The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2010 |
Okay, please follow your Father.
Everything is accomplished. Say; "Everything is accomplished." [Everything is accomplished.] Eog Mansei. [Eog Mansei.]
The era of tranquility and prosperity. [The era of tranquility and prosperity.] Eog Mansei. [Eog Mansei.]...
I dedicate all these textbooks, which could take the place of all things in the unified heaven and earth, in the name of God, to You, Heavenly Father, so please receive them. Please receive them. Say loudly: Please receive them. [Please receive them.] Thank you.
Conditions are needed -- for various purposes. In my family, True Parents and the True Children, all set conditions. You should be aware of this, and that you have experienced this ceremony on behalf of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth generations as well as millions of generations to come. So repeat after me: We have completed the inheritance on their behalf. [We have completed the inheritance on their behalf.]
I am asking that you receive this, so please rise and offer a morning bow to True Parents. The mother, father, sons and daughters in a family need to be united from now on. Through what? Do you know? What are these? [Textbooks] What textbooks are they? [Textbooks from God.] They are textbooks from God that are centered on the king of kings. They exist to help the Korean people serve God and the king of peace.
The history of restoration through indemnity and the providential rectification of the fallen bloodline have been carried out centered on Rev. Moon. In other words, the rectification of the perverted bloodline of Cain and Abel, on behalf of the whole. You need to know this. Because the lineage was inverted, it needs to be set straight once again.
In order to rectify this, going from God to the ends of the earth, so that True Parents can become perfect and complete under God -- and God can thus become the king of peace -- True Parents need to win over the Cain world.
Cain should take the place of Abel in making sacrifices, serve Abel absolutely and make the link between God and True Parents, who have remained separated. Then Cain will no longer be Cain, because he will have completely wiped away Cain's history and any memory of how he came to shed his younger brother's blood. As a fallen being he should serve his younger brother as if he were his elder brother; the elder brother in the position of Cain can serve his younger brother as if he were True Parents or God.
Then, what is it that should come to exist in relation to the victorious supremacy of the unique being, our God of peace, and the victorious True Parents? The union of the spiritual world and physical world. Please say it. [The union of the spiritual world and physical world.]
Even after God has become the king of peace, if He does not have sons and daughters, His own family, He cannot settle down.