The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2011 |
Jin Moon – May 14, 2011
Wherever we go, we should explain clearly and proclaim that True Parents are the Lord at his Second Advent. When I did an interview in London, I said very clearly, "We believe that True Parents are the Messiah." Many had the view that it may be better not to use the word, Messiah, at the UN headquarters, but I did not believe that. This is my faith, my belief, and this is the pride of our Unification Church movement. So we should not be embarrassed about this. If we are embarrassed, the world will know that we are embarrassed and will attack our faith....
Brothers and sisters, I came to realize this very clearly this time, while attending True Parents, although the European tour is almost over: whenever I feel things are difficult, I think about our brothers and sisters, all the members shedding sweat, shedding tears and praying hard together, and I receive amazing energy and comfort.