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Archbishop Milingo Holds Healing Service In Jardim
Charles Kannal
April 7, 2007
Saturday 7 of April, 2007 in the temple at New Hope Farm of Project Jardim in Brazil, Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo officiated a public mass and ceremony of forgiveness / healing.
Archbishop Milingo was in Brazil promoting a branch of the Married Priests Now movement. The opportunity for the public ceremonies was organized in a short 12 days by the Korean and Brazilian leadership of AFUPM (the Brazilian branch of FFUWP).
22 busloads of people came from the surrounding regions; in total, over 1,200 participants. Most were catholic and responded vocally to the liturgy at the right moments.
6 Brazilian married Catholic Priests assisted. One of them translated portions of Archbishop Milingo's English. Simão Ferabolli, president of AFUPM, and Dr. César Zaduski of INDAS (Institute for Natural Development of South America) also helped with translation.
Words of Archbishop Milingo:
My dear brothers and sisters. I would like to publicly recognize this gesture of trust and faith in the ministry of healing. Thank you to the brothers and sisters of the Unification Church who took total responsibility to organize this event, so pleasing to God.
This is the will of God expressed by Jesus Christ who ordained the Apostles as we read in Matthew 10:1 And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
I am grateful to all the brothers and sisters involved in the preparations to realize this event. I share with you the joy of Jesus Christ who is with us, and who is ready to distribute the gifts which were impeded to arrive to you because of the presence of infirmities and many other pains. Be clear in expressing your expectations to Him. Don't hesitate, believe that He will cure you, and give you a gift of faith, hope and love. See how He assures us of what He will give us today. He told His Apostles:
Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.(Luke 9:1-2) This is exactly what we are doing now with an order from Jesus who is with us now.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit we must invoke the power of healing, and that the Holy Spirit gives to each one of you all that you hope from what Jesus said. He [the Holy Spirit] will confirm the words of Jesus, expelling the demons, curing the infirmities and rebuilding you spiritually and physically.
Reconciliation with God and Neighbors
Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." (Luke 23:34)
It is true that we need many things. But those to whom we have caused pain, who we have offended, await forgiveness from us. We also hope that we can be forgiven by them. Now we must say with Jesus, "I forgive all who have offended me. I am asking forgiveness in the name of Jesus from all those whom I have offended." (Repeated this three times)
(Archbishop Milingo directs the married priests present to forgive the Catholic Church.)
The Reality of Repentance
Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.(Ezekiel 36:25-27)
The Healing Prayer
Everyone quietly sings "Spirit of the Living God". All of the priests extend their hands over the congregation while Archbishop Milingo prays:
"O God our Father, You are truly our Father. Come Father, come Jesus, come Holy Spirit. We ask Mother Mary that she be with us as we present our needs before the living Father. We are yours. We come in trust. You know how poor we are. However, with Jesus, we ask that you cure us of all types of pain, spiritual, psychological, mental, moral disturbances, and bodily pain. Look at each one of us according to the needs of each one. We come trusting in the Lord."
"Tumors - Cancer Epilepsy - AIDS Leukemia - Heart ailments All types of wounds You know all."
The Healing Touch
"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the name of the power of the Holy Spirit, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Blood of Jesus and through the Blood of Jesus, and with His authority, allow our brothers and sisters to be healed of all infirmities and pains, moral, physical and psychological.
"And you, evil spirits, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Asmodeo, and all demons, we expel you in the name of Jesus. We command you to go to the feet of the crucified Jesus, and he send you back to hell. Never again to wander around the world. Jesus hear us. Amen!"
Laying on of Hands
The priests, each with a small container of oil, present themselves and kneel before the principal celebrant (Archbishop Milingo), being the first to be anointed. He lines them up, representing the twelve Apostles, following the order of Jesus to heal the sick.
Then Archbishop Milingo lays hands on each of the 1,200 participants, one hand on each, two at a time, the 1,200 coming in long lines that narrow to two rows. [This takes about 90 minutes.] 77 year old Milingo continues non-stop in the Brazilian heat, looking up to heaven after laying hands on each pair. His wife, Maria Sung, stands behind him, with tender care she periodically wipes sweat and tears from his face.
Exiting from Archbishop Milingo, each participant is anointed with holy oil by one of the other priests saying "In the name of Jesus, be healed, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."
Throughout this time, the choir and other singers lead the congregation in quiet, uplifting hymns.
Conclusion [of ceremony]
"With recognition and gratitude, Lord, our Living God, accept our pledge of thanks."
Archbishop Milingo then spoke briefly about Project Jardim. He gave it his blessing and said it is of heavenly inspiration. We should all speak strongly to those authorities who have blocked Project Jardim from going forward. He asked for volunteers to form a committee that will work toward that end. He prays for the day Project Jardim will bear the fruits of its original vision.
A proclamation to be sent to Rev. and Mrs. Moon commemorating this event was signed by Archbishop Milingo, all the priests and hundreds of participants.
In Campo Grande
That same evening Archbishop Milingo visited the Unification Church center in Campo Grande.
We heard impressions from Rev. Victor Sobers (a native of Guyana) about the earlier grand event in Jardim. Rev. Sobers had been raised a Catholic, and in his youth he had wanted to be a priest except that he felt he could not do without marriage. He is very moved now as he sees God using Archbishop Milingo to heal people and heal the church.
One young mother, a relatively new member of UC in Campo Grande, gave a tearful testimony about her 3 year struggle with severe diabetes. When Missionary Pastor Koichi told her about Milingo coming to hold a healing service, she felt it was like the word of God coming to her. She prayed and fasted during the week of preparation, sensing that something special would happen. After Milingo's prayer and heavenly touch, she feels cured. Her 5 year old son said, "Mommy, now you don't need to take your medicine anymore." She felt that was also God's word to her.
Archbishop Milingo then spoke, translated by Dr. César. In Africa, Milingo simply preached the gospel and took seriously Jesus words to cast out demons and heal the sick. Many people were healed after his prayers.
Milingo rose to the highest position in the Catholic Church in Zambia. But church leaders in Rome listened to rumors that his healing services were inspired by African animism and witch doctor practices. Nothing could be further from the truth. He only followed the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Leaders were concerned that he would break with Rome and start his own church. In 1982 he was moved to Rome and assigned to a non-controversial position. They limited his activities, preventing him from using his spiritual gifts. How could God be happy with that?
Fear and prejudice on the part of church authorities blocked him from exercising his God-given gifts. How could that be God's Will. Yet Milingo is strongly loyal to the Catholic Church. Despite its short-comings, it remains the major vehicle that God is using.
Milingo said little today about his marriage with Maria Sung and his work with married priests. What he emphasized was that in 2001, the year following his marriage, leaders of the Unification movement promised to create an international association based in Washington, D.C. that would promote spiritual healing activities. But then they reneged and said it couldn't be done. (Rev. Sobers told me that the major excuse for this was finances.)
Today in Jardim, Brazil, was the first time in 6 years that Archbishop Milingo could really, freely accomplish what God called him to do: preach the gospel, cast out demons and heal the sick. He is sincerely moved that God's gifts are being recognized and allowed to be exercised. He hopes for many more opportunities to continue his healing ministry.
Archbishop Milingo commented that when praying for such a quantity of people, he doesn't get tired. Each time he lifts his hands to heaven, new energy comes.
Reported by Charles Kannal, missionary in Brazil.
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