Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Why must we breakthrough now on the local level? The Fall happened in the family, not in the neighborhood. Do you understand? It's the tong and ban (local community and home neighborhood). The family is the center of the local neighborhood; we must breakthrough in the family.
The mothers and fathers must absolutely believe in God, and God must love the sons and daughters as much as the mothers and fathers do. You must love your relatives in your local neighborhood and your nation from the position connected to and centered upon the three great loves which are centered on God's love -- filial love, parental love and conjugal love. From here, the direction for the realm of unity can be created. Do you understand? (173-178, 1989.2.14)
The standard now is to breakthrough at the local level. In Jesus' time, he could not establish the domains of the family and tribe. But today, centering upon the families of the Unification Church who are completing the tribal domain, the liberation of the realm of the worldwide tribal domain will take place from all four directions. I see this as the condition that can spread the realm of liberation of the local level throughout the world. You should know that it is for this reason that I am directing you today and asking for your pledge. (166-259, 1987.6.7)
The most important thing is where to put down our roots. The place where these roots should take hold is not within the organizational body of the province. Under the province is the county, and under the county there are townships and villages, but these have become easy targets, and so here Satan has laid the grounds to come in and set up his temporary residence. For this reason, you must plant your roots in your local neighborhood and community. You should know this through the principle. This is the reason the Unification Church must set the goal of local breakthrough as its single goal. There is only one goal in restoration. Humanity has only one goal towards perfection, regardless of whether it is or was in the past era, the present era, or the future era. It starts from individual perfection. In the same way, in order to achieve unity, we must set up a rock-solid foundation, centering on the local level. (171-299, 1988.1.2)
The reason that the Republic of Korea is failing now is because it isn't educating its citizens centering on tong and ban organizations. It pulls all the strings, but its control hasn't reached as far as the county level. Everything is just being passed back and forth in the provinces, and the executive offices have made organizations and through them have only exhausted the national treasury. This shouldn't be happening. Everything should be invested centering on the local leaders, and this is where we need to succeed. In this way, we must protect the family. We really have to protect the family. In order to save the nation, we must protect the cells of the nation and then multiply these cells. Each cell should be armed with a system of thought and resolve to be united with the neighboring village and with each other as they grow. This resolve and effort are of great significance. In this way, you should link together. (165-50, 1987.5.19)
The local breakthrough movement that we are unfolding is not for a political purpose, but is our effort to make sure that there is a system of thought and a structure that can correspond to the time of the unification of North and South Korea. The Communist party moves with a structure, so let's prepare our position to be well matched with theirs. (Unification of North and South Korea -- 664)
This is an important final hurdle. I have prayed throughout my life that we would win over the tong and ban centering on districts and township. Only by doing so, can we take complete hold of the satanic world. We are not trying to take over something large, such as the central government building in Seoul or any other city. We are trying to influence the tong and ban, centering on the districts and then assimilate the tong and ban centered on the townships. Then everything else will be included. From the VIPs down to the most simple people, transcending class, everyone is included through the local level activities. Therefore, the district and regional church leaders should not focus on the provinces but in the leaders of the tong and ban. Centering on the district, the stage for your activities is the tong and ban. (167-10, 1987.6.14)
Until now, each administrative authority in the Republic of Korea has never had the experience of carrying out its political or educational directives centered on tong and ban. It has never carried out education on a national level. It has been unable to advocate its ideology. It has only been able to gather together the city mayors or the county officials, and maybe one or two other people from the local neighborhoods. The main target for ideological education has not been the leaders of tong and ban. Therefore, there are no roots. It means that no roots were put down here. That's the point; there are no roots. It's just like a floating weed. (165-224, 1987.5.27)
The first problem is breaking through to the leaders of the tong and ban. The next problem is to breakthrough at the township level, and even the village level. When we do that we will be perfectly organized. (165-19, 1987.5.19)
The way in which we integrate the local neighborhoods with the local communities will determine the success or failure of our movement. The whole problem is in the homes. What can mobilize people during elections? Focusing on cities or mayors will not work. Working with a focus on the heads of counties will not work. The issue here is to have an organization that moves the local neighborhood, centering on the leaders of the tong and ban. (165-17, 1987.5.19)
Is it a difficult thing or an easy thing to digest this centering on the leaders of the tong and ban? If you form a structure, will it be easy or difficult? This is why I am telling you to have confidence. This is something anyone, even a mere child, would not have a problem with. In fact, it's not a problem. If you can just properly set up the leaders of tong and ban, then it will not take long. (165-323, 1987.5.27)
Even if you cannot come to the front line where I am fighting, you must still overcome the crest of tears and settle down centering on the tong and ban. We must overcome this sorrowful fate, this fallen fate. If we do not do this, heaven will not co-operate with us. Heaven will not move there. Heaven will leave. (166-172, 1987.6.5)
While carrying out this activity, you should expect to go through several pairs of shoes. For you to reach the leaders of tong and ban, driving a car won't do. You have to walk. Even if you go through a few pairs of shoes, work on foot. See what happens if you sweat and try knocking on doors three or four times a day. Most of the time you have probably only knocked once, right? If you go to the tong and ban and give a few lectures within one day and get soaked with sweat, then you'll have to take a shower. Try it and see! Try it and see if heaven helps you or not. See if you still feel on fire or not. Try it and see if my words are true or false. (167-40, 1987.6.14)
Centering on me, you must go out and become sentinels who breakthrough in all the tong and ban, and who should all emit the same light. Even if you can't emit more than the others, you should at least have the same color light. Would it be alright if you shed red light when you are suppose to shed blue light? Even yellow light would still be wrong. Everyone should shine with the same color light. (167-40, 1987.6.14)
The points that I am instructing you to focus on are very clear. They deal with breaking through to the leaders of tong and ban in South Korea. Only when at least one member of the church becomes either the leader of a tong or ban, will the members of the church become the group that will be remembered by heaven. (166-253, 1987.6.7)
Our goal is simple, isn't it? We need to make at least one member a leader of a tong or ban no matter how we do it, even if we have to yell and scream. Then all activities will be arranged at this level. Even the University students are doing this. (165-305, 1987.5.27)
It's okay if we firmly grab hold of the family. Aren't all people bound to a family? If we catch the family, then the members of the National Assembly, the ministers and vice-ministers of the cabinet, and even the president in the Blue House, all will be caught. You should all become leaders of tong and ban. Don't you agree? If the members of the National Assembly, the important statesmen of the country, the cabinet members, and even the staff members of the military will all become mobilized through the leaders of the tong and ban movement, then everything will be completed. We can then work without a fight. Do you understand? (167-21, 1987.6.14)
For us, the government is not the issue. What we are trying to do is to find a nation. We are aiming to grab hold of tong and ban. If we do that, then the difficulty of finding that nation will automatically be solved. (167-24, 1987.6.14)
What is it that we must do now? Within the North Korean system you cannot make a breakthrough at the tong and ban level. No matter how many underground operations North Korea may do, it cannot penetrate down to the tong and ban level. Its point and line organizations are organized through its administration, but it cannot breakthrough to the tong and ban level. Once the breakthrough movement is successful, then everyone will be caught up in it. Everything will collapse. Point, line and the entire espionage system will be caught. This means that we are doing what cannot be done by North Korea. When the communist party comes down, we should have this in place and then we just hang our heads down. The 40 million people of South Korea should all go into North Korea carrying bundles of presents and bring about the result in the same way as when Jacob brought Esau to submission. If we take all the property we have accumulated for 21 years to North Korea and say, "Elder brother, this is all yours," and then give everything, North Korea will completely submit to us. (172-97, 1988.1.9)
What is it that we should do now, centering on the Citizen Federation? The only thing left is to do is the breakthrough at the tong and ban level. We are making a structure in order to do this breakthrough movement. We are organizing structures for the centralized areas, provinces, counties, and townships. Everything moves centering on the township. If you look from the viewpoint of the tong and ban, then the structure of the nation is like a big circle. The structure of the province is the next circle, and next is the structure of the county. The next circle is the structure of the township. Viewed centered on ban, then the tong is the next circle. Restoration goes forward from the restoration of the individual to the restoration of the family, the tribe, the people, the nation, and the restoration of the world.
In the same way, when we look at the way things are structured, we see that every nation has its national organization similar to the Citizens' Federation. There are provincial organizations, and then organizations of the county, township, village, local community and neighborhood (Tong-ban). This is the structure of the current national organizations of Korea. Then what does a local neighborhood (ban) represent? Of course it represents the local community, but it has two purposes. The direct purpose is for itself, and then the whole purpose is for the nation. When the tong and ban local neighborhoods and communities unify, it will lead to the unification of the nation. It has the same organizational structure as that of the human body. (171-299, 1988.1.2)
First we need structure, then unity, and lastly we need action. These are the three elements needed to move the world centering on Korea. By standing within a thoroughly organized realm, you must connect 100 percent to all directions. Furthermore, you should establish this standard, leading the way, in order to fulfill you central mission. You must determine your position within the organized realm. If you don't have a position, then there is nowhere for you to sit down. You can push ahead only after your position has been decided. You will be able to see how your position is developing based on your effort. Deciding the position is an important part of strengthening the power of the organization. (15-191, 1965.10.9)