blessed day. Now that this month of August has almost passed, let the spiritual bond of heavenly fortune, overwhelming with hope, be realized, together with a new start for the Unification Church.
We have to think of the fact that all of us in heaven and on earth are all to be divided into those who know and those who do not know, and into the ignorant and the conscious. We, Your children who have gathered here, ask You over and over again to instruct us, give us understanding, help us to become wise, and be seen before you as being worthy of receiving Your blessing. I pray this in the holy name of True Parents. Amen.
(The Way of Our Families Prayer at the workshop for church leaders on 28 August, 1971) We have to think of what the ideal is that God and True Parents pursues and how we can realize it for them.
Life of the Second Generation -Let's Become Loved By God
Chapter 2: Chung Pyung Providence
1. True Father Speaks on the Chung Pyung Providence (To the Second Generation)
As I have already said before, the Second Generation has to come to Chung Pyung and connect the spirit world and the physical world to each other. Everything that Adam and Eve separated has to be reconnected.
So far, the Unification Church with its physical foundation has been cleansing the fallen world. The movement to connect this physical foundation with a spiritual foundation is a worldwide movement centered on Chung Pyung. You have to understand that this movement didn't come about through human power. Everything that has been dirtied through Satan's blood lineage has to be cleansed here in Chung Pyung. The standard of being able to receive assistance from the angelic world has to be linked to the Second Generation first.
People of the Second Generation must not think of their own name, family name or country. They must not think that they are Korean, Japanese or anything else. They are of a sanctified blood lineage different from their own parents. Any connection with Satan's lineage has to disappear completely. Therefore, every Second Generation person without exception has to come to Chung Pyung and have spiritual experiences through a forty-day workshop.
If you can t have spiritual experiences and can't know yourself better even after a forty-day workshop, you had better leave school or work till later on. and undergo at least 120 days of training. Furthermore, you have to understand that you can't receive the Blessing unless you participate in a Chung Pyung workshop.
(From Father's speech given at the Pledge Service on True Parents' Birthday in the Hannam-dong official residence on 2 Feb. 1998)
2. Hong Soon-Ae Dae Mo Nim
Dae Mo Nim was born on 22 February 1917 to Mr. Hong Yoo-eel and Mrs. Jo Won-mo in a place called Maengsan in Jungjoo-goon, Yangdeog, North Pyungan Province. When she was a child, her family moved to Anjoo-goon, Anjoo-eup in South Pyungan Province. She graduated from elementary school and the Pyungyang Bible School with excellent grades.
Having grown up in a devoted Christian home, Dae Mo Nim developed her faith following the example of her mother's special patriotic faith. Over the course of many years she actively participated in the central religious groups specially prepared by Heaven for the advent of the Lord in Korea, Through sincere devotion and prayer, Dae Mo Nim laid the foundation to receive the messiah.
Under heavenly guidance, Dae Mo Nim married Mr. Han Seung-oon on March 5 th 1934 at the age of twenty. One day in 1942 Dae Mo Nim received the revelation, 'If you give birth to a son, he will become the king of the cosmos, and if you give birth to a daughter, she will become the queen of the cosmos. ' and became pregnant. The following year, on 6 January 1943 according to the lunar calendar, in Anjoo-goon, Anjoo-eup, Shinwe-ree 26, South Pyungan Province, she gave birth to True Mother. One month after the birth of True Mother, Dae Mo Nim received a revelation from the Lord who appeared to her wearing white clothes, which said. 'Do not pray for her as your child. She is the daughter of the Lord and you are like her wet nurse. Just nurture 'V her well by nursing her at the breast. ' She protected True mother from all possible attacks from Satan, and she nurtured her with absolute devotion. Desperately waiting for the day of the coming of the Lord,
Dae Mo Nim continued to walk the way of faith. During her life of faith in Missionary Hwang Koog-joo's church, she walked forty-km a day for one hundred days while going around preaching the gospel. In addition, she led a life of faith based on evangelization for three years in Reverend Lee Yong-do's New Jesus Church. After that, she joined Kñn Sung-do's Holy Lord Group and devoted herself to an intense prayer life there for eight years. During this time she also accomplished a duty of service with sincere devotion in Huh Ho-bin's In-The-Belly group.
During her days in the In-the-Belly Group a young man spoke to her in a vision saying, 'I am studying like this in order to find only one, namely you. Please wait for me and do not change in the meantime because I will be back in three years! ' After hearing those words, Dae Mo Nim was even more desperate for the day of the coming of the Lord.
In 1948, Dae Mo Nim fled together with six-year old True Mother from Communist-ruled North Korea at the risk of their lives and crossed the thirty-eighth parallel to arrive safely in Seoul. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, she received complete protection and guidance from Heaven as she fled further south for refuge.
When the Korean War ended, after undergoing life in a refugee camp, she returned to Seoul for a short time and then moved to Taegu. In Taegu she met Mr. Jung Seog-chun, an elder of the old Holy Lord Church. She joined him and his family in a life of prayer for four years. Even while moving from one place to another, living in such places as Cheju Island and Choonchun, she kept up her practice of eating raw, uncooked food, prayer, abstinence, and public service.
In November of 1955, while Dae Mo Nim was still living in Choonchun, she was contacted by Mr. Jung Seog-chun, who asked her to come down to Taegu. There, in December, she heard about True Father and went to meet him in Seoul at the headquarters church in Chungpa-dong.
True Father taught her the Divine Principle for one week. During that time she shed many tears and was filled with deep gratitude, because she realized that True Father was the very person she had met years before in a vision. She recognized that he was the Lord, the one that she had eagerly awaited and longed for. She immediately joined the church and began her life of attendance. After living in Taegu for four years on the mission she came to Seoul with True Mother. When they were offering a bow of greeting to True Father, he asked Dae Mo Nim, who her daughter was. When she answered that it was her daughter, True Father closed his eyes and repeated three times, 'Han Hak-ja was born in the Republic of Korea' as Dae Mo Nim wondered, 'Strange, why would he say my daughter's name three times? ' True Father added, 'Han Hak-ja, shouldn't you sacrifice in the future? '
After the Holy Matrimony of True Parents in 1960 Dae Mo Nim was victorious over numerous trials and tests. As if she had forgotten her glorious position, she led a life of gratefulness, sacrifice, and attendance, thus fulfilling her role. On 23 December 1973 she went to America to live in East Garden. In East Garden, as in Korea, she wasn't able to feel at ease even for a moment.
With an unchanging heart, she was continuously engaged in prayer, close to a life-and-death struggle, for the sake of the security of True Parents and True Family and for the victory of God's Will. On 21 December 1976 (November 1 according to the lunar calendar) at 8: 30 a. m., at the age of sixty-three, Dae Mo Nim received the Tribal Blessing from True Parents.
Dae Mo Nim lived together with True Parents in East Garden until she returned to Korea on 17 September 1979. While living in the Chungpa-dong official residence she was hospitalized for a time in the Kangnam Holy Mother Hospital and received medical treatment there. On 25 December 1980 she moved to Shindang-dong, Joong-goo, according to True Mother's advice.
In 1985 Dae Mo Nim moved to the Shinmoonno official residence located in Jongno-goo, Naesoo-dong. There, on 3 November 1989, at the age of seventy-five, being called by Heaven, she ascended into the spirit world.
She lived her whole life laying conditions for the sake of the accomplishment of the heavenly will, the True Parents' Family and Blessed Families. True Parents expressed their appreciation for her exemplary life by praising her in a piece of calligraphy which said, 'Choong-Shim-Bong-Shin' (loyal in heart and offering her body) and granted her the glorious title of 'Daemo' (great mother).
Dae Mo Nim's 'My Will, My Life'
1. The very first thing after waking from sleep -to look up at the sky with an innocent mind and a heart filled
with sincerity.
2. When returning home -to leave a place free for True Parents to sit.
3. When hanging clothes -to be aware of the direction and always leave a place for True Parent's clothes.
4. When sleeping --to lie down on one's side and always be cautious and alert.
5. In daily life --to say a word of kindness each day to make people living with you happy.
(from Dae Mo Nim's pocketbook.)
3. Background of the Providence of the Holy Spirit Activity (The Rebirth Moment)
Dae Mo Nim lived all her life in great devoutness, including setting up numerous prayer conditions for True Parents' Family. For Blessed Families as well, she always offered her great prayer and concern. For three years and six months she prayed day and night in agony to find out why Blessed Families have such difficult situations in their lives, why they have disease and suffering, why there is arguing and fighting between spouses, and why Blessed Children have problems. Her conditions complete, her spiritual eyes opened during prayer and she was shocked to see many spirits in the bodies of Blessed Members.
She asked God why Blessed Families were like that. God showed her that large numbers of spirits were inside the bodies of our Blessed Members, dominating them.
She could see that spirits were jumbled up inside of them through collective sin, hereditary sin, personal sin after the Blessing, etc. Seeing this, Dae Mo Nim prayed to God with a sad, aching heart asking Him to give her the mission to wash off that sin. God replied that a mission like commanding spirits was difficult to do in the physical body. 'Then please, take me to the spiritual world! When I become a spirit person I will do that work, ' Dae Mo Nim earnestly prayed. So God allowed Dae Mo Nim's physical life to be shortened by three years and her Seunghwa Ceremony to be held.
During three restless years, from 1989 until 1991, Dae Mo Nim had to find out all the secrets of the spirit world through prayer and devoutness in order to work on earth. Until finding out all these secrets, her prayer conditions had to be done in such a way that Satan didn't know about them, because, if he would have known, he could have made accusations. After Dae Mo Nim had offered such devoutness that Satan could not accuse her, j God taught her the heavenly secrets.
In order to carry out the substantial providence of the Holy Spirit, Dae Mo Nim chose Mrs. Hyo-nam Kim to work with her at Chung Pyung.
For Mrs. Kim Hyo-nam to become one with Dae Mo Nim and carry out the Chung Pyung providence, she had to offer an equal Satan dared of devoutness and prayer. During her course of three difficult years from 1992 through 1994, she accomplished unity with Dae Mo Nim by offering great devoutness and prayer in front of Heaven, which included doing forty-day all-night prayer vigils, bowing conditions, cold-bath conditions, etc., Also, after additional conditions, she found the 'five trees' and the Water of Life.
On the foundation of such devoutness and prayer the Chung Pyung providence began on 19 January 1995. Since then thousands of workshop participants have been able to have their faith strengthened, and great numbers of spirits have been separated from our bodies. We have been given the grace of the Ancestor Liberation Ceremony and the Spirit World Blessing as well as many spiritual experiences and the healing of diseases.
During her life Dae Mo Nim set up numerous prayer conditions for True Parents' Family. She always offered her great prayer and concern for Blessed Families as well.
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