The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2011 |
Int'l President's Couple visited the Unification Church Japan headquarters Church on 3.20, and led the 3rd Anniversary Memorial Service for Hyo Jin Nim's and the Int'l President's Special Service. In the afternoon they visited members who evacuated from the Sendai area after the earthquake and are staying at the Chiba Training Center.
On 3.21, they led a meeting of members at Osaka and returned to Korea.
On 3.23, they departed for Las Vegas, and are scheduled to return with True Parents on 3.28.
1. "Meeting for 2nd Gen. Blessing Candidates" Apr. 9 Sat., from 2 pm, Cheon Bok Gung 2F Small Hall. First-come basis for 10 men (age 26-31), 10 women (age 25-30). Fee: 20,000 won. Contact BFD Director / BFD Office.
2. Meeting of Parents of Handicapped 2nd Gen. Blessing Candidates, Apr. 15 Fri., from 2 pm, Cheon Bok Gung 2F Cheon Bok Center. Bring application form and photo. Contact BFD Director / BFD Office.
3. Education for Unmarried 2nd Gen. Blessing Candidates, Apr. 16-17 Sat. from 2 pm, at Cheon Bok Kwan (former Cheongpadong Church.) Those who have completed application and Blessing Workshop. Contact BFD Director / BFD Office.
4. Education for Starting Family, Apr. 23-24, for 2nd Gen. and unmarried 1st Gen Korean-Korean couples. Venue TBA. Contact BFD Director / BFD Office.
5. Blessing Orientation to be held Apr. 29 Fri., for unmarried 2nd Gen. candidates and parents at Cheon Bok Gung 2F Small Hall. Contact BFD Director / BFD Office.
True Parents' 8 Great Textbooks Study Course (organized by the Women's Evan. Assn and Witnessing Dept.) to be held 4.9-8.6 (4 months, 48 hrs), every Sat. 1:30-4:30, Cheon Bok Gung 2F Small Hall, for Cheon Bok Gung ministers, leaders, home group leaders and members (40 members, 200,000 won.) Led by Prof. Oh Taek Yong, Sun Moon Univ., including how to research True Parents' Words, core principles, True Parents' life course and the providence, Divine Principle, etc. Contact Witnessing Dept. or local woman leader.
April Coffee-making Classes at Genesis Cafe.
The Cheon Bok Gung Japan Earthquake Aid Committee collecting following supplies to be donated: instant foods, instant ramyeon and other dry Korean foodstuff, disinfectant for wounds, masks, wet tissues, tissue paper, cold medicine, paper plates and cups, plastic wrap, batteries AA, AAA, tea bags. If you can donate them to the Gen. Caf, 1st Fl, Cheon Bok Gung, they will be sent by air to Japan.
The 56th 40-day Ocean Leaders Workshop will be held 4.1-5.10 at Yeosu, for all members including 3-generation families. Fee: 1.2 million/person. Please arrive 3-5 pm, Opening Ceremony at 7 pm.
The 52nd True Parents' Day to be held 4.3 Sun, from 8 am (enter by 7 am) at the Cheon Jeong Gung Main Hall (tentative). For National Messiahs, elders, BBWs, Regional leaders, those who have offered the Holy Day donation for the entire year in advance, Korean leaders, recipients of the True Parents' Award. Dark suits for men, white or light colored for women.
Victory Celebration to Welcome True Parents and Hoon Dok Hae, to be held 3.29 at the Cheon Jeong Gung 3F Hoon Dok Hae Room, for leaders, invited BBW (National Messiahs). Enter by 4:30 am. To be followed by Hoon Dok Hae for headquarters Church core members, peace ambassadors (up to 120; those with colds should not join.) Dark suits for men, white or light colored for women.
Special thanks to: Rev. Michael Brazil and Mrs. Naoko Brazil (who always translate the Korean bulletin in English)