The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2011 |
[Note: These are my paraphrased notes as I took notes listening to the service]
Hyung Jin Nim's New Instructions and Explanation about Repentance and Healing Service Throughout Unification Church (Korean members are coming to these services every night, at least 350 people)
Self-Guilt and Self-righteousness are both result of lack of true repentance. What is the purpose of Creation? It is not ideal peaceful world; it is God's true love, true object partner. Therefore True Parents is the purpose of Creation. The value of True Parents is greater than value of "world Peace"!...
Holy Spirit is back in Unification Church, since 30 years of absence! It has come back due to true spirit of Repentance. Jesus said, "In order to live, you must die". This means in order to be able to inherit the love of God, we must repent of our sin. We follow God's commands because we love God, not because we fear him.
...In the past, if somebody made a mistake, he/she had to get out of the church and was not allowed to come back!... The difference between members, is not sinner and non sinner, but it is between repentant and non-repentant, grateful and non-grateful to the grace and forgiveness and love of God!... Repentance is taking the "spot-light" off of yourself, and putting it on God and True Parents!"
Hyung Jin Nim testified that once we truly repent, our church can stop being "divisionists" (as we label each other most of the times) and become truly "Unificationists"!
He testified, before the healing service, Korean members and western members would not be able to hug each other for greetings part of most Sunday services Hyung Jin Nim has observed; they would look for somebody from their country to hug! However, it all changed after the healing repentance services. All members became one and would not differentiate who they are hugging! Many were healed of major sicknesses, including several non-members from several major evangelical churches in Korea.
Hyung Jin nim, now wants to train leaders to conduct similar healing and repentance services throughout our church. His main instruction is that anyone that leads these services, must admit that he is a sinner himself/herself, and any healing that occurs as a result of this service, is not in any way due to his or her abilities, but due only to the power of Holy Spirit centering on True Parents.