Unification Sermons and Talks |
by Dae Mo Nim |
Updated And Urgent Information:
To: Region 3, All Brothers and Sisters
From: Linda Howell
Date: March 31, 1999
RE: Dae Mo Nim's Visit
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Last night, Tuesday, March 30, over 200 brothers and sisters gathered at the Washington Church to hear Rev. Chang Shik Yang share about the importance of Dae Mo Nim's visit. A beautiful and uplifting Hoon Dok Hae reading was given by our pastor, Rev. Schanker. It was from a speech our Father gave in Punta Del Este, Uruguay on January 5, 1999, entitled, "With Junsung and Love". It is printed in the Feb. '99 issue of the Today's World. In this speech Father reminds us that our life is meant to be filled daily with "prayer, love and sincere devotion". A very warm, uplifting and yet serious spirit was created throughout the evening. It is so important that all brothers and sisters are given this information concerning Dae Mo Nim, but even more important is to emphasize setting conditions in order to liberate one's ancestors. It is only through each of us that our own ancestors can be liberated. How precious and important is our physical body and this time period.
Preparation For Dae Mo Nim
Dae Mo Nim will visit America in April. The following four-city schedule has been approved by Dae Mo Nim and Headquarters.
April 20 Tuesday - San Francisco
April 22 Thursday - Chicago
April 23 Friday - Washington (Region 3 & nearby states)
April 25 Sunday - New York
After a talk probably lasting for 1 ½ to 2 hours, Dae Mo Nim will do the following: (exact time to gather is not known, we will let you know a.s.a.p.)
The Seven Generation Ancestors Liberation
The Heaven and Earth Blessing (also called Spirit & Body Blessing or Spiritual and Physical Blessing) "preparation" ceremony
Ceremony for parents whose blessed second-generation children passed into the spirit world
Regular liberation of historically resentful spirits connected to us by indemnity (as in past workshops).
How to Prepare Well For Dae Mo Nim's Visit:
1. Repentance is vitally important. We should sincerely repent to God and True Parents before coming to these ceremonies to make sure that our motives for coming are not selfish ones. If we come with pure hearts and unselfish minds then we can walk away cleansed. Sincerely repent for our lack of loyalty, our lack of filial piety, our lack of obedience. Through repentance we can recognize ourselves, "Who Am I?" "How can I substantially change myself to become the embodiment of God?"
2. Conditions: Starting Thursday, April 1, 1999 all brothers and sisters who will take part in the seven generation liberation in Region 3 should begin a 21 day condition, which includes the following:
A. Foundation of Faith:
21 day prayer condition at Holy Ground at 10:00 p.m. beginning April 1. If it is difficult on a particular night to come to Holy Ground, the prayer should be maintained in your home or local area. On Friday nights please bring your entire family to prayer.
50 bows a day or more (each 7 bows representing one generation) 7 x7=49 plus one bow (49 + 1 =50) for God, True Parents and True Family. Keep name list of your ancestors on prayer table and for every 7 bows recognize your ancestors.
Keep Hoon Dok Hae each day
B. Foundation of Substance:
Witness and bring guests to Mother's Tour, April 8th at the University of Maryland. Focus on a providential amount (e.g. 12, 21, guests). Exercising ones faith, keeping the church traditions and participating towards the success of the providential programs, such as True Mother's speeches and Blessing 2000, are vital conditions to keep.
Optional conditions which are recommended by Dae Mo Nim
breakfast fasting
cold showers
Without conditions, it is very difficult to find our ancestors. This is each persons duty to do this. In Korea, Dae Mo Nim is asking people not to come to Chung Pyung for this ceremony until they have completed the necessary conditions.
3. Preparing a special offering of gratitude for each ceremony. (No specific amount has been given at this time.) These donations are made as indemnity conditions for our ancestor's sins.
4. Each member should fill out the appropriate forms for the ceremonies they plan to participate in.
For the 7-generations, each spouse, husband and wife need to prepare a list of ancestors on your father's side of the family.
In order to have one's ancestors liberated the person must be in attendance when Dae Mo Nim comes.
The forms need to be filled out and turned in before Dae Mo Nim arrives. (Please fill the forms out a.s.a.p. and send to the main office to the attention of Rev. Linda Howell) Dae Mo Nim will not be able to receive any forms on the day she arrives in Washington.
5. All generations should plan to be there.
The Seven Generation Ancestors Liberation:
At the present time it is possible to liberate each member's "father's side" ancestors. Starting with your parents' generations, you can have up to 7 generations liberated who are in the spirit world. For example, you can liberate your father's side, beginning with your parent's generation, up to seven generations, with a possible total of 14 people. If your parents are still in the physical world, then you can liberate six generations only. The same applies to your wife, meaning, only her father's side can be liberated. (At this point there is no explanation of why your mother's side can not be liberated, that will come in time).
If you were adopted or can not identify seven generations, one can establish a condition while thinking, concentrating and praying for them in their positions in the spirit world.
Others whom can be liberated in the spirit world include:
physical brothers and sisters in spirit world
children of previously married Blessed couples in the spirit world,
spouses of Blessed couples in the spirit world.
Children can attend with parents but we are not recommending to bring babies and very young children. Children will be asked to sit in the back of the room with one of their parents or even downstairs. During Dae Mo Nim's talk the room needs to have a quiet atmosphere.
All members should bring a small FM radio to hear translations.
The Heaven and Earth Blessing:
This is also called Spirit and Body Blessing or Spiritual and Physical Blessing) the "preparation" ceremony. Up to the present time the Single Blessing was given only to those who were over 60 years old, but now True Father said that those who are 48 and older can receive this Blessing.
Those who previously received the Single Blessing, as well as those who have not received the Single Blessing, and are 48 years and older can be part of this Blessing. At this ceremony, Dae Mo Nim will bring down the former spouses (or new ones for the unmarried), and finalize commitments in preparation for a later wedding ceremony. If someone is too sick or too old to come, a representative family member can bring their 8 x 10 photo and they can get engaged. True Father is seriously emphasizing that members take advantage of this opportunity to bridge the gap between the two worlds.
Ceremony for Parents Whose Blessed Second & Third Generation Children Passed into the Spirit World:
The children will be brought down during this ceremony and the parents can start special conditions together with Dae Mo Nim to raise them up to grow to the level where they can be matched by Heung Jin Nim and be blessed in the future. Parents should bring a prayer candle (2½ inch in diameter and 15 inches long) which Dae Mo Nim will dedicate for use as your prayer candle for your child.
God Bless each of you and your families,
Linda Howell
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