Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
The Fall began from the womb of the mother. Therefore, restoration must take place in the mother's womb. That became the origin and the starting point of evil, so we must return to that original point in restoration as well. Thus, God set up two brothers through whom to conduct the dispensation to restore the right of the eldest son. In other words, Cain, the firstborn, had to come down to the position of Abel, and Abel had to rise up to the position of Cain, who is the eldest son. However, Cain ultimately killed Abel. This act was a repetition of the act of the Fall at the time of Adam and Eve. Adam, represented by Abel, was again dominated by the archangel, and thus Adam's position was not restored. (55-109, 1972.4.1)
When Eve fell, whom did she deceive? She deceived God. Without God knowing, without consulting God, she fell when she denied God on her own. Adam was her husband as well as the son of God. Since Eve fell by denying the father and son, Adam was lost. In order to indemnify and restore what had occurred, God raised up Rebecca. Rebecca had to take God's blessing from the father, Isaac, who represented God, and their son, Esau, who stood in place of Adam, without their knowledge. To reverse what had already occurred, Rebecca came to offer the condition, through Jacob, of restoring the birthright of the eldest son. This was merely a conditional offering. Rebecca and Jacob achieved this conditionally, not yet fulfilling substantial restoration. (114-17, 1981.5.14)
Since an archangel had tempted Eve, in the process of restoration the Eve figure has to tempt the archangelic figure to fulfill God's purpose. Restoration through indemnity has to he carried out in this way. That is why Tamar had a relationship with her father-in-law. He promised that he would give her a kid goat as payment for having a sexual relationship with him. However, Tamar asked for and received his seal, string and cane, three things that would clearly mark his identity. She kept these things and held on to them for this purpose: "To prove who the father of the child I will bear is, I will keep these even if I die." (55-305, 1972.5.9)
Don't Mary and Eve resemble each other? In the same way that Eve deceived her future husband, and elder brother. Adam, and God, her Father, Tamar also followed the same pattern."' he deception of their future husbands, father-in-laws, husbands, brothers and all siblings, was in each case the indemnity that corresponded to Eve's actions. The actions of Eve, Tamar and Mary closely resemble each other. (213-309, 1991.1.2)
Eve deceived three men. Rebecca also deceived three men. She deceived God, her husband, and her son. Three men are always deceived. Tamar also deceived three men: her father-in-law, and his first and second sons. Whom did Mary deceive? God, her father, and her future husband. It is the same pattern. Eve deceived her father, her brother, and her future husband. Adam was her elder brother, and, at the same time, her future husband. It is the same pat- tern. (215-95, 1991.2.6)
In the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, four great women appear. There appear Bathsheba and Tamar. Next, the harlot Rahab appears and then Ruth. Four great women who had illicit relationships. They all seemed to be women of louse morals. They had husbands, but they also had relationships with other men. Were they not then, loose women? You should read the Bible very well at least once. Jesus could not be born to a lawful wife. (211-137, 1990.12.30)
The Bible is a sacred scripture, but it contains many things that are difficult to accept. Isn't that so? How could it be that Jacob and Rebecca united to deceive his brother Esau and his father Isaac, in order to receive the blessing? Why did Tamar have a relationship with her father-in-law, and bear Perez and Zerah? Why could the blessing come to the tribe of Judah, under Perez and Zerah? The question is why are there issues that cannot be accepted from a human moral viewpoint?
In the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, four great women who had illicit relationships: Tamar, Bathsheba, Rahab and Ruth, are listed in the genealogy of Jesus. This gospel is the equivalent of Genesis, but the question is, why do the first pages of the New Testament focus on these women, who are stained and impure? Without understanding the Principle view of the Fall. there is no way to understand this. It has remained a mystery. By searching throughout my life, however, I have been able to answer these questions for the first time. (211-137, 1990.12.30)
In the cases of both Cain and Abel, and Esau and Jacob, the brothers were supposed to exchange positions after their birth. To achieve this, the cooperation between mother and child was always necessary. Eve protected Abel. In the case of Esau and Jacob, Rebecca was on Jacob's side, and helped him through her acts of deception. Nevertheless, no one knows why God still granted the blessing to them. Jacob was born as a twin and later restored the position of the right of the eldest son. Yet this still didn't restore the lineage. While at the time of the birth of Perez and Zerah, when they were about to emerge from Tamar's womb, they fought each other and switched positions. The second child pushed aside the first child in order to be born first. You should understand the deep significance of these actions that signify moving closer to the lineal standard of the original parents. (120-167, 1982.10.13)
God said to Rebecca, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall he divided;" (Gen. 25:23). This means that her two sons would form the roots of two separate nations, one being the heavenly nation and the other Satan's nation. God fought there to restore His lineage through three generations. Through struggling and reversing positions within the womb a condition of inheriting the lineage would be made. Jacob, through three generations, gained an external victory, but the basis for the internal victory was created by Perez, who was born of Tamar. This is the principle of restoration. (36-251, 1970.12.6)
When we consider the actions of Tamar, she risked her own life in order to fulfill the providence of God. Father also risked his life in the same way. Jacob fought with the angel, risking his life. Even though his thighbone was broken, he did not let go of the angel all through the night. What does that signify? The thighbone has to be struck. Adultery was committed using the thighbone in a wrongful way, wasn't it? Thus, the Unification Church holds the indemnity stick ceremony after the Blessing. What is that ceremony for? Where do you strike? The lower part of the body is hit. Wasn't that the area that was misused? Why would I suggest such a thing? We have no choice in this matter. (214-425, 1991.2.2)
In contrast to the past, where the archangel tempted the woman, Tamar tempted her father-in-law in order to fulfill the heavenly mandate and inherit the ideal of Abraham. She was ready to sacrifice herself even if she was to become fertilizer for the field or even if she was stoned to death. In those days, the Jewish law dictated that if a widow conceived a child, she must be stoned to death, but she was prepared for that. Do you understand what that means? She made an absolute determination, "To maintain the lineage of Judah is my desire, and this is the only way to do it. If you kill me, so be it." She went forward ready to die. This providential work of Tamar, in which she was prepared to die as an offering, was the amazing providential accomplishment of one woman. (110-35, 1980.11.8)
Jesus ancestors came through Tamar. This is an amazing reality. When we consider this phenomenon. the Divine Principle's view of the Fall can be understood. Why did God have to carry out such a dispensation? Humankind was stained in the womb, so Tamar acted to set up a point to change the lineage, starting from the womb. Tamar determined to act in such a fateful situation. (110-35, 1980.11.8)
Through their mother Tamar, the elder brother and the younger brother changed positions within the womb for the first time in history. We can understand that this woman Tamar, who was compelled to act against Judaic law, corrected the history of the birthright for the first time, during Judah's time. From this point, Satan cannot invade those who inherit this tradition of Tamar's victory. Neither can Satan invade those who inherit and live according to the historical tradition of Tamar, which was based on heart, and who inherit and believe in the tradition of the tribe of Judah. Based on this reversal of positions, the heavenly tradition could be passed on. (72-139, 1974.6.2)
Tamar was a person who recognized the importance of God's lineage, that is, the blessing. She was a historic, representative woman who was prepared to risk anything to pass on this lineage. Her position was the same as the position of Eve. Although Eve should have inherited God's lineage directly from Him as the mother of humankind, she in fact neglected and destroyed this inheritance. In order to restore this, a woman who would surpass Eve had to appear.
A woman who could single-mindedly think that continuing the lineage that is blessed by God is more precious than her own life had to appear. Tamar was that woman. (58-53, 1972.6.6)
Judah was Tamar's father-in-law, representing the father. Tamar conceived a son through her father-in-law as a result of the "father" and daughter uniting, while also representing the positions of God and Eve. According to Genesis, Chapter 38, Judah had three sons, and Tamar was the wife of the first son. Her husband died, and the Jewish custom was that she had to bear a son by the second brother, but he also passed away, and the third son was too young. As Tamar believed that maintaining the restored lineage of God was the most important thing, she had to resort to the final means of conceiving a child through Judah, her father-in-law. At that moment, she had to forget her pride, and was prepared to even sacrifice her life. She put on the clothes of a prostitute, sat on the road where her father- in law would pass, tempted Judah, who was going to the farm, and had a relationship with him. (55-114, 1972.4.1)
Tamar put her life on the line by having a relationship with her father-in-law. She might have been stoned to death immediately after that, or perhaps the two families might have perished. In such circumstances, she abandoned her honor and dignity. Her husband had died, so she received her husband's younger brother, who also died. The third son was too young and the lineage blessed by God could not be passed on through him. Thus, Tamar pledged to continue the blessed lineage by putting aside her dignity and honor, even if it meant sacrificing her life. Tamar's sacrificial heart is precious. (47-124, 1971.8.22)
When we look at the circumstances of Esau and Jacob's birth, we see that they fought within Rebecca's womb, but Esau, who was born first, was on Satan's side. Jacob stole the blessing of the first son after he grew up. However, when Perez and Zerah fought in Tamar's womb, Perez reversed the position of the firstborn son. The womb of the mother is the place from which a son or daughter is born, so this exchange of positions was made at the very source of life. The positions were changed not after birth, but within the womb. (43-199, 1971.4.30)
In these providential circumstances, Satan could not say to a son whose position had been switched within the womb and then born first, "You're my son!" If his position had not been switched in the womb and if he was born first, he would have been on Satan's side. Since the positions were switched within the womb and he was born first, he was born on God's side. Fighting within Tamar's womb, Perez pushed away Zerah and was born first, so he could claim the birthright of the firstborn son. Thus, he was the firstborn son from birth. Although Perez should have been the second son, he was born in the position of the firstborn son. We can say that the one on the side of goodness was born first. (43-199, 1971.4.30)
Since God's blessing is so precious, it is of utmost importance to bequeath the tradition of the chosen people of God. This is the reason the lineage had to be maintained. Tamar's second husband had died, however, and he had no suitable brothers left. In the Jewish tradition, if the elder brother died, the younger brother took the wife of the elder brother as his own wife, but the second son had also died. Thus, in order to continue the lineage, she resorted to dressing as a prostitute so as to deceive her father-in-law, and to conceive a child. Do you understand the meaning of this? What was stolen must be won back from the satanic world. Thus, the father-in-law represented the husband -- the elder brother. In order to stand such a position, the right of the eldest son...Tamar risked her life to pass on the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, these four generations. (227-347, 1992.2.16)
Satan sowed his seeds in the womb of a woman. Thus, Perez and Zerah were born as twins. Two seeds were sown in one womb. That is why they were twins. Perez and Zerah were the two sons to be born from Tamar's womb, but when the first son tried to come out and stuck his hand out, a red string was tied around it. This signifies that, at the time of the Second Coming of the Lord, a dictator who represents all the power of the communist world will appear first. Thus, during World War II, a dictator like Hitler appeared and, in the USSR, Stalin appeared. Stalin died in 1953. China and the Soviet Union parted ways from that time on. He died three years after I was freed from prison in North Korea. None of this history is a coincidence. (227-349, 1992.2.16)
Tamar bore a son after having relationships with several men. This was not the ideal. Thus, the son represented an adopted son. Therefore, a woman who had inherited the faith and determination of Tamar but who could receive God's calling as a virgin, with devotion, was needed. A virgin with these qualities was needed. This was Mary. (43-201, 1971.4.30)
Mary, at her time, was a woman who pursued the will of God with more fervor than anyone, risking her own life. She was a woman who had the resolve and loyalty of Tamar and boldly faced any type of danger in order to continue the precious lineage of God. When the archangel Gabriel appeared and announced to her that she would soon conceive, Mary replied. "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" When the angel again said, "For with God, nothing will be impossible," she replied, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be done unto me according to your word." (Lk. 1:34-38) (35-222, 1970.10.19)
How was the birth of Jesus brought about? The lineage was purified and then Jesus could appear. Esau and Jacob were born as twins, going through the period of being brothers, and finally restoring the birthright of the firstborn son. Later, there was the unprecedented struggle of Perez and Zerah in Tamar's womb, to change positions, and they changed the lineage in the womb. As he pushed aside his elder brother who would have been born first and came out as the firstborn son, he was named Perez. The midwife tied a red string around the hand of the "elder" Zerah, when his hand appeared from Tamar's womb. This was to become a sign that communism would arise before the victorious Lord of this world appeared in the future. If we cannot restore the right of the eldest son, a unified world cannot be created. (140-119, 1986.2.9)
Mary, the fiancée of Joseph, was in a position similar to Tamar's. Didn't Mary deceive her mother and father? She deceived her future husband Joseph in order to conceive a child. Adam and Eve fell in this same manner, by deceit. This is how the principle of restoration through indemnity works. As Adam and Eve transgressed heavenly law during their engagement period, so Mary, following the way of Tamar, had to inherit the original work of God in her womb. Understanding the precious value of the blessed lineage of God, Mary had to go through this at the risk of her life. According to the Jewish law, an unmarried woman who conceived a child was to be stoned to death. All women should be prepared to risk their lives for the providence. (211-101, 1990.12.29)
Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, was in a position similar to Eve's. When Adam and Eve fell, they were in the position of a couple engaged to be married. Eve fell while engaged, so in order to indemnify and restore this, Mary had to inherit the traditions of Rebecca and Tamar. She was able to pass on the lineage of God; this signified the standard of a woman who had purified the lineage. (139-303, 1986.1.31)
Mary, who had to deceive Joseph and her family in this way, based on the principle of restoration through indemnity, should have been stoned to death according to the law of that time. Although she should have been stoned to death, Jesus, who had already been conceived, had to be protected, so God conveyed a message to Joseph; "Joseph!...Do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." (Matt: 1:20) Joseph had no choice but to bring Mary into his house. (139-305, 1986.1.3)
Because human beings inherited the blood of the archangel, Jesus was conceived through a person who stood in the position of the archangel. What does it mean to say conceived through the Holy Spirit? Such inadequate explanations should not hold sway. The principle of restoration through indemnity explains it as it is. If a person in the position of the archangel can be raised up, and can become an absolutely unchanging, loyal subject on God's side, especially loved by Him, then Satan will have to immediately leave his position as the archangel. Thus, Jesus was born through a person in the archangelic position on God's side. In this way, Jesus was born as the firstborn son. The right of the fallen eldest son was restored and purified into the new lineage, and Jesus was born with the right of the eldest son on God's side. Therefore, those who believe in Jesus are reborn through the love of God, with God as their center. Through this, their lineage is different from Satan's. (143-104, 1986.3.16)
When they were engaged, Joseph and Mary were in the same position as Adam and Eve in their engagement period. Thus, God had to take Mary away from her relationship as Joseph's fiancée. This was to restore the loss of Eve. Then, whose position would Joseph be in? He would be in the position of the archangel. Joseph should originally have been in the position of Adam. Yet, how was it that Joseph was in the archangel's position? As he was descended from the Fall, his seed, the root, was different from Adam's. Joseph was carrying the fallen seed. That had to be changed and brought over to God's side. Where should this seed come front? It must come from God. (36-245, 1970.12.6)
Children of the direct lineage of God will only appear if, in the fallen world, a person in a position similar to Adam can mature and become a representative of the archangelic position on God's side, inherit the seed of the archangel on God's side and rise to the ideal of the original seed. Therefore, we can ask who the father of Jesus was. The father was not Joseph. It was someone in the realm of the archangel on God's side, not the realm of the fallen archangel. However, God Himself could not have come down to create a baby. Satan is the archangel, isn't he? It must have been someone on the level of the archangel, but greater than the fallen archangel. who could be a loyal subject on heaven's side. Satan could not accuse a person in this position. The one who comes with the authority of God's son in the realm of the heart, and whom Satan cannot accuse, is the Messiah. It is very complicated. This is the way a firstborn son who could receive the first love of God was born for the first time on earth. (169-191, 1987.10.31)
In order for Jesus to undergo the course in which he could indemnify all of the disordered events of providential history, he needed the absolute support of his mother. At the wedding in Cana, Galilee, when Jesus' mother told him they had run out of wine, he said, "O woman, what have you to do with me?" (John 2:4) Was he in a good mood when he said this? He snapped at her, and meant, "What foolish things are you talking about at the wedding of relatives? You haven't even done your duty as a mother!" You can understand this, can't you? (139-307, 1986.1.31)
As Jesus was in an official public position, and if he had married, it would have been according to the heavenly law and principles. He would not have behaved like a man who happens to meet some woman and lives with her. He had to keep in mind the direction history was moving and the providential age. For the purposes of restoration through indemnity, this was absolutely necessary. Jesus could not marry because these requirements were not met. (139-307, 1986.1.31)
In what manner did Jesus, who had right of kingship over all kings, enter the world? He came inheriting the victorious tradition by which the lineage had been changed. That is why when he was conceived in Mary's womb Satan could not say, "That is my son: Mary conceived Jesus on the national-level foundation that had been inherited from the historical tradition of heart left by Tamar. Through this, Mary was able to restore through indemnity Eve's failure and to stand in the position of having brought forth fruit, which had been the hope of women throughout history. Since Jesus conception took place based on the completed restoration of the right of the eldest son, from the time of his conception Satan could not claim him as his own. At the time of Tamar, Perez could not claim to be the firstborn son on God's side while he was in the womb, but only after his birth. (139-309, 1986.1.31)
How does Jesus differ from people like Sakhya Muni of Buddhism, Confucius of Confucianism or Mohammed of Islam? Throughout history, Jesus is the only person who was born on the foundation of a purified lineage. That is the difference. How are Sakhya Muni and Jesus different? How is he different from Confucius? How is he different from Mohammed? Jesus is different from Buddha and Mohammed in that he was born from a purified lineage. This is the special quality of the Messiah. That is the difference. As the providence of the purification of the lineage developed within history, Israel became the starting point of Christianity, centered on Jesus. This is how he stood in the position of the True Father. (169-194, 1987.10.31)
Jesus declared to all the people, "Love me more than anyone else!" "Anyone else" refers to love in the fallen world. The fallen world practices the norm of fallen love. We must transcend this norm. Based on the family, we must love God more than our own mother and father; we must live for the sake of the Messiah, the original parents, and love Jesus more than our own wife or husband. What does that mean? In accordance with the principle of restoration through indemnity, this norm was established in which God's love, which overcomes satanic love, could manifest itself for the first time. This was what Jesus declared. (144-58, 1986.4.8)
The Blessing of marriage is not just the coming together of two people, a man and woman. Jesus had to stand on the foundation of the unified Cain-Abel relationship between the two families and tribes of Zechariah and Joseph. This was the basis needed for Jesus' marriage. However, he died and was unable to accomplish this. The Blessing is to indemnify and restore this. Jesus and Joseph's family signifies the position of Abel. Zechariah's family signifies the position of Cain. (146-341, 1986.6.10)
The relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist was similar to that between Cain and Abel. Jesus and John the Baptist were brothers. This has not been revealed before, but they were brothers. John the Baptist was born from the first wife, and Jesus was born from the second wife. He could not have been born from the first wife. That is why in the Last Days, sexual immorality has become prevalent. The trend of women selling their bodies is spreading. Women must be liberated. It cannot be done through the first husband. In the Last Days, outstanding people can be born to wanton women, to streetwalkers. Do you understand?
In the fallen world, the concubine snatches love. This is the age when the kept mistress can have even greater power than the legal wife. Why is that so? The first relationship represents Cain's love, and the second represents love from God's side, so God works through the second figure. That is why, for example, Joseph and Jesus were born from second wives. (169-194, 1987.10.31)