Way Of Unification - Part 2 |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
Section 1. National Federation For The Unification Of North And South (Part 1)
1. The Message Of The National Federation For The Unification Of North And South
1) Introduction
My Dear Countrymen who are patriotic and who are wishing for unification! Today we are here attending an event that every Korean deeply longs for, the Inauguration of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South.
We are the "Korean People"; we are brothers of this word; we are a single people. We have the history of 5,000 everlasting years, a brilliant culture and tradition and an excellent language, and we use these things for love and peace.
We are of the same form, same destiny. We have inherited the same blood lineage and have the same beautiful nature. However, this is already the 42nd year of the historical division of North and South, something that no one welcomed; not even nature desired it. The great and joyful independence which was paid for by the blood of sincere patriots 40 years ago was lost instantly, and so miserably; amidst their suffering the division of our people and the emergence of North and South occurred.
How long will the miserable tragedy of our people continue? Should we abandon the hope of unifying the fatherland, of unifying our people, since there seems to be no sign of unifying North and South? (May 15, 1987 at the Little Angels Art Hall, Seoul, Korea)
2) The Reason to Organize The National Federation
My fellow countrymen, here today, I am proclaiming that the unification of our Fatherland will be achieved absolutely and that the time is imminent. Today, we are here to kindle this disposition by establishing the National Foundation for the Unification of North and South.
Ever since 1945, we have sought how we can brightly achieve the restoration of our homeland. The independence and clear restoration of our great homeland this century was accomplished by two factors.
One is the movement for independence by patriots inside Korea and abroad who for 36 years had shed their blood in defiance of Japanese imperialism. The other factor is the defeat of Japanese Imperialism at the end of World War II, which brought world peace. Suddenly, because of these two factors, our homeland was established.
In a similar fashion, the unification of North and South will be accomplished. The corruption in the Communist world centered on the USSR, which lasted for almost 70 years, is drawing near its end. Its 70-year history of failure has not hidden the fact that it is a farce and a deception. The decline of the Communist ideology is connected with the fate of Kim Il Sung in North Korea and this will be the element that will influence the unification of North and South worldwide.
Because of the changes in the world situation, we need to have faith; we need a movement inside our nation and abroad that will work for the unification of North and South Korea. We must burn with the fire of wishing for our unification. There is an old Korean proverb, "Where there is a will there is a way"; also, another wise Korean maxim, "Sincerity reaches to Heaven." How can we desire unification without wishing and being determined more than heaven and earth, more than North Korea? We must be burning with the desire for unification. This is the reason why we are here today-to establish the "National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South."
3) The 38th Parallel
Today, first of all, we need to realize that the 38th Parallel is not just a geographical division but that the 38th Parallel is a resentful dividing line of blood lineage and of ideologies that are contrary to each other.
During the Korean War we killed one another while belonging to the same people; it was not that we did not know that we were not of different people, not of different blood lineage. This happened due to the differing views of value that could not meet half-way. This severed our nation's ties and blood lineage. This then became a terrible, fearful wall that separated relations between father and son.
4) Confrontation of Theism and Atheism
So, what is the basic difference between these viewpoints of value that are against each other?
The basic confrontation of these views of value that is similar to the confrontation centered on the 38th parallel is the confrontation between theism and atheism. First of all, the Communist ideology starts with the absolute denial of God's existence. Since God is non-existent, the concept of absolute value and the standard of good and evil are also non-existent. Therefore in the principle of Communist revolution, achievement of its purpose is justified by any means.
Through science, Communism denied the existence of God. Also, they believed that the development of science prescribed the existence of Communism and that God and religion are just some form of superstition or myth. After Communism declared that religion is the opiate of the masses, did 20th-century science deny God and religion as myths?
No, it didn't. Though Communism is proud of science, even 20th-century science itself started to prove the existence of God and conquered over the 19th-century notion that God is only superstition.
Let us look at one example. Based on 19th-century science, dialectical materialism, which declares that material was original in the cosmos, states that the cosmos is absolute and cannot further divide; but in the 20th century new physics is overturning this view of the cosmos.
This is because it was proven as an undeniable truth that the material produced by energy, which is invisible, is transforming and has reciprocity.
This new physics, which is leading the 20th century, is affirming that the formation of the universe was not established without some form of will present in the cosmos and, through scientific principles, it is also making clear that the existence of the first cause in the universe was not itself an accidental product originating from the cosmos.
Science is asserting that man and the cosmos where created by a "causal being," which in religion we call God. This Being has intellect, emotion and will, and the creation of man is an expression of His personality. His purpose of creation is to receive joy from man and to give love to man who resembles Him. Therefore, to say that "God is not existing" is similar to stating that children have no parents.
The view of value which recognizes the Creator and the relation ship man has with Him will harmonize all the different groups in human society. Communism, which tried to erase God from this earth, became exposed as falsehood by the science that Communists so strongly believed in. It has been exposed that the Communist view of value must be eradicated from this world.
5) Communism's Mistaken View of Man
Communism treats man as some higher form of animal and like some physical material similar to a machine. This is their proper conclusion since Communism denies the existence of God. Communism declares that man evolved from the apes and reason and language developed as tools for production. Since production is treated as a god, they then assert that man is only some higher form of animal.
Since this Communist view of man is the basic problem, it leads to terrible consequences for man. When man is just a higher form of animal, man has no reason to assert his rights. When man degenerates to the level of a machine, man has no foundation to aspire for freedom, love and creativity. In this Communist society, man is just a short distance away from violence.
Naturally, man only has human value when he is coincident with the purpose of Communism. Only at that time. At any other time man has no persistent value. This is the reason that in the Communist world man is treated insignificantly like an insect. During the 60 years of the Communist regime in Russia, the French magazine, Rue Figaro (Nov. 18, 1978 edition) exposed the finding that at least 150 million humans who were against Communism were exterminated. This is the result of the Communist view of man. This is very evident.
6) The True View of Man
Man's divinity and human life originated from man being the child of God, his creator. Man's human value comes from having the same divine nature as God's. If anyone harms another, it is similar to harming God. If a man loves another, it is the same as loving God. Each human is created by God as a true individual entity. Being the substantial expression of God, man's life is as eternal as God's. The worst crime of Communism was not just the denial of God but with that the treatment of man as an animal. Communism considers man as a higher form of animal and as a living matter similar to a machine. Thus, the structure of the Communist system denies man his dignity. The confrontation of these two views of value which are contrary to each other does not occur exclusively in the Korean peninsula but presently occurs in every place in the world.
This is now the era of the battle of the views of value of North and South on a global level. Without resolving the confrontation of the views of value, the unification of North and South will fade like an illusion; furthermore, without finding a solution to Korea we cannot offer a solution to the problem of the world. The same formula that will solve the problem of Korea can solve the problem of the world.
7) View of Value Through Godism
Ladies and Gentlemen, the solution to the inaccurate attitude towards the view of value is to advocate Godism. Godism is the ideology of liberation from materialism, from worldly humanism; in explaining the existence of God and the sanctity of human life, the Communist world and Western civilization, which are declining, can be liberated. With this ideology we can liberate and save North Korea. The reason for this movement of Unification of North and South is to begin the establishment of this view of value.
Only unification with freedom is true freedom.
When we see first the confrontation of the views of value which are against each other, we should be deeply impressed that only unification in freedom is true unification.
Our unification must be the base for God, freedom and democracy. Any other kind of unification is not true unification.
The rights and privileges of our North Korean brothers have been plundered for 42 years. Like us, they also desire to enjoy freedom. This is true unification.
We have to team an important lesson from Vietnam. Vietnam was not unified. It became the slave of Russia. It did not achieve true unification. During twelve years of Communism in Vietnam, people who wanted to pursue freedom became "boat people" -- a couple of hundreds of thousands -- and many died in the ocean. Another couple million people were massacred. Communist Vietnam, which was called "unified, deteriorated to become the worst and poorest nation in the world, having a GNP of not even a hundred dollars. No one would label this is as "true unification."
Our North Korean brothers need a true revolution. The revolution that they have waited patiently for is only possible when we stand and lead to bring them world peace and prosperity. For us South Koreans, who have lived a prosperous life, this is our sacred duty towards our North Korean brothers.
For 40 years till now the only policy of unification that the Communist Party in North Korea has had is one of polarization, and they have been ceaselessly waiting for the realization of this opportunity. Their final goal of revolution is that "South Korea should be liberated from the occupation of American Imperialism and be made a unified Fatherland where the South Korean people will have the same ideology as the North Korean people." To make the South Korean people believe in the same ideology, in other words "to arm them with Kim Il Sung's unique thought," means to absolutely obey and be occupied under the doctrine of Kim Il Sung's "Father-Son." It means being a slave to Kim Il Sung.
Using their bitter experiences of defeat in the Korean war, North Korea has been ceaselessly attempting for more than 30 years to invade South Korea with the pretext of liberating the oppressed people of South Korea; therefore, this present time is very precarious.
Even though the tension between North and South Korea is at a high level, South Korea has earned worldwide admiration for its financial and economic development and has improved its international stature.
Indeed, based on the 1985 GNP, the difference between South Korea and North Korea is respectively 5.5 against 1, and South Korea has evidently achieved a record of attaining 20th place as a developed country and 12th place as a world trading partner.
After the 1988 Seoul Olympics it will be as clear as fire that South Korea has attained an undeniably favorable position economically and militarily. Thus, any military maneuvers are due to the realization by Kim Il Sung's party that the opportunity to achieve their goal through polarization by military means will be eliminated forever and they want to prevent this from happening before it's too late.
From now until one or two years later there is a possibility that North Korea in a desperate effort will choose military adventurism; further, any news or information of deterioration and chaos in South Korean politics can only serve as an explosive to hinder the commencement of the Seoul Olympics.
The establishment of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South comes at a very historical and important time.
8) Let's Arm with Ideology
What should the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South do at this time?
First of all, we need to arm ourselves with the true view of value towards our nation, so that peaceful settlement and agreement can occur. The weak point of the "free countries" such as America is the existence of emptiness in their ideology. Excessive materialism and the misuse of freedom brings chaos to their view of value and promotes worldly humanism. This is the reason the Communist world will not give up its ambition for world Bolshevization until the very end.
World War III is the war of ideologies. We cannot triumph over Communism solely through military means. For Communism to be defeated, we need to have a better ideology than the Communists. This ideology can only be an ideology based on truth. There is no such ideology other than Godism!
Without changing its ideology, without arming with the Unification Thought of Godism, the free world will find it impossible to triumph over Communism. The National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South must take the offensive as the movement of pan-nationalism.
Godism serves not only to liberate our North Korean brothers but also gives salvation to the world from Communism. This ideology will serve as an opportunity to create a huge awakening in the Western world from its corruption through disillusion and immorality.
For this reason in 1976, I initiated the historical conference of the Declaration of Godism, in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States of America.
I did this because I have faith and confidence that through Godism the Communist world can be liberated. The original reason why Communism did not decline rapidly is that up until now we didn't have any clear ideology. We were not armed with a better ideology. Therefore, from now on, let us start to extend Godism to overcome Communism and its movement from South Korea. How can we wish for unification without having an ideological offensive to overwhelm Kim Il Sung's solitary dogma that is full of unjust demands and lies?
9) Godism Is the Movement of Headwing
Unification Thought, Godism, is also the idea of Headwing. Headwing, which is neither right-wing nor left-wing, can realize real human peace which cannot be accomplished by either the right wing or the left wing. The reason for this is that both right wing and left wing cannot escape their original initiation from "selfishism"; their pursuit centering only on their own countries and on their own selves is an eternal battle of self-interests which cannot result in peace and unification. Now a new global "ism" has to appear which can break down "selfishism."
"Unselfishism," which is living for the sake of others more than one's own self, appears only with God's ideal. No other doctrine can have this kind of unselfishness-one that can bring life-because God is the substance of love, the essence of love-one that sacrifices one's self. Love is the essence of Godism; this is the central ideal which is similar to the physical "head" which give orders to move the whole physical body. This is the Headwing ideology. The right hand and the left hand accompany one single body. If the body has no head, then they will fight each other like strangers; but if the head occupies the central position, then the right hand and the left hand obey the orders from the heart, working cooperatively for the whole body.
Therefore, the unification of North and South has to be accomplished through the Headwing ideology. This will in effect cause North Korea not to make unification through polarization and at the same time cause South Korea not to invade North Korea. By "Headism," which is the Headwing ideology of interdependence through mutual prosperity and the universal sharing of values found in God, the unification of North and South can be accomplished.
10) Lets Face the Unification of North and South
Secondly, we need to have a continuous desire for unification. Without that desire, its fulfillment cannot come. This National Federation Movement needs to make a commitment for the unification of North and South Korea. Unification is not just solely our national aspiration but also inevitably our destiny. When our intellect follows up on unification, I believe God is achieving this.
At this point it is not enough to say that we need to defeat North Korea. They have a stronger desire to liberate South Korea. They have the sacrificial attitude to invest wholeheartedly in order to achieve this. Without acquiring a stronger sacrificial desire to absolutely liberate our unfortunate brothers in North Korea, unification would only be a dream. Therefore, I am planning to inspire desire through the establishment, by this National Federation, of "unification prayer centers" and "unification training centers" near the 38th Parallel in order to instill in the hearts of our 40 million countrymen an intense desire for unification with North Korea.
11) Let's Develop Our Capability
Thirdly, we have to cultivate and raise our capability. The idea of unification necessitates the development of our capability in every field for this very purpose. We have to force Kim Il Sung to abandon his ambition of polarization and his plan to invade South Korea, and open the closed society of North Korea. In order for Kim Il Sung to abandon his ideology, we have to overcome his Party in any kind of field and direction.
So, as I have already said, the establishment of the view of value and arming ourselves with that ideology is a very important goal. Then we must extend and improve our country in terms of international position. The most important capability is to establish an advanced democratic society for our nation.
Only true democracy can triumph over dictatorship. Only through the development of an ideal democratic government is it possible to defeat any dictatorial group centered on worshipping individuals. The statement made by Abraham Lincoln, "A government of the people, for the people, and by the people," is true. Democracy should be our national conscience's highest priority, having historical proportions.
12) Encourage International Support for Unification
For the sake of the unification of North and South Korea, an important issue is to develop a worldwide disposition for the urgency of unification. Centered on the United States and the nations around the Korean Peninsula such as Japan and China, we need to be armed with an ideology focused in a positive direction. We hope to make them realize that eventually North Korea cannot continue to exist in isolation, by mobilizing Russia to influence North Korea to open up its closed society. We have to create the situation of international pressure so that they themselves will want to be free from Communism and will think of cooperating for the nation.
Kim Il Sung's organization, which seems formidable but is really an illusion, will soon collapse and fall down because it is rooted in deception.
With the establishment of The Washington Times in America we initiated a worldwide movement of ideally educating the free world, an intention that I had for a long time; we are also organizing around the globe to form many newspapers, to educate the world media, to give direction to university professors worldwide, to guide student movements in every nation, to bring about cooperation among various South American countries and to form understanding among the world religions. Already, I have devoted myself to build the foundation to induce North Korean liberation by trying to influence America, Japan, Europe and South America, and, finally, China.
Korea is in a very delicate position, geographically and politically. America, Japan, Russia, and China, have deep interests in the Korean peninsula; therefore, the great achievement of our unification will be to guide in a profitable direction the influences of these four strong world powers. I accomplished this influence and this ability through the movement of education of ideology on the world level; without doing this, the unification of the Fatherland will never be accomplished.
The "National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South" cannot start without the foundation of individual Korean effort, and cannot start without other countries in Asia as well as with the United Nations, which has a deep connection with each nation of the world. Thus, our National Federation should develop to an Asian National Federation and then to a World National Federation. This is the desire of all humanity and also the desire of God.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Now we have to accept that the great work nationwide and worldwide begins here. You who are gathered here are offering a helping hand to those saints that are gathered in this place and are receiving this historical responsibility of unification by organizing the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South.
Our national spirit has to be liberated to an ideology of "respect heaven and love the people" which is similar to that of our national ancestor King Dan. Today our noble nation elevates the ideology of saving the world from the chaos of the views of value to the salvation of all things; it will mean that "Godism was born in this place."
Since I believe that Korea is a microcosm of the world, the world's problem is inseparably related to the resolution of the Korean problem. Another way of looking at it is to say the method that can solve the world problem was born in Korea. It was! We explained that Godism, which is the method of unifying North and South, became the method to solve secular humanism and save the world from Communism.
Ladies and Gentlemen. We are establishing this view of value for each other. Let us rouse ourselves to action with the weapon of the national ideology. Together, we earnestly wish for the unification of North and South. Let us have faith. Let us burn with the zeal that can penetrate the impregnable.
Let us establish the worldwide foundation by acting through this National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South with the determination to achieve God's Will by our own hands and with the confidence to heroically work on the front line, on the place of unification of North and South, as the eternal historical people!
Ladies and Gentlemen. Let us pledge with clenched fists and with determination in our minds in this sacred place where we are gathered to be the battle group for unification! Let us go forward united until our dream, the unification of North and South, is achieved.
May God bless you and your family. This is the message of the National Federation Movement of the Unification of North and South.
2. Support For The Movement Of Unification Of North And South
Ladies and Gentlemen. We are gathered here to achieve our goal. We know very well the situation of a divided Korea.
Because I was jailed in North Korea I know very well the situation in North Korea. We have to liberate them even though we may need to do many sacrifices. All of us must be seriously concerned.
It has been 40 years since I prayed in front of God after crossing the 38th Parallel. I have been living these past 40 years with the dire resolve for unification, and even single-handedly I want to cross the 38th Parallel and liberate this desolate Communist country. (Father couldn't continue to speak because he became too emotional and was crying.) I am certain that it is destined that a fight remains to be fought.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Before you give me respect and honor, please promise me that you will deeply remember in your heart this miserable nation and that you will pledge to go forward for its liberation and unification.
In order to bring success to this big movement we must be united as one whole body. We have to go forward hand in hand and be determined to shed sweat and blood and offer our actions sincerely, young and old, man and woman, intellectual and illiterate. We have to strive for that ideal of unification and the goal of the liberation of North Korea. Pledge and pledge and pledge! If your faith is strong, God can work with you; so please be absolutely desirous about being victorious and be a living encouragement to your friends and colleagues in your working place and in society. I really wish that you can be successful and understand the fact that it is not only we but also our brothers in that fallen country who are hoping deeply.
I cannot accomplish all this by myself; so now we need tremendous funds. Since I know the providential mission needed to accomplish this, combining the entire 60 million Korean people, I am determined to tell you the minimum donation at this time.
I hope that you can connect to this spirit and quickly contribute to the movement. Thank you very much! (May 15, 1987)
3. Establishment And Goal Of The National Federation
1) The Motivation and Background of the National Federation
Who made this National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? (Father!) No, I mean by whom was it made? This was not by Rev. Moon, but by Heavenly Father. (Jan. 31, 1988)
Today I am the architect of a worldwide organization that is carrying the worldwide fortune and strongly dominating from the edge of the world in the spirit world to the individual, family, tribe, nation, and world; and, in this position I was banished worldwide. As you know it is not easy-the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. Heavenly Father has to be the leader, at the very front. It is not good if Heavenly Father is not together with us.
Today South Korea as the central nation of the world should be connected with Heaven at the axis of love. This should be 38th Parallel; it should be the pearl gate of the twelve and should be the golden gate where one can enter Heaven. But what is that gate now? "Panmunjon -- this became the gate of the Devil. This should have been the gate that is connected to gold but it became the gate connected to destruction. There is where righteousness and evil confront. Righteousness is pursued and evil has gained power. It is hit by falsehood. God's Will is to get rid of this thing. Rev. Moon is doing this as a representative of the whole world. We have to defend there as well as in America and in Japan.
Because of the division of North and South, we have to accomplish unification by connecting to God's original love, making an offering for the resentment of the world. Therefore, through the liberation of God and humankind, we can step on the problem of this nation and everything will center on the ideology of love. Therefore, the National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South, centered on the unification of the Fatherland, desires to join there through the preparation of a glorious ideology of eternal love and of eternal liberation; it will open the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven where we can live together with Heavenly Father for eternity. Do you understand? (Yes!)
I came back to Korea which is still connected to the right side of the realm of the individual, the family, the tribe, and the nation. I came back to Korea to bring the realm of victory. Thus, Cain must surrender to Abel. Is that wrong? Because I brought that kind of fortune, I could establish the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. When the Korean War happened, the Communist people broke through the 38th Parallel; you have to do more than them. How many years did the Communist Party organize? Three years! They prepared the invasion of Korea in a period of three years, from 1948 to 1950; so we have to act within three years.
Until I could at last accomplish the way that America should go, because I was in the position of pioneer, I could not return. Heavenly Father has taught me to become aware that everything is connected here. If not I would have returned to Korea a long time ago. Why do the Korean people come and work here? Is that wrong? After building the path where Heaven could go, where Heaven could reign, truly I could go back to my own country. Heaven could come to our country through the world stage. Not to go through that way-that is a different thinking. So, from now on, by the organization, National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, I could connect the way which can connect with the world and the unification of North and South.
People who are wishing for the unification of North and South are also wishing for the appearance of one whom heaven recognizes as the righteous ruler. So that this time, by establishing the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, the South Korean people see that only Rev. Moon is striving for the unification of North and South. This is not an impossible theory. It's definitely fact. Even the government cannot do this. Can Pres. Chung make the unification of North and South? Kim Il Sung said, "Let's unify North and South." Can he unify North and South Korea? Its a dream!
Right after World War II, global division started; Christianity in America couldn't unite with the American nation and the Korean people couldn't unite with Rev. Moon. I had to make indemnity on that level to make two points into one. But Rev. Moon made the Federation centered on God and centered on the Unification Church as a perfect foundation for people to place power in all kinds of directions. Rev. Moon made the foundation!
We cannot be like those passing by in the street drinking alcohol and muttering, "Oh, what a good feeling!" Already we are being surrounded from around the world. We have to bring back our seat over the level of the net that surrounds us which is connected to America, Japan, and China. In order to establish the environment to begin the National Federation I established in Oct. 11, 1986 the Federation of the Unification of Professors and Students. The head of a university expressed astonishment as to why Rev. Moon was doing that kind of work; it's like cooking beans also like lighting a candle. But at that moment the providence was very urgent.
Being so busy I could not look back and time passed so quickly.
Especially 1987, during its establishment on April 13 and the declaration on June 29 of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, was a very complicated time nationally and providentially. Since we started the unification movement in such a dangerous time, this organization will be considered strange and remarkable. Some rich people who had a lot of money, some political people, and also people who want to succeed in life, just left. They didn't do anything. The situation was similar to dying; but we were the only ones shouting with a big voice. So, the Unification . . .
Last year, on campus, a leftist movement tried to attack one member. If this Unification Church member fights with them he will automatically win. This Unification Church member's name, where did it come from? This was the name or slogan given by the leftist movement to this member as he fought at the central campus of the university. During that situation on the school campuses in the entire country of Korea, who else beside us was giving speeches centered on university professors and famous people in society? This was the big challenge. This was so dangerous. On May 15, with this kind of foundation, we established the National Federation. Was it made by a nation? Who made it? Absolutely I made it. (January 2, 1988)
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