The Words of the Despres Family |
True Father's Health
Mary Jane Despres
March 19, 2003
Hi, Brothers and Sisters,
We've received news that on Sunday (March 16th), True Father was suffering with flu symptoms and high fever and that on Monday morning he was in the hospital getting treatment that stabilized his situation.
Father as of today (Wednesday morning) is still in hospital. He is getting better, but the doctors are keeping him there while they do blood work, etc., while he gets his strength back. Apparently Father and Mother are very happy at the high level of treatment he is getting. Doctors are also giving True Father a thorough check up.
Doctors are of course concerned about the Asian mystery virus which has spread rapidly over the last few weeks, yet they don't think he has it.
I just reviewed the subject of influenza in our home medical book to learn that after two days fever and other symptoms (such as chills, headache, muscular aches, loss of appetite and fatigue) start to subside, then after five days, these symptoms have typically disappeared, yet full recovery from weakness can take seven to ten days.
From this description, it looks like True Father will be expected to get a long rest, something rare for him.
May Heavenly Father watch over him until his health fully recovers. With our prayers and best thoughts for True Father and all those caring for him,
Mary Jane
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