Unification Sermons and Talks |
by Dae Mo Nim |
Dae Mo Nim's Visit To America
Betty Lancaster
March 5, 1999
HSA-UWC North America Headquarters
4 West 43rd Street
New York, New York 10036
Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President
Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, Continental Director
To: Regional Directors (for distribution to all leaders and members)
From: Betty Lancaster, National Hqs.
Date: March 5, 1999
Dae Mo Nim's Visit To America
Dear Regional Directors,
Rev. Pak and Dr. Hendricks are happy to announce that Dae Mo Nim will visit America in April. The following four-city schedule has been approved by Dae Mo Nim and Headquarters. We hope that it is also one that is Satisfactory to you because this is a very exciting event for America and we are so grateful to Dae Mo Nim to take time from her busy schedule to visit with us. We want to plan this special time very carefully. Rev. Pak asks that Regional Directors take responsibility for coordinating this significant event,
Apr. 20
Apr. 22
Apr. 23
Apr. 25
Tuesday - Meet with members in San Francisco.
Thursday - Meet with members in Chicago.
Friday - Meet with members in Washington.
Sunday - Meet with members in New York.
Note to Regional Leaders: We will inform you of arrival times and departures later.
The following is some practical guidance for organizers:
Preparation For The Meeting
1) Members should fill out the accompanying forms in advance. Dae Mo Nim needs these forms the day before her meeting with members because she prays the entire day before and calls up the spirit world people. If any member waits until the meeting day to give the list, it will be too late.
Note: The forms were produced in Korea. If you feel you can improve them, please do so, keeping to the original form of course.
2) It is good to have a banner in the meeting room--a simple one that might say; "Welcome Dae Mo Nim" Or if you want to add more it's okay.
3) Plan to present flowers. But it is not necessary or even appropriate to have a cake.
4) A chalkboard is not necessary.
5) Make sure children are kept at the back of the room with one of their parents or even outside the room is better. But they should be kept quiet.
6) Have a podium. On the podium have a wet cloth and a glass of water.
7) Have a drum (and drummer) and even additional instruments is good.
8) Singing in English is okay (Grace of the Holy Garden only).
9) Have a photographer.
10) Have microphones.
11) Tape record her speech.
12) All members should bring a small FM radio to hear translations.
13) People to lead the sessions --- Preferably ones who have experience at Chung Pyung. An MC probably. And someone to lead the singing, with two helpers.
14) A few people for security, in the event of some need.
15) A huge tent is a good place for the meeting if you have some property you can put it on.
Accommodations for Dae Mo Nim And Staff
1) Prepare a private room somewhere that is absolutely quiet, where she can rest, pray and meditate. MAKE SURE SHE IS UNDISTURBED. When she is not in a meeting with members, she should not be disturbed unless she herself wants to meet with leaders or someone. Her staff of 4 or 5 can share rooms with each other. It might be in a church center or it might be in a hotel.
2) If her room is in the church center, make sure it is very clean. She keeps herself and her surroundings very clean at all times.
3) Bottled water should be put in her room. Some fruit as well.
4) Plan to serve her simple Korean food. She doesn't cat much.
What to Expect From Dae Mo Nim
After a talk probably lasting for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, Dae Mo Nim said she will do the following:
The Seven Generations Ancestors Liberation session: Starting with your parents' generations, you can have up to 7 generations liberated, who are in the spirit world. Maybe you have only 6 generations in the spirit world. Your brothers and sisters can be included if they are there.
The Heaven and Earth Blessing (also called Spirit & Body Blessing or Spiritual and Physical Blessing) "preparation" ceremony; Those who previously received the Single Blessing, as well as others not previously singly blessed but wanting to participate and are 48 or older can be part of this Blessing. At this ceremony, Dae Mo Nim will bring down the former spouses (or new ones for the unmarried), and finalize commitments in preparation for a later wedding ceremony. If someone is too sick or too old to come, a representative family member can bring their 8 x 10 photo and they can get engaged. True Father is seriously emphasizing that members take advantage of this opportunity to bridge the gap between the two worlds. Even the most elderly should happily join in this amazing event, Dae Mo Nim said!
Ceremony for parents whose blessed second-generation children passed into the spirit world: The children will be brought down during this ceremony and the parents can start special conditions together with Dae Mo Nim to raise them up to grow to the level where they can be matched by Heung Jin Nim and be blessed in the future. Parents should bring a prayer candle (2-1/2 in. in diameter and 15 inches long) which Dae Mo Nim will dedicate for use as your prayer candle for your child.
Regular liberation of historically resentful spirits connected to us by indemnity (as in past workshops).
How Members Can Prepare For the Meetings
For our benefit, Dae Mo Nim mentioned the following important points for preparation:
1) ALL generations should plan to be there.
2) Each member should fill out the appropriate forms for the ceremonies they plan to participate in. For the 7-generations, prepare a list of names of as many family members and ancestors as you can who are in the spiritual world. And by concentrating on them you can also set the condition for them to be called up even without knowing their names.
3) Members can begin preparing an offering and decide in advance how much they want to allot for each ceremony because each ceremony requires a separate donation. These donations are made as indemnity conditions for our ancestors' sins. If members, as the descendants, don't make good conditions, it will burden Dae Mo Nim more. No specific amount is requested but each member should think very seriously about the ancestor's situation when deciding how much they should donate for them.
[Rev. Pak adds here; "Repentance is vitally important. Members should sincerely repent to God and True Parents before coming to these ceremonies to make sure that their motives for coming are not selfish ones and only for the benefit of themselves and their own families. If we truly come with pure hearts and expanded, unselfish minds then we can walk away cleansed. Also, exercising your faith, keeping the church traditions and participating toward the success of the providendential programs--such as True Mother's speeches and Blessing 2000--are also vitally important conditions to keep."]
4) For best results Dae Mo Nim recommends that we do special conditions, such as 21 days of breakfast fasting or 50 bows a day, taking cold showers (or cold water shoulder splashes), prayer, or at least something that can equal this. Each family can decide their own conditions. Even these small things can make a difference in the results we achieve, she said, especially at this time when the liberation process has far more spiritual support.
Dae Mo Nim reminds us that these ceremonies are not imaginary events. True Parents have set them up for us and they are important. Under True Parents' guidance, Dae Mo Nim, with Heung Jin Nim's support, has worked out the program. In addition to all her good guidance to us, Dae Mo Nim wants us to know that she is excited to be able to carry out this program for members in America and she is looking forward to seeing everyone.
Please get the word out to all members as quickly as possible. This is our great opportunity to liberate members, families, ancestors and America! We don't want anyone to have regrets at having missed this opportunity. We want to gain the maximum benefit from this visit. Let's prepare our hearts with love and peace, above all.
We will keep you informed of any further information we receive. For questions, please call me (ext. 272) or Jorg Heller (ext. 216) at Headquarters.
God bless.
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