The Words of the Yang Family |
The Central Direction For All Blessed Central Families In The Sixth Year Of Cheon Il Guk - Hoon Dok Family Church
Chang Shik Yang
January 29, 2006
North America Headquarters
Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Continental Director
Rev. Michael Jenkins, President
This Memo has been emailed to all FFWPU Church Leaders and Organizational Leaders
This Memo must be faxed by the Regional Headquarters to all the State Centers. Please inform all Tribal Messiahs concerning the content of this memo.
To: Regional Directors, Vice Regional Directors, State leaders of FFWPU and all leaders of affiliated organizations, All Blessed Central Families and all generations of members
From: Dr. Yang and Rev. Jenkins
Date: January 29, 2006
RE: The Central Direction for All Blessed Central Families in the sixth year of Cheon Il Guk - Hoon Dok Family Church
We sincerely thank all of our Blessed Families and members for your faithfulness and love for True Parents. The Sixth year of Cheon Il Guk promises to be one of great hope and progress toward the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven in our homes, communities and all of America.
We are now confident in our development of WFWP, Ambassadors for Peace and the ACLC work, which will continue to expand to reach the goals that True Parents have given for us. Our efforts in the Middle East are more crucial than ever as the work to bring Muslim, Christians and Jews together through dialogue and understanding is the only hope to achieve lasting peace in that region. We are on the cutting edge of the process of dialogue. To reach our goals in each of these areas each region should have a Regional Representative and Core Outreach group for WFWP, Ambassadors for Peace (AFC/ IIFWP) and ACLC.
We just concluded the North American FFWPU Leadership Summit. The theme was: "Creating a Model Hoon Dok Family Church." We reviewed True Parents' directions, Rev. Kwak's instructions for Cheon Il Guk and received our Continental Leader's guidance for this new era "After the Coming of Heaven."
This new era is creating a huge Paradigm shift towards the "Owners of Cheon Il Guk". Rev. Kwak's CIG leaders conferences are now entitled, "Cheon Il Guk Leaders, Transforming our Awareness, , Lifestyle, Leadership and Methodology." It is in this light and with great confidence that we now ask all families to turn their hearts and attention to fulfilling Tribal Messiahship through the Hoon Dok Family Church.
Committee of Affiliated Organizations (FFWPU, WFWP, AFC, CARP, KODAN, ACLC, SFP, BUSINESS LEADERS and TRIBAL MESSIAHS and other key leaders)
1. The Committee of Affiliated Organizations should be created in each region. It is responsible for planning and development, implementation and review of providential activities and all FFWPU core activities based upon our national goals and directions set forth by the Continental Director and Presidents office.
Your plan should also be made with the North American Affiliated Organizations' Goals and Objectives in mind. This committee should plan for the development and the support of the HDFC. The Regional Director is the chair and the Vice Regional Director and the AFC leader are co-chairs.
The Committee includes the leaders of the Unification affiliated organizations and FFWPU leaders of ministries active in your Region. Affiliated organizations such as AFC, WFWP, CARP, KODAN, BUSINESS LEADERS, ACLC Representative, Blessed Family Department Representative (BFD), HDFC Representative, Ambassadors for Peace Association Representative and so forth.
Your FFWPU can be represented on this committee by a number of representatives based on church ministries (Finance Committee chair, Sunday school, youth, young adult, worship committee, etc.). (NOTE: If you currently do not have a Committee for Affiliated Organizations, report this to Rev. Heller and HQ will assist you in making one.)
The VRD's are responsible to report the names of the members of this committee by February 15th.
2. The Committee should create a Regional Plan for all activities, March-December, 2006, with a budget attached. The Committee should send this as a written document signed by the Regional Director, Vice Regional Director, AFC Leader and at least majority of the Committee of Affiliated Organization leaders. Your plan should include not just this year, but also a vision for the next 3 years, 5 years and ten years.
Think about your future leadership needs. Consider the young people in your community who could benefit from UTS training or other possible Internships to allow them to be your future leaders of organizations as well as pastors and ministry leaders. NOTE: Planning is now a key component continually emphasized by Rev. Kwak and the Cheon Il Guk leaders meetings. Planning, executing the plan and evaluating and adjusting the plan is an official requirement for successful Cheon Il Guk leaders. This cannot be done by one person but must be done with the Committee of Affiliated Organizations through a consensus process.
The plan must be submitted by March 1, 2006.
Development of Hoondok Family Church
True Parents have made the Hoon Dok Family Church the central priority of all Blessed Central Families worldwide. Centering on True Parents our National Headquarters now declares that Hoon Dok Family Church is the central priority of the North American movement of Blessed Central Families. The formal launching of the Hoon Dok Family Church was done at the Rally to Advance the Realization of the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk on March 4, 2005 in Korea. At that rally True Parents said, "Dear members, first and foremost you must all give the blessing to your family and tribe, and centering on them, establish a tribal hoondok church. The success or failure of the Family Federation. and the providential victory or failure of the creation of one global family, depends on this initiative."
We began our Hoon Dok Family Church efforts last year and reviewed the results at our recent North American Summit from January 23 - 26 at UTS. From our review we now would like to clarify further the direction for the Hoon Dok Family Church Providence as follows:
1. Make HDFC the first priority for FFWPU Activity. Every Blessed Family should seek to make their homes a "holy place" in which, God, True Parents, Jesus, the saints and all ancestors feel at home. It is the place to educate your children in the Divine Principle.
Create an atmosphere of love in your home centering on service and love to your children and holiness centering on God's heart. Headquarters is committed to developing resources to equip you in this, and we encourage every church and every family to feel free to develop your own materials and to use creatively the many materials that we already have. We encourage you to begin this process by studying the color coded DP one on one with each of your children. This Father / Son or Daughter, Mother / Son or Daughter is being developed in Washington D.C. Region.
2. Rev. Joshua Cotter is the National Director for Hoon Dok Family Church Development.
We ask that a HDFC representative be appointed in each region to work directly with Rev. Cotter. This should be a couple with no other church or affiliated movement responsibilities, so they can focus totally on this task, which is the highest priority of all families. This couple can begin in prayer, and then, based upon the directions from Rev. Cotter and the HDFC National Office our local foundation and resources, together with other interested families, develop a plan.
The HDFC representative should create a core team of active HDFC representatives who are inspired to lead. This team should be for the support and development of the larger community of HDFC families. Through their active HDFC they can inspire and guide others.
3. Encourage families to form small groups of three or four Blessed Central Families according to interest and affinity. This is similar to the trinity concept. Do not assign people to be in groups. Allow the first groups to form (three is a suggested size - it can be bigger but shouldn't be smaller - also it shouldn't be more than 8 Unificationist adults.
It must leave room for the group to grow to around 12 with non-Unification people. We can also recognize groups that have already formed naturally from the past. After a few weeks, if some families are not in groups, meet with them one on one and pray with them for God's guidance.
We suggest that families that don't want to get involved at this point attend a Hoondok Family Church of someone they are close with. We encourage these families to attend a meeting once a month as an observer or supporter. For those groups that have been formed, support their meeting, protect the time and honor it. Affirm with them that Hoondok Family Church activity is the highest providential priority and that nothing is more important from the view of God, True Parents and our ancestors. Celebrate their successes Strategize with them. Rev. Cotter will send ideas and resources for your Hoondok Family Churches to get moving.
4. Hoondok Family Church Meetings
Normally a Hoondok Family Church will meet in one of the families' homes each week or two; the small group can decide its own schedule. It can rotate from home to home. Beginning with the blessed central families focus on prayer and Hoon Dok Hae. But people should move with the spirit of God and their own vision to create an atmosphere of love, trust and deep appreciation for all who attend. The objective is to create an atmosphere in which brothers and sisters can experience the love of True Parents -- that's the most important goal, not the external form.
Leadership training for the Hoon Dok Family Church Leader is encouraged. To make the Hoon Dok Family Church successful, HDFC leaders should be trained through education and experience. New Jersey has developed some training programs that can be used. Also, the HDFC must establish an assistant HDFC leader so that someone is immediately being groomed to eventually lead another new group that is multiplied from the first group when it becomes larger than 12 adults.
5. Making a Common Base with Others
SERVICE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE COMMUNITY IS A GREAT ACTIVITY OF THE HDFC. Rev. Cotter will help you develop training for leaders of the Hoon Dok Family Church, based on best practices in our church and other churches. Through local activities we want to make a common base to develop friendships and trust with others.
6. Multiplication (the central purpose of the Hoon Dok Family Church) and Assessment Growth through multiplication is the natural development of a healthy personal community of faith.
If we are achieving a community of love and inspiration, it will naturally attract new people. One possibility is to grow to a group of twelve adults and then create a new group led by one of the key people of the original group or trinity. This is known as the cell church strategy, and we recommend that you consider it. But no matter what strategy you use, if a group is not healthy and vital, something is wrong and it will not attract new people.
Within six months, groups should assess themselves and, if they are not healthy and growing, they should discuss how to change their way of holding their Hoon Dok meeting. Multiplication is the result of creating a community filled with God's love and led by His Word and the Holy Spirit. It is time for multiplication. That is the central purpose of the Hoon Dok Family Church.
Spread the Word and God's True Love and multiply the joy. Multiply the Family! Great happiness comes when we have many children in our families. Such happiness is bound to come when we have many families in our community who are joining with True Parents in love and heart to build Cheon Il Guk. The families of America are ready for the love of True Parents and the Blessed Central Families. They are waiting and even longing for God's love which will manifest through you.
7. Primary Reading Materials
We recommend the color-coded Exposition of the Divine Principle, The Family Association's Readings on Family, Faith and Patriotism By Rev. Sun Myung Moon (created by the American Leadership Conference), New Hope (the "Twelve Talks"), The Tribal Messiah, Way of the Spiritual Leader, Home Church, and Rev. Kwak's Guidance and Guidelines for the Hoon Dok Family Church as excellent resources for Hoon Dok Family Church meetings. We also recommend working from the Bible, explaining it from the viewpoint of the Principle. Select readings carefully, they should be focused on the guests. Do not be hindered or restricted. The meetings should have God's Word and be filled with testimony, joy and love. Don't forget the refreshments!
8. Other Resource Materials
We recommend that each Hoondok Family Church, guided by the larger church body, invest in research and development, beginning with reading relevant books and attending conferences. Consider books such as
1. Where Do We Go From Here? By Ralph W. Neighbour (Amazon.com)
2. Family, Church, Community, Kingdom: Building a Witnessing Church for Working Families by Dr. Tyler Hendricks. (UTS Bookstore or HSA Publications)
3. The Purpose Driven Church by Pastor Rick Warren. (All Christian bookstores, or online).
Go online and search under the headers of small group ministry books, cell church books, family church books, church growth books, and so forth. We also encourage Hoondok Family Church groups to look into books on marriage and family that support healthy blessed family life and are very effective in ministry to new people.
9. All Regional Directors, Vice Regional Directors, State Leaders and Pastors as well as other organizational leaders should form a Hoondok Family Church
Begin your personal efforts. Please don't just tell others what to do. The leader must do it directly to understand it.
10. Development of Sunday Service
Sunday Service should now be designed in a way to fully support the Hoon Dok Family Church development. Sunday service exists to deepen the understanding of God's Word, nourish blessed couples and new members who come from the Hoon Dok Family Churches. We recommend that each church form a Worship Committee; Rev. Cotter is looking forward to working with each church in order to create services that are effective at winning new people. We know this takes a lot of hard work; this is why we encourage you to form a Worship Committee that is connected to the HDFC representative and core HDFC team. Get the second generation involved; new guests get very inspired to see young people in front. Also it helps give ownership to our next generation.
11. Giving the Blessing
The Hoondok Family Church should give the Holy wine freely to all who come to the our home meetings. Guests should become part of the "family" of Blessed Couples. When the guest is ready they should come for more advanced study. Also, the Hoondok Family Church should educate the guests concerning opportunities to be Ambassadors for Peace, WFWP, ACLC, or join in the Middle East Peace Initiative. In addition, the youth opportunities provided by Religious Youth Service, SFP and the Inter-religious Peace Sports Festival should be presented. We should seek to involve guests in the appropriate activity founded by True Parents.
12. Membership
The ultimate goal is that they become a fully dedicated "Blessed Central Family" in which their central church and larger worship community will be the FFWPU "Family Church."
Once we develop trusting friendships that bring people to respect our church and True Parents, we can introduce them to our community life in a deeper way. The First Stage would be to receive the Holy Wine and education. The first stage should focus on encouraging the guests to continue to participate in HDFC meetings and multiplying to other HDFC groups.
We recommend that you consider that people who are not already active in another church, mosque or synagogue are the best prospects. During this stage we should encourage them to join the "Family Association" for $80. (Membership Packet and registration and materials are available from Rev. Joshua Cotter and the HDFC national office.)
The Second Stage would develop out of deeper study of Divine Principle in workshops, family, worship contexts or one-on-one, depending upon your local strengths. Here consideration should be given about the person's future.
Core membership track:
Ideally we want them to become a Blessed Central Family, a fully tithing and totally committed core member of the FFWPU joining our Family Church Sunday Service. We would like their children to join our Family Church and become outstanding youth leaders for True Parents in the world.
In addition to the Core Membership Track:
However, if they don't feel called to that we should continue associating through the Hoondok Family Church, for example, if they already are active with another church, we want them to work with the Ambassadors for Peace, WFWP, ACLC, RYS, WANGO or other activities and organizations in which they can serve humanity.
In either case, every family should become a Blessed Central Family fully committed to the building of Cheon Il Guk, either directly through the FFWPU or indirectly through affiliated organizations membership.
Brothers and sisters, this is only a starting point, not a finalized plan. What really matters is your activity locally. We want to support you in your Tribal Messiahship, to make healthy and growing communities and fulfill the vision of Cheon Il Guk.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
North America
Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins
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