Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Once we offer something, we have to offer in the name of God, and from God's name it must return to True Parents. Just having True Parents will not be enough. Our offering must return to True Parents from the name of God, the Creator. It must become a possession of Adam and Eve. In other words, we need to receive it back.
The inheritance must take place in True Parents' family. After this occurs, then first will come an age of redistribution. We will have an eternal heavenly nation, where there is no Satan to have to separate from. Second, life according to the ideal of creation will be possible, and there will be no accusation from Satan. There will be no struggle or breakdown there. Since life under the ideal of creation starts within a completely unified system centering on true love, we will have the perfect Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
After having lived here we will go straight to the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. There will be no need for religion. Thus third, the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth together existing for the sake of true love will be realized.
Next, the conclusion.
May you receive eternal glory in God's
name, in True Parents' name, and in all of our names!
May you
receive eternal glory in God's name, in True Parents' name, and in
all of our names!
May you receive glory without end!
There will not even be any religion. That is it. (212-143, 1991.1.2)