Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
People living in this present age have inherited the lineage of Satan. For this reason, they need to repent. It is a disgrace, for which they cannot show their faces before the Great Owner of the universe. They are shameful children who cannot call out to God, and instead need to hide behind rocks lest He sees even their backsides. They inherited the blood of the enemy of love. They must crawl on their stomachs, shed tears with runny noses, and be able to admit, "I deserve to be punished," even at the risk of their lives. They must find their true selves and be able to give out a cry of gratitude from the bottom of their hearts, even if they face certain death. They are piteous beings who are ignorant of the fact that they have fallen into a pit of eternal resentment where there is no love.
I came to realize that the fundamental issues of human life cannot be resolved without understanding the problems manifested throughout history, the true nature of the universe, and the grief of God. You do not know what trials I had to go through to find this path, unknown by anyone. You cannot even begin to fathom the hardships I went through in my youth, groping blindly in the dark in the quest for answers. However, I was triumphant in the end, built up an organization that can accomplish this task, not just in words but in deeds, and now the worldwide foundation testifies to it. Now the era has arrived in which anyone who comes running to us, holds fast to the banner, and turns around can enter the Kingdom of God. (209-292, 1990.11.30)
Consider in your minds how much you have dragged yourself around, giving forth a vile odor, defiling the Unification Church and making a stage for Satan to perform on. After considering all this, you could not dare to sit with your chest puffed out before God and True Father. Tell me yourselves; could you do so? Those who grow up in the natural realm of God's love and lineage, where they can liberate and inherit the right of the eldest son and right of kingship, may be able to sit up straight in front of God and myself, but can you claim to be a person like that? You are like weak hollowed-out logs, ready to fall down at any moment, and yet it is people like you who are boastfully strutting around. You should realize this. (206-255, 1990.10.14)
What rights can you claim to have, when all I see among you are good-for-nothings? Can you claim to have the right to receive the Blessing? You are sitting there waiting to receive the Blessing, but what have you accomplished during the years you have been in the Unification Church? The Blessing is not something you can receive after doing nothing but sitting and waiting. Ideally, the Blessing can only be offered after the ancestors have labored assiduously for tens of thousands of years, and after the descendants have come and expressed their gratitude in solemn words millions of times, and after everyone in heaven and earth has gathered in reverence to praise that day of glory. Indeed, does this sound like something you can do? (30-224, 1970.3.23)
Wait and see if the words of True Father are true or false. If you want to find out whether what I have said is true or all lies, drop dead right here and now and see for yourselves. You should realize that everything I have taught you is in accordance with the reality of the next world, and follow these teachings. In any event, this is a path you all need to tread. Unless you follow the teachings of True Father, you cannot cross over the summit. There is no other guide.
That is why God is teaching, through a person like me, the path which Christianity and the free and democratic world should take in this wretched world of today. This is where the logic of True Parents, both in name and reality, is derived from. (209-227, 1990.11.29)
Are the words, "Take after True Father," a blessing or a curse? These words imply that I will hand over to you all the blessings which I have prepared. After True Father has climbed over a big hill, then based on his achievement you should follow suit. You will also experience the same vertical relationship with God. (199-188, 1990.2.16)
Every one of you should practice absolute love and absolute obedience. The families in the Garden of Eden have nothing they can claim as their own. When they become true sons and daughters, standing in oneness with God and His absolute love and lineage, everything in the whole universe will belong to them. Once you have become one in love, everything will become yours. (300-303, 1999.4.11)
This is the era of establishing the royal family of the Kingdom of God. The day is coming when all the good-for-nothings will be pushed out as if with a bulldozer. Once you go out into the world with the Principle and everything else I have taught you, there will not be a single person in Korea who can stand in the way of the heavenly tradition, just as the Unification Church itself cannot stand in the way of those traditions. Such people must be pulled out at the roots. You should execute this without hesitation. When it is necessary to take a strong stand in establishing the traditions of the heavenly kingdom, you should have the guts to do so. Look at me. Look into my eyes. See how I speak without hesitation. I am a very assertive person. If you do something wrong, you will not find forgiveness in me. Taking into consideration the fact that the day when we have to establish this tradition worldwide is rapidly approaching us, you should solemnly repent for your past failures, and correct yourselves, your work, and your families. (184-243, 1989.1.1)
In the future, all of humankind will need to register into the kingdom. On registering with one of the twelve tribes, your whole life, including everything you did from the time you joined the church until the present moment, needs to be recorded. If you took so much as a piece of cloth belonging to the church for your own, that act should be recorded. If the record thus drawn up does not correspond with the computer records kept in the spirit world, you cannot enter. All of you will need to write an honest confession, a written statement. The day is coming when you will have to bring everything out into the open for it to be cleared up for good. This is the reason why you need to receive the Blessing on three levels: firstly in the church, secondly after the unification of North and South Korea, and thirdly after the unification of the world. That is how it is.
We should all yearn for the era of a unified North and South Korea to come as quickly as possible. Only after you have received the world level Blessing will you be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Otherwise, when you pass on to the spirit world, you will have to wait there indefinitely. (212-59, 1991.1.1)
There can be only one conclusion of all human values. What is at the core of that conclusion? It is true love. If you were asked what true love is, you would not be able to define it. The ideological view of the Unification Church is to create one world based on love. It dictates clearly and in concrete terms how an individual, a family, and a tribe should live. That set of laws is not just some conception of Rev. Moon. It reflects the laws of heaven. Otherwise, we would not be able to register in the next world. (147-194, 1986.9.21)
From the theoretical perspective, there will no longer be anything to explain with regard to God's will. Everything has been completed. The time has now come for us to turn over a new leaf. Now that we are carrying on the history bequeathed to us from God and True Parents, the era of registration will soon arrive. Then you will have to be registered. Have you all become like God and True Parents in the position of sons and daughters of God? It is easy to say, but not to fulfill. Whether asleep or awake, you must always keep this in mind. These thoughts must accompany you wherever you go, and whatever you do, whether you are eating or sleeping. In order to do so, you need to experience residing in the homeland before passing on to the next world. (201-234, 1990.4.22)
Through the Fall, everything that should not exist, everything that is contrary to the way of heaven, is overflowing in this world. It all needs to be eradicated. It needs to be separated from God's world. Words alone are not enough to achieve this. The world is filled with the variegated customs and habitual lifestyles of different races, from the various historical and cultural backgrounds which are connected to each other only through the love, life, and lineage of Satan. Therefore, it will not be easy to eliminate all this.
This is the reason why it is written in the Bible, those who seek to die will live. This is how the paradoxical logic is formed. Those who seek to die will live. In other words, you need to invest your life into this. Therefore, everything needs to be bleached and washed, that is, restored through indemnity. Such a process is absolutely necessary. If this is not carried out, and you are still left with the habitual tendencies or criminal nature as remnants of the satanic world, you cannot form a relationship with God. (213-98, 1991.1.16)
You will not be able to find the path of salvation in following your present habitual lifestyles. You need to walk a completely new path of atonement. The providence of salvation is that of restoration, and the providence of restoration is that of re-creation. In accordance with this, in order to be recreated, you need to be restored to the original position before the Fall, the state of complete self-denial. In such a state, there would be no self-awareness, no habits, and no surnames like Kim or Lee, as at present. You need to attain such a state of emptiness. Taking into consideration God's original standard of creation, you can see that every being created by Him was initiated from a state of non-being. (213-98, 1991.1.16)
The members of the Unification Church cannot live as they please. You cannot deceive your own conscience, can you? Can you deceive your conscience? As long as you cannot deceive your conscience, you cannot deceive the family register of the Kingdom of God. Everything is recorded. Every action I take, be it the raising of my hand, is videotaped, isn't it? If it is possible to record such things in the physical world, do you think it would be impossible in the Kingdom of God? If you wanted to find out how a particular Blessed Family is doing, all you would need to do is press a button. You would then be able to see not only their childhood, but even their ancestors. It would take less than an instant. It would not take long at all. On earth, there is the concept of time, but in the spirit world it would be finished in the blink of an eye. (148-290, 1986.10.25)
Even if a new bride was indescribably beautiful, if she was married into a renowned noble family, she would have to follow the rules of her new family. If she failed to comply with those rules, she would be banished. Can you imagine how hard that would be? It would be all the more difficult if the lifestyle, habits, and customs of the two families were very different. Keeping in time with a life filled with rules and regulations, and maintaining love, would not be easy. It would be very difficult. If you failed to live according to them, you would be banished. (184-243, 1989.1.1)
Absolute obedience! You need to practice absolute obedience. These are not the words of True Father. These words are in accordance with the Principle viewpoint. This is real, not just a concept. Absolute faith! Absolute love! Absolute obedience! Only then can individualism be turned upside down. Only then will Satan flee. Satan will flee! Therefore, you need to practice absolute obedience.
If North and South America followed this way, they would be united. I am talking about absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. That is the right track. You need to follow this track. Once you are standing in such a position, you are able to restore the lineage, the right of ownership, and the realm of heart. Through the restoration of your tribe, you are able to claim, "This nation is my nation. It is absolutely my nation! The family, tribe, a people, and nation are all absolutely mine!" (269-94, 1995.4.8)
Adam and Eve lost the standard through which they could practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. They entered unprincipled marriage, thereby defiling the lineage, completely overturning the right of ownership, and bringing into ruin their whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute restoration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect the pure lineage of True Parents so that it can be passed down to your descendants eternally. Adam and Eve failed to do so and entered a fallen relationship. Therefore, you need to maintain purity and be blessed in marriage. You can then restore the absolute lineage, the absolute right of ownership, and the absolute realm of heart. This should be our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94, 1995.4.8)