The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2010 |
Note: These notes are taken from a simultaneous translation. Simultaneous translation is done in summary form and depends greatly on the translator's ability and the scribe to communicate the essence of the message. These cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication on Rev. Moon's words. However they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message.
The Grand Canyon is an amazing creation. (Father asked the person in the first row). "How old are you?" He replied: "59." True Father: "When did you join?" Reply: "1975." True Father: "You are looking like it's the first time you see me." Mother said: "It's because he's sharing the earphone. Father asked, "Michael Jenkins how old are you?" Reply: (58 -- 59 in Korean age). "You look much younger. It's because you have a Japanese wife."
"You young people with STF you are at a young age and like in a tunnel -- like walking through the Grand Canyon. But you have to make your way to the asphalt (main road) in life. This house in Las Vegas will become world famous. This house was made by an Englishman.
Do you know about pigeons? What kind of pigeon do you have? Pigeons are the most amazing. Abraham didn't cut the pigeons, and Israel suffered for 400 years. What is a dove? It is a beloved object -- Dove is like a Buddha. I became the True Parents. Were you born from false parents or True Parents? You are here to become better than you were yesterday. I want you to recognize this.
"Are you here to attend True Parents or teach True Parents?" Audience: "Attend."
The Grand Canyon is a giant. Zion (National Park) represents when the Israelite people were kicked out. They had to live in a cave.
Which kind of ideology is best -- the family ideology. Nations have to follow this ideology. Father has taught so many things. When Father was young, he proclaimed that Japan would not be able to keep Korea. Like an Anaconda that swallowed something it couldn't keep. It will have to give it up and then go back to the Ocean.
Where does the Sun rise? In the East. Which is first, East or West? What about heaven and earth -- which do we say first, heaven or earth? Reply: "Heaven." There is the Cain and Abel UN with each having 194 countries for a total of 398. The Chinese character for religion is filial piety -- which is a son taking care of his Father. Do you believe in Jesus only -- do you believe in True Parents? Do you believe just the Jewish teaching or do you believe what Father is saying in this new age?
All the boats that Father made were sold off, and the people just ran away. Father is so good at speaking.
Father asked Mother to speak -- Mother said Father's words can be read -- Dr. Yang was asked to give a report.
2010 is one of the most historic years in God's providence. This year Father proclaimed a new calendar -- on the Lunar calendar this is November 22nd. This is the Golden wedding anniversary of True Parents. Father is 91 by Korean age.
I was in Las Vegas once before this time on the 50 state tour. Father spoke in a Methodist church and didn't go to the strip. Three years ago Father came to Las Vegas to set conditions for the world providence. Yesterday with In Jin Nim we had a black-tie event and reviewed the history of 2010. It was amazing. Father could give the Legacy of Peace providence and then the proclamation of the substantiation of God's word. Now there is 700 plus days until 2013 Jan 13. Father is now teaching about God of the Day and God of the night. Las Vegas is a place where people work and it is open 24/ 7. Father loves the fact that everything is open. Las Vegas is the unique city here in Las Vegas. It is a most unique city. About 42 million people come to Las Vegas every year. This is also the convention capital of the world. Father has held the ODP workshops here for thousands of people.
Father is changing the culture here [in Las Vegas]. New York has 70,000 rooms. Las Vegas has about double that number. God's providence is to save humanity and that is Father's work night and day. When Father first came to America -- he covered all corners of America. This last year in Las Vegas -- Father's words should be read day and night. Father's words include fundamental principles -- all heaven and earth is included in Father's words. Father continuously traveled to Seoul, New York and Jerusalem. Then Father touched Hawaii. Father proclaimed a special providence to comfort Jesus heart. Father proclaimed that Jesus was to create a blessed family. Father supported the completion of Jesus mission in which he could be crowned King of Israel. Also his blessing is complete. Now through True Parents the lineage of heaven has been created.
Hoover Dam was built by [President Franklin D.] Roosevelt -- he wanted to be president for four terms -- but he was an invalid and died in his fourth term. Roosevelt sounds like loosen your belt. The stomach of bride is very strong. Pei means stomach and boat. The grandfather has to ride on the boat of the grandmother to fulfill. People who are living false lives will not understand these things. The world has to unite centering on the Korean language -- three years ago. Father will no longer speak English or other languages. Five of Father's children went to Harvard. Many who go to Harvard end up opposing religion. Many lose their faith in God.
It's important for everyone in America to know about Father. These are very wise words. There are 788 days until D-Day, the Foundation Day for Cheon Il Guk. This is the most precious time. We must realize that many righteous people sadly died on the path for God. We must also pay the price to connect with all that. NASA has a Korean at the top now [Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Jaiwon Shin].
Who is the top religious leader? One day the religious leaders will have to repent because they didn't know anything about me. Now many problems are occurring centering on homosexuality and free sex. 70 percent of Washington, D.C. residents are black people. The rate of AIDS in Washington is very high. Black people shouldn't be overly proud that the President is a black person. This country is going to ruin. When I went to Zion Canyon -- I saw 7 deer (3, 5, and 7) Three times. The ones I met in the morning came back and met me with their children. There is a short time left until Foundation Day. We must get rid of all the dirty water. Father wants to find a way to save this nation. When Father spoke about the Seunghwa ceremony -- no one believed in it.
North, South, East and West need a central pillar -- Is there a pillar in America? Only True Parents can make that pillar. Father made the textbooks and all Father's words are based on the Pillar. (Father spoke to a Japanese person) Do you speak Korean and understand ? Reply: About 80 percent. Father studied Japanese language when he was 15-years-old. He studied and achieved a graduate school level at 15. Father wants to educate the American and Japanese Ambassadors of each nation. When did you join? Reply: "1984". Did you change in 20 years?
If Japan doesn't welcome the Unification Church, it will perish. Once all the nations were admirers of imperialism. Democracy has developed, but there are those who would like to bring imperialism back to Japan. Father wants people to study his teachings. Father wants the national presidents to understand his teachings. President Bush and President Obama should study Father's teachings, and Father wants to end the struggle between parties in America.
If Father had to go to prison in Russia, then the Russian people should protest and prevent that. Father was able to go to Russia and North Korea and persuade those leaders to change their direction. Everyone needs God.
Recently we went to Zion Canyon, Bryce Canyon and the origin of Lake Mead. Las Vegas is in a desert. Millions of years ago this was all under the sea. In the museum you can see the clams and fossils from the sea at the top of the mountains. There are so many health benefits in this area. Lake Mead is the largest man-made lake in America. Hoover Dam created Lake Mead. Father fished in every part of Lake Mead -- setting conditions for the world. Hoover Dam is a man-made miracle. 600,000 tons of concrete were poured there. Near this area -- there are so many beautiful and natural parts of this area. The canyon is a great part of the Colorado River -- it starts from Wyoming.
The most beautiful sight of the Grand Canyon is the South Rim area. We visited there from airplane. Bryce Canyon -- many of our Japanese members have been there. Father visited Zion, Bryce and the West rim of the Grand Canyon.
The canyons are God-made, Hoover Dam is a miracle of man, Las Vegas has many things representative of the world. The Paris hotel has France; Caesars Palace has Rome.
Dr. Yang has lived in Las Vegas for a year and a half. He has studied more than anyone this city. Las Vegas has a bad image because of the fallen culture. Many lives are destroyed here. Father has worked to set conditions in both Las Vegas and Atlantic City. People who do not know the principle can easily fall in these cities. Father sees that it all can be changed. Sin City can be changed to Shining City. Father's name is Sun Myung Moon. Japan is changing Las Vegas' name to Sun City. Father has spoken of a very large vision for Las Vegas. Whenever True Parents came to Las Vegas -- Father is seeking to change it into a holy place for heaven.
When True Parents come here -- True Father has no set Hoon Dok Hae time. He will work here for 24 hours per day. Father does Hoon Dok Hae at anytime and can go for 12 hours. 5 am -- Father is going fishing now -- impossible to sleep for more than two or three hours at this time. Father is working to save humanity.
This city has the highest quality chefs in the world. and the entertainment is the highest quality in the world. Circque de Solei and many other shows are world famous and can provide good family entertainment. Father goes day after day and eats only Oni Giri. Rice Balls -- that is what Father was given in Hungnam prison. Father wants to focus and not take time to eat. Father takes rice balls day and night.
The rice ball is like a soccer ball.
Father's autobiography has been distributed here. 20,000 copies have been given out. The members are working to give their 430 copies out. We must give it to the opinion leaders of the world. The Casino leaders are being given the autobiographies. Rev. Won Geun Kim -- and others are working hard here. In Jin Nim is determined to break through in witnessing, and she has set up an excellent witnessing program and video center here.
Last weekend we had a workshop here, and many students came. Father brought three boats here. The fastest boat and nicest looking boats were chosen by Father for this area.
Father has bought one bus and now is getting another to develop tours of Grand Canyon. Father wants to invite everyone to fish at Lake Mead. Wherever Father is focused, Peace TV is here. You are here with True Parents for the end of this year.
Bishop Kim is supporting ACLC activities with Rev. Jenkins. Mrs. Pak (Mrs. Pyung Hwa Kim) was assigned to be an IW in Las Vegas. The Cho family (Rev. Cho and Dr. Cho) are here. Father's grandmother is from the Cho family. The Cho's grandmother was connected to the Inside Belly church. Father is calling all these important leaders here.
Rev. Cotter is working very hard here in America, and a new culture of music is coming through LLM, which is reaching young people. In Jin Nim is really taking on the mission in a great way. This is bringing dignity, respect and success to the Unification Church in America.
We are very blessed to be here on this last time of the year 2010. Blessed Teens academy drove 15 hours to get here.
Early this morning Father and Mother came to Hoon Dok Hae holding hands. True Parents are truly beautiful --more than any saints in history. Great people in history will emerge from True Parents. Father came to Las Vegas to find righteous people. Father is seeking to find the best people here. Centering on the missionaries who are here we have been giving out the Autobiography. The Happy Health team is working to help people's health. Happy Health is a medical instrument developed by Father.
Father started the providence in South America. Father came here and only established a temple (Cheon Hwa Gung).
I don't come to America because I like America -- but because I want to save America. I pity America's situation. I want to save this nation.
Las Vegas is the epicenter of immorality. In the movie 2012 -- Las Vegas goes to ruin through earthquakes. It could all be destroyed in a second. What kind of year is 2012? Father determined that January 13, 2013 will be the Foundation Day for God's Kingdom.
The Mayan Calendar predicts that December 21, 2012 marks the last days. What are the last days -- it is not a time of total destruction but a time of transition. This is a time of renewal. Many think they will not die even if they sin. True Parents came to the heart of this Satanic world. In the Bible God had Abraham find righteous people -- he could not, and Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.
Father's conditions have found righteous people that God has prepared. Anna is the western person who came. Mimi, and Reiko San. Father set those kinds of conditions -- then so many could come forward. True Parents could hold the proclamation rally. We can see from Father's speech book, how hard True Parents are working -- day and night. This kind of final time has come and True Parents are spending it here in Las Vegas. Father had a ceremony May 5 and May 15.
Father did two hands of 5 up down right and left and put their foreheads together -- that is the point in which the highest level of oneness between True Parents was achieved.
Rev. Cho is talking about the proclamation given in Washington and New York (Nov. 22). Hoover Dam and Las Vegas (Nov. 27) and Seoul on December 4. In that speech (Proclamation of the Substantiation of God's Word) he says, "Ladies and gentlemen, a few months ago in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days -- one part at 2:20 AM on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at 3:25 AM, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010).
The number 3 from 3:25 AM represents the three eras from the saying "Success comes at the third attempt." It also symbolizes the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. Twenty-five minutes, or the number 25, is a quarter of one hundred. The True Parents have achieved ultimate unity and offered and proclaimed the era of God's full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence upon the standard of perfection, completion and conclusion."
The Israelites were to come out of the wilderness and go into Canaan. Joshua and Caleb reported that the fruits were wonderful. We must be faithful like Joshua and see Las Vegas in this context. There is the city of Nineveh in the Bible -- we must understand this story. The people repented and the city was spared. We must call upon the people to repent. There must be a time of judgment here, and the people repent. How will you end up like that?
Father asked us to cry out to Las Vegas -- Kim Cha Gey. If the fire of hope is burning in your heart, then you can bring repentance. In front of True Parents we have true respect and love for True Parents.
Father is worried -- I will die someday -- will you continue? My words will never perish. I am concerned that there must be a fire in young people's hearts. Only I know how serious the Original Divine Principle (ODP) is and that this condition is so essential to save America. American members can understand the glory of this time -- God wants to come now and raise you as his sons and daughters.
Father asked him to explain about
how serious the teaching of the ODP is.
This is a very precious place for us to be, before the end of this year. True Parents are working to cleanse Las Vegas -- so we are so blessed to be here. Without education we cannot realize the ideal. We could only follow True Parents all the way because of the Divine Principle. The Divine Principle gives us the way to return to God as his children. We cannot go back to this original world. At this time Father is not able to sleep. Father has asked the leaders to report so that Father can show his education through us.
This is 2010. From now until January 13, 2010 we are on the way to the perfection and realization of Cheon Il Guk which was established in 2001. This is the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk. It is a life course of blood, sweat and tears -- much of which Father has never revealed -- the grievous contents of his heart. Father brought True Children here for the end of the year and a completely new beginning could be secured. True Parents gave us the heavenly calendar this year. The two calendars must be united into one. This centers on True Parents' holy birth. The solar and lunar calendar are in support of the heavenly calendar.
Father proclaimed the 8-day text book and teaching materials. The Unification Church brought down its sign -- what must remain forever is True Parents' eight text books. These 8 text books must be used to recreate our lives. We are still in the satanic word, and we do not have our own nation yet. Satan is still trying to invade our families. Father has recently said to do Hoon Dok Hae before the sun goes down. We must have Hoon Dok Hae day and night. Another important thing Father gave was the Seunghwa culture. We must hold the Seunghwa Ceremony while we are alive. Through the blessing we receive new life. We should not only receive the blessing but have a blessed family. Then the Seunghwa must be the joyful ascension.
No one could teach this clearly about this cultural aspect. Also the time in the womb is 10 months; 100 years on earth and eternity in the spirit world. The satanic world has dominated us for 6000 years. We must remove every aspect of the fallen culture. The Seunghwa ceremony must be done to cleanse us while we are alive.
Father had the last blessing in which the couples put their hands together and those with the right hand thumb on top had to seek out someone with their left hand thumb on top. This is the harmony that Father has promoted.
If you have the confidence to be proud of Father's work, then you can really excel next year. Key points about the ODP -- Father instructed that you must teach clearly about who God is. Only someone who has met Jesus can really teach about Jesus. No one can teach about Jesus the way Father can, because he knows Jesus and understands his grief.
God's sperm and ovum have never been able to meet in the past. We have to understand the reality that God could never experience True Love until True Parents.
Man and woman were meant to be the horizontal God. God in spirit is the vertical God. The seed of True Love is the seed of absolute sex, the body of True Love is the Ovum of Absolute Sex. God's ideal of creation was to be fulfilled through Adam and Eve. Through the Divine Principle we can understand things that were never explained by Christianity. Now that True Parents have fulfilled everything -- Father is teaching about the God of the Night and the God of the Day.
The God of the night is the vertical God and the God of the Day is the Horizontal God. Once you see that God's portion of responsibility is completed then God can dwell with man. There can be only one set of central True Parents. It will only happen once. "Mansei for oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories under the authority of the Cosmic Sabbath centered on true love" True Parents liberated God.
Only through the Absolute Sex education can we understand the perfection and liberation of God. True Parents have fulfilled everything for you. The incorporeal God is in the spirit world and the Corporeal God is here -- therefore there must be new education. Father and Mother went through the 8 stages of growth. This is the human portion of responsibility. Therefore God is the original being of the universe -- there will be no communism or any other threat or ideology -- only the True Love of God.
He (Ki Hoon Kim) was in Chicago leading the clergy -- the pope is chosen by cardinals. The clergy [in Chicago] recognized him as Bishop. Father made him Archbishop. We must be grateful for True Parents at East Garden. Remember Hoon Dok Hae is the most amazing thing that can be remembered by God. Father gave the message from Jesus and the Letter from God from the spirit world. Father came to America in the early 70s.
Father prepared Korea to be God's homeland. Father came here to save Christianity. Father is working in America with Christianity as the way to unify north and South Korea. Many churches bought tickets for our True Family values banquet. The ministers said in Chicago -- let's give the greatest gift to True Parents. This trophy will be put in the heavenly museum in America. 1975 Father predicted that a black president would be elected. A great trophy was made last year by the national clergy of ACLC honoring True Parents. (He held it up.) This year a Christmas Card was made and signed.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon Day was made by the Chicago City Council to commemorate Father Moon. Dr. Thurston, President of the National Baptist Convention, really supported Father. Bishop Stallings did a really great sermon at the ACLC Banquet in Chicago. Now key clergy are rising in Chicago. Spirit world messages teaches us to proclaim Rev. Moon. No matter what. Rev. Jenkins is guiding ACLC well with Bishop Stallings and Rev. Edwards under In Jin Nim.
The Democratic and Republican parties are fighting -- Father wants to stop this -- because it's not good. Yellow people will support black people before white people [will]. We must return to God's lineage. All the ministers are wanting to come and visit. But I don't call them. Father doesn't go to Japan now. An atomic bomb could explode and destroy two-thirds of Japan. Because of my spiritual sense -- I could tell the driver to go to the right and the left and escape assassins. Even without thinking my mouth would tell the way to go.
In South America I had to go through life and death situations to save the world. From now we will have the Las Vegas Times, the Chicago Times and the Washington Times. I've been protecting Korea, America and Israel through my conditions as the three Israels. Father is not thinking about how to make money and live well. He is thinking about how to save humanity. Father knows how miserable it is for people who don't have any money. Father cannot go to the beach smiling. Father could not be with his children and family -- they all suffered because of it. Father couldn't live the way he wants to. Washington and New York event were one. Hoover Dam and Las Vegas Event were one. Seoul and Korea were one event.
Jesus died, so Father had to go a course ten times more difficult than Jesus. Father taught new things that Jesus didn't teach. That's why Jesus totally supports Father. Father has incredible guts. In my upbringing I had to walk a long distance every day. Some children went ahead of me. My ancestor started the Osan school. My teacher couldn't beat me in wrestling. Will you make a determination? Yes.
Father knew that the Ocean would become such a crucial source of food in the future. Father's boats are very stable when turning or in rough water. We could make the mold in pieces. Always make it lighter and make it stronger. We have now made a 15-meter boat. It takes 10 people 4 -- 5 days to make one new boat. This plaster boat has no need for man power -- the machines do all the work -- we just have to clean the machine and guide it. Think about the boats you see now. With the material Father developed we have a very strong boat but it is thinner in the hull -- that is amazing.
This is amazing material. It means we can make stronger boats with much thinner hulls and lighter materials. Our fish farms in Hawaii are flourishing. Anyone who is trying to have an easy time will perish. I will make an exhibition hall for this boat. This can also revolutionize the construction industry.
Father is working on a generator that uses gravity and therefore can go forever. Humans should be able to control the direction of stars. Please always prepare for the future -- otherwise your ancestors will take you to spirit world.