Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family, by centering on true love.
Pledge number three of the Family Pledge refers to the unfallen original world. It is talking about returning to that original world. The entire process of growth we undergo -- for example when a baby grows up and then eventually marries -- all of this is keyed towards finding our position as a spouse and a parent. The goal is to find that position which allows us to become one body with God. The perfection of the Four Great Realms of Heart is the path we have to go to perfect ourselves as human beings. (283-80, 1997.4.8)
Adam's family in the Garden of Eden was to be God's ideal family of true love. It was created to fully manifest the invisible, incorporeal Being. God and human beings are in a subject-object relationship based on true love.
God created two individuals, Adam and Eve, hoping for the completion of the embodiment of true love, a completion that was to be achieved through the children, siblings, husband and wife, and parents that he had envisioned in His heart. The reason for this was that God desired the substantial perfection of a child's true love. That is, He desired the perfection of his true love partners as the siblings of a real substantial family, as a substantial husband and wife, and as substantial parents.
In other words, He wanted to achieve unification at one central point that connects together the vertical axis of top and bottom, the horizontal axis of left and right, and the front and back axis of front and back. That central point thus becomes the center of a spherical form. (259-44, 1994.3.27)
When are the children, siblings, couple and parents, these Four Great Realms of Heart, perfected in oneness? The point at which two people who are centered on God marry and consummate their first love as a couple is the point where all levels of perfection bear fruit, and is itself the center of all those levels of perfection. In this sense, marriage is the union of heaven, earth and humankind, and the perfection of all relationships; the vertical and horizontal, the left and right, and front and back.
Marriage is the place for the perfection of true love bringing together the ideal of true children, true siblings, a true couple and true parents. For this reason, Adam and Eve together are the second ancestors of humankind, and stand in the position of God's most beloved object partner. Thus, standing in the position of the second creator, they are to inherit everything that God, the first Creator, feels, and on behalf of God feel the joy of the child's position, the sibling's position, the couple's position and the parents' position. The joy they experience is to multiply and give birth to children. This allows them to experience and taste for themselves the position of the first Creator, God.
In this way, God stands in the position of the first Creator, Adam and Eve, the second Creator, and the children of Adam and Eve, the third Creator. The first, the second and the third creators -- God, Adam and Eve, and their children -- become the formula unit centering on the four-position-foundation, and form the fundamental principle of existence which all of humankind have to follow.
In this way, looking at things centering on Adam and Eve, when upper and lower, namely parent and child, are connected, in turn bringing about the connection of left and right (husband and wife) and front and back (siblings), the family achieves perfection. This position or place is where the mind and body of each individual finds God and achieves unity, and where both man and woman become one, finding the place of settlement and rest centering on God. In other words, this becomes the foundation where God and Adam and Eve and the children are united, and in doing so, it also becomes the base where peace, freedom, happiness and hope all are bound together into a single point. (259-42, 1994.3.27)
By allowing Adam and Eve to multiply and give birth to their own children, God allows them to experience, from the position of the substantial corporeal second creator, stimulation flowing back from the third creator, their own substantial creation. Thus, the family is the foundation which allows us to experience, from generation to generation, the four great realms of child's heart, sibling's heart, the couple's heart and the parent's heart. The family is the base for perfecting all these types of true love.
That is why the family enables a starting point of perfection through which we can achieve the oneness of God and humankind in love, and come to own heaven and earth. In other words, the family becomes the original starting point for the ideal children, siblings, couples and parents. It is only from this place that men and women with united minds and bodies can emerge, and it is only here that we can see a couple who have perfected the ideal of husband-wife unity, or the start of the ideal parents. Furthermore, this is the place where, centering on true love, the model for the perfection of children, siblings, couples and parents can be created. (259-42, 1994.3.27)
Human beings exist as parents, couples, siblings and children. These are the four great principles of relationships. All human beings, whoever they are, have to pass through these stages. We are born as someone's son or daughter, and when we grow up, we become someone's brother or sister. We are born as someone's child and grow up as brother or sister. What do siblings do? They learn. By learning, they become like their father or mother. Adam and Eve were also siblings to each other. They were to become husband and wife, and then parents. This applies to them as well.
That is why a man's wife is his younger sister, as Eve was the younger sister to Adam; and a woman's husband is her older brother, as Adam was the older brother to Eve. To God, they were a son and daughter. As God's son or daughter, a man has his own way to go, and a woman has her own way to go. Passing through school, and after fulfilling his or her own responsibilities, they go on to resemble their own father or mother. And just as their father or mother married, they too go on to get married. (263-57, 1994.8.16)
In pledge number three, we find the contents of a textbook about the heavenly kingdom in which Adam and Eve have not fallen. Everyone without exception will have to accomplish that work. When we unite directly with one another centering on the goal expressed in this content, we come to establish a liberated family that will experience no limitation or hindrance in either the spirit world or the physical world. It is from that point that the world of happiness, peace and ideals begins.
This is where the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world begins. From this perspective, what do we mean by "the Four Great Realms of Heart"? The four great hearts do not exist separated from one another. All the fruits of these realms are harvested at the time when Adam and Eve are married.
This, then, is the perfection of God, and at the same time, the place where Adam and Eve achieve perfection as a couple and as parents starting from the position of child and brother or sister. From the "baby" seed of God, siblings are perfected, husband and wife are perfected, and the parents are perfected. Furthermore, the children of Adam and Eve also achieve perfection in that position. In this sense, the Fall is the failure to achieve the standard of the three great Creators on earth, the failure to see that accomplished. (264-195, 1994.10.9)
All human beings are born as someone's son or daughter, grow up as someone's sibling, are wed to someone as a wife or husband, and eventually pass away after becoming a father or mother. This is the inevitable formula course for human beings. Individuals who do not pass through this course end up miserable and unhappy in the spirit world. Those who never experience a spouse's love, who never experience a parent's love, or a sibling's love, or the love coming from a child, are unable to get close to God. That is why the Unification Church emphasizes the importance of the Four Great Realms of Heart. (263-57, 1994.8.16)
What are the Four Great Realms of Heart? They are the realm of the child's heart, the realm of the brother and sister's heart, the realm of the husband and wife's heart, and the realm of the parent's heart. In a family, the grandfather is in the position of God, in the realm of perfection, Adam and Eve are in a position that directly connects to God, who stands in a vertical position to them, and their sons and daughters are in a position that represents the future world.
It should be very clear to you that your family is the foundation for you to inherit the Three Great Kingships of the past, the present, and the future; you have to remember this. In conclusion, the grandfather stands in God's place, right? So within the family, the grandfather is the king, and your own sons and daughters are princes and princesses who will inherit the future Kingdom of Heaven. (235-30, 1992.8.24)
What is the meaning of the pledge number three? The third pledge is the textbook of the heavenly kingdom. What Adam and Eve failed to perfect was the Four Great Realms of Heart. Married life is the final destination for the perfection of sons and daughters, the final destination for the perfection of brothers and sisters, the final destination for the perfection of couples, and the final destination for the perfection of parents. Through our married life, we should give birth to holy sons and daughters. They are the fruits. That is why parents' love for their children does not change for a thousand years or ten thousand years. In this sense, the position of a married couple is awesome.
Marriage is then the place where we can see the flower of hope for humankind coming into bloom, where the children that humanity has been hoping for can appear. It is the place where the flower of hope blossoms as brothers and sisters and as husbands and wives. In this way, Adam and Eve begin to create from the point of giving birth to their children, just as Heavenly Father began his creation from the point of experiencing love of a couple. In this way, we achieve the position of substantial creators; from the position of horizontal creators, we give birth to our children. This is what children are. In giving birth to them, we are making the third creators. (263-148, 1994.8.21)
The position of husband and wife is where God and his children meet in unity, where brothers become united in God's family, where the couple becomes one, and where the parents become one. Centering on the Four Great Realms of Heart, my spouse is thus my absolute counterpart and object, through whom I can perfect myself.
Accordingly, a husband is the one through whom his wife can meet God's ideal son, an elder brother who represents heaven, a husband who represents Heaven and a father who represents Heaven. A wife also stands in the same position in relation to her husband. Such a couple will feel joy by substantially experiencing, through their own children, everything they have invested in those children since birth, just as God has experienced raising the parents themselves. (259-45, 1994.3.27)
What are the Four Great Realms of Heart? What is the hope of all children? The hope and desire of children is to find the path of love. The hope and desire of siblings is also to find the path of love, the desire of all couples is to find the path of love, and the hope and desire of all parents is to find the path of love. What then is the final destination for these four types of heart while they are looking for the path of love? The answer is "family love" or the love of the family. (273-24, 1995.10.21)
The Four Great Realms of Heart should all be perfected within the realm of God's vertical heart. In other words, the perfection of the children's realm of heart, the siblings' realm of heart, the couple's realm of heart, and the parents' realm of heart. Adam and Eve should have perfected all these realms of heart. As a natural consequence, then, we need to perfect these four vertical realms of heart and liberate God from his sorrow.
Within the family, the grandfather is in the position of having created the heavenly kingdom. You did not know that your grandfather and grandmother are the king and queen of your family, did you? In future, you should clearly remember that the family is the foundation for inheriting the heavenly kingdom. Also, you should clearly understand by now how much you need to live a life of love within your own family, because your family is the foundation for realizing and actualizing the four great vertical realms of heart. (235-30, 1992.8.24)
Because God's love is absolute, it is a heavenly law that husband and wife cannot be separated. We should restore the fallen world of humankind, a world in which this law has been lost, and return it to the original homeland. It is only in this way that we can achieve the goal of building world peace. Then the family-level Kingdom of Heaven will unfold into the national-level Kingdom of Heaven, and the national-level Kingdom of Heaven will unfold and develop into the world-level Kingdom of Heaven. Finally, the world-level Kingdom of Heaven will grow into the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world, thus achieving total liberation, and eventually leading to a world of peace.
When a husband and a wife marry and come to practice true love with each other, this becomes the royal palace which is the foundation and root of love, life and lineage between God and humankind. It is also the starting point for the ideal of the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the spirit world.
The children produced as the fruit of this true love will perfect their oneness with their spouses centering on true love, and form a family that attends God as a part of its natural way of life. This in turn will form the starting base or foundation for peace and the ideal, so that glorious men and women can then become one united body and, as God's true object, perfect the ideal love of God himself.
In other words, by perfecting human beings as creatures of unlimited value, centering on true love, God himself also achieves the perfection of love, and establishes the family ideal that is his ideal of creation, in which the eternal ideal love can reside and dwell. In this way, God intends to complete and perfect the ideal world. (295-45)
Adam and Eve are to complete the Four Great Realms of Heart on the vertical level through their children. Also, since the family is the horizontal manifestation of the vertical, it must inherit the three-stage tradition centered on God. In terms of the present, the center is the father and the mother, Adam and Eve. The past represents God, and the future represents children. You should understand that in this way, our families are meant to inherit the tradition of the Three Great Kingships. The royal family that lives this way enters the eternal country as citizens of that country, and as the royal family of that country.
This is the heavenly kingdom. This is the position in which the True Parents stand. Because of the appearance of True Parents in this era, the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships have been completed and are perfected. Furthermore, because the Parents stand in the center, they stand in the position of the King, representing all the families of humankind.
Accordingly all the descendants who belong to this lineage will be children who inherit that kingship. Up until the present era, Jesus has been fulfilling the role of a King in heaven, but there have never been Parents. Now, with the arrival of Rev. Moon, a new kingship will be established with the Parents at the center; and that is how it will be done on earth as well. In this way, the invisible "plus" and the visible "plus" will become one, and mind and body will become one. (235-231, 1992.9.20)
Parents are to nurture their children as God's own children, on behalf of God, standing in the position of substantial parents. In doing this, I can substantially feel God's experience in nurturing His own children. God Himself has been growing in this way. God has grown and passed through an age of childhood, an age of brotherhood and sisterhood, an age of the conjugal husband and wife, and the age of parents.
As we give birth to children and raise them up, we experience centering on ourselves, God's past history. We come to see the character and shape of the invisible Creator, the invisible first Creator in his infancy. When, in the position of the second Creator, the visible Creator, we raise those children, and help them grow as brothers and sisters, and eventually help them to marry and become someone's spouse, the goal is to see substantially, on the horizontal plane, all the concrete content that exists internally and invisibly, just as God did when he raised Adam and Eve as his children, and as a brother and sister. This is the significance of having our own children. (263-148, 1994.8.21)
When are the Four Great Realms of Heart perfected? When do sons and daughters achieve perfection, and when do brothers and sisters achieve perfection? When do husband and wife achieve perfection, and when do parents achieve perfection? It is when they consummate their marriage... When marriage takes place, it is at that time that three types of love; children's love, siblings' love, and husband-wife's love, all bear fruit and yield a harvest. This is fulfilled while the Parent resides in heaven. The Parent of Adam and Eve lives in heaven, the spirit world, and stands on the foundation of these three types of love.
Because you yourselves were born and raised and became parents in this way, you also should have children. You should give birth to your own descendants. Just as God created Adam and Eve, you should give birth to children as the second Creator. This is the meaning of having descendants.
You should create children just as the first Creator created children. Because the first creation was carried out by the vertical Creator, it has to unite with another horizontal one, bringing the two together. Because the horizontal standard rises up infinitely, the vertical standard expands out infinitely and forms a circular form, which develops into a sphere of unlimited, infinite surface.
For this reason, parents represent heaven, and children, siblings and husband and wife represent earth. Thus when these become one centering on a husband and wife, the vertical standard also becomes one. That is how the perfection of Adam and Eve becomes the perfection of God's ideal of creation. Everything that God hoped for in the ideal of creation is perfected and completed. What does this all mean? It means that we all need a reciprocal object partner of love. (263-57, 1994.8.16)
The perfection of the Four Great Realms of Heart is realized when the object partner manifests, centering on God, the past, the present and the future, bearing the fruit of love. This state is achieved when husband and wife, once they are married, become one through love. That is why we are not able to reach the state of oneness by ourselves.
We should center ourselves on God. Only when God enters and becomes part of the equation can the position of a king emerge through the couple. Without the unity achieved through love, the kingship is not created. The kingship here refers to a king and a queen, but only with the intervention and involvement of the vertical God does the kingship emerge.
Through the realization of this kingship, God Himself finally unites in total oneness with Adam and Eve who are fully born anew on earth. After reaching oneness, the giving of birth to children and the corresponding horizontal expansion achieves the same results as if all four-position-foundations are the same one and are identical. For instance, when there are three sons, the four-position-foundation of each son created through his own family looks the same. It has the same shape and form; it is the same model. Accordingly, each family holds the same value of the family of Adam and Eve. The reason is because they carry the same seed. (270-258, 1995.7.16)
You should understand that the position of the second creators was promised, but God was not able to see the third creators, His grandchildren. Therefore, you should also understand that it is you who should become God's grandchildren. Grandchildren should recapture all of the past history of the first invisible God and the second visible God, and make them feel the love of two worlds through which they can rejoice. It is the grandchildren who stand in that position. It is not God, nor is it Adam or Eve.
That is why even God reveres his own sons and daughters, why he even reveres his grandchildren. Adam too, then, should also revere his children. He must make sure not to neglect his children or fail in raising them in the right way. For this reason, if one of the children in the Blessed Families happens to fall, the result is the corruption of the entire family, the family fall. You should understand that it carries this kind of devastating result.
You should perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Your grandfather represents God. Because your father stands at the center of the second generation, he stands in the position of the king of your family in this world. You should, therefore, attend your parents as if they were a king and a queen.
Likewise, you should attend your grandparents as if they were God. So by receiving these two loves, by receiving the two loves of your father and mother who represent God, you, in the place of the grandchild, start to expand the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven. The love spills over and forms Heaven in this way. (264-195, 1994.10.9)
God loved Adam and Eve with His invisible original mind, but came to love their beloved children through Adam and Eve's visible, physical bodies. In this way, God's position in loving his grandchildren is different from Adam and Eve's position of loving their grandchildren. This is the reason why fruition comes. That is why fruition comes. It is because there is this dual layer that fruition is achieved. This is the natural result of origin-division-union action.
When God created Adam and Eve starting from the division of the origin or original position, God was elevated to the level of the Parent by going through the stages of child, sibling and husband-wife. In the same way, Adam and Eve should also rise up to experience Parent's love by experiencing first children's love, siblings' love and husband-wife's love. You have to clearly realize that parental love must be connected both vertically and horizontally.
That is how the vertical standard comes into being in both heaven and on earth, and from that point on, everything expands centering on the Parents. All of history unfolds centering on the Parents. This, then, is the formula for development. History unfolds and develops through the family pattern centering on the Parents. (270-258, 1995.7.16)
God himself has also been growing. God created, through the form of the substantial Adam and Eve, the children, siblings, husband and wife, and parents that he envisioned in His invisible formless mind. By experiencing them grow as siblings, husband and wife, and parents, God experienced them as his own second self, and through this, He feels infinite joy as the God who has perfected His ideal of true love.
As human beings we are created to feel joy in the same way that God does. For that reason, no matter who we are, we come to stand in the position of a child, sibling, spouse or parent to someone else. No matter who we are, as human beings, we come to establish families centering on the Four Great Realms of Heart; our families are the base for us to experience the ideal realm of heart.
And just like God, only those of us who actually experience the Four Great Realms of Heart can find oneness anywhere in the Kingdom on earth and the Kingdom in heaven. This is the reason we feel drawn to establish families: we want to become such ideal human beings. For the same reason, all human beings, whoever we are, must seek for the original family and restore the protected nest of love. (259-44, 1994.3.27)
All of you, as husbands and wives, should realize the Four Great Realms of Heart and fulfill the Three Great Kingships. If you do this, you will be able to freely travel between the spirit world and the earthly world at any time. (253-71, 1994.1.7)
The perfection of the Four Great Realms of Heart can only be obtained through oneness between husband and wife based on love in marriage. If this oneness is broken, the result is the imperfection of the children's realm of heart, the siblings' realm of heart, the husband and wife's realm of heart and the parents' realm of heart; all of these will be left incomplete. Before going to the spirit world, we have to perfect these Four Great Realms of Heart, but because of the Fall, these realms of heart have never been completed. That is the reason why we need restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11)
The Four Great Realms of Heart are completed and bear fruit through the oneness of love between husband and wife, while the Three Great Kingships are perfected at the time when Adam and Eve give birth to their sons and daughters. Only after they have given birth to the children can these Three Great Kingships be perfected. God represents the grandfather, who represents the spirit world. Adam and Eve represent the present. These things connect this way: past, present and future. Sons and daughters, who represent the future, are born through Adam and Eve, who represent the present. Thus, that which has been divided from the origin must come back and be reunited. (270-258, 1995.7.16)
The life that we live on earth is transferred to the spirit world in exactly that same shape or quality that it has on earth. You really should understand this point. How then are people connected horizontally once they reach the spirit world? You carry all the things that you feel and experience in your family on earth to the universal family on the other side, and that is how you enter that world.
In this world, we live life in our family centering on our horizontal parents, but when we go to the spirit world, we enter the world of the vertical Parent, that is, the eternal vertical world. The vertical parent is that which is formed centering on God. That eternal world is the world of spirit, and so it is more than just one generation that enters that world. Thousands and thousands of generations all enter into that world.
Because that world is the extension of the lives we lived in this world, together with our own grandparents, parents, and sons and daughters centering on God, we must accomplish a connection of heart that we can feel horizontally, a connection that we feel being responsible as an elder sister, or a younger sister, as a wife or a mother, or as an elder or younger brother, as a father or husband, etc. Only then can we experience harmony there. (247-308, 1993.6.1)
You are hearing this kind of thing for the first time, aren't you? This is what the Kingdom of Heaven is; a homeland where you have to travel to carrying the love of the royal family, after having restored the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Go ahead and die, if you don't believe me. No matter how great a person is, everyone is affected by this reality.
Therefore, please make up you mind quickly to receive the Holy Blessing. That is the quickest and easiest solution. Don't let a situation arise where you end up dead and have to lament, "Oh, I wish I had listened to Rev. Moon!" So receive the Blessing and learn as you go. You actually have to unite together as a man and a woman, seek and restore the lost heavenly family, and attend God as your King.
In this sense, your grandfather is there representing God, so you should attend him in place of attending God. Your parents are in the position of king and queen, centering on the families of five billion people living on earth. The children should be attended as the kings and queens of the future. Let us therefore inherit the path of the parents, the path of those we attend as the king and queen of the families in this present world, together with God. The world that inherits that path and passes it on for thousands and ten thousands of generations is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth! Amen! Amen! (239-76, 1992.11.23)
Originally, if Adam achieves perfection the father of the heavenly kingdom also achieves perfection, and if Eve achieves perfection, the mother of the heavenly kingdom is likewise perfected. If they become the owners of the family, the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on the family level will emerge. Therefore, Adam and Eve are to become the King and Queen of the individual level, of the family level, tribal level, national level and world level. (201-130, 1990.3.27)
God grows as the King of the spiritual kingdom, Adam grows as the King of the Earth, and Adam's son grows as the King of both the spiritual kingdom and of earth. If you ask someone "What kind of family do you want to have?" some will answer, "I want my grandfather to be a king, my father to be a king, and for myself to be a king. That is the highest desire a human being can have."
You are living your lives ignorant of the fact that you are sons and daughters of the Three Great Kingships. To become a prince or princess of the Three Great Kingships, you should be capable of attending your grandparents like the king and queen of the spiritual kingdom, and of attending your children like princes and princesses. The start of Adam's family centering on the ideal of God was to be the start of just such a family. Adam's nation, Adam's world and Adam's cosmos are all included within such a family. (280-167, 1996.11.24)
Adam and Eve are the son and daughter of God, aren't they? Because they are the son and daughter of God, they are also the prince and princess of heaven as well as the prince and princess of the earth (the physical world). While on one hand they are the prince and princess of the spiritual Kingdom, when they have grown up, they will also become the king and queen of the Earth.
They are God's royal descendants. This is the reason why they should obey all the laws of the royal court in the spiritual kingdom, and then substantiate or manifest all the elements of that way or law to become an ideal model within both the vertical and the horizontal dimensions, in both the front and rear, and also within the left and the right realms.
Wherever they go, to the east or the west, to the north or the south, or to the front or the back, they still form the ideal model, because they stand in that central core position. That central position is the core of all relations, north, south, east or west, above or below; it is the center. From this perspective, you folks here should become examples and model wherever you go. (226-258, 1992.2.9)
What is the position and significance of grandfathers and grandmothers? They are the ambassadors dispatched by the heavenly kingdom with full and complete authority. That is why you should attend your grandfather and grandmother in the same way as you attend God. Your mother and father are the king and the queen of the present human family of five billion people. You yourselves are princes and princesses who will inherit the kingship of the future. This is the tradition of which you are a part.
So then for what purpose do human beings live? The purpose of human life is to inherit each and every kinship realm of the heavenly kingdom: the kingship of the past, the kingship of the present and the kingship of the future. Isn't that true? Doesn't everyone want to be a king or a queen? Based on this kind of thinking as the mainstream thought of life, we become a people who form reciprocal bonds of heart as brothers and sisters, and create that brotherly realm of the heart. Centering on the lineage passed down through the eldest son's line, this foundation of heart will be passed on into the eternal future for a thousand, for ten thousand generations, as the lineage of the royal family. (228-282, 1992.7.5)
What do we mean when we refer to the ideal family of the original creation? The ideal family of the original creation is made up of the Heavenly Father-King, the king of the spiritual kingdom and the king of the earthly kingdom; in other words the king of heaven and the king of the earth. That is why you are princes.
What is the ideal family? The past represents God, the earth represents the present, and the children are the princes of the future. So the Cheon Bu Wang, the Heavenly Father-King stands in the place of God; the Earthly Father-King and Mother-Queen stand in the place of the father and the mother; and the children stand in the place of the princes, that is, the place of sons and daughters.
So looking at the three generations as one family, the grandparents represent God, the earthly Father-King and the earthly Mother-Queen represent the parents; and their sons and daughters become princes and princesses. Thus, each of these three generations are representatives of kingship. If we talk about the grandparents we are talking about the past, if we talk about the parents, we are talking about the present, and if we talk about the children, we are talking about the future. When these are all linked together, the past, the present and the future are all connected in them. (219-244, 1991.9.8)
Families that have completed and perfected the Four Great Realms of Heart and Three Great Kingships are ideal families. In those families, the grandfather is like God, the parents are the king and queen of the families of the world, and you, the children, are the kings and queens of the future, who inherit the kingship of both earth and heaven. God holds the kingship over heaven, and the parents hold the kingship over the earth. The sons and daughters are the kings and queens who inherit this. Thus, the place where all these Three Great Kingships are bound together and bear fruit is our own ideal family. (239-185, 1992.11.24)
Our grandfathers and grandmothers represent the past, and in this sense, they are the ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom sent to our families by God; they are the special emissaries of the heavenly kingdom. Our fathers and mothers are the kings and queens of the present, of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. We, as grandchildren, receive love from both the parents and the grandparents. Adam and Eve were only able to receive Heavenly Father's love. There was no one, however, who could receive Adam's love. Thus, even God was only able to love one generation, but He actually needs to experience loving grandchildren, that is, the second generation. That then, is the point from which expansion begins.
The three generations are together one unit, one category, and this is why we have to attend our grandparents like we attend God, to attend our parents like the king and queen of the world; and the grandchildren; we have to attend like they are the kings and queens of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth that will come in the future. The grandchildren then, receive love in two layers. The third generation receives love from both their grandparents and their parents. The love is doubled, and it is from here that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in the spirit world comes into being. (266-147, 1994.12.22)
Grandparents have to live as if they are representing God. Parents have to live as if they are standing in the place of the president of the world. Their sons and daughters have to live as if they are the kings of the heavenly kingdom, as princes and princesses. This is the ideal family, the original family that God created, the family of God's love. The family is the palace of the heavenly kingdom, and its members represent the royalty of that kingdom.
God sees the grandparents as representatives of the princes and princesses, and the parents as representatives of the princes and princesses of all the nations of the world. Everyone has this kind of desire, don't they? It's the same everywhere. The children, then, represent the princes and princesses of the entire universe in the future. Our family, our home is such a place, the center of that kind of value. This is something you should truly be proud of. And it is truly very precious that we ourselves stand on this kind of wonderful and noble ideology.
So when you can say, "I am proud of my family, that my family is a model family, a central family representing the ideal couple," the entire universe, even all the creatures of God's creation in the future, will welcome such a family. Do you understand the background of a family with this value, such a historical family? This, then, is the structure of the ideal family that God created. You have to reach that kind of position. God is in the position of your grandparents, and once you reach that place, everyone has to bow before it. (216-299, 1991.4.14)
The Three Great Kingships are the unified ideal that brings together not only the era of the grandparent's kingship and the era of the parent's kingship, but also the era of the kingship of the spiritual kingdom and the era of the earthly kingship. The grandparents are the first generation, and the parents, the second generation. There are only two generations here; there is no third generation. Grandchildren need to be born, and they need to receive love both from the parents and the grandparents.
It is really rather amazing. I too have had sons and daughters and raised them, but I relate to my grandchildren rather as friends. That is, we became friends. As people grow old, we tend to feel lonely. Our environment changes and our sphere of activity is reduced. In this way, we start to form tight bonds with our grandchildren.
This process leads to the perfection of the grandparents, and also the perfection of the parents; they come to create a single seed together. When the top place or position is connected with this point, everything becomes connected. Only when these two are linked can the one seed be created.
That is how both the grandfather and the father are perfected, making one seed, and that is why everything has to become connected when the top is connected to this point. Only when the two generations are connected together can the one seed be created.
Thus, centering on the sons and daughters of Adam's family, centering on them as the one single model, and horizontally, being connected centering on the royal descendants of this direct line, the family is expanded horizontally. Without becoming a seed that has experienced the three great realms of heart, expansion is impossible. (283-79, 1997.4.8)
Because of the Fall of Adam and Eve, God was unable to stand in the position of three generations. Only two generations were established when the Fall occurred. What, then, is the most miserable thing about American families these days? The worst thing is that grandparents virtually cannot meet their own grandchildren. All grandparents start out as babies and finally reach the stage of grandparenthood, so they naturally should return to a baby-like state. Who are their "baby friends"? This is their grandchildren.
Once we grow old, we start to become senile, don't we? Once we get senile, we become like babies. Once we become senile, we even lose the ability to speak. Isn't that true? That is why grandparents and grandchildren should come together. Once I have become a grandfather, I find my grandchildren even more lovable than my own children. And the people I long for the most are not my children, but my grandchildren. That's how it is. From this point of view, old people in America are really to be pitied. (266-147, 1994.12.22)
When we love and respect our grandparents, what we are doing is actually inheriting the past, and learning about the past. We learn about the present from our parents, and when we love and cherish our children we are in fact living as we learn about the future. What is it that we inherit from our grandmother and grandfather, from our mother and father? What is the lineage that we inherit?
The answer is true love. True love is the thing that we inherit. My grandfather and grandmother may be old, but they became one through true love. Likewise, my mother and father are one in true love; so naturally, we too, should become like them and inherit the future. You have to understand, that without becoming a true family on the absolute level, you cannot inherit, you cannot connect the future.
When we look at these three generations within the family, it is like looking at the entire universe. The love of the universe dwells within a true family that represents the entire history of the past, present and future, starting with God. In a true family, we love our grandmother, our mother, our older sister, and so on. If our grandmother isn't there, we feel insecure and unsettled.
The same with our grandfather; and same with anyone; if they are missing or are not part of the equation, we feel unsettled. We have to build that kind of family, and when we do, we move naturally into the heavenly kingdom. The grandparents, the parents and all the children naturally shift into the Kingdom of Heaven.
The people who enter the Kingdom of Heaven are those who experience loving true grandparents, loving true parents, loving true children, a true family, a true nation, and the true universe. The family is the model textbook for achieving this. If we think about this, and we think about God, the eternal future opens up for us. When we love God, and we think to ourselves "my love goes on, for the sake of the future," then the eternal future opens up. (162-140, 1987.4.5)
The ideal family is the family that has perfected the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. The grandfather is like God, the parents are the king and queen of the world family, and we ourselves are the king and queen of the future who will inherit the kingship of heaven and earth. This is the kingship of the Kingdom of Heaven, isn't it? And of the earthly kingdom? And we are the kings and queens to inherit this. In this way, the place where the Three Great Kingships need to bear fruit and become bound into one is our family, our ideal family. (239-185, 1992.11.24)
Now that we, the blessed central families, have entered the age of the heavenly kingdom on earth, your family, my family, we are all royalty. That is, we are the family of the king. So how exemplary do we need to be? Can a king just live as he wants? Kings, queens, princes and princesses, all of them should keep the law of the nation to which they belong. However, in addition to this, they also have to observe the laws of the royal court. In fact, that kind of law exists, doesn't it? There are laws and rules that the royalty and aristocracy have to follow. Whether you are in Britain or in Korea, the life of those who belong to the royal family is not all that easy. (232-326, 1992.7.10)
I, Rev. Moon, have been walking that kind of difficult path, the course of the path of restoration. And if you don't have that kind of experience, and taste that kind of difficult path, you cannot really sense or know the heavenly kingdom. You will not be able to rise to the position of kings and queens who can govern the Kingdom of Heaven. How can you become a king if you do not even know how to attend the queen? That just doesn't make sense. (232-331, 1992.7.10)
The teachings that I am bringing are unprecedented in history. They are the hope of humankind, and bring the beginning of peace and happiness. They are the starting point for everything within the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, those families that are connected to me in my lifetime -- your families -- stand in the realm of the royal family. If you live this kind of life, you will definitely pass into the level of the spirit world that corresponds to the degree to which you have perfected this life. And if you think that what I am talking about has nothing to do with you, then you are making a big mistake.
Your families stand in the position to perfect the highest, the greatest, and the most noble desire in the world. That hope, that desire is that in the family, the grandfather becomes a king, that the father becomes a king, and that the children become kings, and that all three generations can stand in the position of the kings of the universe. This is the greatest hope. You have to realize again, you have to feel to your bones again, that you are actually in a position to stand at the highest summit perfecting the very pinnacle of human desire. (249-111, 1993.10.8)
Adam and Eve are the parents of humankind and at the same time, the king and queen of all nations. Because of the Fall, Adam and Eve lost the "three great rights" or "three great authorities" that we speak of today in the Unification Church.
Adam is the first son, the eldest son amongst all human beings. He held the right, that is, the authority of the eldest son. The eldest son is the one who becomes the father. First he becomes the parent, and then later on becomes the king. So what, then, are these "three great rights'? The first is the right or authority of the first son, and then you have the right and authority of the parent, and finally the right and authority of the king. This is the reason we human beings are born; to be endowed with these three great rights. (273-223, 1995. 10.29)
When we think of the Three Great Kingships, we have to include the concept of the first creator, the second creator and the third creator. Without this idea, the Three Great Kingships cannot be achieved or fulfilled. God represents the ancestor of the past, Adam and Eve, the ancestors of the present, and the children of Adam and Eve, the ancestors of the future. So, the Three Great Kingships also need to include this concept of ancestors. Without this concept, the Three Great Kingships cannot be accomplished. After this, the concept of the realm of the royal families naturally follows, based on the reciprocal relationship established centering on the direct royal line. (270-287, 1995.7.16)
The final comprehensive conclusion of the providence of restoration is the restoration of the right of the eldest son, the restoration of the right of the parent, the restoration of the right of kingship, and the restoration of the right of the royal family. The purpose of the restoration of the right of the eldest son is the restoration of the right of the parent, the purpose of the restoration of the right of the parent is the restoration of the right of kingship, and the purpose of the restoration of the right of kingship is the restoration of the right of the royal family. These are the Four Great Realms of Heart.
Your grandparents, your parents and your own couple as the children symbolize the Three Great Kingships. The grandparents symbolize the past, your parents symbolize the present and your own couple symbolizes the future. Actually, your grandparents are, in a sense, special envoys of the spirit world sent to your homes. For this reason, families who humbly obey and follow the words of their grandparents most certainly prosper. (249-306, 1993.10.11)
The history of the providence of salvation is the history of working through the unity of Cain and Abel to find the mother and the father. Because they were lost, unless they are found and recovered, everything else will come to naught. We need to find the mother, then the father, and then the family. In this way, we come to establish, on the earth, the eternal ideal family. The first step is then to restore the right of the eldest son, and the second step is to restore the right of the parent.
The right of kingship can only be restored when these two are united into one. Originally, Adam's family was meant to be a royal household. Adam and Eve were meant to be the king and queen, with the man symbolizing heaven and the woman symbolizing the earth. If Adam and Eve had not fallen and these two worlds, these two realms of kingship, had been perfected, they would have grown into the ideal family. That is the ideal of Adam's family. After this, the right of the royal family would have followed. (246-170, 1993.4.11)
What are these Three Great Kingships? The grandparents are the king and queen of the Kingdom of Heaven, the parents are the king and queen here on earth, and you yourselves are the kings and queens of the future. For this reason, you should humbly follow the teachings and instructions of your grandparents, who represent the spirit world, and also the teachings and instructions of your parents. Because it is even more important for you to walk the path of patriots even more than it is for you to walk the way of filial children, you must obey humbly and absolutely.
The grandchildren, the children of Adam and Eve, were to receive love both from their parents and also from God, the grandparent. Adam and Eve only experienced the parental love of God; they were unable to receive the love of a grandparent. On the other hand, Adam's children were meant to receive the love of grandparents, and this is how the three generations were intended to be formed.
Only once the grandparents' love is received does horizontal expansion begin. The love needs to unfold through three stages. This, then, is a model. It is the four-position-foundation. These three generations must be connected, and for this reason, when grandchildren receive their grandparents' love, they are connected to the kingdom of spirit while they are still alive on the earth. They become the successors of the royalty of the kingdom of spirit, the heavenly kingdom, likewise, the successors of the royalty of the earth. (283-79, 1997.4.8)
The Fall passed through three generations. Our grandparents represent the Old Testament; our parents, the New Testament and we ourselves, the Completed Testament. Our children, on the other hand, proceed on into the era of the world. We need to connect all these things within the family. The problem is, Adam and Eve's family was in the position to achieve this, but in fact they lost the realms of the parents. They lost the right of the eldest son and they lost the right of kingship. However, we have now already restored back the right of the parent and the right of kingship. Because True Parents have laid out the path to restore the realm of parents, the right of the eldest son and the right of kingship, you are able to inherit them.
Because of this standard that exists centering on the right of kingship, you are in the position of tribal messiahs. The fact that I, representing the kingship of the nation, the kingship of the world and the kingship of Heaven, appointed you as clan or tribal messiahs means that you are tribal kings. You are tribal true parents. (210-270, 1990.12.25)
If Adam had not fallen, he would have been the firstborn grandson of the eldest son. However, this first opening, this first generation, namely Adam, ended in failure. As a result, the realm of the eldest grandson, the right of the parent, and the right of kingship, as the king of the universe, was all lost. You should understand that the final destination point of the providence of restoration is the movement for recovering these three realms.
This is the conclusion. The purpose of the providence of restoration is for Adam to claim and hold the realm of the true parent, the realm of the true eldest son, and with these, recover the right of kingship of the spirit world and the physical world. The ancestor of humankind was meant to become that kind of person and individual. (208-272, 1990.11.20)
If our first human ancestors had not fallen, they would have become the son and daughter of God, and the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in the Spirit World. That would have been a world-wide event. They would have been the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. But because good parents were unable to emerge from the alpha point, and instead evil parents emerged, everything needs to be wiped away. This is the reason that True Parents must emerge, that is, True Parents who are able to digest and resolve everything that started from the evil parents. (226-319, 1992.2.9)
You are meant to inherit the tradition of True Parents by becoming one with them. With the subject or core tradition in your family, you should establish a foundation through which you can guide all nations. Your family should be able to take on that kind of subject role. When you achieve this, you can be formally and substantially registered into the realm of the royal family of the spiritual kingdom.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the place that you enter once you have achieved all this. In fact, the Kingdom of Heaven is not somewhere where just anyone can go. Three generations should be determined together to walk that way. Grandparents, father and mother, husband and wife, and then sons and daughters make four stages altogether. Within this framework, it is in the third generation that the husband-wife level is achieved. (228-295, 1992.7.5)
The first step is the restoration of the realm of brothers, the second step is the restoration of the realm of parents, and the third step is the restoration of the right of kingship. The democratic world doesn't have this concept of "king", does it? That world is based on a philosophy of brotherhood. It sees things horizontally, like a single plane. That's what I mean by a philosophy of brotherhood, and in this kind of world, there is continual fighting.
People fight with each other, saying "this is yours, this is mine". This concept of fighting or struggle is very central to democracy, isn't it? For example, the government and the opposition fight against each other, and so forth. But what is the content of these struggles? What they are actually fighting over is the right of kingship. They struggle with each other, each being determined to win the kingship. What is the position or role of president? Isn't it a kind of kingship? But the kings in this sense come and go, and the result is often exploitation, and things don't really work out. But once a king on the absolute level comes forth, problems will disappear. The world of absolute peace will emerge. (205-172, 1990.9.1)
The political system of the democratic world is a system of conflict and struggle. This is the reason why we have to rise to up to the position of parents. It's the only way we can stop the fighting. With the parents at the center, all the brothers become united. That's the only way. First, we need to find the True Parents, and then it becomes possible to find true children, true nations and true peace. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1)
Godism is the ideology that centers on the True Parents. Godism belongs to the vertical realm, and that vertical aspect needs to fuse together with the horizontal plane so that all forms within the world also fuse together. This then manifests as the global or spherical ideal. Love is actually a spherical form. That spherical form connects with and resonates with the vertical dimension anywhere and everywhere.
The surface of that form becomes the realm of the ideal. For this reason, the everyday world, that is, the surface realm or area, has no foundation to complain. When a soccer ball rolls over and over and eventually stops, each and every surface aspect of it has an equal element that connects with the vertical. By the same standard, with this value system, we can reach up to and arrive at a world of equality and balance. It is important to understand this. (218-347, 1991.8.22)
Unification should be brought centering on Godism. True parents are the king and queen of the family. This family is naturally and automatically connected to other families. From there, the tribal or clan king emerges. This tribe or clan is also connected to other tribes and clans, and they come together to form an ethic group, and so the king of the ethnic group emerges. The same process unfolds for the nation, world and cosmos, and in the same way, the kings of each of these realms connect together and ultimately connect to God. In this way, God stands as the King of kings. (205-189, 1990.9.1)
The Kingdom of Heaven is the place that the royal family enters after they have become princes and princesses centering on God's love, and have received and experienced the love of the king and queen. Christians today say that they will go to heaven by believing in Jesus, don't they? I'm very much inclined to tell them to just pass over to the spirit world and see what happens. They'll find out quick enough whether or not Rev. Moon is right or wrong. What they say just doesn't make sense. That's the problem. Up until now, no religion has been able to provide an explanation that makes real sense. (237-172, 1992.11.16)
Who are Adam and Eve? If God is the king of the world of creation, then Adam and Eve are the object partners of His love, and the crown prince and princess who are supposed to inherit the realm and world of the royal family. That's what they are -- a prince and princess. That's who the unfallen Adam and Eve are. And this is important, to understand this: that Adam and Eve were the firstborn son and daughter of God who is the King of the entire universe. (229-57, 1992.4.9)
Those who enter the heavenly kingdom should go through the gate of the prince and princess, as the children of God's love and direct lineage, and as the royalty of the heavenly kingdom. What, then, is the Kingdom of Heaven? The Kingdom of Heaven is the place where the scion of the royal lineage go; the place where the royal family goes.
We should all become the children of God's direct and secondary lineages on this earth, centering on the exemplary standard of true brotherly love and unity, and from a position of having accomplished and created a model clan and nation, become the embodiment of the honor and dignity of the royal family. The Kingdom of Heaven is the place in spirit that we naturally shift to after having lived this way during our earthly lives. (236-204, 1992.11.8)
All of you should now become part of the royal family centering on true love. If we think that Adam was the son of God's direct lineage, his brothers and sisters belonged to God's secondary lineage and were meant to become the citizens or people of God's nation. From this perspective, we have to become full of the love of the prince and princesses of the realm of Heaven, and have to proudly embody the dignity and honor of that position, and also our parents, too, have to proudly uphold that dignity all the course of their lives. Therefore, let each and every one of us fully understand that the original homeland is this place that we should enter after having lived this way, in other words, the Kingdom of Heaven. (220-219, 1991.10.19)
You cannot enter the heavenly kingdom without having loved the world. You should love the world as your own and love all of humankind as your own family. Unless you feel the pain and suffering of the world in the same way that God does, you cannot become the princes or princesses of the heavenly realm. That's who God is, and that's how He feels, so you need to be able to stand in the position of the princes and princesses of that kind of Father. You need to accomplish restoration of the right of the eldest son, the right of the parent and the right of kingship. After accomplishing this, you can restore the realm of the royal family.
Unless you pass through all these gates, you cannot meet God in the original world. So the important question is whether or not Heaven and Earth are able to greet you. You yourself have to find and become one with that original root that I've just described, and be welcomed by all things, with no barriers to being welcomed at all, or to your traveling through every place of the great creation of freedom that God has created. If you can become such a person, then no matter where you go, everyone will bow their heads in acknowledgment and respect before you as you walk by, whether you go to the highest heaven or even the deepest hell. (253-322, 1994.1.30)
Without the restoration of the right of the eldest son, there can be no restoration of the parents. Since the original brother and sister were lost, we can only be elevated to the position of the parents on the foundation of having found the original brother and sister once again. Restoration is done by going the reverse way. Once the parents are found again, the parents, that is, Adam and Eve, become the king and queen.
Then the right of kingship centers on the tribe and a clan of the secondary lineage then emerges centering on that right of kingship, so that finally these together form a single clan or people. Next, this develops into the realm of the royal clan or tribe. This is the final conclusion and consummation of the entire providence of restoration. Because this is the conclusion, everyone needs to follow this path and fulfill these steps. Only then can we truly become the sons and daughters of the True Parents. (246-146, 1993.4.7)
The Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships must be realized in our families. People who achieve perfection in this way do not need to believe in Jesus, nor do they need Rev. Moon. They can simply go directly before the throne of God. The day that this happens is the day when the realm of the royal family of God's nation begins.
So in order for the royal family to begin, you yourselves need to live this way, and then have your lineage connected to mine, through my sons and daughters. Do you understand what I mean? The only way to be connected to the realm of the royal family is when we become related by marriage through my sons and daughters. (238-48, 1992.11.19)
How can the family be perfected? The family can be perfected by living the life of the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the realm of the royal family. This leads to the perfection of the family ideal, and the perfection of the ideal of God's creation. And you should also become a member of the king's family. The king's family has to be united centered on the king. And this is what the Kingdom of Heaven is, namely, the place where you go after having lived within the realm of the royal family. After you have lived there, you simply move or transmigrate naturally to the Kingdom of Heaven. (244-48, 1993.1.29)
Only after realizing the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships, can we enter the realm of the Royal Family, or the Royal Clan. The position of true love that centers on these Four Great Realms and Three Great Kingships is what we mean by the realm of the Royal Family. Once we achieve this level, the road to the Kingdom of Heaven is completely open. And this was God's ideal for Adam's family. It is in that ideal that the true son and daughter are perfected, and that the brothers and sisters are perfected. That is where the husband and wife are perfected and where the parents are perfected. (244-310, 1993.3.1)
The restoration of the right of the eldest son leads to the restoration of the right of the parent, and the restoration of the right of the parent leads to the restoration of the right of kingship. By restoring the right of kingship, the realm of the royal family naturally comes into being. This term "royal family" refers to the living environment, that is, the stage of life in which life is carried out, and we have now entered that kind of era. So we get the victories and step over one by one in a reverse course. After we have arrived back, what will we do? Because we lost the family, we have to find the family. (235-42, 1992.8.28)
The people of the heavenly kingdom, the tribe and the citizens of the heavenly kingdom all start with the royal family. Therefore, in order for us to go back to our original position, we have to experience the realm of the heart of the royal family, centering on the true love of the heavenly kingdom. This, then, is God's pain and anguish that this content was never accomplished or completed. God's bitter pain is that He was not able to raise up or truly love his prince and his princess, and also that he was unable to have grandchildren from a royal lineage.
As Adam and Eve grew up, they failed to fulfill love in the position of a prince and princess who could inherit God's lineage. They fell while they were still growing, in the realm of indirect dominion that is governed by the results of the principle. Accordingly, they were unable to become the counterparts with whom God could directly discuss his concerns. He was unable to discuss and share with them concerning the future course of history, and the creation of heaven and earth. These are things he wanted to discuss with them, as a father and son would naturally want to do. (220-47, 1991.10.14)
If our first human ancestors had not fallen, they would have become God's direct children centering on the right of kingship of heaven and earth, the right of the parent of heaven and earth and the right of the eldest son of heaven and earth. Their family would have become the royal palace of earth and the royal palace of heaven. Furthermore, all the brothers and sisters born to the secondary lineage would have received their royal tradition and expanded it out horizontally. All those who then became one with this central royal tradition and practiced it throughout their lives would have thus entered into the Kingdom of Heaven.
From this viewpoint, then, what is the Kingdom of Heaven? The irrefutable conclusion is that the Kingdom of Heaven is the destination realm arrived at by the families and clans who, centering on God's love, live through and pass through this royal tradition on while on earth. For this reason, if we consider that only those who live the life of the royal family, whether as God's direct family line or as the peripheral secondary family line, can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must also conclude that all the families of humankind must live, centered on love, the tradition of the royal family. (218-221, 1991.7.29)
Up to this very day, the Unification Church has been walking the path of history, the history of the age of indemnity. And the purpose for us having walked this path of the history of indemnity has been to restore the right of the eldest son, the new right of the parent, the new right of kingship, and the new realm of the royal family. Centering on what? Not centering on today's human-centric world, but rather centering on God.
These realms are not to be restored centering on any existing kingship, or on any existing family. No, we are talking about the right of the eldest son centering on God, the realm of the True Parents centering on God, the right of kingship, centering on God, and the realm of the royal family, centering on God. This has been the hope that humankind has longed for, all the time up until the present day. (230-171, 1992.5.3)
The people that I am looking for are those who can be the royal family of the heavenly kingdom. You have to become seeds. You have to be seeds that can be stored in the granary, passing through the cold north winter for the following year, and in the next spring, with bright sunlight and warm spring breeze can be able to sprout, taking up the right direction, and demonstrating within yourself the creative force. Only when you become such seeds -- seeds that demonstrate the power of life -- can you become the new buds of life. (180-62, 1988.8.20)
What do we mean by "the realm of the royal family'? In Adam's family there was Cain, the older brother and Abel, the younger brother. Cain and Abel were born as the children of Adam and Eve. That's Cain and Abel. In all environments, no matter what, there must always be a subject partner and object partner, and Cain and Abel must become one in the same way that the subject and object become one. Centering on the family united in this way, other families in the fallen world should also, in turn, become one with that family. This unity is what we mean by "the realm of the royal family."
Because the elder brother is the central figure, he should stand in the center and put his direct brothers and sisters on the right and those to be restored on the left. After this, he should bring them into oneness. Because the Fall occurred, this task has to be accomplished. If the Fall had not occurred, then all that would have been needed was the unity between the brothers and sisters in Adam's family. Thus, in order to save the fallen world, the unity between Cain and Abel must be put in the Abel position with the world of Satan in the Cain position, and the standard of restoring the right of the eldest son, the right of the parent and the right of kingship then established. When those in the younger brother's position obey and submit to this standard, then the realm of the royal family is established.
Thus the sons and daughters of the fallen world can stand in the position of the younger children by going through the children of direct lineage, and in this way return to the position of the eldest son, and be able to live together with them in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. This is what we mean by "the realm of the royal family." (270-260, 1995.7.16)
The realm of the royal family does not belong to one's own sons and daughters. The people of the fallen world were originally meant to be the unfallen first princes and princesses. But through the Fall, they became entangled with Satan, and with the right of the eldest son in Satan's world they destroyed God's ideal for the heavenly kingdom. To resolve this, the people in Abel's position have to climb over the many hills of suffering, heartache and bitter pain, and by pioneering the heavenly way in Satan's world, lead Satan's people to a voluntary and natural surrender.
By doing this, they should then bring those in the eldest son's position in the fallen world down to the position of the second son, and rise themselves from the second son's position up to the right of the eldest son, and centering on that bring complete and total transformation to everything in heaven and earth. It was from that position that the current foundation centering on True Parents emerged. (264-195, 1994.10.9)
The "realm of the royal family" means dealing with fallen humanity as the second princes and princesses. As in the case of Leah, the first wife of Jacob, when she had to stand in the position of the concubine and Rachel became the first or main wife of Jacob, and Leah had to attend her as such, without going into that position of the concubine, she could not be restored to the side of God.
No one knew that this kind of amazing reversal of roles had to take place; that this kind of path of exchange of positions had to be walked. Because this kind of principle is at work within the process of restoration, this kind of phenomena also took place at the time of Jesus. This kind of providential standard, which centers on the right of the eldest son, the realm of the parent, the right of kingship and the realm of the royal family, all had to be restored through indemnity at the time of Jesus.
Things had to be fixed exactly as they were lost. If three holes were punched in the bucket in triangular form, then three holes had to be blocked up in triangular form, for example. Because Satan invaded and Heaven's side sustained damage, God's side also has to inflict that damage on Satan's side and restore it through indemnity. That is what restoration through indemnity is referring to. (262-203, 1994.7.23)
When we get to Pledge number three, it talks about the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships, and the realm of the royal family. This is like a textbook, and shows the pattern that should be fulfilled by everyone. So what is this "realm of the royal family"?
"The realm of the royal family" expresses the intention to save all the people of the satanic world who, in the position of the eldest son, have been striving to destroy God. After restoring the right of the eldest son, we should love those people like our own younger brothers and enter the Kingdom of Heaven taking them along with us. What we have to remember here is that we have to bring them along with us. We cannot go alone. That is why we have to restore the right of the eldest son. So that Cain in the satanic world becomes our younger brother. Of course, those are to be our younger brothers are much greater in number than we ourselves.
All of humankind is included in that number. They will stand in the position of the younger son, once the right of the eldest son is reversed. So, all of you, that is, your sons and daughters, have to bring all the people of Satan's world along with them into the Kingdom of Heaven. You have to bring them along with you and not separate them out. This is the same for your father, and this also applies to all generations that follow. This must continue up until Satan himself is restored. This is what we mean when we talk about the realm of the royal family, and this is why it has been particularly included within the Family Pledge. (265-253, 1994.11.23)
Originally, the realm of the royal family was not supposed to exist, but it exists now to make the sons and daughters of the fallen world... that is, to make the devil into younger brothers and sisters. Without standing as part of the realm of the royal family, Cain in the satanic world cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Also, Cain should not think that his losing the position of the right of the eldest son means that he is banished, even though he destroyed God's ideal from the position of the eldest son while standing in the realm of the love of Heaven, that is, the second son's realm.
Since he comes to stand in the position of the younger son, he enters an environment where he can be loved by his elder siblings and by his parents and, after receiving love from them, he also can enter the unfallen realm, the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is the destination of those who experience the love of the royal family. This ideal model family has been established now, but the rest of the world still remains to be restored. (267-151, 1995.1.4)
What is the realm of the royal family? Now, we have nothing but families, so what do we mean by this "realm of the royal family'? This means Cain. We have to save Cain. Standing in the place representing the path of the true prince, we have to pull the kinship of this world, the fallen misshapen kingship, in the direction of heaven and enter with them into heaven.
We have to save Cain and Abel and make them our younger brothers, teaching them all the traditions of the royal lineage. Once they stand in this position, we have to lead them forward, so that their descendants on this earth can be connected to the realm of the royal family, as the scion of the royal line. Unless the Cain world on this earth is bound together as brothers, the realm of the royal family will have to continue to remain on the earth.
Therefore, you must not forget Cain. It is not your own family that will form the realm of the royal family. Your family has to unite with the Cain families, inherit the kingship of this world, and set those families up in the younger sibling position. Then, you have to bring them to the realm together with you. That is what we are talking about. Once this is done, Cain and Abel become united and their positions are reversed. That is what we mean when we talk about the realm of the royal family. (283-80, 1997.4.8)
Your family is not the one to fulfill this role of the realm of the royal family. Absolutely, Cain and Abel have to unite. Cain and Abel together have Cain-type parents and Cain-type grandparents, don't they? So you should educate them, and in doing so, bring that family of three generations to a natural and voluntary surrender, centering on the sons of the Cain realm. And when your own family goes ahead as the realm of the royal family, you can bring them to the realm in the position of your own younger siblings. That is what I mean by "the realm of the royal family." (283-80, 1997.4.8)
What is the realm of the royal family? It doesn't mean the direct children of Adam and Eve. There is still this fallen world to be restored. Although you may have been restored yourselves, still, centering on the Blessed Families, centering on your own children, the Cain realm remains to be restored, as does the tribal messiah realm, and also the Cain realm on the world level. By restoring them, you need to rise to the position of the eldest son. As Abel who was opposed by Satan, you need to restore the position of the eldest son on Heaven's side, that is, the right of the eldest son, and put your elder brother, who previously stood in the eldest son's place, in the younger brother's position. You do this, then take your brother along and enter heaven together. When I am talking about the realm of the royal family, I'm talking about it centering on the responsibility you have to do this.
Because Cain and Abel became enemies on the horizontal level, they have to become one on the horizontal level, too. Because the order of relationship was wrongfully reversed, Abel has to become the elder brother, Cain has to become the younger brother, so that the Cain-Abel brothers are restored centering on the original son and daughter of God. Once this is achieved, they must enter the Kingdom of Heaven together. That's why you have to return to your hometown, put into practice the way of filial sons and daughters, the way of loyal patriots, the way of the saints and the way of divine sons and daughters, and complete all the formula course contents that God originally intended to fulfill within the first family. Once that is done, everything will be complete. (266-147, 1994.12.22)
The right of the eldest son comes first, then the right of the parent, the right of kingship, and then the realm of the royal family. What do we mean by this term "the realm of the royal family"? The situation God encountered in the Garden of Eden was a very serious problem. Although He wanted to fulfill His will, he saw the appearance of a woman and children who were very much other than those he wanted to see. The history of tragedy and misfortune began from this point, and because no one understood or knew about this, it has been impossible to resolve, up until today. On one side, we have five billion human beings, while on the other -- God's side -- we have only a handful of sons and daughters.
If you consider my situation in this case, I have only thirteen children. That's all; only thirteen. So how can I resolve the Cain-Abel problem? Where can I find the solution? The only way it can be resolved is through loving the enemy. Abel has to educate everyone through love. After restoring, through indemnity, the right of the eldest son, Abel has to recognize and establish everyone else as fulfilling the realm of the royal family. What I'm telling you is that you have to recognize the Cain world as your own royal family. (249-221, 1993.10.10)
I have built a way for you to rise to the position of the younger brother based on the restoration of the right of the eldest son. Even though the body of Adam -- that is, humanity -- became deformed and corrupted, the vertical Lord at his Second Advent comes and restores the right of the eldest son, and then, by recognizing and establishing you in the position of the realm of the younger son, brings both the first Adam and the second Adam to stand in the position of one, unified body. This is the starting point and origin from which the realm of the royal family emerges.
What, then, is this "royal family"?
Although all human beings have arrived in this world in the position of the elder children on the satanic side, they can all be recognized as a part of the royal family, that is, the younger siblings, if and when they are acknowledged through their desire to accomplish and support the restoration of the right of the eldest son on heaven's side. What this all means is that they will be treated exactly as the body of unfallen Adam. In other words, they become younger siblings. The Lord at his Second Coming is the "eldest son Adam', and the realm of the royal family is the "younger son Adam." (253-89, 1994.1.7)
The vertical kingship is the subject partner. When this vertical right of kingship and the horizontal realm of the royal family become one, they create a larger unified world, and this becomes the place where they connect to God. They become connected to the highest level or supreme partner. This is what the ideal world is, a place where, in the position of a minus, we can grow and develop through unity with something bigger in the position of a plus. This, then, is the formula for re-creation. It is a concept taught in the Unification Church, and frankly, it is the best explanation there is. That is why, whether they are the president of a nation or whatever, everyone has to move ahead following behind Rev. Moon. (246-263, 1993.4.18)
Even God himself was unable to experience and own this realm of the royal family. But once I achieve the right of kingship, and restore a nation, I will go forward and establish the realm of the royal family. Things will be put in order and the correct axis established by means of the heavenly constitution.
At the moment, the members of the Unification Church still don't understand about this. You wonder, "What on earth is he talking about?" Yet, there is no such realm of the royal family in the spirit world. That is what we mean when we say that the Kingdom of Heaven is empty. It is empty because the central core has not been established yet. That is the incredible reality of the situation. (270-279, 1995.7.16)
The five billion people of humankind are the relatives of the royal lineage, the relatives who will inherit the right of kingship that flows out from the direct lineage of the eldest son. Those who experience that heart of the realm of the royal clan are those who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, there has to be a royal family realm that extends horizontally throughout the entire world, and through that, we have to experience a unified, global, realm of heart that substantiates that very ideal.
We have to live a way of life that allows us to experience that. Once this takes place, the True Parents can stand as True Parents above the position of the eldest son, in other words, the kingship of the True Parents. Centering on that kingship, we have to lead ahead the royal family, who stands in a peripheral position. This is what the Kingdom of Heaven is: the place entered into by the members of that family, taking along with us that royal family, and all the while attending the right of kingship, centering on the parents, centering on the right of kingship. It is by experiencing that realm of heart that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (247-265, 1993.5.9)
You will be able to understand from my words just how far you actually are in your relationship with me. I am not simply your teacher, someone whom you can meet in a casual manner or without the right preparation or attitude. The only way you can enter the eternal mainstream world is if I resolve and prepare the core lineage of lineages, and the core heart of hearts, from the position of the core mainstream itself.
Because God is love, He wants to engraft the children of the adulterer, the descendants of the fallen lineage into the realm of inheritance of the eternal mainstream, then to store them in the storehouse of the Kingdom of Heaven, recognizing them as having the same value of the fruits of the true olive tree. When we talk about the realm of the royal family, we are talking about the people who stand in that position. (249-319, 1993.10.11)
Originally, all sons and daughters born here on earth are to become part of the realm of the royal family. Thus, once the fully completed Era of the Completed Testament and the fully completed Era of the True Parents are proclaimed, God will regard the entire five-billion children of humankind as the realm of the royal family.
And although He will recognize them as the royal family, at the same time, he will not simply recognize them as being fully qualified. Rather, God will allow people to enter the realm of the royal family, but for them to actually become members of that royal family, there will need to be a record and history of them having loved Abel more than anyone, based on the principle of restoration through indemnity, from the level of the individual to the level of the entire world. (251-169, 1993.10.17)
The realm of the royal family does not include the children from my direct lineage. My direct children stand in a position that has transcended indemnity. Up until the present day, fallen people have been using the authority of the right of the eldest son to take everybody to hell, but now, having relinquished the right of the eldest son, they stand in the position of the realm of the younger son.
Originally, everyone should have been in the position of the eldest sons of the royal family. At any rate, now, because the fallen world has come to stand in the younger son's position, God recognizes them as being equally part of the royal family on God's side. They are included on God's side, and because of this, any conditions through which Satan or anyone falling under Satan's dominion can accuse God have been totally obliterated. That is why we can state that God is fair and just. The mission that stands before each of you now, then, is to achieve individually, centering on your own self and your own clan, centering on your own nation. (258-229, 1994.3.17)
What is the realm of the royal family? If you think of yourselves as the children of my direct lineage you are making a bad mistake. From the viewpoint of having completed restoration, there are restored women and restored Cain and Abel, and then there is Cain and Abel within my own direct lineage, Mother and the children. These are two different lines. God has been restoring the world, so once this is completed, how will he deal with the people from the Cain-realm?
He cannot simply kill them off. Originally, all the people in this position would have become the royal family, the royal family of Adam. But because they were dragged towards Satan and pulled to his side, they need to now be re-engrafted into their original rights once they are restored to their original state. That's why we have to connect or include the restored women and children into the realm of the royal family. What I'm explaining is that we have to bring all of humankind into creating this realm of the royal family. (256-327, 1994.3.14)
There are two sets of laws for the royal family. The royal family has to follow the law of the nation as well the laws or rules of the royal family itself. In order for the five billion descendants of Adam alive today to stand in the realm of the royal family, they have to become absolutely one with the children of my direct lineage in a relationship of Cain and Abel. Actually, you are not qualified to just come directly to me. The Blessed families do not belong to Satan, or to anywhere else except to Heaven's side, but they exist as Cain and Abel, the eldest son and the younger son.
The question is how many of you will be chosen. Even though the entire population of humankind might belong to the realm of the royal family, the real question is whether they have a direct connection to me or not. By having your children marry into my direct lineage, the realm of the royal family will be unified and eventually Cain and Abel will disappear. If you ask what the highest hope of all the women sitting here could be, the answer is having someone from their descendants marry into my direct lineage. (249-114, 1993.10.8)
The direct children of the Lord at his Second Coming do not have to establish indemnity conditions. They are not restricted or "caught" by indemnity conditions. The indemnity conditions are rather left to the women and the sons of the Cain realm here on earth, not the children of my direct lineage. This also applies to Mother. In fact, the same reality applies also to Sung-jin and his mother. The entire Cain realm is actually recognized as the realm of the royal family. When the Cain realm is placed in the position of the restored younger brother and regarded and treated as the royal family, Satan has no way to make accusations.
Why will Satan have to recognize and acknowledge this? Simply because there will be no condition for him to claim them as his children. If we do not acknowledge all of humankind in the position of the realm of the royal family, it means that there will remain within Satan's sphere a group of people not included in that royal family realm. In this case, Satan will continue to have a base for existence. However, because we accept everyone in humankind as the realm of the royal family, Satan has no choice but to cease to exist. This, then, is a very important point, and you must not be confused about it. (260-156, 1994.5.2)
Throughout history, numerous religious founders, saints and sages have emerged, up until the present day, yet none of them has had any real connection with true love. Jesus Christ came to this world as the Messiah in order to resolve this problem, and he invested himself to establish the foundation of "the bride" and "the bridegroom." So what exactly then does the Messiah have to do after coming to this world? He has to establish a new realm of the royal family, all the while heading in the direction of a new family, a new clan, a new nation and a new world.
Who is the direct ancestor of the realm of the royal family? The direct ancestor is the one who comes as the unfallen, direct son of God's original true love, standing on the foundation of true life, true love, and true lineage. He is the seed. Once a root extends out from that seed, it will be the central core root, and this will grow into the core branch and core flower bud. As the tree of this seed grows vertically, it will correspondingly expand in a horizontal direction, so that the family and tribe are connected to it, as are the ethnic group, the nation and the entire world. (263-194, 1994.10.4)
Thus far, not even one person on earth has been born through the True Parents. Those who are born to this world without a connection to the lineage of the True Mother and the True Father, that is, the True Parents, have no way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. From the viewpoint of God's ideal of creation, we are meant to receive the lineage of True Parents, to attend them as the owners of the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven, and to live together with them as their relatives, centering on true love.
Then, after having grown up in this way, we are meant to marry and leave our descendants behind, and in a very natural way pass on into the spirit world, thus entering the Kingdom of Heaven. What this means is that anyone who doesn't have real, tangible experiences of love centering on this realm the royal family cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It's actually quite clear. (250-49, 1993.10.11)
The process of dealing with everything centering on the ideal of love has formed the path of history. This is the mainstream ideology or thought of the history of God's providence. What again are the key points of that mainstream thought? In general, we can say there are four primary aspects. The key aspects of the mainstream thought in this fallen world or the mainstream thought that preceded creation are as follows:
Firstly, the restoration of the right of the eldest son, or the establishment of the right of the eldest son.
Secondly, the restoration or the establishment of the realm of the parent.
Thirdly, the restoration or the establishment of the right of kingship.
And finally the restoration or establishment of the realm of the royal family.
Each of these is included within that mainstream thought.
Adam was meant to be the eldest son, and Adam's brothers and sisters were meant to be the royal family. If Adam had not fallen, he would have established within his own family his position as the eldest son and his position as the king. At the same time, his younger brothers would have formed the royal family. His elder sister or younger siblings, etc, would have become the royal family, and this right of the eldest son, Adam's right of the first son, would have continued for hundreds and thousands of generation, eventually forming a nation and the whole world, finally becoming all of humankind.
This is the reason why the mainstream kingship has to be one, and why, centering on the realm of the royal family, the right of kingship and the realm of the parent, everything needs to come together to form one world. The root for all this is one, single root. There cannot be two. (247-134, 1993.5.1)
You are meant to inherit the tradition of True Parents by becoming one with them. With the subject or core tradition in your family, you should establish a foundation through which you can guide all nations. Your family should be able to take on that kind of subject role. When you achieve this, you can be formally and substantially registered into the realm of the royal family of the spiritual kingdom.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the place that you enter once you have achieved all this. In fact, the Kingdom of Heaven is not somewhere where just anyone can go. Three generations should be determined together to walk that way. Grandparents, father and mother, husband and wife and then sons and daughters; this makes four stages altogether, but within this framework it is in the third generation that the husband-wife level is achieved. (228-295, 1992.7.5)
Adam and Eve were not able to receive from God their education as His son and daughter, as His prince and princess. Nor were they able to receive full education as brother and sister. Had they received their education to be true siblings, all of the world could have been united through their establishing true brotherly and sisterly relationships with all people. Isn't humanity in some sense God's brethren?
Centering on the firstborn of the eldest son, all of the siblings of Adam could spread out horizontally to form a tribe, a nation, and eventually have expanded to cover the whole world. In this way, human beings were originally meant to live in the royal palace of heaven and experience the heart of the realm of the prince and princess, that is, the realm of the royal family, while here on earth. By living in this way, they would become naturally qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place where just anyone can go. (226-130, 1992.2.2)
We are now living in the age in which we have to establish God's people, centering on the realm of royal family of the heavenly kingdom. In the future, a time will come when everything in the fallen world will be bulldozed flat and this ideal will be established. When I go out to the world and teach God's word and teach God's Principle, there cannot be any Koreans or any Unification Church that stands in the way or blocks that road. That kind of resistance needs to be removed, roots and all.
When I look back on the cruel times when I had to abandon my own parents, even cut off my wife and son, I just have to close my eyes and push ahead. When the time comes to take a strong stand in order to establish the traditions of the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to have the guts to do so. (184-243, 1989.1.1)
What I am talking about seems like a dream, doesn't it? So why don't you go out and see. Can those who have inherited the devil's life and lineage, based on his fallen love, enter into the realm of the royal family, centering on God's true love, that realm that has been lifted up and created in unity centering on the realm of God's life and lineage, and based upon his true love?
Those who have inherited the devil's life and lineage automatically connect to hell, and once they are in hell, can they even raise their eyes upward? They cannot even look up. Only after several decades or generations might they be able to take a look in the right direction. Why is this? Because everyone has an original heart that reveres and longs for their parent, and because everyone still possesses the sense of attraction that directs them towards true love, they can look up in the right direction after several years, when their own fortune or destiny correlates to that destiny inside them, so that their minds and bodies resonate with it.
The only reason this is possible is because Adam and Eve grew to the age of fifteen or sixteen. If they had not grown that much, then there would be no hope at all. It would be utterly impossible. So we are still faced with this reality, this barrier of sorrow and grief. An important question, then, is how we can break ourselves away from this situation and establish the standard that resolves all this. (220-18, 1991.10.13)
Originally, husband and wife should speak to each other in the most respectful, honorific way. In aristocratic or noble families, husbands and wives do not speak rough language to each other. Korea is a nation with such a tradition, and this corresponds to heavenly law. In fact, heavenly law is even more stringent than that. The tradition within Korean aristocracy did not include or connect to God. It included the concept of "nation," but even so, it was not connected to the law of heaven and earth. For this reason, Korea and Korean people have to learn from the Unification Church. Otherwise, they have no way to enter the realm of the royal family. (253-323, 1994.1.30)
I stand in a position to correct all of the wrongdoings and misdeeds of both men and, women. Even if they bend only slightly from the Principle, Satan still tries to catch them with his net. He stakes his claim, saying "this person is flawed and malformed in such and such a way, so I have the right to take him!" That's why True Parents have to straighten out all the wrongdoings of people. True Parents have to lead them in the right direction throughout the lives of these men and women. How can they do it? Through the Four Great Realms of Heart. It is at this point that you can experience the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the realm of the royal family. (246-146, 1993.4.7)
Even if a highway has been built, it doesn't help you any to have a driver's license if you do not own a car, or even have money to buy gasoline. All of you should be able to take care of this by yourselves. You should try to resemble the family of Rev. Moon. Your family is like the vehicle. The vehicle needs a driver who can drive.
You need to learn to drive and you have to make money to run the car, and so on. You should not be indebted to others. If you are indebted, you will be ashamed of yourself in the spirit world. So instead you should think about how you can benefit others, no matter what your circumstances. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the realm of the royal family. The Kingdom of Heaven is actually a place that is quite scientifically organized. That is why each family is a micro-unit of the Kingdom of Heaven. (246-79, 1993.3.23)