The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2012 |
Jin Moon - March 2, 2011
Video: vimeo.com/47928258 120 bows
Video: vimeo.com/47890217 Holy Spirit healing
I offer this bow:
1. With a pure heart, mind and motivation
2. To repent for my past life, not knowing that God gave me my life
3. To repent for my past life, not knowing that God raised me
4. To repent for my past life, not realizing that God was within me
5. To repent for my past life, not realizing the significance of the six thousand year providence of restoration that God had to go through to find me
6. To repent for my past life, not knowing True Parents
7. To repent for my past life, not realizing True Parents' filial love towards liberating God
8. To repent for my past life, not realizing that True Parents' true love indemnified and saved humankind from their sins
9. For not being able to unite my physical and spiritual selves
10. For ignoring my conscience and true heart
11. For not practicing God's and True Parents' true love
12. For having forgotten the conditions my ancestors and parents fulfilled so that I could be here
13. For forgetting the conditions and prayers many others had offered for me
14. In prayer for all those whom I have hurt through my greed and selfishness
15. Praying for all those whom I have hurt through my arrogance
16. Confessing that I am a sinner and repent before God and True Parents
17. To accept God and True Parents as my savior and pray that God will send the Holy Spirit to guide us
18. In prayer that God may bless this small condition, and strongly pray that He will guide me
19. Offering all glory to God and True Parents 20. To show gratitude to God for letting my family conduct Hoon Dok Hae with the Eight Holy Texts
21. To show gratitude to God for having manifested His dual characteristics through the creation, His substantial object partner
22. To show gratitude to God for enabling all beings to form the four position foundation through give and take action
23. To show gratitude to God for giving man the three great blessings to become His object partners of joy
24. To show gratitude to God for letting creation reach perfection through the three stages of growth
25. To show gratitude to God for positioning man in the center between the physical and the spiritual worlds
26. To show my gratitude to God for giving individuals both a spiritual self and a physical self to grow through
27. To show gratitude to God for letting us know that humankind's original sin was an illicit sexual sin caused by the archangel Lucifer's excessive greed
28. To show gratitude to God for letting me know that the origin of sin was the illicit sexual act between humankind's first ancestors and the angel symbolized as a snake
29. Accepting that the fall of man caused the four types of sins and the fallen nature to be formed
30. For failing to take God's viewpoint
31. For forgetting and leaving my proper position
32. To repent for reversing the order of dominion
33. To repent for multiplying sinfulness
34. To show gratitude to God for letting me know how human history started and where it is going
35. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that the providence of salvation is the providence of restoration
36. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that human history is the providence of restoration
37. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that the last days is a hopeful time when the sinful world under Satan's dominion will be transformed into an ideal world under God's dominion
38. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that the evil world will end through the process of restoration of God's three great blessings
39. To show gratitude to God for sending Jesus as the messiah in order to realize the purpose of the providence of salvation
40. To repent for the crucifixion of Jesus whom you sent to realize the providence of restoration
41. Knowing that God predicted that the realization of His will depends upon man's portion of responsibility
42. To show gratitude to God for sending Elijah again to prepare for the coming of the messiah
43. In grief that John the Baptist rejected Jesus and blocked the path of the Jewish people
44. To express my gratitude to God for showing me the true meaning of life and death, realizing that my physical self is a garment for my spiritual self
45. To express my gratitude to God for showing I that spiritual death means leaving His bosom of love and falling under Satan's dominion
46. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that resurrection is a progressive state where fallen humankind is restored into God's direct dominion from Satan's dominion
47. To show my gratitude to God for leading the providence of resurrection for humankind through the three stages of growth, formation, growth and completion
48. To show my gratitude to God for enabling spirits to be resurrected again through people on earth
49. To show my gratitude to God for uniting all religions through the returning resurrection
50. To express my gratitude to God for predestining the absolute realization of the purpose of creation
51. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that the realization of His will includes His portion of responsibility and man's portion of responsibility
52. To express my gratitude to God for showing me that the predestination of man depends upon the fulfillment of man's portion of responsibility
53. To express gratitude to God for showing me that the value of man who has completed the purpose of creation is equal to that of a substantial object partner microcosm of the universe
54. To show my gratitude to God for sending Jesus, a man who has the value of one who has completed the purpose of creation
55. To show my gratitude to God for enabling fallen man to be reborn through the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit
56. To show my gratitude towards the Lord of the Second Advent for realizing a substantial trinity centered on God and thereby becoming the True Parents and multiplying heavenly children
57. To express my gratitude to God for showing fallen humankind that the way back to God is through the principle of indemnity
58. To express gratitude to God for showing me that the foundation for the messiah can only be established after the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance have been established
59. To show gratitude to God for enabling me to stand in His providence and for being able to set up the vertical indemnity conditions horizontally through the Lord of the Second Advent
60. Knowing that You set up the two sons from Adam's families as entities of goodness
61. Knowing that the restoration through Adam's family failed because Cain killed Abel
62. Knowing that You carried out the providence of restoration centered on Noah's family by having Noah set the foundation of faith through the building of the Arc
63. Knowing that Ham failed to inherit Noah's heart and faith by shamefully covering Noah's lower body
64. Knowing that Abraham's family was to represent Adam and Noah
65. realizing that the successful offering of Isaac was due to Abraham's loyalty and Isaac's absolute obedience
66. Knowing that the foundation for the messiah was established after Esau and Jacob established the foundation of substance
67. To show gratitude to God for establishing Jacob's and Moses' course as model courses for subjugating Satan
68. Knowing that the purpose of the three national courses of the providence of restoration centered on Moses was to establish the foundation for the messiah
69. Knowing that Jesus' first worldwide course to restore Canaan failed because of John the Baptist's disbelief
70. Knowing that Jesus' second worldwide course to restore Canaan also failed because the Jewish people did not believe in Jesus
71. Knowing that the restoration of spiritual Canaan could take place as the result of Jesus path on the cross
72. Knowing that the providence of restoration was realized through His parallels in providential periods
73. Knowing that You have set up vertical indemnity conditions horizontally through time periods of generations
74. Knowing that each age and time period within the age of restoration through indemnity enabled the providence of restoration through indemnity to be prolonged
75. Knowing that the purpose of the providence of restoration through the parallel providential periods was to restore the foundation for the messiah
76. Knowing that the four hundred year period from the religious Reformation to the end of the first world war was the period of preparation for the Second Advent of the Messiah
77. Knowing that all foundations of the providence of restoration have been completely restored through indemnity by being victorious until the third world war
78. Knowing that the Second advent of Jesus began at the end of the first world war and at the end of the two thousand year prolongation of the providence of restoration through indemnity
79. Knowing that Jesus will return in the flesh and set up the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as the True Parents and the King of Kings
80. To show my gratitude towards the Second Advent of Jesus taking place in the East, in Korea
81. To show gratitude to the Lord of the Second Advent for he will unite all languages and people
82. To show my gratitude for being able to know God's providence through the Principle
83. To show my gratitude and offer glory to True Parents for giving me the Principle
84. To show gratitude for the path of Seven Deaths and Resurrections as well as the completion of the Eight Stages
85. To thank True Father for victoriously overcoming his suffering in Gyeonggi provincial police station where he shed blood to save me
86. To show my gratitude to True Father for victoriously overcoming his suffering in the Gwangsan police station in Jeong ju where he shed blood to save me
87. To show my gratitude to True Father for victoriously overcoming the hardships at the Daedong security police station where he shed blood to save me
88. To show my gratitude to True Father for victoriously overcoming the hardships in the Hungnam labor camp where he shed blood to save me
89. To show my gratitude to True Father for all the hardships he had to go through in Seodaemun prison to save me and for victoriously overcoming them
90. To show my gratitude to True Father for enduring hardships and victoriously overcoming them at Danbury prison in order to save me
91. To show my gratitude to True Parents for enduring hardships during the helicopter crash landing to save me and for victoriously overcoming them
92. To show my gratitude to True Parents for successfully restoring through indemnity the vertical and horizontal Eight Stages
93. In determination to become victorious in the servant of servant's position as True Parents have
94. In determination to become victorious in the servant's position as True Parents have
95. In determination to become victorious from the adopted child's position as True Parents have
96. In determination to become victorious from the illegitimate child's position as True Parents have
97. In determination to become victorious from the direct lineal child's position as True Parents have
98. In determination to become victorious from the mother's position as True Parents have
99. In determination to become victorious from the father's position as True Parents have
100. In determination to become victorious from the position of God as True Parents have
101. In determination to achieve victory on the individual level before Heaven
102. In determination to achieve victory on the family level before Heaven
103. In determination to achieve victory on the tribal level before Heaven
104. In determination to achieve victory on the societal level before Heaven
105. In determination to achieve victory on the national level before Heaven
106. In determination to achieve victory on the world level before Heaven
107. In determination to achieve victory on the universal level before Heaven
108. In determination to become victorious in reaching God's position
109. To show my gratitude for the Family Pledge
110. Pledging to build the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation
111. Pledging to represent and become central to heaven and earth and to perfect the ideal family way of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters
112. Pledging to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family
113. Pledging to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth and to perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness
114. Pledging to strive every day to advance the unification of the spiritual and the physical world as subject and object partners
115. Pledging that my family, representing True Parents will become an ideal family that conveys Heaven's blessings to our community
116. To pledge through living for the sake of others to perfect the world based on the culture of heart which is rooted in the original lineage
117. Pledging to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience and to perfect the realm of liberation and complete freedom in the Kingdom of God on earth and in Heaven
118. Expressing cheers of Ok Mansei for True Parents in the realm of tranquility and prosperity
119. To show my gratitude for inheriting God and True Parents' true love
120. To express my gratitude to God and True Parents for accepting this small condition of one hundred and twenty bows and I offer all glory to You