The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2012 |
May God and True Parents' blessings and love be with all regions, mission nations and providential organizations.
The CheongShim Peace World Center Dedication Ceremony and the "Holy Blessing Ceremony in the Era to Open the Gates to the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind" were accomplished along with the blessing of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the love of members.
Following the "52nd True Parents' Day" (Cheon-gi 2nd year, March 1 by the heavenly calendar, solar calendar: April 3) True Parents held the commemorative event for the "53rd True Parents' Day" (Cheon-gi 3rd year, March 1 by the heavenly calendar, solar calendar: March 22), addressed the following special instruction to all leaders and received in turn the pledge that all members would fulfill the instruction without fail, this being confirmed before 3 cheers of eog-manse. True Parents special instruction: "All blessed families from around the world should be sure to complete the ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing up to and including the 210th generation by December 31, 2012, before celebrating the Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day. After making the resolution that you will complete the ancestor liberation as far as the 210th generation, please offer the 3 cheers of eog-manse."
Foundation Day is the day when True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will offer and dedicate to God all the achievements that he promised to God, as he came to this earth and it is also the day when all blessed families, after receiving the blessing, will dedicate to God all their life achievements centering on the Will. To restore the physical world and spirit world at the same time, and to seek the absolute good realm of lineage centering on the blessed families, True Parents ask all blessed families to accomplish the ancestor liberation and blessing up to and including the 210th generation.
After having received these words from True Parents, Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim are offering sincere devotions and conducting workshops so that all members from around the world will be able to complete ancestor liberation ceremonies up to and including the 210th generation and, together with their absolute good spirits, live with heavenly fortune. Therefore, please comply with the instructions below, and support each other in order to fulfill True Parents' instruction by the deadline.
Please note that this official memo is intended for those members living outside of Korea and Japan.
1. True Parents' Special Instruction
1) Contents: All blessed families from around the world must complete the ancestor liberation and blessing up to and including the 210th generation, prior to welcoming the Foundation Day (January 13, 2013).
2) Ancestor liberation and blessing: 1-210 generations for Father's side, Mother's side, Grandmother on Father's side, and Grandmother on Mother's side.
2. Place: Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center
3. Eligible Participants: All Unification Church members and blessed families
Members from all over the world who, for any reason, cannot come to Chung Pyung, can apply for the ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing ceremonies from their countries until December 31, 2012. For further details please check the Chung Pyung website.
4. Time period: Every 2-day workshop until December 31, 2012
5. Group Standard There are different donation standards for the Ancestor Liberation and Blessing Ceremonies for each country. If you are not sure which group you belong in, please check the Attachment #3 (Group Standard), and be sure you know your donation standard.
6. Further inquiries:
1) Telephone: English: +82-31-589-7079
or 7179,
Korean: +82-31-589-7130,
Chinese: +82-31-589-7131
2) Fax: +82-31-584-4336
3) Email: treeofblessing@gmail.com (International Office)
4) Website: www.cheongpyeong.org
1: True Parents' Words concerning the ancestor liberation and Blessing
2: Detailed Information regarding the ancestor liberation and blessing
3: Group Standard Unification Church Unification Church Unification