The Words of the Hendricks Family |
Results of September 5 G/O Team meeting / UTS Barrytown\
Tyler Hendricks
September 5, 2002
There follows the results of the brainstorming about Goals associated with the UTS "core business" of teaching. This was the first of four meetings on Goals associated with each of four different areas of the UTS statements of mission and purpose. There was little reflection on these lists of Goals; we pretty much accepted all suggestions. Analysis and sorting out will come soon. There was some discussion as to the efficiency of this method and possible consideration of revising / compacting the method. Report submitted by Tyler Hendricks.
Mission / What We Do:
"Provide theological education;
(…Carry) out instruction grounded in scripture, God’s historical and contemporary providence, the discipline of theological reflection, and field experience"Associated Goals:
Define theological education broadly
Develop appropriate theological curriculum
Make the education applicable in practice
Utilize the best (contemporary) methodology
Stay in touch with the field
Develop practical programs that align with the theological teachings
Support a quality library, classrooms, equipment
Provide ESL remediation
Inspire students
Develop financial resources
Gather and maintain a quality faculty
Invest in faculty development (sabbaticals, conferences, workshops, attractive benefits packages)
Develop future faculty (Ph.D.s)
Align with current standards of graduate education
Mission / For Whom We Do It:
Associated Goals:
Recruit and serve the following markets:
Unification Church leaders, members, best potential leaders
Christian leaders
People needing language or pre-seminary remediation
Leaders of other religions (besides Christianity)
Develop excellent marketing and recruitment
Provide technological skill and resources
Enhance affordability and service of needs
Maximize accessibility (extension centers, Distance Learning, commuter days)
Mission / For What Purposes We Do This:
Purpose 1.
"…so that they can serve as leaders in the Unification Church and practice many types of ministry, such as Church Center directorship, campus ministry, evangelism, religious education and missionary work"Associated Goals:
Provide leadership training, spiritual formation, character training
Provide spirituality training
Teach Unification Church doctrine and polity
Teach and train in the most effective contemporary ministry methods
Harmonize the above two
Utilize successful leaders as teachers, guest lecturers, workshop leaders, etc.
Develop the sense of individual vocation and calling
Provide the model of a healthy, growing local church
Offer opportunities for apprenticeship and practice
Train in economic self-reliance
Educate regarding current social problems
Purpose 2.
"…so that they can carry out ministries that foster faith and character development, godly families, healthy and growing churches, and communities of peace, justice and love beyond race, nation and religion"Associated Goals:
Teach needed doctrine and polity
Provide an MA in counseling
Provide the model of a healthy, growing local church
Offer opportunities for apprenticeship and practice
Educate regarding current social problems
Provide leadership training, spiritual formation, character training
Teach and train in the most effective contemporary ministry methods
Provide spirituality training
Train in economic self-reliance
Develop the sense of individual vocation and calling
Utilize successful leaders as teachers, guest lecturers, workshop leaders, etc.
Purpose 3.
"…so that they can carry on ecumenical and inter-religious work in the spirit of Unificationism"Associated Goals:
Teach world religions and ecumenism
Make ecumenical and inter-religious work a priority in field education
Make field education placements in non-Unification Church settings
Create a model inter-religious community of diverse faiths
Maintain an inter-religious / ecumenical faculty and student body
Maintain an inter-religious Board of Trustees
Convene theologian’s conferences
Support church outreach
Instruct in and develop conviction in the overarching value of the spirit of Unificationism in the task of inter-religious work
Purpose 4.
"…so that they can have perspective as they enter the social services, journalism and other non-clerical occupations"Associated Goals:
Foster respect for non-clerical vocations
Develop appropriate curriculum
Create an appropriate course track, even a 1-year MA
Provide a foundation in ethics for practical careers
Develop our educational program with the Washington Times
Establish joint degree programs (such as with UB)
Purpose 5.
"…so that they can pursue doctoral studies in theology, philosophy and related fields at other graduate schools"Associated Goals:
Articulate and legitimate the value of academic study
Develop appropriate curriculum track
Create a community of Ph.D. scholars, for conferencing, publishing and eventual teaching at UTS
Track alumni who have obtained Ph.D.s
Investigate financial support
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