Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Our family, the Owner of Cheon II Guk, pledges, having entered the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, by centering on true love.
The Completed Testament Age refers to a new age that begins now. It refers to the time when we can establish one unified world of peace through the oneness of families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world. This represents everyone, not only the family. By uniting the world, and uniting the whole universe, we enter the Completed Testament Age. When we establish a world that befits the Completed Testament Age, after uniting the present world through the new families based on the four realms of heart and the three kingships, we will finally have one world of peace. (243-262, 1993.1.17)
What is the Completed Testament Age? Serving and caring for the True Parents and the True God, centering on the relationships of love, life and lineage, we are. returning to the period when human beings have dominion with which they can act on behalf of God's authority, representing the subject being of the whole world, and standing there in the center position. An age full of hope is coming. I would like you to quickly prepare for this before it is too late. (245-160, 1993.2.28)
Since the creation, God's providence of restoration has gone through tens of millions of years of history, but its standard has not yet been established. Rev. Moon finally arrived, established the Unification Church and revealed this truth, making this possible. That is why he announced the Completed Testament Age and the True Parents. This is an event that has a great effect on world history. Yet, rather than calling it an event, it serves as an origin to found a new world.
The philosophy of the True Parents and the expression Completed Testament Age embrace such a meaning. What promise is being fulfilled in the Completed Testament Age? It is the promise that God made to human beings at the time of creation. It is not the age of the providence of restoration or the age of the providence of salvation, but is the world of the ideal of creation that is to be realized.
God thought of the words "True Parents" even before human beings did. God's ideal of creation is the appearance of the True Parents. In that word is found the core of the ideal that God created from the beginning. Thus, Heaven cannot remain still. We are entering the age of the great transformation or change throughout the world. (248-188, 1993.9.30)
Things were offered in the Old Testament Age, sons and daughters in the New Testament Age, couples in the Completed Testament Age. And then you attend God. As a result of the Fall, we human beings failed to attend God on earth, serving Satan instead and being separated from God. We should now attend God and reconnect everything to Him.
Thus, the things in your possession are not really yours. They correspond to the Old Testament Age, and sons and daughters to the New Testament Age. In the Old Testament Age, things were sacrificed to pave the way for the children, and in the New Testament Age, sons and daughters were sacrificed for the coming of the parents. It is ultimately to attend God on this earth that the Lord at his Second Advent, the True Parent, comes and suffers on this earth. Now we are in hell because we have been in service to Satan on earth. Thus we should attend God through the application of true love. (211-352, 1991.1.1)
It was to make this one road that the providence has been going through six thousand years of biblical history until now. Jesus tried to connect the New Testament Age to the Completed Testament Age and bring heaven and earth into oneness. This, however, failed, and God's providence was prolonged for another two thousand years. Jesus brought the New Testament Age and worked to expand his scope to the world.
The expansion movement produced many martyrs. Especially during the four hundred years of Roman persecution, many of his followers shed blood. However, through that indemnity condition, the movement was expanded to the global level. Through this prolongation, God extended His providence of salvation to the world, hoping that the failures at the time of Jesus would be indemnified again on the world level.
Then, how could God's providence go beyond the New Testament Age and enter the Completed Testament Age? The Completed Testament Age refers to the realm of oneness of God and human beings. It refers to establishing, through true love, the realm of oneness, and standing on an equal basis by connecting together. God is not always vertical and human beings are not always horizontal. The vertical and horizontal are to become one. (211-352, 1991.1.1)
Since the false parent came into existence through the Fall, it is a historical fact that the True Parents must come. As long as the Fall is known, there is no way for this to be denied. Because of the Fall, the promise of God could not be fulfilled. The Old Testament is the promise made in the past, and the New Testament is the promise renewed; the Completed Testament Age continues to fulfill the promise. This is logical.
What kind of age is the Completed Testament Age? In this age we do not live with Satan but with God. Hence, the fallen realm must be eliminated. The elimination of Satan's world is possible because now is the time when all nations and the world can return to God.
By clearly knowing about the details of the Kingdom of Heaven, we can eliminate the false world which goes against the principles of God. It is impossible to prescribe medicine, or to present an alternative to the fallen world, unless we clearly know the right path for the individual, the family, the tribe, the peoples, the nation, the world, and even the path for the Kingdom of Heaven. (249-159, 1993.10.10)
The reason why we now talk specifically about "justification by attendance" is because it refers to the age in which one lives life as if in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why we are talking about justification by attendance.
The history of restoration means to re-enact God's ideal of creation. For this reason, God's ideal is to be unfolded, centering on Him, in the world in heaven and in the world on earth. However, these worlds have fallen short of the original standard due to the Fall. Therefore, the providence of salvation is God's work; His striving towards re-establishing heaven and earth to the original ideal of creation, the new world of creation, from the environment under Satan's realm of control. (161-218, 1987.2.15)
When you look at human history, it can be viewed as having three ages: the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age. What does the Old Testament Age refer to? It refers to the age when sacrificial offerings were made to save children. It was a preparation for the coming of the Son of God. The New Testament Age is the age in which Jesus served as a sacrifice to receive the Parents. That is why, in the age of the Second Coming, the bridegroom and bride were established to receive the Parents. In the Completed Testament Age, Rev. Moon, with the title of the True Parent, has suffered for forty years so that God could be received on earth. Through this, the oneness of God and human beings is achieved. (227-94, 1992.2.10)
When we speak about the True Parents and the Completed Testament Age we are referring to the fact that Adam and Eve are to reach perfection and return to the place where there is no Fall. Women throughout the whole world are considered as part of the True Mother's body. Adam is one person, and Eve is also one person. This is important. Adam should be one perfected person; so should Eve. (266-64, 1994.12.11)
What does the Completed Testament Age represent? The Completed Testament Age represents the fulfillment of God's covenant; that is, He is giving the Blessing to humankind. In the Old Testament Age, the Blessing did not occur; in the New Testament Age, the Blessing was desired; and in the Completed Testament Age, the Blessing is attained. Is it not God's ideal of creation that Adam and Eve marry centering on God, thereby connecting the life force centered on His love to the life of Adam and Eve and leaving His lineage behind? Had this happened, they would have become the True Parents. True love is indeed great. (291-178, 1998.3.11)
There can be only one set of True Parents. They are the only Parents of humankind. The Completed Testament Age is the age in which the True Parents appear for the first time ever in human history. (248-226, 1993.10.1)
In 1992, I proclaimed the coming of the Messiah and the True Parents to the world. Thereafter, I drove providential fortune, and in this year, 1993, I announced "The True Parents and the Completed Testament Age" in America from May 13th. I created the environment in which all this can be accomplished. As you know, America is the nation that represents the whole world. It is the nation that serves as the final home for the Christian cultural sphere.
Now, with the True Parents as the center, we entering a new age; that is, we are entering the Completed Testament Age. This declaration was made for the first time ever on earth. How eagerly God must have waited for this time! What a miserable situation God has been in throughout the ages of history! Now the age of hope has come near; we have entered the age when we can proclaim the True Parents. This is a historical event that carries all the significance of universal history. Up until now, there has never been such an event throughout human history. (248-175, 1993.8.3)
The twenty years from 1972 to 1992 is the period when we went beyond the mission of Christianity, centering on Korea. On the national level, I fulfilled the indemnity condition that corresponds to the Old Testament Age. The Holy Marriage of the True Parents in 1960 and our activities in America on the global stage corresponds to the relationship between the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age. They have the same contents. Through this, the worldwide settlement of the True Parents was concluded in this period. That is why I announced the Completed Testament Age, which is the time when we can live with God. We Unification Church members have now come to the age of living with God. (248-175, 1993.8.3)
What is the Completed Testament Age? It refers to the time when the family of the central True Parents has achieved a complete victory and has gone beyond the fallen realm of the world. The enemies who have been trying to strike down Rev. Moon's family disappear from the environment. They disappear because they are defeated in the fight. Even if you won a championship in shooting, if you were defeated in the Olympic games, can you still claim that you are the best? You would have to give up your medal as the champion. (234-295, 1992.8.27)
The words "The Completed Testament Age and the True Parents" have nothing to do with Satan. Once the words "The Completed Testament Age and the True Parents" appear, Satan will have to retreat. This is a privileged time. Thus, everyone should reach perfection at the time of the Second Advent. (252-130, 1993.11.14)
Right now I am thinking about Adam's age, Jesus' age, and the True Parents' age. Why three stages? Adam's age represents the formation stage, Jesus' age the growth stage, and the True Parents' age the completion stage. It is through these three stages or generations that the restoration of Eden in the Old Testament Age, the restoration of Eden in the New Testament Age, and the restoration of Eden in the Completed Testament Age, unfolds. Now, I am the only one who remains in the Completed Testament Age. (229-69, 1992.4.9)
The Completed Testament Age is a time to return to the family. Unification starts with the individual. You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, even for tens of thousand years, unless you have gone over this hill. You cannot restore the right of the eldest son, which can be done through bringing Satan to voluntary submission. This is not a forced submission but through persuasion.
Did you surrender yourself voluntarily or forcibly? Since you have been persuaded, you should surrender voluntarily, right? Through this, heavenly families on earth and in heaven, and all the victorious dominion over thousands of years, is attained all at once centering on the family, while all the nations of the world stand in equal positions. This is a blueprint from which a cast will be made of the True Parents as the model.
This should be distributed. Then, with this cast, the copies are immediately produced wherever they are made. Likewise, the families of the five-billion humankind of the whole world are engrafted as one global family and return to the Nation -- the Kingdom of Heaven of liberation that had been lost. This is the Completed Testament Age, the age in which the promise of God is fulfilled. (245-157, 1993.2.28)
What was lost during the Old Testament Age should be recovered. In the Old Testament Age, all things were sacrificed; in the New Testament Age, the son was sacrificed; and in the Completed Testament Age, the Parent was sacrificed. With respect to all these, we should, therefore, deny everything -- including the parents and children of our own family. In order to return everything that Satan had taken from heaven, we should offer heaven everything that we have, denying them and even adding greater love than the love of Satan's world.
In such a way, by putting ourselves in the position of denying everything, there will come a time when we will have paid the indemnity needed to restore the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age. The time of elimination is coming. I am saying these things so that, by following the principle of resurrection, the Blessed families will avoid being caught by Satan and can be liberated.
Going through "things" in the Old Testament Age, the Second Adam in the New Testament Age, and our own substantial self in the Completed Testament Age indicates that the direction has to be changed 180 degrees centered upon God. All that used to be yours should be returned to the Parent who brings them to God. Love should be resurrected.
We as individuals are on the formation stage, our family is on the growth stage, and our tribe is on the perfection stage. These three stages should become one. (216-204, 1991.3.31)
What is the most important thing in the course of history? It is the emergence of the realm of the chosen people. In this age, I am trying to connect this realm on the world level to the foundation of three stages of development: the formation, growth, and completion stages. The Israelites correspond to the formation level, Christianity to the growth level, and the Unification Church to the completion level.
If the realm of Israel was the center of the Old Testament Age, Christianity was the center of the New Testament Age, and the Unification Church is that for the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age is the age of achievement. What should be achieved? Individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world should be completed.
Centering on what? Centering on God's love, God's life, and God's lineage. Through this, all should be connected. This is the tradition of a single lineage, a single love, and a single life. If this happens, Satan will have to leave. Through this engrafing, Satan's connection to the lineage disappears. (226-275, 1992.2.9)
When tribal messiahs are dispatched, the Completed Testament Age arrives. If all families are engrafted to these tribal messiahs who are dispatched, without going through a course of indemnity, the walls in the worlds on earth and in heaven will crumble. In other words, we can return to the position of being the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that we can enter the realm of the royal family of the Kingdom of Heaven.
So, once the tribal messiahs establish their own physical mothers and fathers in the position of true parents, their hometowns will be directly connected to the Kingdom of Heaven. Then, their birth mothers and fathers can stand in the position of being restored to the lineage of the parents who have reached perfection, without having fallen. Through this, amazing events, in which your entire hometowns turn into the Kingdom of Heaven, can occur.
The most important thing is that, in the Completed Testament Age, we live together with God. Thus, we should expedite these three requirements, namely, the change of lineage, the change of ownership, and the change of heart. So you should practice in your families the four realms of heart, the three kingships, and the realm of royal family. Once this is successfully done, everything is over. This is the last mission to be undertaken by the Blessed families. This is your last mission; your destiny. (226-275, 1992.2.9)
The Completed Testament Age, centering on the True Parents, refers to the time of receiving the Blessing centered on God. Through the completion of such an ideal of the Second Advent, which shows the way to the liberation of all peoples and humankind, transcending all, the world becomes one of peace and unification. Receiving the Completed Testament Age centered on the True Parents involves the Blessing that is going on throughout the world. (287-14, 1997.8.10)
In the Completed Testament Age, the Blessing was given at the completion level. Therefore, all people can stand on the same level, and their descendants can receive the Blessing. Five billion human beings, the descendants of the three great ancestors, are now living on earth. By giving them the Blessing with those from the liberation realm of the three great ancestors, all of them can receive the same grace in equal proportion. This is because they are now connected to the parent-child relationship. Such a time has arrived. An urgent time has come. (252-139, 1993.11.14)
Now, the ownership should be restored. In order to attend God, in the Old Testament Age things were sacrificed, in the New Testament Age the son was sacrificed, and in the Completed Testament Age the parent was sacrificed. What should you do now? You should stand in the position of the mother and father on their behalf. Sons and daughters represent the New Testament Age and all things represent the Old Testament Age. As these Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament Ages all come within the range of God's true love, you should pay indemnity for having deviated from God's love and come back to the original owner and return to Him all that Satan controlled. (208-345, 1990.11.21)
After creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God gave them the one and only commandment and told them not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He told them to keep it from the position of one having absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, but they failed to do so. When God gave them that commandment, He, Himself, stood in the position of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Thus, His counterparts also had to do the same in order to achieve oneness. However, they failed to accomplish this.
In the last days, in order for fallen human beings to return to the original world and to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they should go through the gate of the True Parents. In order to so do, they must perform acts of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, which were not carried out in the Garden of Eden. Otherwise, they cannot go to this new world. They must hold fast to the coat tails of the True Parents and follow them, without ever losing them, with an attitude of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.
God is the subject partner. God has lost His partners of love because He lost the fruits of absolute faith, the fruits of absolute love, and the fruits of absolute obedience. That is, He lost the family of Adam and Eve with their sons and daughters. No force can prevent you from grasping Rev. Moon's belt like this. For such victors of unification, all creation says "Amen" while cheering Mansei. (282-41, 1997.2.16)
When God created the universe, He did so on the basis of absolute faith. Thus, whatever God has said, will absolutely be fulfilled There is nothing that cannot be accomplished. Also, the purpose of creation is to have object partners of love, absolute love. There is no room for doubt; no second thoughts. Next is absolute obedience. Absolute obedience means not having a sense of "self"; even God is no exception to this. (274-201, 1995.11.3)
God started creating all things based on absolute faith. He began to create so that He could have object partners of absolute love. Absolute obedience means that there exists no awareness of "self'''. It is a state of complete zero -- a complete nothingness. Once God returns to nothingness, a circular movement automatically begins. Since everything is given out, and there is no more to give, God returns to the bottom. This has become the origin of the movement of the universe. Thus, after completely investing everything, things go down preparing to go up once more. (282-68, 1997.3.10)
At the time of creation, God created based on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. This total giving left a complete vacuum, resulting in a deflation in which not even the tiniest particle remained between the two sides, which then attached to each other and became one. This is how oneness, total oneness is achieved. When oneness is created and fullness is produced, like a type of high pressure zone, then a circular motion is created. Likewise, if you totally invest yourself from the position of absolute nothingness, a dynamic type of movement can occur.
When I apply such a principle and invest myself for the universe based on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, there will come a time when the world naturally unites, and the high pressure zone will be completely filled. Here it is logical that the unification of the world will naturally appear without conflict. (273-297, 1995.10.29)
God raised Adam and Eve, wanting them to be absolutely faithful. God wanted the family of Adam and Eve to stand on absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience because the place of love for the ideal world that He had created with absolute faith was to be a place of such a standard. But Adam and Eve fell. They destroyed the standard of absolute faith, violated the standard of absolute love, and abandoned the standard of absolute obedience. Where can such people go?
They are bound to go to hell. The commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve was to do with love, which is symbolized by the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They should have become one in the love of God, who had practiced absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. However, they lost that position, and Rev. Moon has come today and is speaking about this to restore it.
It is amazing that a system of truth has been established, which people can accept as common sense on a theoretical basis, and which can work to reshape their lives. You should understand that you are standing in the position of kings and queens and rich men and women, which is more precious than that of billionaires and the presidents of all nations. (273-299, 1995.10.29)
God created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and aspired towards the ideal unified world of absolute love. God Himself practiced all these: absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Thus, we should also inevitably practice them in order to earn the right to be partners with God. Even if we may go to a place of death, or even if we may lose our life, we should still stand on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Only then can we, as His sons and daughters, resemble the image of the Father who has passed through history, investing and investing and forgetting about His investment in order to find absolute love. That is why Jesus came to this earth and said, as a motto for going to the heavenly kingdom: "Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it." (273-299, 1995.10.29)
We are trying to regain what was lost in Adam's family: absolute faith, absolute love... What is absolute love? God's purpose of creation is to find partners of love. In order to find the absolute partners of love, God Himself has been investing absolute love as the standard. Thus, absolute obedience means that even your own way of thinking should not exist. You invest your whole self and forget about what you've invested. God does not acknowledge His own value as the creator of heaven and earth. He lowers himself. Since God totally invests Himself while going down to the bottom, while His partner is going up to the extent in which he goes even higher than God's position, then they both automatically resurrect. (282-323, 1997.4.7)
We should love God. We should have absolute faith in God. With absolute faith, we should love God absolutely and obey Him absolutely. Why? It is in order to receive God's love and to inherit the right of ownership.
God created heaven and earth with absolute faith and absolute love, and in the position of absolute obedience. God's ideal of creation should possess the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Adam and Eve were the central beings; God's object partners of love. Thus, because creation was created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, these become the standards for existence.
Christianity also teaches faith, hope, and love. What is the greatest among them all? It is love. It is exactly the same. God created all things with absolute faith and absolute love. Absolute obedience requires you to have no sense of self; it requires that you be conscious of others. Hope does not refer to the present time; instead it is referring to the future expectations connected to the object partner. Hope is the same for both. (284- 135, 1997.4.16)
It is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Everything is realized within this realm. God Himself created His partners of love with absolute faith. He created them after proclaiming, "I have this faith!" He completely invested Himself with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.
Absolute faith stands on the basis of absolute love, and absolute obedience stands on the basis of absolute love. This is the main idea of the spirit world. It is the main thought of the eternal spirit world. It is also the main thought of the earth. It is the main thought in both worlds: the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. So you should have such a concept. As long as you have this concept, you can pass anywhere. You can pass everywhere. (292-271, 1998.4.27)
Just as God created all things with full authority, investing absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, you should also stand in the same position. You should not fail to become object partners to the subject partner in the ideal realm created by God, and unite with Him as one. What you should know is that I, Rev. Moon, absolutely believe in the entire contents of the Principle. That is what you should understand.
That is something which you must absolutely love. There is nothing else. Even if I may have to abandon my world, abandon my family, abandon my wife, and abandon my children, I love the Principle absolutely, more than them. I absolutely obey it. I invest my present life as well as the entire length of my life in it. I invest everything and then forget it. Until now, you may have understood absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience conceptually, but it is not a concept. It is something that you must actually put into practice. (293-92, 1998.5.24)
You should know that God is liberated with the liberation of humankind. For the liberation of your families, I, Rev. Moon, console God's sorrow of having lost His family. By liberating my tribe, I should console God's sorrow of having lost His tribe, and by building a nation, I should liberate God from the sorrow of having lost His nation. What I am trying to do in my life is to regain the lost cosmos in order to console God's sorrow. I do not have my own wish, nor do I have my own thoughts. I just practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. If I am told to die, I don't hesitate to die. I try not to avoid something even if I may have to die. (300-72, 1999.2.21)
Within the bag of the harmony of love, there is the world of peace and unity. You, Unification Church members, have no way of denying it. This is because even if you study it for ten thousand years, you will not have studied it more than I have. So if you come to this conclusion clearly and practice it with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, everything is completed.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you are married, you ask your spouse, "You absolutely trust me, don't you?" If your bride asks you on the first night of your marriage, "How much do you love me?" you would answer, "I love you absolutely with my mind and body as one; I absolutely love you with the oneness of my mind and body; I absolutely trust you," right? (296-94, 1998.11.3)
The philosophy of the True Parents is simple. It is centered on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. It is absolute faith centered on love. The absolute faith, however, is a concept, whereas love is the center of everything. Love is invisible although you experience it.
Next, obedience means practice. If we are going to realize love, centering on love, we must obey. The purpose of obedience is to achieve something greater; so, to achieve this we should invest ourselves. If this grows centering on ourselves, it cannot fully grow. God's tradition of infinite love expands everywhere continuously. The issue is the relationship between husband and wife. That is why my first declaration in Jardim was absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Through this, we are returning to the original position of God at the time of creation. (296-94, 1998.11.3)
The realm of dominion based on accomplishments, the realm of direct dominion, or the realm of direct dominion through the fulfillment of humankind's portion of responsibility -- all these refer to the accomplishment of our responsibility, by receiving the Blessing centering on love; this is the view of the Principle, isn't it? When you stand with this view, you should completely resemble God in your mind and body.
God created all things based on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Therefore, unless the human beings, Adam and Eve, become one through absolute faith, and stand in the position of object partners to Him through absolute love and absolute obedience, there will never be a way for them to become one with Him. At their one meeting point, they can reach the standard of oneness; this point should not be off even one iota. This is logical; this is a serious matter. (285-72, 1997.4.21)
The Fall means having failed to have absolute faith. You should know this. It is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience! God emphasized this. Why? It was so that He could bequeath to you the entire ideal of love. In order for you to do so, you should resemble Him. (282-297, 1997.4.7)
Absoluteness implies that there is only one. This is a road that leads to one, not two. How do we connect ourselves to that single path? We can connect by living for the sake of others. God also created with such a concept. It is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Even God has no other concept. It means none, a zero. (281-217, 1997.2.13)
When God created Adam and Eve, He had absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Because God created in this way, His partners must stand on absolute faith and be in the position of absolute obedience. Otherwise, they cannot enter the realm of God's love. This is where the Kingdom of Heaven and hell are divided. This is the content of the commandment. (278-128, 1996.5.1)
Americans, being individualists, are saying, "I am the best, and who is this Rev. Moon? He's just the founder of the Unification Church, so what? He has nothing to do with me." When Rev. Moon talks about absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, they are saying, "What kind of words are these? Are they words from a dictator or a king?" The dictator or king is God. He is, however, the true dictator or king. The false dictator or king is Satan. You should know this. If you tell God not to act as the owner, would He stop acting as the owner? The answer is eternally no. (293-297, 1998.6.7)
We should be settled, by liberating the realm of the fourth Adam. The True Parents should teach you all of this before going to the spirit world. Rev. Moon practices absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience centered on the absolute family. That is why God serves that family. The eternal path of true love is connected to this. If you fail to practice absolute faith, absolute love will not take root. When the bud comes out, it should be nurtured in order to grow. For it to grow, you should invest all of your blood and flesh, and sacrifice yourself. (295-163, 1998.8.19)
We no longer need indemnity. Nor do we need salvation. Thus, we should follow the law of heaven and earth centering on the Principle, and teach absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Now the new law is emerging. The constitution is emerging. If we practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience on earth, the eternal Kingdom of Heaven is realized. From the earth, you should naturally be able to see, feel, and know the world of heaven. (293-274, 1998.6.2)
God created based on absolute faith and with the heart of absolute love and absolute obedience. For this reason, the Unification Church stands in the position of practicing absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience at the place where we attend the heavenly parent and the earthly parents with the title of the True Parents. Therefore, centering on the family of love which is based on the ideal of creation, all could be united and establish the victorious hegemony, upon which foundation the sovereign nation of love could begin. We are now living in such an age. (303-155, 1999.8.17)
The Blessed families are the people who have inherited God's lineage of true life, and with whom God can be connected -- both in the spirit world and physical world. Thus, God can rule over them as He pleases. So from now on, God is pushing forward the history of restoration, without indemnity conditions, according to His will and with His full authority.
The question is whether or not you are suitable; whether or not you can stand in the reciprocal relationship with God. Once you have made the determination and become one with the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, everything will work at lightening speed, becoming equal. Once you become true sons and daughters standing in the position of oneness with God and God's absolute love and lineage, the entire universe will be bequeathed to you as His sons and daughters. Then, everything belongs to you. When you become one in love, everything becomes yours. (300-303, 1999.4.11)
The Blessed families are equal in value to the world and cosmos. They are like the sons and daughters of Rev. Moon's direct lineage, who can act on his behalf. When I gave them the Blessing, I did so in order for them to become better than me, by following me. So, once you have the heart of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, you can do the things I did.
When God created, He started with such a heart. God, the subject partner, said, "When I speak, my object partners of love substantially appear." This is absolute faith. Upon this, He meets the partner of absolute love. To be an owner of love, a partner of love is indispensable. That is why even God Himself absolutely obeys love. A circular movement arises whenever we adopt an absolute response. (301-74, 1999.4.16)
In the Garden of Eden, God created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. The realm of oneness of God and human beings in love is created through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. The Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth are to be the realm of oneness of God and human beings in love, so that His sons and daughters, who are like the absolute God, can freely exercise their full authority; and they are to be the worlds where they can freely travel, wherever they go. We can finally liberate God only when we become people of ability who can do such activities. (301-85,1999.4.16)
Everything was shattered due to lack of faith. This happened because the first human ancestors failed to absolutely love God. They fell because of their inability to absolutely love and obey God. For this reason, the True Parents have indemnified this and prepared the highway for all of us to follow. Thus, if you practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards the True Parents, heaven and earth will respond and obey you, even if you call upon them day or night, and wake them up ten times.
You should, therefore, not complain even if you are woken up a hundred times during the night. This is obedience. Consensual obedience has within it a part of "self", but in complete obedience this does not exist. You should be obedient even if it means following a thousand times a day. (300-238, 1999.3.23)
The world on earth and the world in heaven become one with God as the center. Carrying a signboard for unification, with the True Parents as the center, they unite. God created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and for this reason, we should also stand on the foundation of all-transcendence, all-immanence, all-authority, and omnipotence. Because we have now returned to the original state of creation, in order to find the object partners of love here, we are to invest and forget about it with a heart of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. By copying what God has done, we ourselves should also practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience towards this world on behalf of God. (303-153, 1999.8.17)
Your families represent history and heaven and earth. By becoming absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal families, in attendance to God with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, when your families turn into eternal tribes, eternal peoples, and thus create the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, the age of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is directly connected to the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, and one unified world is created. (295-255, 1998.9.8)
You should consider that the path of God's liberation and completion is the path of restoration which the True Parents have established. Just as the True Parents walked the path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience before God, you must also walk the same path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience before the True Parents. Only then shall I, Rev. Moon, follow you around, being on the same level with you. (280-33, 1996.10.13)
It is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. In the Garden of Eden, that is what God asked Adam and Eve to keep through the commandment that God gave to them. God was saying, "With an absolute standard, I created all things in order to find the partners of love. You should reach this level." That is why you are asked to practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Obedience has no sense of self. (284-183, 1997.4.17)
How rugged the road of restoration is! I, Rev. Moon, should not violate the efforts made by others who have come this far. If I did, I would not be qualified to be the True Parent, I would not be qualified to be the bridegroom, I would not be qualified to be the elder brother, and I would not be qualified to be the sibling. Because of such a heart, I uphold absolute faith.
I should practice absolute faith. It is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. That is why I invest and forget, and pull you forward whenever I have time, and raise people up with my philosophy of love, and then give them to you to love more than any one else. You are the descendants of the fallen archangel. In such a position, can you have marriage partners? You cannot. So, by taking some part of Adam's body and engrafting it, I place you in the position of my younger siblings and bind you together.
Cain, in the position of Satan, struck his younger brother to death, didn't he? What shall we do this time? Shall we also strike our younger brother to death? The elder brother is the one who saves them all. That is why I am telling you to practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. (290-321, 1998.3.4)
There are still paths of indemnity; but I have laid a wide road along all these paths. Your families are supposed to go over these paths but, as the representative, I have laid a highway for all of those in the satanic world. Therefore, if you pass through the realm of heart by being one with me, the True Parent, in whom you absolutely believe, absolutely love, and absolutely obey, you can be engrafted onto me and freely go over the paths that I have pioneered.
That is why I teach you absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. By centering on the standard of the ideal of true love, which God created in Adam's family, and as the object partner who has that standard and has become one with True Father, you should go over the individual environment and connect your tribes and relatives. After passing through the age of the family, we have now come to the age of the blood relatives. (284-161, 1997.4.16)
You should know that this person has become the True Parent who stands above good individuals' parents, and represents the new nation that stands above nations, the new world that stands above the evil world, the individual who stands above fallen people and the king who stands above kings. Thus, by absolutely loving him, you will be able to victoriously go over Satan's world and all the heinous environments of the fallen world. So, before his will, standing as the subject partner, you should be resolved to become one in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and go forward. This should be the creed of the Unification Church members who are striving to save and recreate the fallen world. (277-80, 1996.3.31)
It is true love, alone, that can unite the mind and the body that were divided through false love. So, you should practice true love. You should absolutely obey the command of the True Parents. It is possible only on that basis; it is impossible below the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. (274-199, 1995.11.3)
You must absolutely not be separated from Rev. Moon. You must not fail to practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. If you fail, gaps will widen in you. There should be no gaps. So, am I trustworthy? Have I lived like that or not? (290-129, 1998.2.15)
In the Completed Testament Age, families should settle. This requires absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. So let us fulfill the ideal of mind and body unity and realize the realm of liberation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. This is the last thing to do. I am talking about the settlement of families. We should realize the realm of liberation by creating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. We should clean up heaven and everything else. (292-320, 1998.4.27)
The time when you and I have to separate will come. You are to go out among the people, and my path will move upward to a higher place. When I head to the vertical place, can this vertical place go over into the horizontal one? The horizontal should follow the vertical and climb up, right? They should have the same angle. If their angles were to diverge, they would fall apart. That is why you should become absolutely one centering on the vertical standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. It is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. (300-163, 1999.3.3)
No matter what, you must become individuals who can receive all ownership that comes from God's blessing on the family level that I am talking about. To do this, you should love based on absolute faith. You should practice absolute love and absolute obedience. Even if you may have to give up your own family and nation, you must stand on this foundation and become a family that kicks out the first ancestors' sorrow of not having been able to keep the commandment given to them. By doing so, you can go straight to the Kingdom of Heaven as a victorious family of liberation. This is a special grace that is granted by Rev. Moon to you. Indeed, this is a special grace. In order to find out whether this is a lie or not, just die and see. You will discover it right away. This is how serious it is. (274-181, 1995.10.29)
God, the subject partner of true love, has established human beings as His partners of true love. God's ideal of love is fulfilled only through human beings. God's purpose of creation is to bring about the world of the absolute ideal of God and human beings united in love. Human beings were, therefore, created as the object partners of God's highest and deepest love.
Thus, among the creation, they are the only object partners who wear the substantial body of God. They are born as the visible body before the invisible God. When human beings reach perfection, they become God's temples. They are the visible substantial beings in whom God can always enter and dwell in freedom and peace. God's overall ideal of absolute true love is realized and perfected through human beings in a vertical relationship between parents and children. (277-198, 1996.4.16)
Until now, no one has understood where God's love and humankind's love merge. Without knowing this, you cannot call God, Father. That word has no relevance to God. Adam and Eve are God's bodies. Thus, when Adam and Eve reach perfection, God's internal nature is manifested in man's mind, and God's external form is manifested in woman's mind. The physical wedding ceremony of Adam and Eve is God's wedding ceremony. When you go to the spirit world, you will know it for sure. You will see that these incomprehensible theories are all correct. Hence, only when you occupy God's love is your ambition fully satisfied, and will you say, "Now, I am content." (252-119, 1993.11.14)
When human beings are perfected, they attain divine nature and become perfect, as the Heavenly Father is perfect, realizing a value comparable to God. God is the Absolute Being, but He cannot realize His ideal of true love by Himself. It is because the ideal of love necessarily requires a partner. At this point, we should understand what the relationship between the beginning and completion of God's true love and humankind's true love is. What if God, without establishing human beings as the absolute object partners of true love, had tried to achieve the beginning and completion of His true love in some other way? The true love ideals of God and human beings would have had different motivations, and the direction and purpose of the two forms of love would have differed. (282-209, 1997.3.13)
God is the root of love, the root of life, the root of lineage, and the root of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. When Adam and Eve get married, God enters the hearts of Adam and Eve and realizes the oneness of love. God is the vertical True Parent, and Adam and Eve are the horizontal True Parents.
Because we were born with the blood and flesh of these two sets of parents, our mind becomes the vertical self and our body becomes the horizontal self. Since the realm of the oneness of God and humankind in love is realized through this, those who complete the oneness of the mind and body in love become God's sons and daughters. When they become God's princes and princesses, they can have a parent-child relationship with God and inherit everything.
When such children become husbands and wives and totally unite based on true love, they become the family that lives with God, and that family becomes a base of peace and the ideal. A man and a woman, each being a half, becomes one and comes to complete the ideal love as. God's partners. In other words, by perfecting human beings as beings of infinite value through true love, God also perfects true love, and completes the world of the ideal of creation where the eternal ideal love dwells. (254-106, 1994.2.1)
When we realize the oneness of mind and body and the oneness of husband and wife, we naturally return to God. The foundation of true love is supposed to be settled centering on God. This is the realm of perfection, unification, and oneness. This is the foundation of unification. In this case, God Himself also unifies. There is nothing that can separate the oneness of God and humankind in love. There is no force that can tear them apart. (249-144, 1993.10.8)
God, who wants perfection and completion through true love between the Creator and human beings, needed a condition of oneness with them. That is why God needed a commandment to give to the first human ancestors. Knowing that they are at the stage of immaturity, while they are growing up through the growth period, God set up a condition to bequeath to them the most precious true love; this was the commandment. (282-209, 1997.3.13)
Where on earth is the standard of perfection of sons and daughters, the standard of perfection of brothers and sisters, the standard of perfection of husbands and wives, and the standard of perfection of parents established? Where on earth is the realm of the oneness of God and human beings? When human beings, created by God as His sons and daughters, reach maturity and become one, in what position will God be? These are important matters. In elucidating the fundamental core of the universe, these matters must be revealed clearly. If these are not resolved, we will run into a serious problem. (249-282, 1993.10.11)
What is it that I, Rev. Moon, have agonized over the most? It is the question of how to form the oneness of God and humankind in love. It is the question of how this is explained theoretically. Unless this is elucidated, the theoretical system cannot settle down. Everything is distorted if the fundamental position of human love is not set up. (249-223, 1993.10.10)
God's love and humankind's love; this becomes the question. The question is whether God's love and humankind's love are the same or different in color. This is a grave question. Where do God's love and humankind's love meet? Unless these two meet and form a base of being united in love, neither God nor human beings can settle down together. Although God rejoices, if human beings have a different basis for rejoicing in love, a serious problem arises. (257-58, 1994.3.13)
How do we achieve the oneness of God and humankind? God is the vertical Father of true love. He is the Father centered on true love. Then, is God close or distant? Is He visible to your eyes or not? Why is He invisible? It is because He is too close. If something is too close, you cannot see it forever. Even in the spirit world, you cannot see Him. This, however, does not mean that He is not there. He exists. There is no one who has seen love, nor is there anyone who has seen air. (249-31, 1993.10.7)
When I was pursuing the answers to fundamental questions, I continued to think about how to achieve oneness between God and humankind. This is an important question. Without resolving it, the starting point and the end point would not coincide. While thinking of this, what struck me like lightning? It is the fact that true love travels the straightest and shortest distance. What this means is that there is only one vertical line; at a point on the horizontal line, there is only one line that forms a ninety degree angle to it. This is the straightest and shortest distance. It is at ninety degrees. (250-153, 1993.10.14)
In the world of atoms, electrons revolve around the protons. In the world of molecules, the plus ions and minus ions interact. Those that interact do so with a center. Man and woman also interact. Centering on what? They interact centering on love. God and human beings also interact. What does the phrase, "oneness of God and humankind", mean? We also use the term "union".
Centering on what, is oneness achieved? Centering on what, do we talk about the oneness of parents and children and the oneness of husband and wife? It is centering on love. The parents and children, and the husband and wife, are united as one body. This is the oneness of God and humankind. Centering on what? Centering on money, on political power, or on knowledge? It is beyond doubt that it is centering on love. What kind of love is it? It is true love, and Godly love. What kind of love is Godly love? It is absolute love. What is absolute love? It is aligned with eternity. It is eternal love. (251-120, 1993.10.17)
The oneness of God and each person; this is the realm of the unity of God and humankind. If the standard of the ideal that God rejoices in, and the standard that human beings desire, do not coincide with each other, it is a serious problem. They should match perfectly. They should be one horizontally and also be one vertically. If they cross at ninety degrees, front and back and left and right, the twelve positions including the upper and lower quadrants, and the right and left quadrants, exactly meet at any point at ninety degrees. (223-346, 1991.11.20)
Why do we marry? It is to perfect love. If we say that horizontally, right and left or east and west are a man and a woman, their true ideal is to connect by passing through the straightest, shortest distance. There is only one horizontal, straight, shortest distance of love for the straight vertical line. This is none other than at the ninety-degree angle. If this tilts to the side like this, it does not work because it becomes an oval. Not all are the same. It is only in the ninety-degree angle that all can stand on an equal position and on the same standard. There is no other place, but at a ninety-degree angle, that the love that leads to the oneness of God and humankind accrues. (224-167, 1991.11.24)
God created Adam first as His body. Adam is God's son, and at the same time God Himself with a body. Next, God created Eve as Adam's partner in an effort to perfect horizontal love, that is, the ideal of conjugal love. Eve is God's daughter and, at the same time, His bride who is to physically perfect God's ideal of horizontal love.
The place where Adam and Eve have reached perfection, and consummate their first love after marriage under God's blessing, is also the place where God receives His physical bride. God's ideal of absolute love vertically comes down to, and participates in, where Adam and Eve's ideal of conjugal love horizontally bears fruit. God's true love and humankind's true love start at one point, centering on the starting point of the vertical and horizontal, bear fruit, and reach perfection. (277-198, 1996.4.16)
Who on earth are Adam and Eve? They are the ones who, centering on the ideal of love, unite horizontally. The horizontal should meet the vertical line at a ninety degree angle, and set a focal point. The same is true for the position of front and back, left and right, and above and below. What does this mean? Since God is the subject partner of the dual characteristics, He enters the minds of Adam and Eve, who are focused on that kind of love. Therefore, the wedding ceremony of the human ancestors, who are not fallen, becomes God's wedding ceremony. (223-267, 1991.11.12)
Where does God enter? God enters the minds of Adam and Eve... His dual characteristics, right? These two enter and merge into one root. Then they are manifested into sons and daughters. They are connected by love, centered on mind, body and spirit, and have the same root. So when they have sons and daughters out of this love, would these children go to hell? They cannot be touched or interfered with by anyone. The absolute body, the absolute mind, the absolute spirit, the absolute man, and the absolute woman, bring unification through God's absolute love and through the sexual organ, which is the origin of life, the origin of love, and the origin of lineage. (194-343, 1989.10.30)
Adam and Eve came as the dual characteristics of the invisible God. It is as if two invisible beings are standing together within one being. They are united in true love and manifest as male character. God then reappears through His son and daughter, who take the position of His object partners to that male character. When they grow up and become husband and wife in love, God descends from above, whereupon He stands in the position of the invisible Parent and they, in the position of the visible parents, become one through the act of loving. (222-317, 1991.11.6)
Where do the vertical and the horizontal merge together? Where does the union of heaven and earth occur? It occurs in front of the vertical standard. The path of love takes the straightest, shortest distance.
In order to answer these questions, I have agonized over the question of where these two, the vertical and the horizontal, and heaven and earth, settle down. I came to understand during my efforts that vertical and horizontal love are situated at the fundamental core of the universe. How do I know this?
It is because we cannot go up in a straight way. If so, we would be stuck in the same place. But if we leave the horizontal and love only vertically, we would be stuck like this. The question then is where this goes and how it turns. It cannot turn. These questions -- how they connect, and, if there is love of heaven and earth, how should they unite -- were serious ones. But one thing that I realized was that love travels the straightest, shortest distance. (214-232, 1991.2.2)
What is it that Rev. Moon agonized over the most, while digging into the fundamental core of the universe? It was the question of how love travels and settles down. Discovering the one thing that love travels the straightest, shortest distance, resolved all questions. If love descends from above, when heaven is considered high, and earth low, and when true love comes down to the earth from heaven, which route would it take?
It is through the straightest and shortest distance. So what is it? It is the perpendicular path, isn't it? There is nothing else except for the perpendicular path. It is the straightest, shortest distance. If love travels through the fastest, straightest and shortest distance, the settlement point of heaven and earth can be only one on a perfect plane. It is not two, but is absolutely one. (211-77, 1990.12.29)
Where did I say that God's love and humankind's love meet? Where is their settlement point? That point becomes the settlement point of love, the settlement point of life, and the settlement point of lineage. Apart from that place, there would be no way of connecting love, life, and lineage. Where on earth is that place? It is where the lives of a man and a woman are connected. It is where the lineage, the blood of a man and a woman, cross. God's life, God's love, God's lineage, and the life of a man and a woman, the love of a man and a woman, and the lineage of a man and a woman, are connected at this one point. And their descendants arise at this point. (205-63, 1990.7.7)
Adam and Eve having their children of goodness, and becoming the true parents, means that God physically secures His position as the eternal Parent, and realizes His ideal and desire to have an endless number of citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and on earth through their multiplication from generation to generation. (277-198, 1996.4.16)
Had God established the relationship of true love with human beings centering on a great true love, and thus built the family embodying the oneness of God and humankind in love, which God desired as His ideal at the time of creation, today we would all go straight to the Kingdom of Heaven without having to worry about whether we were going to heaven or hell.
The problem here is that unless God and human beings become one in true love as subject-object partners, and make a start at the same one point, the true love of God and that of humankind will have different directions and purposes; their love starts as two different forms of love. Then, it would be impossible to find the absolute world of the ideal desired by God and human beings. (275-54, 1995.10.31)
What is marriage? It is the perfection of the self. It is the perfection of a man and a woman, and at the same time, the perfection of everything horizontal. Here are children and siblings, and because of this, this line comes in. Since there are brothers and sisters, husband and wife, and parents; the upper and lower, right and left, and front and back of the Kingdom of Heaven become one and form an ideal sphere. Then God comes into the center point of marriage. He comes to stay in the family and sets up house.
As for all these forces, and as for all the forces of the sphere that enter this space, there are none that have not passed this standard. So to ask where God is, especially where God is in the husband and wife, what is the answer? It is in the womb. That is where He is. That is where the root of love is. Ever since the beginning of history, answers to questions such as how the spirit world is structured, and what it is like, were finally revealed through Rev. Moon. No one else has known this. (252-119, 1993.11.14)
The Fall of Adam and Eve is the immoral sin that forsook God's ideal of true love. Adam and Eve, before the Fall, needed to keep the commandment, but fell at the stage of immaturity during the growth period.
The union of the first love of the human ancestors, since being the perfection of God's love as well at the same time, should surely have been a continuation of happy feasts in which God, Adam and Eve, and all things naturally became intoxicated in joy and blessings. It should have been a happy ceremony in which God's love, life, and lineage formed a beginning and settled in human beings.
However, they, instead, covered their lower parts and hid behind the tree, trembling in fear. This is because they, in violation of the heavenly path, perpetrated the immoral relationship that gave rise to the source of false love, false life, and false lineage. (288-126, 1997.11.26)
Satan entered where God should have. Adam and Eve and Satan married, didn't they? It is the same thing. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God's true love and humankind's love would have united at one point. They were to start at one point; if it were two points, there would be two different worlds and two different directions.
Yet, if they achieved the oneness of God and humankind, and went in one direction, the individuals who appear in one direction would reach perfection; the family that appears in one direction would reach perfection; and also the tribe, people, nation and world that appear in the one direction would reach perfection. They would become one in love. This would agree with the theory. (265-80, 1994.11.20)
What is the difference between the established Christian churches and the Unification Church? One difference is that the Unification Church restored the oneness of God and humankind centering on love. Established theologies define God as holy, and human beings as profane and sinful. Then, how can God's love and humankind's love become one?
They cannot answer this question. The problem is that they think the absolute God can do anything. This was the main reason why Christians shed so much blood wherever they went. Misusing God's commandment, they invaded and seized. They produced dictators. The world, however, does not work like that. From the viewpoint of God's original nature, it cannot be like that. (249-145, 1993.10.8)
If Adam and Eve had not fallen, what would God have wanted to give them? God wanted to bless and marry them, have them give birth to sons and daughters in whom He could rejoice, and form God's family in whom He could rejoice, and form His tribe and His people, by multiplying. When they expanded further and formed the world, what philosophy would they be based on?
It would be the world of Godism and the Adam-centered philosophy. If that world had a philosophy, it would be the philosophy centered on Adam. If that world had a view of the universe, it would be Adam's view of the universe, an Adam-centered philosophy. If it had a view of the cosmos, it would be Adam's view of the cosmos; and if it had a view of life, it would be Adam's view of life based on that Adam-centered philosophy.
And when the five different races had various colors of skin, it would not matter much. Skin colors changed according to the environment and countless people having different skin colors is okay. Then, why did the languages of the countless peoples differ? God separated them, due to the Fall of the first human ancestors. (156-202, 1966.5.25)
When it comes to a nation, establishing a nation requires sovereignty. It requires a people. It requires land. When considering the question of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth from this point of view, who is the owner of the Kingdom of Heaven? Who is the sovereign? Surely, God is the sovereign. And who are the people? It is humankind. Then, what is the territory? It is the planet earth. (96-15, 1978.1.1)
Within one generation of my lifetime, by the age of eighty, I am determined to completely liberate the spirit world. Then, the earth, the heaven, husband and wife, and the family will go to the Kingdom of Heaven. The husband and wife are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven together; they cannot enter there alone. With the gate of hell and gate of the Kingdom of Heaven opened all the way, all of them will go up in a spiral form.
Their ancestors will line up to be guards and guide them. In the past, Satan dug pits using their self-centered desires and kept them from going there for a thousand and ten thousand years. He forced them to do his errands. Now all these have been abolished. It sounds like a lie, doesn't it? But that is what will happen. You wait and see. Why? It is because I know so well what is happening in the spirit world. If this is not done, there will be a problem in the later generations. (300-74, 1999.2.21)
We should equalize the world on earth and the world in heaven, and even hell. By pioneering that path and reaching the peaceful base of the Kingdom of Heaven, we should be able to break down the gate of hell and open the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven. We should bring it about so that God can freely come in and out, whether it is the earthly world or the spirit world. The sorrowful threshold called hell is unnecessary to God. All this should be removed.
Who knows this? Then, what is it that I, Rev. Moon, have accomplished? I have demolished the gate of individuals and all that have been blocking the hell on earth and the hell in spirit world. So a highway should be built. Equality should be brought. This is not only on earth but also in the entire spirit world. Thus, the equality on the level of the family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos should be realized. What can bring this? It is to be achieved through the family established by a man and a woman. (302-226, 1999.6.14)
The True Parents are, in the physical world, giving the Blessing to all kinds of people, transcending their background. Through this link, the realms of the liberation of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation are realized on earth. These realms of liberation are not realized in the spirit world. In such a way, there is a foundation on earth for connecting the nation of love of the heavenly kingdom and the nation of love of the cosmos.
Therefore, the entire spirit world and physical world, centering on the True Parents, should become one, and do an overall general cleanup. That is how they can achieve the perfection of the Blessing all the way to the cosmos from the individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and world -- to the cosmos.
This way, as the realm of oneness of the Blessed families in the spiritual and physical worlds opens up, the foundation of the ideal of the heavenly kingdom centering on the unfallen Adam is established among all the families throughout history; and in the position of equal value, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven emerge, in which place God comes and dwells. God is the vertical Parent, and the True Parents are the horizontal parents, who can bring equalization to the earth.
Thus, on Chil Pal Jeol (7.8. Day), the realm of the cosmic Sabbath of the Parent of Heaven and Earth was been proclaimed, and a new age has begun. We should now completely overcome everything through the Gu Gu Jeol (9.9. Day). (303-257, 1999.9.9)
When the tide recedes, garbage goes out with it. Conversely, when the tide returns, the things that went out last now come in first. This is like restoration through indemnity. When the water and moon reach the moment of unity to create a tide, I can stand in the center and pronounce them ready. And as the water surface levels even out, I will bless them as plus and minus, and by doing so will drive out Satan completely
This is how we expel the false parent and become one with the True Parents. Because this was done, we can break down hell, and give the Blessing to our ancestors in the spirit world as well. Now, hundreds of millions, tens of billions, and hundreds of billions are getting married. It is our ancestors who are leading the spirit world towards the Kingdom of Heaven. On earth, centering on true love, our descendants are combining as one, the vertical positions of the father and the son. The starting point to connect the East and the West is the family foundation centering on true love. (300-224, 1999.3.14)
From now on, we enter the age in which the national and ethnic groups can join their forces. So the earthly nations, tribes, and families join together and pass into the realm of unification. By going over like this, the world rapidly changes and those who are against this will not be left alone by satans. Until now, Satan has tried to take them to hell, but he now takes them to the Kingdom of Heaven. This way, he and his followers cooperate; and even their own ancestors will want to take them to the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, since no one is blocking the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, the realm of liberation is realized, and thereby we rapidly pass into the age of globalization of the future. (298-221, 1999.1.8)
The spirit world -- including the Muslims, the followers of Confucius, and the followers of Buddha -- is waiting for the appearance of the ideology centered on True Parents, upon Adam. Since that world should go in the direction of unification, when the work of the True Parents reaches the global level on earth, all religious boundaries disappear, and the results of the unification movement automatically appear on earth, as a result of the activities of the spirit world.
Thus, when the Unification Church teaching becomes a global philosophy, what happens? The spirits in the spirit world do not stay in the spirit world. Since their goal is to reach perfection on earth, and then re-enter the spirit world through a reversal process, they all return to earth. All of them are, then, engaged in activities. The wish of the hundreds of billions of people in the spirit world is to see that the Unification Church members spread all over the world and spearhead the movement, encouraging the spirits, "Move, move, move, move!" Hence, if we are tuned to this, and oneness is brought in the spirit world, the world turns into the world governed by God. Then, in front of the title of the True Parents, the eternal world is to continue for eternity. (161-222, 1987.2.15)
Now we have reached the realm of liberation even in the spirit world. We are engaged in a movement to bring equality to the spirit world as well as on the earth. Spring is under way. The springtime of Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is approaching. Until now, the earth has been in summer although spring has already come to Kingdom of Heaven. However, now that summer is gone and winter is gone on earth, spring is coming. Since the spring that can digest everything -- all ideals and the eternal happiness of Kingdom of Heaven -- and that can resurrect new lives, is coming to earth, a peaceful era will come to earth. So, what has Rev. Moon of the Unification Church done now? The word "peace" is inserted in all of his new organizations, including the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. (301-288, 1999.5.5)
Since we have now entered the age of liberation, the universe centering on this earth is rejoicing. How much it rejoices today! Thus, I see that from the beginning of this year until today, an atmosphere of celebration dominates. Now in everything that we try to do, heavenly fortune follows us around and helps us. People strive hard to catch this heavenly fortune, but in our case, it is following behind us and helping us. What this means is that the time has now come when God and the spirit world, our countless ancestors and good people, are mobilized to help this earth; and the age when the realm of liberation can be realized, and everything can be transformed, has arrived. (298-226, 1999.1.8)
With what are we going to liberate God? With power? With wisdom? What is the liberation of God? If people from North Korea come to South Korea and rejoice, and people from South Korea go to North Korea, does this mean that North Korea and South Korea are liberated? What does this mean? God is sitting on the throne of heaven in the spirit world, but even those at the rock bottom of the satanic world like Him Even when we go to poor families, regardless who they are, if they serve and attend God as the greatest, they rejoice and feel happy.
The Unification Church has been going through such a course of history with me as the center until now, during which time I have been talking about resolving the bitter sorrow of God. Then, what is it? It is an effort to bring about liberation. Even when we go into the bottom of a dumpster, the question is whether or not we have a room of joy in which God can come and stay with us.
If you want to feel free, you should be in a position where you can accept any situation; nothing unpleasant should hold you back -- even a dumpster-like situation. Only then will you be liberated. If this bothers you, you will not be liberated. (181-191, 1988.10.3)
You can re-enact everything in this world created by God only when you completely possess true love. What does this mean? Those who have achieved the perfection of true love can live a life in which they do things just as they please, like God; they can create things if they wish to, and remove things if they wish to. They can do anything freely and at will.
With intuition, they can experience omnipotence. True love can conquer anything and everything. It can conquer God and even Satan. Thus, it is not that I, Rev. Moon, am liberated through God, but rather that God is liberated through me. So, we are trying to achieve on earth, everything of value that we have been seeking to regain in the spirit world from the time of the Fall. Once this is achieved, heaven and earth will be turned upside down. (292-277, 1998.4.27)
God should be liberated during the eighty years of my life. To do this, I should reveal the truths surrounding the death of Jesus for all restorations through indemnity, and realms of liberation from the spirit world to the earthly world. Otherwise, there would be no way for the spirits to return to earth. To make a unified heaven and earth possible through the Christian cultural sphere, they passed through all the necessary conditions; but if the messiah comes on a foundation that has not reached the unified heaven and earth, and they fail to accept him and oppose him instead, they will all be caught in Satan's trap. That is why Rev. Moon was driven out all alone to the wilderness -- all alone. Even my physical parents did not understand me. Thus, from here, I again landed on the shore and have walked the indemnity course of history for more than forty years. (211-198, 1990.12.30)
During my lifetime, everything must be liberated. Therefore, all things are in the position of being liberated. The value of liberation is truly indescribable. The realm of liberation has been established by piling up, over and over again, the merit of God's effort to separate good and evil from our ancestors throughout history. We, Blessed families, represent the realm of liberation; being in the position of having been liberated. Therefore, we are sacrificial offerings, representing the entire world of creation, from filthy objects to glorious ones. You should understand that you are standing in the position of sacrificial offerings. (280-292, 1997.2.13)
What a splendid place the realm of heart is! We cannot purchase it even with mountains of gold. Nor can we purchase it even with a diamond that is as big as the earth. That is how precious it is. It is so precious that it cannot be exchanged even for the universe. The universe becomes ours if we make a reciprocal relationship with the subject partner in the realm of heart. Even God belongs to us. How amazing it is to have the privilege of being human beings who know their own value, who have a realm of freedom and liberation in which they can stride along the cosmos as liberators, embracing everything in love and giving direction, and with whom all things of heaven and earth harmonize, and respond to their command! This is the pride of the Unification Church. (210-320, 1990.12.27)
Our ancestors are the True Parents. We are following through the grace of the True Parents. Everything must be eliminated, all the way down to the spirits far below. When this becomes the second time, we can completely go over the gate. When we have gone over the three stages -- formation, growth and completion -- by this year 2000, a new law of heaven and earth will be announced so that all the scars that the True Parents have received from false parents on this earth can be taken care of.
It is the law of the liberation of heaven and earth. That is why Pledge number eight of the Family Pledge has been presented now, right? It reads: "Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, having entered the Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven..." It is not liberation, but the realm of liberation. Your home should not go alone. You should take full responsibility for your nation and your world while on earth. (293-252, 1998.6.1)
If you are to inherit the realm of the victory of the True Parents, you should live in absolute obedience, absolute compliance, and absolute faith. Only when you shed blood, sweat, and sacrifice everything, in total oneness of heart through which you are willing to become a living sacrifice for the True Parents, and you want to hold more love than the love of the True Parents, can the True Parents be liberated. God's realm of liberation emerges only when society becomes a place where people love more than the True Parents love mankind. Only when the True Parents have such sons and daughters, will the realm of liberation emerge in which they can praise their sons and daughters and rejoice, loving them. (266-288, 1995.1.1)