Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
You shouldn't forget that while you lived as an embryo, you not only received nutrition from your mother but you also received love from her. Likewise, people living on earth are not only receiving physical nutrition from the universe but also love from God, who is the essential element of life. (Blessed Family -1062)
Just as all plants absorb sunlight as an element of life, love is an element of life for people. Our hope is that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven be built where we can live eternally in love and in adoration. (Blessed Family -1062)
Human beings are born through love and grow through their childhood while receiving love. After a certain stage of growth, parental love is not enough, and their love expands horizontally through the love among brothers and sisters and the love of the tribe. In other words, they grow to maturity while receiving all kinds of love in heaven and earth. When they reach young adulthood, they particularly thirst for love with the opposite sex. Engaging in this love leads them to a more comprehensive love, through which they finally find the center of love. (Blessed Family -1062)
The paths that man and woman walk exist because of love and for the sake of love. My path is the path of love. I move in order to attain love, keep love, and form an environment of love. It is also for the sake of love that women put on cosmetics and receive massages. Wanting something and doing work are all for the sake of love. We overcome hardship and move on in order to attain precious love. (Blessed Family -1066)
From the time we are born, we are receiving parental love. As long as our parents are alive, they love us at any stage of life, be it the period of childhood, the period of youth, or the period of middle age. When we grow up receiving parental love, horizontal love of husband and wife is bound to happen to each of us. (Blessed Family -1062)
What do you think marriage is? It is a school, a place where the men learn something they did not know about women, and women learn something they did not know about men. All their grades should be A's in order for the husband and wife to be pleased. You have sons and daughters for the sake of learning how to love the world. Without them, you cannot be connected to the future.
Your sons and daughters are given to you as educational materials through which you can be connected to the future world. Fulfilling your filial duties to your ancestors and grandfather and grandmother is like receiving education from the spirit world. All these things are connected through love. The grandfather and grandmother, husband and wife, and sons and daughters are all connected through love. Just like the blood vessels in the human body flow up and down, you can go up and down all the way to your ancestors of 10 million generations in the spirit world and also reach your distant descendants through this. So you should know that this is how spirit world and the universe are organized. All things will be governed in this way. We can say that becoming a servant of love and a slave of love is the greatest happiness. (Blessed Family -1062)