Darwinism: Why I Went for a Second Ph.D.
(Jonathan Wells)
Evolution by Design (Jonathan
Marriage and the Family: Fall and
Restoration (Jonathan Wells)
Marriage and the Family: the Unification
Blessing (Jonathan Wells)
New ERA Christian-Marxist Dialogue
(Jonathan Wells - September 18-21, 1986)
The Fifth God Conference
(Jonathan Wells - February 1987)
The Second New ERA Christian-Marxist
Dialogue (Paul Mojzes and Jonathan Wells - August 12-15, 1987)
Theological Witch-Hunt: The NCC
Critique of the Unification Church (Jonathan Wells - 1997)
Survival of the Fakest v3.0
(Jonathan Wells - December 20, 2000 pdf)
Unification Though versus Darwinian
Evolution (Jonathan Wells - November 2004)
The Case For Intelligent Design In
The Classroom (Jonathan Wells - October 13, 2005)
Evolution and Unification Thought
(Jonathan Wells - April 8, 2011 pdf)
Jonathan Wells on destroying
Darwinism – and responding to attacks on his character and
motives (November 5, 2011 pdf)
God’s Creation of Adam and Eve
(Jonathan Wells - December 11, 2013 pdf)
Our Information-Rich Universe Points
to Intelligent Design (Jonathan Wells - October 27, 2014 pdf)
Jonathan Wells Recalls His Days at
UTS (Douglas Burton - September 2, 2015 pdf)
Zombie Science - More Icons of
Evolution (Jonathan Wells - April 1, 2017 pdf)
In Memory of Anita Wells (1940 -
2018) (Crescentia DeGoede - April 13, 2018 pdf)
Jonathan Wells (intelligent design
advocate) (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - March 30,
2019 pdf)