The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2011 |
Tongil Seunghwa (Unification Ascension) Festival to be held at Cheon Bok Gung Main Sanctuary, HC 12.24 (Jan. 27, Thursday), from 7:00 pm. All families, members, relatives, guests are invited to attend. The program includes a Speech, Seunghwa Ceremony, Holy Wine Ceremony, Indemnity Stick Ceremony, 3-Day Ceremony. English translation most likely. Please bring a RADIO! Bring speech True Father gave in NY on Nov 22 and at Cheon Bok Gung on Dec 4.
Cheon Bok Festival of True Peace and Unification, commemorating True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind Birthday: Feb. 3-9, Cheon Bok Gung.
44th True God's Day Midnight Meeting to be held HC 1.1 (Feb 3), 0:00 at the Chung Pyung Training Center Main Hall. Gather, at the latest, by 11:00 pm on Feb 2, Wednesday.
44th True God's Day, 10th Anniversary of Coronation of God's Kingship, True Parents' Birthday Kyung-bae Ceremony to be held HC 1.1 (Feb 3, Thursday), 08:00 am, Cheon Jeong Gung.[Will need a ribbon or sticker.]
28th Day of Victory of Love: HC 1.2 (Feb 4, Friday), 08:00 am, Cheon Jeong Gung, to be followed by Yute game competition.
Blessing Ceremony (Moon, Shin Hwa Nim -- Ye Jin Nim's daughter): HC 1.5 (Feb 7, Monday), 11:00 am, at the Cheon Bok Gung
True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, Birthday Luncheon: HC 1.6 (Feb 8, Tuesday), 11:00 am, at the Chung Pyung Training Center Main Hall
ILC (Intl Leaders Conference): 2.6-9 (Feb 6, Sunday) Opening Ceremony at 10:00 am, Cheon Buk Gung Main Sanctuary
Cheon Bok Shik Ceremony will be held Feb 3, 15:00, at the Main Sanctuary.
Seeking Church School teachers for all ages (K-12). Contact Mr. In Il Kim 010-9909-2706.
Parent's Education and Photo Exhibit for Blessing of 2nd Gen. / 3rd Gen. Candidates to be held 1.29 Fri., 3:00 pm at the Cheon Buk Gung 3F Small Chapel. Please apply by 1.23, 6:00 pm. Application forms are in the Pastor's Room, photos: the bigger the better. Submit to the Blessed Family Department Director, or to your pastor. Inquiries: Han Sook Kwon Manager, BFD: 02-787-2189, 010-2427-9279.
Cheon Bok Gung Student Dorm (former Shinchon CARP Center) seeking student tenants: priority to 24 freshmen of colleges in Seoul. Apply by 2.13 to Rev. Kim Shin Han 010-4801-9192.
Thanks to Rev. Michael Brazil