The Words of the Yang Family |
New One-Year Program for College-Age BCs
Chang Shik Yang
August 11, 2006
[Memo E 2006-08-10 ]
To: District & Regional Directors, State & Church leaders, Blessed Central Families, All College-Age Second Generation
From: CARP and FFWPU Education Department
Date: August 10, 2006
RE: New One-Year Education Program for College-Age Youth: "Blessing and College Preparation (BCP) Program" Available
In keeping with FFWPU and CARP's commitment to serve and support the spiritual life of our Second Generation more effectively, a number of educational initiatives are being developed, some of which will be available for Blessed Children for the 2006-2007 school year. The largest numbers of our young people are currently between 10 and 20 years of age. Our most urgent focus, therefore, is developing programs and supporting the efforts of local communities for this age group, even though there are functioning local programs for this and all age groups in many of our communities.
Hands-on, easy-to-use curriculum "kits" are being developed with the involvement of our Second Generation, to support the religious education of junior and senior high school youth in homes, home churches or Sunday Schools. And we are focusing upon the hundreds of our college-age youth across America. The existing "experiential" program, STF, is neither meant to be for every Blessed Child, nor is the program able to receive more than a small percentage of those currently graduating from high school each year. As Hyun Jin Nim has clarified, STF is designed for those who aspire to experience a "front-line" leadership education program, and other alternatives need to be available for our youth to experience and inherit our faith and walk the "seven-year course."
Following this summer's successful College-age Student Assembly at UTS, and 2 intensive planning conferences for young adult ministry, we will be introducing a number of new programs for college-age youth, and informing our youth and families of other existing programs in which they may be interested. These will include experience-based 1-year programs, locally based part-time 1-year programs, adventure and service-oriented programs, and internships with movement organizations of all kinds, lengths and locations.
The first of these programs to be introduced is the "Blessing and College Preparation (BCP) Program," a 10-month program sponsored by CARP, staffed primarily by elder Second Generation, that includes education, mentoring, fundraising, witnessing, service and outdoor adventure. The program begins August 20 in New York, but due to the late notification participants will be welcome even after the starting date.
Please consult the accompanying letter for a detailed description of the program's content and objectives, and the particulars for registration and information. And watch for additional programs and opportunities to be introduced this month and next. May God bless and guide you and your family as we travel the path toward Cheon-Il-Guk together!
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU of North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Rev. Phillip Schanker
VP for Education
World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles- USA
130 Pines Bridge Road
Ossining, New York 10562
(917) 566-3431
Dear Parents and Recent High school graduates,
We are pleased to announce the launching of the Blessing and College Preparation Program (BCP) Program, which is an approximately 10 month transitional training program to help our 2nd generation, mainly high-school graduates, to prepare internally for both the Blessing and the challenges faced in their college or working environment.
College-age is a crucial time in developing a public mindset and lifestyle, which will naturally become the foundation for building a future ideal family.
However, campus life can be very spiritually confusing, and tends to promote a self-centered value system and free-sex culture. In fact, a majority of second generation are struggling and fighting with such spiritual battles in their daily life.
Therefore, during this sensitive value and direction-forming time, it is extremely valuable for these young people to have a healthy spiritual atmosphere together with precious frontline experiences. Through this they can become more stable, responsible, and public-minded for their life as college students and their future family life.
Vision/ Mission
The Blessing and College Preparation Program (BCP) is a program designed to help our 2nd generation build future ideal Blessed Central Families by providing consistent daily guidance along with a healthy spiritual environment and frontline experiences through which they can grow. Ultimately, we guide participants to contribute to the long-term providence of Hoon Dok Home Church and the establishment of Cheon Il Guk.
1. To nurture a God centered perspective on life through HDH and Divine Principle study as well as consistent personal mentoring
2. To deepen the relationship with God and True Family through frontline experiences including fundraising
3. To deepen the understanding of one's own original value and identity as second generation through frontline experiences including witnessing
4. To develop one's aspiration and desire to live for the sake of others through service projects
5. To gain basic skills in communication and developing healthy relationships through interacting in a family environment
6. To prepare specifically for their Blessing together with one's parents
7. To provide an opportunity for Cheon Il Guk couples to begin their 30 months of public training
8. To give basic internal education for them to engage in further leadership training
Program Components
1. 7-day DP kickoff workshop
2. Approximately 5 months of frontline fundraising training, primarily stationed in Ossining, NY
3. Approximately 5 months of frontline witnessing training in Westchester County and Manhattan, NY
4. Several service projects throughout the entire time period in cooperation with other departments and affiliated organizations. (under discussion)
5. Sunday team reflection meetings every week together with any parents who would like to attend.
6. One-day Life of Faith workshop every 3 weeks
7. One-day outdoor experience every 3 weeks
8. 3-day Blessing workshops twice a year
9. 2-day lectures on Father's course twice a year
Team leaders are mainly elder second generation who already graduated from college and graduated from the National Leadership Training Program (NLTP)
Applicant criteria
Any second generation, who recently graduated from high-school, who are also:
1) Self-motivated to grow and seeking to do something for the public
2) Striving to establish a future God-centered Blessed Central Family
Venue: Ossining and Tarrytown, NY
Time period: 10 months (Aug 20, 2006 - June, 2007)
Registration method and deadline: Call Susumu Kotegawa before August 20th to schedule an interview
Further information and contact person: Susumu Kotegawa, e-mail: sukotegawa@hotmail.com or call: (917) 566-3431
NOTE: For any 1st or 2nd Generation already in college, we have another program called the National Leadership Training Program (NLTP). Please check the web site of FFWPU or CARP. Or call Naokimi Ushiroda at (914)-471-2053 or e-mail to naokimi@gmail.com.
Kazushi Mito
President, W-CARP USA
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