The Words of the Hendricks Family |
E-Cornerstone 2
Tyler Hendricks
July 24, 2000
Dear Alums,
I have received about 250 e-mail addresses in response to my mailing, and they are yet trickling in. Sorting through your responses, it brought home to me that the UTS connection embraces the world.
I am enclosing the results of three brainstorming meetings that took place in May. I hope the ideas expressed by the students, faculty, staff and local community of 2000 touch the UTS part of your heart.
I hope that we can work toward two goals right now:
1. Write a mission statement for the Alumni Association. True Father has called for a vibrant AA for years. What is it supposed to DO? Send me your ideas.
2. Develop the network. E-mail is good, but person-to-person in the local setting is better. To this end, Mike Mickler and Tessa Hodson spent Sunday in DC. Tessa was thrilled with the experience--I'd like to hear from others about it. We'd like to develop a model program for us here at UTS to connect with you locally--a Sunday Service, a Saturday night social event, small group discussions . . . ? I'd appreciate ideas about a good model(s).
Remember, UTS is Your UTS.
ITN, Tyler Hendricks
The Missions of the Unification Theological Seminary
by the Unification Theological Seminary
July 9, 2000
TO: UTS Board of Trustees, faculty and staff
FM: Tyler Hendricks
The following is a systematic presentation of all the points given at meetings of faculty/staff, students, and local community members I held last May. The meetings focused on five questions: what is the purpose of UTS? what adjustments are necessary for us to receive members of other churches? how shall we develop here? what shall the students leave here with? And, what do you want from your president?
The answers are listed according to the area of responsibility into which they seem to fall. I did not delete any responses, therefore there is repetition. I left the repetition in order to reveal the interest in and nuances given particular points. I edited only to put all points into the declarative mode.
There are three areas of responsibility that do not exist separately at present: Alumni relations, Public relations (although Sarah Witt is carrying forward as best she can) and a "think tank" of some sort. The results of the brainstorming clearly indicate a need for us to staff these functions. At present, existing staff must stretch to do what we can in those areas. It is obvious that we cannot do all the points listed, at least not all at once. I offer the list in order to provide a context for our thinking so that we can focus on the top priorities. I tried to place top priorities first in each category.
Practice true love
Teach how to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Restore/revitalize Christianity, Uplift Christianity with long term projects
Be a witness to True Parents, Enhance respect and authority of the Unification Church, Understand the Unification Church identity, Share our tradition in worship,
Save America, Create a network of international leaders, Overcome national boundaries Open to dialogue, Dialog and communicate, Listen and respond to input,
Have openness and trust, Have integrity, Practice what we preach, Heal the past/ restore the past
President and Board of Trustees
Give authentic representation to the Founder, Have a strong relationship with True Father, Have a strong connection with the movement, Work well with the Board
Provide leadership, Provide forceful leadership, Have vision and confidence / faith to accomplish, Provide vision and planning, Adjust the statement of purpose
Create more attractive physical and spiritual programs, Provide incentives for creative innovations
Network with other schools and institutions, Network with other seminaries, Join the ATS (SED and MSA relations)
Have ministers advise us, Include community leaders in our planning, Get professional advice.
Reach out to international ethnic communities, provide aid to international needs, Reach the heart of Africa.
Be accessible to students (an open house/hour), Understand the students to solve their difficulties. Do the presidential walk after pledge service, Climb mountains with the students, Do fishing and golf.
Broaden members’ viewpoints, Deepen members’ viewpoints, Raise education level of membership
Bring your family, get your family’s involvement, Display a parental heart, Be a father figure and mother figure – True Parents’ representatives
Alumni Relations
Update alumni database, Enhance communication with alumni.
Develop friendships and alumni networks
Help alumni have good long term association/loyalty to UTS
Tap the talents of alumni, Create an alumni business think tank.
Hold monthly alumni reunions or get-togethers
Public Relations
Model a vital/vibrant community,
Develop relationship with other pastors (love, respect), Make a community choir / shared ministries / social action,
Serve the community more, Relationship with the wider community, Do community service, Public activities on campus, Musical program to serve community, Library membership for general public, Farming and fishing, Fix the swimming pool, Develop physical education, hobby life, adventure life.
Offer community classes, provide tutoring to the community youth.
Teach how to be True Parents, Teach how to start the Kingdom of Heaven, Give spiritual life to the world
Build new programs – Doctoral, Undergraduate, 1 year MA, certificate, lay ministry, counseling, Set up formal ordination, make it a prestigious degree.
Change the curriculum to seek points of contact, such as virtue, spirituality, etc., Change the content of the curriculum and provide options, Evaluate/update curriculum.
Education to train leaders, Train church leadership, providential leaders under True Parents, leaders of godly character,
Develop focused leadership, Create leaders in all Three Blessings, How to attain a higher spiritual level, How to mobilize spirit world, Teach the ability to give limitlessly, Teach the ability to form an exemplary family.
Teach for professional competence, Shape and inform ministry, Help outline a clear career path, Teach the ability to evangelize effectively, Ability to be economically autonomous, Professional ability for the ministry, Ability to work in their polity, Professional ability for family counseling and ministry, Train social skills (VIPs, diplomacy, etc.).
Develop coursework to address Christians, Bring guest preachers, Invite Christian professors, Bring adjunct faculty representative of other faiths
Have in-house Divine Principle workshops/ faculty-staff retreats, Send faculty members to field education
Teach about all religions.
Teach Korean language and culture, Korean fluency
Learn good English, Extend ESL courses and language classes, Encourage use of English.
Teach in multimedia publication (media literacy).
Make a won hwa do course for credit.
Think Tank
Create new Unification Church and family-related materials, Be a matrix of theological development, Create materials for the church.
Develop a religious think tank, Ecumenical conference center, Inter religious/racial mediation center, Prayer and spirituality center, Spiritual retreats, Promote inter faith/racial/national unity, Be an inter/religious Mecca.
Sun Myung Moon institute/ museum, Establish Unification theology, Research Father’s words.
Create a leadership institute.
Create a science/ecology institute.
Dean of Students
Foster a vibrant dynamic relationship with God, True Parents, and Jesus, Inculcate confidence in who they are and the ability to communicate, Foster an understanding of the Unification Church identity.
Adjust our attitude, Learn how to listen to others, Accept the validity of others’ faith, Reduce in-house perspectives
Establish a family atmosphere for all, Create a more family-like spirit, Student small-group ministry fellowship, Create good heartistic friendships, Find many friends, Have confidence in each other
Develop our relationship with Jesus,
Create a western-friendly environment, Honor Christian holy days.
Reflect and understand their heart toward their theology, Create a pluralistic, ecumenical viewpoint, Foster diversity of worship/ community, Appreciate/ respect/ understand other traditions, Appreciate other religions,
Gain the ability to mediate, Gain the ability to work with other cultures,
All students give sermons.
Adjust the student code.
Adjust expectations for graduates.
Help students graduate with no debts.
Use wisdom in enabling members, Unify student cliques, Love, Provide spiritual and practical counseling, Help students bring their families, Support sister leadership, Care for students’ individual problems.
Recruitment and Admissions
Recruit more Unification Theological Seminary students
Bring more American students
Financial, Development and Plant
Find money for the institution, Be a good fundraiser—bring scholarship money, Create a scholarship fund for Christians
Make a one-time request for large amount of money from the Founder ($10-40M)
Fix the plant/ update the facilities, Clean up UTS and upgrade the dorms, Make it sparkling clean.
North American Jardim, Family workshops, Family retreat center (Jardim) / institute, CARP activities
Get high-speed internet service
Make a senior citizens home
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