The Words of the Hendricks Family |
True Parents' Birthday Celebration in Korea
American Family Church
4 West 43rd Street New York, New York l0036
(212) 997-0050
Fax (212) 768-0791
February 11, 1999
TO: Regional Offices
FR: Tyler Hendricks
RE: Birthday congratulations to True Parents, Attendance at the Birthday celebration in Korea, Using newspaper ads for witnessing to the Blessing
Greetings from New York! I came back from Korea Tuesday morning and Rev. Pak arrived yesterday. I posted a report about the matching on the Unification and FFWPU web sites, and today I'll post one about the blessing.
Birthday congratulations to True Parents
Here are a few main points from this morning's conference call and some clarifications.
1. Rev. Pak decided to delay his departure by one day; he will depart to Korea on Thursday, February 18. This gives us one additional day to gather names and donations.
2. Send a name list of those who are sending birthday congratulations, with each person's title and affiliation/organization, We need to receive it by TUESDAY evening, February 16. (Earlier is better.) Names we receive on Wednesday will be added to the list only if we have time, because it needs to be printed out and put together by Wednesday night.
3. Rev. Pak stresses that the name, or signing the card, is first, and giving a gift comes second. Rev, Pak is interested in reaching a providential number of signatures, Ideally 2,100 but at least 1,200 names.
4. If they give a gift or donation, as most ministers do for a colleague's birthday, then please report the amount when you report the name.
5. The person from your Region who is going to Korea for the birthday should carry the physical cards, letters, documents of any kind, and any gifts to Korea.
6. Highest priority is denominational leaders.
7. Use ACC members to contact their constituency, and any members can contact any important people they know or work with.
Attendance at the Birthday celebration In Korea
1. Each region should send a minimum of one person to the Birthday event. It can be the Regional Director or another. The person should arrive In Korea no later than the evening of February 20, and unless they have other plans, stay at the Segye Ilbo International Training Center (Hangang Ro, Yongsan Gu; tel: 82-2-792-7300 for a reservation; 28,000 won per night = $25 per night). They should attend the Leaders meeting on February 22 and plan to depart on February 23 or later if they want to go to Chung Pyung Lake or elsewhere.
2. Send me the name(s) of who is (are) going from your Region, ASAP. I have to make a report to the International office.
3. A word to the wise: if you have not already, why not line people up now to attend future Holy Days in other parts of the world?
4. We are trying to get a low fare from Go-World Travel. They say they will have their best fare determined by Tuesday.
Using newspaper ads for witnessing to the Blessing
Just to clarify somewhat on what Rev. John Kung did with a newspaper ad in Queens. First, he used a Chinese language paper reaching his ethnic community. The ad was in Chinese. Second, he received 200 phone calls from the ad. When the person called, he told them it is a photo matching by Rev. Moon and they would have to attend a one-day seminar for a small fee. 25 of those attended a one-day workshop - an equal number of men and women. Of those, 3 signed up for the matching.
If I find more detailed information, I will send it out.
The next conference call will take place Monday, Feb 15, 9 a.m. EST.
Good luck for Valentine's Day and the birthday providence!
ITN, Tyler Hendricks
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