The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2011 |
Rev Hyung Jin Nim visit to my house. I did not know where to begin and I took time to pray for guidance from the spirit world. So the spirit world guided me on what to do. So together with my wife (Marie) and members of the home group supported in the preparation. Nobody believed this could happen, it was like a dream that turned to be true.
Later on my wife reminded me of the dream that sometimes back I dreamt that True Parents had visited our house. I remembered the dream that came to pass by Rev Hyung Jin Nim visiting our family. To me this was the miracle of miracles for True Parents visiting our house. We return glory to God and True Parents. When time came international president entourage neared our house the entire neighborhood came out. They could not believe their eyes what they were seeing. Many came and surrounded our compound waiting to have a glimpse of Rev Hyung Jin Nim and his entourage.
When Rev Hyung Jin Nim entered our house I felt the love and presence of True Parent in our house. For me and my family this was a great moment of our life since meeting our True Parents in 1994 (joined church)
I felt this visit was not limited only to our family but it was a representation of the central blessed families in Kenya and the entire continent of Africa. We are grateful for the advice and encouragement of Rev Hyung Jin Nim words that the sacrifices we make are not in vain, we should remember that God and True Parents are always with us in all our conditions. We should always return glory to God and True Parents. He also encouraged us, always to center everything on God and true parents because they will never forsake us.
When Rev Hyung Jin Nim and Yean Ah Nim (wife) entered our house and other leaders including Rev/Dr. Hee Sun Ji (C.D.) Rev/Dr Thomas Walsh, Dr. Taj Hammad (S.G.) and others, he took a moment of silent and after I realized that Rev Hyung Jin Nim was shedding tears, all others leaders present in the house were all in tears. Rev Ji did introduce our family to Rev Hyung Jin Nim couple in tears. After the introduction Rev Hyung Jin told us to close the door and the windows for there were so many people outside, trying to check what was happening inside. When windows and door was closed, Rev Hyung Jin told us to sing Chambumonim Eog Mansei. He started and all present started singing Chambumonim Eog Mansei. During this time, he said, that a miracle is going to happen in this house. We closed our eyes and continued singing. On opening the eyes there was contributions made by those present in the house, he added a contribution from the True Parents. And offered to our family. We were very grateful the blessings that we received from brothers and sisters and True Parents.
After singing Chambumonim Eog Mansei, the whole atmosphere changed from tense and emotional atmosphere to a holistic atmosphere where we shared together with Hyung Jin Nim couple.
Always He commended our family "beautiful family" "beautiful children" "Great Children" Hyung Jin Nim couple had close relationship with us and our children. We related freely as brothers/sisters representing second generation. We introduced ourselves and our children name by name. it was a beautiful moment to behold. We return glory to God and True Parents. Hyung Jin couple shared God and True Parents love and blessings to us.
After Rev Hyung Jin Nim told us that True Parents were present in the house. And he said we should give glory to God and True Parents for the miracle that happened; after Rev Hyung Jin gave guidance on the importance of tithing when we receive God's blessing. Thereafter our family requested Rev Hyung Jin Nim couple to offer them a present/gift that we had bought for the couple and Hyo Jin Nim wife. He accepted the gift that we offered thus traditional cloth (Masaai Regalia) (Equivalent to men suit and ladies suit) for the couple and Hyo Jin Nims wife and the hut. Hyung Jin Nim couple was very happy and delighted when they put on the attire and Rev Dr Thomas Walsh, Taj Hammad commended them. The feeling in the house was that of brothers and sisters and one family. We took photos together with Hyung Jin Nim couple with hugs and all smiling. It was really a great moment for our family. Our daughter, 2 ½ yrs offered to offer Hyung Jin Nims wife Kenya flag, she was holding in her hand. After she offered the flag Yeah An Nim took our daughter and she was sitting on her laps as she converse with her. Later Rev Hyung Jin Nim took the daughter and she was shouting "open the window dad!" -- Rev Hyung Jin Nim said its okay -- when I tried to silence her.
After we shared food together including local foods called Kienyenji and Ugali Hyung Jin Nim tasted and ate with hands Ugali stew too of the local foods and he was happy and excited. We prepared lots of foods, so Hyung Jin Nim /Rev Ji directed to share with many people who were outside. People at food and we had leftovers. Which later we gave to neighbors. This was really great moment for us. Rev Hyung Jin commended that food was a lot. We took group photo with the gathering outside were very happy.
We return glory to God and True Parents for Hyung Jin Nims couple visiting our family truly it was miracle of miracles receiving True Family in our humble house. It was really a great blessing to the family to Kenya and entire Continent. I realized that we are truly brothers and sisters and true family is close to us as central blessed families. And we should feel close to True Parents and true family.
Up to now neighbors are curious to know more about the visitors who come to our house. We found this as an opportunity to witness to the neighborhood. So all the visitors who are coming to our house we are giving them Holy Wine, to share God's blessings.
In conclusion I would like to return glory to God and true parents for Rev Hyung Jin Nim visit, by saying "Chambumonim Eok Mansei".
The same week of the visit we were blessed with a baby girl who ascended to Spirit World (2 days later) on delivery on 2nd March 2011. We offer this condition to heaven.
The baby was named by Rev Hyung Jin Nim as "Moon Eun" thus God's grace. May Gods grace be with us and all.
I conclude by saying Chambumonim Eok Mansei. Aju
Aju Aju Aju.
Witinga family members:
Rev. Vincent Witinga
Bosung Witinga 2nd gen
Bogioung Witunga 2nd gen
Witunga 2nd gen
Moon eun Witunga Spirit World