Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.
Family Pledge number five states that, by centering on true love, our family is every day in a relationship with the spirit world as subject partner. It is as if everyday we are in the position of subject partner of the spirit world. Countless tribes and people are all there. Although the ideal of the extended family has been realized, the physical world should take the spirit world as the standard and move in rhythm with it, which they eventually enter and inhabit together in the future.
It states: "...strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." There should be no division if we are to make them as one. Just as the physical world has become one through the standard transcending the family, which is God's ideal of creation, we should not just live like this on earth but also live always in rhythm with the spirit world. So you should deeply experience God's love in your daily life. You should lead lives of deep experiences through which you can feel the spirit world and God's sorrow and joy. This is all planned as the completion of the course of restoration. (266-150, 1994.12.22)
Who unifies the spirit world and physical world? People. So we strive to advance the unification. We must progress daily and cannot retreat. Strive to advance. When you live in this world, instead of living only in one region, you should create many relationships and move in such away that you can influence the whole. As the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter change and as north, south, east and west rotate, you also should not stay just in one country. Once national borders are gone and the world is unified in this way, you should live going around the world as you please. When you go to a place you should not inflict loss on the people there. You should strive to advance. You should not live playing around. (266-150, 1994.12.22)
You should know that the universal family possesses the spirit world and physical world. If we are to realize an extended family, we should unify God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven. We have such a mission. "Our family pledges to strive everyday to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love!"
This is daily, once a day and not once a year. It states that the spirit world is the subject partner every day. There is the spirit world -- the heavenly nation. Next, there is the physical world as the object partner. Then what? We strive to advance the unification. So without resting, we should have stimulation and excitement to develop their unification. There is no time to rest. If we want to be an extended family of the spirit world, we must unify heaven and earth. (267-152, 1995.1.4)
After the Fall, Satan's sphere of activity expanded all the way up to the feet of God's throne in heaven, not to mention on earth. Consequently, Satan has been accusing people in the spirit world and physical world. Believers today do not clearly know that Satan has been wielding such authority. You must feel to the marrow of your bones that when the world of creation -- which was supposed to sing and rejoice over God's glorious ideal of creation through Adam and Eve -- was instead fully handed over to Satan due to the Fall, this caused great anguish to the Father who had created them. (1- 282, 1956.12.16)
You do not know the spirit world as a subject partner. How many times a day do you think about it? Are there more people in the spirit world or those living on earth now? What did you think about now -- the spirit world? If you only think of the physical world, you are thinking about nothing but the small tail. That concept disappeared through the Fall. So here our blessed members must know, every day, of the spirit world as the subject partner.
The spirit world is plus just as the mind is plus. The body represents the physical world and the mind the spirit world. Mind is plus and body is minus. Hence, if you act in such a way that you do not recognize the mind and the world of the mind as subject partner, you will have to go to hell. If you have denied your mind just as the body has struck the mind, this must be reversed. (260-193, 1994.5.8)
In your daily life until now, you have not had the concept that every day the spirit world is the subject partner. You have not had it even once a month. This is not right. You should think of it every day. Unless your sphere of daily living has attained, in response to the heavenly nation as the subject partner, its correlative perfected earthly form today, the foundation for perfection in the spirit world will not be formed in the future. This is a direct relationship. Only when it is linked to you every day, every year, and for your whole life, will it become your second sphere of activity and living space in the other world. (260-305, 1994.5.19)
The spirit world centered on God is the subject partner. As for all the ranks connected to the spirit world, they are as good as nothing. God is the original subject partner, and True Parents are the subject partner on earth. If my teaching did not accord with all the essential contents of God, everything would be distorted; this pillar would be crushed. This is why such contents must be correct. (292-320, 1998.4.27)
What is Family Pledge number five? It states: "Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." We are talking about the unification of the spirit world and the physical world. This is the problem. You will get caught with this at once. I myself have climbed over sorrowful peaks shedding tears and blood all my life in order to surmount this. You do not know the secrets submerged in the background of the Unification Church. No one knows and no one needs to know. If you knew them, how burdened you would be!
True Parents are suffering like this, and you would shed tears while even having lunch. I do not want this. Neither God nor your Parents want you to reflect on their suffering in an effort to remove all historical sorrow caused by indemnity conditions. You should forget about it and call out the name of God's Kingdom on earth that is full of hope; as representatives of God and the True Parents, you must exultantly fly high with the whole world as your sphere and heaven and earth as the sphere of your nation. You should live energetically, running with a desire to fly rather than just leap high. (283-242, 1997.4.13)
Within the realm of unification, there are eight stages to pass through, from individual through family, tribe... There is a path along which human beings must work on unification all the way up to eight stages in total, but they have not even known one. If there is a nation and a central nation that overlooks this, what would you do if you must be governed by this law when you go to the spirit world?
They would be individually remanded in custody. When they go to the spirit world, couples would be separated. If a family has ten members, all of them would be separated. They would not be able to go to one place. They do not know about this, but once they have come to know about it, they will see that the earthly world is like a shadow of the spirit world, and since it does not have the substance, the image comes to resemble the substance. They are becoming one. (284-15, 1997.4.15)
In order to find a way to link the spirit world and physical world, I have visited and examined everywhere from hell and revealed the facts. You should know that this treasure has come into your hands. What does Family Pledge number five state? It states that the spirit world is the subject partner every day. You should remind yourselves of the spirit world as the subject partner every day.
This is what it means to know. "... to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." daily. The earthly world as the object partner is like a fruit. This place and the spirit world are one. There is to be unification. The fact is that the spirit world and earth can be unified. Through this, the gates of both hell and heaven can be opened up and we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We should strive to do this, trying to shorten the process even by one hour. We should drive people into heaven even by force. (294-130, 1998.6.14)
Adam's family is the core of all the reciprocal subject and object partners in the physical world created by God, while God is the core of the subject and object partners in the spirit world. Thus, the two cores of God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven merge to form one unified Kingdom of Heaven. Adam, who can be the core of God's Kingdom in the physical world, and the core, who is the Lord of the families in the spirit world, will merge. (269-118, 1995.4.9)
Now, the spirit world and physical world are not unified. We must unify them. What is Family Pledge number five? It states, "...strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." We need to progress quickly and in addition what are we to do? It is time to strive forward. Yet when you are hungry, don't you think, "I'd like to do it after lunch"? I do not live like that. I would rather try to extend something by an hour than to leave early. You should feel that way too. In order to be that way, you may have to cut off some of your flesh and sell it. (280-38, 1996.10.13)
We should reorganize the entire fallen world and make it one. True love is absolutely one. The nation that is organized with true love at the center is one as a whole. The spirit world and physical world are like the interior and exterior. Family Pledge number five states that our family must organize itself by daily working to unite the spirit world and physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love. The spirit world is the subject and the earth is the object partner world. Now we are to spur the process of the two worlds becoming one. We must strive to achieve this even by force. Drive on forcefully. (295-261, 1998.9.8)
When we die, we enter the spirit world. We must solve the problems of the spirit world on earth. We cannot just go to the spirit world and find ourselves caught by its laws. Everything must be resolved on earth. This is not a concept but a reality. Having sensed such a world to be real, I have had no problem with persecution, however many.
If opposition and persecution are concepts, this is a reality. Only then will we stay alive. The most important thing is how we can have a real experience of the existence of the spirit world. Hence, persecution is not a problem. This is so because we know our purpose. When arising in the morning, we should have greater awareness of the reality of the spirit world than the facts of nature.
Being vast, the spirit world does not just have Britons and Americans. People of diverse nationalities of the same spiritual level congregate together. All five races are gathered in one place. Whether they are Germans or other nationals, they will still recognize the human form they used to see in the past, but since they see the world of the heart, how beautiful the world of your heart is will determine how close you can be to people.
They will want to be as one with people whose world of heart is more beautiful. They will be as one even if they were told not to. They will instantaneously recognize people from millennia or tens of millennia ago as soon as they meet them. You think of my words just as a concept or dream, and not something real, don't you? The question is whether you can sense it tangibly rather than just aurally. If you comprehend that, you will see that this world is but a shadow of the spirit world. (295-261, 1998.9.8)
As that world has no borders, if you have a loving heart there, you will be able to relate to everyone you meet. The mind does not age. The older it is, the more beautiful it becomes. So would it be good if God's sons and daughters all looked ugly in the spirit world? Those who live in the harmony of deep love will all become beautiful people. This is true not just of women but also men.
With all their problems, they should receive my teaching and guidance by praying. Had Adam and Eve not fallen in the Garden of Eden, they would have lived with God. Since Adam's body is created by God because He wanted to wear a physical body, it is through me that there is communication with the spirit world. It is not God Himself who fulfills His love, but rather human beings. (295-261, 1998.9.8)
You should have a clear understanding of the spirit world. Family Pledge number five states, "Our family... pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." Thus, you cannot afford to be ignorant about the spirit world. Those who are ignorant of it will not be able to enter the era of perfection. (294-98, 1998.6.14)
Do not be ignorant of the spirit world. What is Family Pledge number five? "... to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." Chastise your bodies hard with a stick. We are busy on our way. All these words also indicate an aspect of my daily life.
Our life in this world does not last forever; we are here only once. Despite that, we must tear down all fallen things: the walls that are blocking everyone from the individual to the cosmos. There we have to build not only a highway but also a railway. We have to build a rail for trains and even an airfield. Isn't the spirit world more than an airfield? That base is the True Family.
It is the True Parents and the True Family. From this starting base, we can go back and forth as much as we please. The fact that you have done all these things with me will be a memento of which you will be proud when you go to the next world. (296-279, 1998.11.10)
Then what is the providence of salvation? Just as the spirit world revolves around God, it has been at work to make the earth revolve around His will. It has been driving the providence of restoration in the form of creating a number of religions, although their cultural backgrounds and levels differed. Then, who has been doing the central work in the spirit world until now?
Jesus has been the center. It was Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through Christianity on earth, which is a foundation whose system has been organized for the God-centered union of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, they have been forming a system of Christian culture under the names of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Since the spirit world is formed this way, the earth should be formed in the same way so that the spirit world and physical world are aligned with each other and become integrated. When will they be thus integrated? At the Second Advent of Christ. Then, the Lord at his Second Advent will come upon the earth after having inherited and received all the systems of the spirit world and drive this world into an environment that can conform to that system. He will sort out the world from the bottom to the top. (161-220, 1987.2.15)
What could link the spirit world and physical world? Something that has existed temporarily would not work. It has to be something transcending time and space that is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, and will not be rejected but rather universally liked within the sphere of our daily life. It has to be something all of us can like whether by day or by night. Only then will we be happy. What this is, is love. This is impossible with money and also with knowledge. They cannot be anything other than unilateral. The same is true with power. Its limits have been set by the environment of the times.
When it comes to the question of its expansion: what should serve as a bridge in expanding it from the individual to the national, and then to the global level? This also requires something that can serve as a bridge, and it is that which is called love. (233-128, 1992.8.1)
The spirit world is the abode of the ancestors and the physical world is that of the descendants, with the two in a Cain-Abel relationship. The former is the archangelic world while the latter is the Adamic world. When the two are merged, we have God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven, where we can live together. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth cannot become one unless the spirit world and the physical world are united. The spirit world and physical world -- the archangelic and Adamic worlds -- are being integrated. The oneness of Cain and Abel leads to the establishment of the standard that enables true parents to be present. We are returning to the position before the Fall. (255-24, 1994.2.27)
What will we do based on true love? We are striving every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners. This is advancement. In advancing, we strive for the advancement. Unless we completely remove the crust of sin that we have inherited from our ancestors, even by applying whatever disciplines on earth, we would not be able to fly up to heaven and return to the bosom of God's Kingdom of liberation where we can receive His love. This is resurrection of the family. Where the family goes, there should be no obstructions in the world. (299-46, 1999.2.1)
The spirit world and physical world will be merged with God as their center under the unifying banner of the True Parents. As God created for the sake of others with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, we should stand on such a foundation of God's all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority and omnipotence. In order to return to the original state of creation and to find the partner of love there, we should invest and forget what we gave with absolute faith and a heart of absolute love and absolute obedience. We should regain everything God made and we ourselves should also practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience toward this world on behalf of Him. (303-153, 1999.8.17)
The focal points of your mind and body are not aligned. You should correct this. This is why religions chastise the flesh. Without making your body absolutely obey the orders of your mind through three to five years of establishing good habits, you would not be able to go straight along the road to heaven. If the Busan-Seoul railroad is to run through North Korea, the rail gauge must be the same there; and also if it is to run through China. Likewise, our width while living in the earthly world has to be the same as that in the spirit world. That railway is love. Unless our love in the spirit world and our love on earth are the same, the spirit world and the physical world will not be unified. (242-51, 1992.12.27)
You should have a clear understanding of the spirit world. Family Pledge number five states, "Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." Thus, you cannot afford to be ignorant about the spirit world. Those who are ignorant of it will not be able to enter the age of completion. This is why I am trying to teach you about the spirit world with the words of the Completed Testament Age. (294-98, 1998.6.14)
God cannot act arbitrarily. He cannot kill fallen humankind. If He wanted to, He would have the ability to exterminate them instantaneously, yet He cannot punish or restrain them. Today's religions did not know that the existence of such a lineage is what makes the world fallen.
Finally, in the name of the True Parents, all the facts about the spirit world have been acquired in detail. The motivation of the Fall, and the secrets of both God and Satan have been uncovered and revealed. It is the Divine Principle of the Unification Church that has revealed such things. With this, in order to harmonize the spirit world and physical world, which have a history of division and conflict, we seek to resolve and link together all the fundamental issues of the spirit world and physical world and human life. (304-214, 1999.11.8)
We should "... advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." every day. We are talking about the unification of the spirit world and the physical world. This is the problem. You will get caught with this at once. I myself have spent my life climbing over sorrowful peaks shedding tears and blood, in order to surmount this. (283-242, 1997.4.13)
We form an extended family by realizing God's Kingdom on earth every day. According to what standard does this extended family live? That of the spirit world, which is a greater extended family. The Cain-type extended family, the extended families of the world, should get in rhythm in a reciprocal relationship with the spirit world and create unity every day. If you say, "... strive every day to advance the unification...," advancement does not mean just to become as one and stay still. It means making progress.
From the age of the family to the age of the tribe, and then to the age of the people -- in this way we should go toward globalization. If this did not happen, everything would be scattered and become a big mess. Always, whether we work, go somewhere, sit down or take a rest, we as object partners must become one with the spirit world as the subject partner, and, without staying there, advance continuously.
In this way, we can stand in the position of surmounting the peaks of the family, tribe, people, nation and world and finally enter God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven. We will clean up all the rampant activities of Satan and realize God's original unified ideal world. We must strive to hasten this on. This is how the order is set up. (261-90, 1994.5.22)
Advancement never stops. We must move forward constantly. We must develop ourselves. Advancement! We need to advance in all directions. You should follow this path exactly as promised and become as one. You have not simply recited the Pledge for nothing. Thus, if your mind and body are disunited and your couple is fighting, you will be unable to say the pledge. If your children fail to unite with you, you will be unable to recite it. You should realize how precious the family is.
The fact that we have such a pledge for the family is making everyone in the spirit world pay close historic attention to us. They are saying there are no other people on earth who are so fortunate to do that. All our ancestors who have gone to the spirit world envy us. So as for my mother, how happy she must be to receive the Blessing even though she knew nothing about it previously! As I have finally started talking about the hometown providence and am blessing everyone together in the realm of liberation for all peoples, my parents can be one of these cases. It is in this way that we establish order. (271-290, 1995.8.28)
In advancing forward, we strive on with all our strength. We strive to advance toward unification. We are already advancing toward this, but still we strive on, hitting it with our stick. Do you know why Family Pledge number five has come into being? It means smooth passage on earth and in heaven! It means that the gates of hell in the spirit world and physical world have been set aside, and the march for entering the gate of heaven has started and is in progress. To strive to advance toward unification means to strike hard. If you have many younger siblings, you should bring them to the Blessing even if you have to push them. If your children do not receive the Blessing, problems will arise. (294-105, 1998.6.14)
Don't Unification Church members today think only rarely about being in step with the spirit world? This is why you are going out of control. You should check yourselves every day. Even if you have realized an extended family, you can fall again. In order to guard against this, you must strive to advance toward unification. You should be in rhythm. Next it says, "We pledge!" There is nothing called perfection there. The unification and perfection of God's Kingdom in heaven has not been achieved yet. We should strive toward it and stay in rhythm with it. This is absolutely necessary. (261-90, 1994.5.22)
What is Family Pledge number five? We live like this, and form an extended family by realizing God's Kingdom on earth every day. According to what standard does this extended family live? That of the spirit world. The spirit world is the greatest extended family. The Cain-type extended family should get in rhythm in a reciprocal relationship and create unity with the spirit world every day. This is in the direction of unity. This is how the content goes: "... strive every day to advance the unification..."
Advancing forward does not mean just becoming as one and staying still. It means advancement. From the age of the family, age of the tribe, and age of the race or people, this is the way we should go toward globalization. This is why we are called forward-moving. On the day we stop, we will slide off. If we were to stop, we would be connected to hell. We can be connected to prosperity and the Kingdom of Heaven only when we advance forward even if by just one step. This is what we pledge: advancement. We must strive to advance. Push yourself again and again to make progress. I am telling you to advance quickly and accomplish things quickly. (261-90, 1994.5.22)
We should "... strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." When we are advancing in oneness toward unification, what does this mean? We do not just achieve unity and then sit still. We must move forward and advance. The spirit world remains for us to deal with. After we achieve the unity of just the physical world we cannot settle down. We must go even further. We must strive to advance. Do it quickly. We are pledging to strive on. (283-82, 1997.4.8)
What is Family Pledge number five? We "... pledge to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." It is progressive. We must always go forward. We cannot stop. "Striving to advance" means that this advancement must be pushed for. These are important words.
We are living on earth, which is a world standing as the object partner to that world that is the subject partner. Although the scope of your living environment is smaller than that of the spirit world, we must create a model that can be in accord with the model standard of the spirit world. We should go to the next world only after achieving this. There is nothing we can do about it. This is not something I say half-heartedly. The Family Pledge has come into being because, considering the spirit world and physical world altogether, this is the way that God wants us to go in such manner. (274-114, 1995.10.29)
We have to grow. Staying still and stopping are connected to death. When you joined the Unification Church, how glad you were to have heard the Word! Are you rejoicing even more now? It is God's heart, hope and will to transcend individual joy and globalize it. I am also going that way. Thus, my joy is not my own. I am striving to globalize it. Everyone started from God but became self-centered. Your life of faith has been blocked by your own way. (273-69, 1995.10.21)
What is our fifth Family Pledge? It is "Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." It is advancement: becoming new people, people who are alive. Is your heart that rejoiced when you joined the Unification Church growing bigger and bigger or diminishing? It should grow bigger. Strive to advance. Living things grow. Those who fail to grow will die. They will be lost because they will have lost their value in relation to the spirit world. This is why I am telling you to strive to advance. (273-69, 1995.10.21)
We strive forward, rushing on. Things like just sleeping, becoming lazy, eating and enjoyment do not count in God's providence. We are busy. Life is short. This is why, "Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." Run without resting, just like me. Run without even sleeping. (260-193, 1994.5.8)
"Pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." We should progress every day. If we stop, death awaits us. We would perish. So we cannot stop. "Strive... to advance!" We must go forward day by day, even if by just one step. We pledge to do so. So we must advance forward so that everything required in the spirit world is achieved in the physical world without even the slightest deviation. (260-305, 1994.5.19)
"Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners..." We must advance toward unity, and we have said we will strive to make such advances. We should harshly drive ourselves forward. We must push ourselves hard. If we slow down on earth we will fail to keep pace. We must drive forward strongly. (301-83, 1999.4.16)
In Family Pledge number five we say that we will "strive to advance," don't we? It is good to create unity and go forward, but if we apply the stick we can go more quickly. We apply some force. If you push people strongly, make them stand like cattle and bless them, when those blessed people go to the spirit world they won't end up in hell. And before long they will be in heaven. So this is why I am saying that you should use compulsion. (293-318, 1998.3.18)
Every day, the spirit world as the subject partner and the physical world as the object partner must be united; the subject and object partner worlds must be unified. There must be advancement toward their unification -- development that progresses. We pledge to strive to advance forward. We strive on and make things move quickly, quickly, quickly. We should not stop. If we stop, we will immediately fall back. We will be connected to hell and death.
Stopping leads us down to hell, and striving forward leads to advancement. So run and run without resting. Run and run without sleeping just like me. If you do that, won't you be able to relate to the world you have been thinking of? How can you relate to a world you have not thought of? Only then will unity be achieved. You have to think along with the spirit world. You have to think relationally. (260-193, 1994.5.8)
God did not want to see the spirit world and physical world as they have been so far. They must be completely purged. It is not you yourselves, one by one, who are to save them. On behalf of Jesus, we must purge the families of the fallen lineage in this way and then realize God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven in the realms of the tribal messiahs, national messiahs and global messiahs. We must deeply experience Jesus' realm of heart and dissolve his anguish of dying on the cross and of not having been able to have a family.
God also wants it. So you should resolve it. On that basis you should have your families. Don't think of the Unification Church as a habitual faith like the established Christian churches. The Unification Church is not like that. This is serious. With the Word that teaches about both worlds, you should explode your worldly concepts of the family. You should completely revise such concepts of the spirit world and physical world. After doing so, we must create a new world. (292-320, 1998.4.27)
In order to restore the physical world that had been defiled, God has been guiding the providence of salvation through which He establishes His relationship with human beings, who are in the position of having betrayed Him and who have fallen haplessly even below all things of creation. In order to reestablish His sovereignty over human beings, who have been dominated and accused by Satan, God has been working to build a bridge, and this has lasted from the Old Testament Age through the New Testament Age up to the present day. (1-282, 1956.12.16)
Family Pledge number five states, "Our family pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love." This means that the whole world is the same family. We, in the position of the object partner, should all be as one with the spirit world, which is the subject partner. As well as that, since hell -- the satanic realm -- still remains in the physical world, we must push for this.
Our days are busy. If the second and third generations were to arise from there, this would be a problem. You must know that our difficulties are multiplying gradually. This is urgent. The years leading up to the year 2000 are the time in which we must decisively bring about total mobilization. Since we are urging such rapid progress, rapid collapse will occur in this world, and everything will be separated and fall down into hell; you will see this clearly with your own eyes before you die. You should know that you have determined the pledge by taking the necessary core of what your families, who are moving within the framework of restoration, must do. (264-202, 1994.10.9)
Blessed families all want me to come, don't they? Do you want me to come to your house? I don't know when I will go there. So prepare a feast table and stay ready, even if it may be for ten years, to start a feast just within a few hours of my arrival; you should have such a heart. I would visit such families even on the way to somewhere else. Even if I were unable to visit them, my car would break down in front of their house so I would eventually have to visit them.
If you do not offer devotion, there is no way. If I did not know about the spirit world, I would not be able to walk this path. The Father of the spirit world is my Father. This is why I know the secrets of the spirit world better than anyone else. During the refugee life, even the ancestors were mobilized; they would make their descendants prepare a feast for the guests passing by on the street. I was fed like this many times. I do not talk about these things because many of them sound like lies.
God has no right of possession before Adam and Eve's marriage. What do you think would have happened had they not fallen? So if you have ownership, you are a thief. Whether it is a nation or whoever it is, they are all thieves. In Adam's family, ownership before their marriage had belonged to God. Through Adam's Fall, human beings took the right of possession for themselves, and this meant they drove God out; He was chased away.
Ownership of material, love and family was destroyed. If we are to indemnify this for God and the True Parents, who know this bitter sorrow, all peoples of the world must be true children of filial piety and loyal patriots. In order to do this we should give even our bodies as sacrificial offerings and offer every treasure we own and even our lives; we should be able to ask God to return them as our Parents. (299-46, 1999.2.1)
In what circumstances does the Messiah come? Based on love, he should be able to love the law of the earth and even the protocol of the royal palace of the heavenly kingdom. He is coming in order to build such a world on earth. In this way, the spirit world and physical world will become one in harmony. Through what can we unify those two worlds? What is it that is a plus to both of them? It is God-centered love. (207-250, 1990.11.11)
Who are God's divine sons and daughters? They are those who love heaven and earth. Divine sons and daughters are those who, throughout the spirit world and physical world, love heaven centered on God and His nation centered on earthly kingship. They know the protocol of the royal palace of heaven and the national laws of the earth, thus seeking to observe and love all the laws of the two worlds of heaven and earth. Divine sons and daughters (seongja) are God's children; It has seong, which means holy, and ja, which means child. It is not the ja, which means fellow. It is seongja, God's divine son or daughter. This is the ideology centered on the Messiah. (207-250, 1990.11.11)
What is it that the True Parents are supposed to do? They have to completely open up the blocked way between the spirit world and physical world and lay a highway, a highway from hell, from Danbury, from the hell of the spirit world to heaven! (134-127, 1985.2.25)
I am saying that we should lay a great highway, a direct route from the physical to the spirit world. This road cannot be traveled without true love. Let us make a true love highway where the beginning and the ending points and the spirit world and the physical world are of the same height and the same width. This purpose can be accomplished only after God's Kingdom on earth has been realized. (135-168, 1985.11.12)
With God's command, we will remove all the small stepping-stone bridges between the spirit world and physical world and lay a highway and a railroad. Once we have started, my hope is to build a road that continues uninterrupted all the way to London. Is this an easy or a difficult thing? It is a difficult thing. How difficult is it? Many times we will have to risk death. We cannot stop on the way. Why? Being despised is unbearable. Being ignored is unforgettable. We are running day and night because we cannot forget it day or night. We run until none of our detractors are following us anymore, after which we will meet God.
God has gone all the way to the end of humankind. Until we get there, meet Him and obtain control through decisive negotiations, we have no time to rest. In this way, we will have unified the spirit world and then unified the earth through an earthly struggle. Whereas everything was ruined by the start of the false family of Satan, with a marriage that was 180 degrees opposed to God, the True Parents came and married by turning 180 degrees, thereby dividing hell and heaven. You should know that the Kingdom of Heaven is established in the family. (271-200, 1995.8.28)