The Words of Hyung Jin Moon from 2013 and later |
Blessing participants who have come from nations across the world to take part in the Cosmic Holy Blessing Ceremony by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 2013, Distinguished guests from home and abroad that are gracing us with your presence at this meaningful event and Blessing Ceremony participants in 194 nations who are simultaneously participating in this solemn Blessing Ceremony through internet broadcast:
The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have set this year, 2013, as the first year of the beginning of the substantial Cheon Il Guk; that is, the year of its Foundation Day. The ideal of Cheon Il Guk is a nation in which two people are united as one centered on true love for the Heavenly Parent. It is the kingdom of the ideal of peace, free from antagonism, conflicts and struggles. Now, the long-awaited Foundation Day is only five days away.
Even as we speak, True Parents are offering tearful devotions to create a new environment centering on Foundation Day. They are working for the providence, endeavoring to save every one of the 7 billion people that compose the global population and not abandon even one person among them.
I hope and pray that all of you taking part in today's Blessing Ceremony will fulfill the hopes and expectations of the wholehearted love from the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. To do so, all of you Blessing Ceremony participants need to establish the three great kingships and the four-position foundation centered on God. Moreover, with Foundation Day only days away, you need to always remember in your heart True Father, who is now in the spirit world and embed in your homes the words of eternal life written
in the textbooks and teaching materials you have been given, through Hoon Dok Hae. Thus, you should play the role of the true teacher, true owner and true parent to your tribes and your societies.
Partakers in the Blessing Ceremony: This Holy Blessing Ceremony you are participating in is being celebrated here and now, not only by your parents and relatives on earth but also by your ancestors in the spiritual world. When you steadfastly uphold and develop Heaven's traditions and absolute sexual ethics, the spiritual world will work great miracles for you and help you in your endeavors. Once again, I congratulate you on this wonderful occasion of your marriage blessing, and I will end the Blessing Address with the prayer that God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind's great love and blessings will always be with you and your families forevermore. Thank you.