The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2007 |
Myung Moon August 8, 2010
Mrs. Wonju McDevitt reads the speech Father delivered on September 23rd at the inauguration of the Abel UN in America.
Father asked where the participants were from. He then asked Mrs. McDevitt to read about the Family Pledge. She reads chapters fourteen and fifteen of the Peace Messages.
After the Hoon Dok reading Father asked Mr. Gu Bae Park to give a report.
I just came back from South America. I visited a couple of nations. I would like to take about my stay in Bolivia. There were plans to build a plywood factory in Bolivia. A person who did furniture in Korea built a plywood factory in Bolivia and had plans to export it to Korea. He had to give up this business because of the foreign currency crisis. The machines in the factory had been neglected for about 6-7 years.
By chance when I was in Bolivia I had the opportunity to examine this factory. In the end we took over. The equipment was brought from Korea but they were secondhand goods. It took eighty containers to bring all this equipment from Korea so you can imagine the total volume of this equipment. Because the equipment was old we had a hard time fixing it, replacing old parts with new ones and such.
Father allowed me to go on with this proposal. We had the opening ceremony on December 13th and True Parents had cut the tape for us. I was afraid that I would not be able to carry out my responsibility and was compelled to pray long hours under the burden of heaven's blessings.
One day some people from Bolivia and later from America came to the factory and wanted to see our products. They took some sample products with them but I didn't hear from them. I thought it was a missed opportunity but did not give up. From May we started getting a lot of orders.
We wanted to make our products the best. We were determined to only produce A-class products. Yet, in general the products in South America were considered inferior in quality because of the quality of the trees.
We only purchased A-class wood. So our products were quite clean but not fit for construction material. Our wood was a little soft.
We had distributed a lot of samples and word went out that our products were clean and we were inundated with orders. Production couldn't keep up so I felt that we had to increase our production capacity, buy more wood and upgrade our equipment. This year we were focused on that. From the six months from June to December we produced 8000 tons worth of products. We have virtually no inventory.
[Father then asked Dr. Yang to give a report on the events that took place in America in December. Dr. Yang gave a report on the development after the Abel UN was established in September 23 and on the conference that took place in Washington from the 16th to the 19th.
Father then asked Dr. Sun Jo Hwang to give a report on the projects going on in Geomundo. Dr. Hwang gave a brief explanation of True Parents' providential course and about Yeosu and Geomundo. Hoon Dok Hae concludes at around 8:05 a.m.]