The Words of the Yang Family |
Workshop for Special Category BC's
Chang Shik Yang
September 28, 2005
Dear Leaders, pastors, counselors and BFD reps:
Please be sure to make your community aware of the upcoming workshop for 2nd generation who have fallen. the MEMO below and attached gives the relevant information. Registration and participation will remain private information, to secure the privacy and integrity of each Blessed Family.
Love & prayer,
Rev. Phillip Schanker
TO: Regional, State and Church Leaders, Blessed Family Department Representatives; for all Blessed Central Families and Second Generation
FROM: Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Rev. Michael Jenkins and Rev. Phillip Schanker
DATE: September 28, 2005
RE: "Special Category" Workshop for Second Generation who have Fallen- October 28-30, 2005
To Second Generation members 18 and above who are not yet matched or Blessed:
The Blessing is given by the authority of True Parents on a 6000-year foundation of indemnity, including the sacrifice of Jesus, a history of circumcision and celibacy, countless martyrs, True Parents’ victorious course, and your own physical parents’ sacrifices. Children born from the God-centered union of a Blessed Couple are eternally precious to God. Some of those young people have tragically fallen. While the eternal value of a Blessed child cannot simply be erased, the course and responsibility of youth in this category is unique, and needs to be understood.
Following the crowning of the King and Queen of Peace, Father opened a gate to embrace Second Generation who have fallen. To understand the unique course for youth in this position, and to resolve and renew the hearts of these young people and their families, "Special Category’ workshops are being held. In successful workshops in the USA and Europe, as well as at Chung Pyung Training Center, a number of youth and parents felt the unchanging love of God and found hope in a clear process of restoration, as well as a path to the Blessing. A number of couples have already been matched and Blessed as a result of this process.
The next special workshop for members of the Second Generation who have fallen, and/or their parents is planned for the weekend of October 28th – 30th, 2005 in a private location in the New York City area. The workshop will be led by Rev. Phillip Schanker, Vice-President for Education of the Family Federation and Mrs. Hiromi Stephens, Co-Director of the Blessed Family Department. Those who wish to attend should contact Mrs. Stephens privately to learn the location and schedule details, and receive a registration form. See the details below.
The spiritual circumstance and appropriate path to the Blessing for this category will be discussed, and we will do our best to answer any and all questions. Participants in past workshops have experienced both relief and encouragement through encountering others who can truly understand their situation and feelings. Some need to simply focus on healing and renewing their spiritual life and family relationships For those who are ready, we will help them to network with others, and find opportunities for matching from the same category. We will always respect and maintain each family’s privacy as well.
Youth in this special category, as well as their parents, are welcome to attend. Parents of a child in this category can also attend by themselves.
We look forward to hearing from those young people who wish to find a clear path toward the Blessing, or simply to reconcile the past and search for their purpose and destiny.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Further Information:
Date: Friday, October 28th through Sunday, October 30th, 2005
Registration: October 28th from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. (Dinner at 6:30 pm)
Conclusion: Workshop will end after lunch on October 30th.
Location: To be disclosed only to registered participants. Registration forms available by email or fax from Mrs. Hiromi Stephens or at this Internet site, which is hidden:
Travel planning: the workshop site is within 90 minutes (driving) of JFK, La Guardia or Newark Airports, with public transportation and pick-up at the nearest bus station available. If traveling by air, please plan on Friday afternoon arrivals and Sunday late afternoon departures accordingly, and discuss details with Mrs. Stephens.
Cost: $120 per person. Same price for adults or Second Generation. For families of 3 or more (parents & child), $100 per person. 2 nights and 6 meals. Because full participation is important, there are no discounts for partial attendance.
Who May Attend:
* Second Generation in this Special Category may attend alone or with one or both parents.
* Parents of Second Generation in this Category may attend alone or together with their spouse even if their child is not attending. Contact Person: Please communicate directly with Mrs. Hiromi Stephens about all matters concerning the workshop.
Click here for the Second Generation Special Category Workshop form (pdf).
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